Jett Gallagher
* It is highly recommended you read his backstory.
|| Theme(s):
Truth turn to Power ~ OneRepublic
Heavy ~ Linkin Park ||
"A thousand moments I had taken for granted. Mostly because I assumed there would be a thousand more."
"It wasn't that long ago, but time felt different back then. Like there was more of it."
"If you could see a person, the way they've seen you. If you could feel them, the way they've felt you. If you could give them the time of day, the way they have done unto you. You'd be a believer. That just wasn't the case for me, my dear..."
Name: Jett Gallagher
Gender: Male
Age: Around 24 years, though appears to be in his late teens.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Specie: |Depends on the roleplay|
In short, Jett is a male of a shortish height, reaching at least 5'9. His build is definitely not on the larger scale, seeing as he is lanky and possesses a light layer of muscle. Atop his head sits a wispy mop of chestnut brown hair accompanied by light hazel, nearly green eyes. His face is a little on the 'youthful' side and he always is either wearing a lazy smirk of sorts or a dashing, toothy smile. That smile has done many a thing in his life and, unfortunately, not all lovely things. However he uses it for himself; a permanent mask that not even has to think twice about before using.
Personality: |Will edit later.|
A splendid actor~
Jett came to a conclusion long ago in his life that he no longer had the will or want to suffer in his darkness; outwardly at least. Like a permanent facade, he is 'seemingly' the most laid back and care-free individuals. Just all around...happy. The facade serves as his protection to the outside eye. It attracts no deep questioning from simple strangers or even those he holds close to him; just how he prefers it. While he is aware that hiding away behind a mask is not healthy at all, he has simply turned to not caring at all.
One might never see Jett at this low of a point in his emotions and mindset. That is mainly because he refuses to allow anyone the privilege of a glimpse as he is not a fan of sympathy, let alone much empathy either. Inwardly he is a grieving man struck with such a grief that will stick with him wherever he goes.
Often times this leaves him rather touchy and sensitive in his mood and feelings on certain things, and will more times than not avoid anything to do with said things.
With his source of grief, comes jealousy and a mound of chained bitterness that he harbors deep within himself.
Altogether, Jett would rather stay in his 'happy' ways. For the sake of himself and those around him.
Jett was born into a heavily wealthy family, so growing up he had it all too easy and got just about all that he could want as a child. He was an only child which made it easier for his parents to spoil him nearly rotten. The boy was the center of everyone's attention. He had to be; there was simply no way around it in his privileged eyes. The attention stuck with him at such a young age, he began to think it was normal and that everything and everyone was for him or about him. As he flew through his private schooling and finished out his college years with a Master's in Business, Jett soon took up partnership with his father in owning the man's business. They were thriving. The money. The social status and popularity. The attention and fame. Jett found himself in heaven, but what is saddening, is how he would fail to realize it was an intoxicating 'heaven' that poisoned his mind and blinded his eyes from what really mattered in his life.
Time flew by and next thing he knew, Jett was married with a beautiful infant son whom they called Declan. Now, he truly loved both his wife and son, that was never tainted by his lifestyle. Here is what /was/ tainted. Jett had little to no time for his small family as he was ever so constantly busy with his job. Every moment, he took for granted, thinking he simply had time for other moments. His wife was left to stay at home with Declan and care for him as their family was gradually growing distant and weak.
Whilst he would be attending banquets or meetings, his wife, exhausted and troubled, needing her husband, would still be carrying the weight of an infant on her shoulders.
But Jett simply could not see it.
One afternoon as his wife was taking their son to the doctors for his first visit, they were involved in a horrific head-on collision. Jett was, of course, pulled from work that day to receive the news. Unfortunately, neither his wife or infant son survied the crash.
It shattered him to the very depths, past his core, past his very soul. He was blinded, blinked once, and his family was eternally snatched from this world. From him.
What could only be labeled as a tragedy for most, could very well have served as a serious punishment and wake-up call for Jett.
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