[Ω] S. Paxilon [Ω]
[B A S I C S]
|| N A M E ||
Sirius Paxilon.
--> Seer-ee-us <--
|| G E N D E R ||
|| A G E ||
His humane age in appearance is around 20 or so. Though he is now immortal as has been for over a thousand years.
|| S E X U A L I T Y ||
|| S P E C I E ||
Vampiric Nephilum.
[ B L O O D L I N E ]
|| F A T H E R ||
|| M O T H E R ||
|| S I B L I N G S ||
|| O T H E R R E L A T I O N S ||
- Sire -
- Guardian -
[ P H Y S I Q U E ]
|| H E I G H T ||
|| W E I G H T ||
|| A P P E A R A N C E ||
Much like his adopted siblings, where they all were from an ancient city where people had just enough nourishment to pass a decently healthy build; Sirius still hangs strong to the lanky figure despite his height. His skin, per usual, is a pasty white, like that of the moon. Wild, unkempt hair sits atop his head in dyed sea green tendrils that either shield his eyes or shape his face when he can be bothered to fix it correctly. As for his eyes, they are also bicolored; the right being a solid obsidian and the right a dark, rich purple like the color of an eggplant.
[ M E N T A L ]
|| P E R S O N A ||
-Detailed description to come later-
Sirius, like Aphelonis, is the rather odd one out. He is very much in touch with things that could be seen as highly tabboo to others.
Two-faced, low-key psychologically abusive, strange, sly, conniving, most would call it 'deranged', he would call it creative. Tabboo, sinful, and guarded.
Sirius specializes dangerously in the dark art of Heimomancy and Necromancy.
Heimomancy is another term for Blood Magic. This type of magic is not just for the simple sake of draining one's life. It is used for voodoo, cursing, binding, and even summoning in some cases. Tied in with Necromancy, it can become a nasty thing, indeed.
[ V I S U A L S ]
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