" I choke the breath that dies to cry for help.
I feel the pull of gravity.
I bleed no more
And rise again. "
[ B A S I C S ]
|| N A M E ||
Tygersten Anders.
|| A L I A S E S ||
His oldest aliase and the one he will give in place of his actual name is Ghost. Others, should one ever endure the chance of knowing his name, consist of Tyger or Ty.
|| A G E ||
Ghost is an ancient being, having lived among the world for many, many years. He appears, however, at the ripened age of twenty.
|| G E N D E R ||
|| S E X U A L I T Y ||
He falls for the personality that catches him most, not appearance or what the other identifies as.
|| S P E C I E S ||
There is no solid name for his kind, though he would qualify as what would be known to most as an 'Original' of his species, consisting of demon and werewolf Powerful and of pure blood. Though for the sake of knowledge, he is known in simple terms as a type of Original Hybrid.
|| N A T I O N A L I T Y ||
|| B I R T H P L A C E ||
In the lush forests of northern Austria, where he was quite literally left for death, buried under the rich soil of the wood.
|| B I R T H D A T E ||
October 1st, 1548.
|| O C C U P A N C Y ||
Upon leaving from Austria as soon as the chance arrived, he took up refuge and a rather personal liking to the beautifully exotic, warm region of south Africa. There he constructed a solitary beachside Manor of his own to surround himself wholey in the continent's diverse wildlife, yet remain isolated from humankind.
[ B L O O D L I N E ]
" I've lost it all."
Ghost's parents owned Austria's largest trading company and therefore led a privileged and luxurious life that equalized with that of a Noble family; possibly a bit higher in some cases. He was an only child, for reasons that become evident to him later on. His parents dreaded children; another of their kind running around. Ghost was more like a tragic accident, which resulted in his abandonment.
In short, the last of the Ander's family was wiped out. For he murdered them all, starting with his dearest mother.
[ P H Y S I Q U E ]
|| H E I G H T ||
|| W E I G H T ||
|| A P P E A R A N C E ||
" Carry me through this world of lies... "
Ghost has two forms. A humane one and a wolven one. One of which he tends to remain in more than the other; the beast.
--> Media <--
[ M E N T A L ]
|| P E R S O N A L I T Y ||
" Feel no more...this suffering. "
Ghost does not entirely live up to the reputation of his kin, though there is still a good chunk of it that has stuck with him ever since he was old enough to learn of his own past. On that day, it was as if a warhammer came slamming down upon him and shattered his still heart into a million little smithereens. Along with every ounce of moral logic he had gained, which sent him spiraling into a void and turning to the darkened ways that gave his kin their true reputation. With the firm belief set in his mind that he was an accident, never meant to grace this earth, and unwanted by his own flesh and blood, Ghost grew very bitter, hateful, and very angry. As much as he wished to lash out at the elderly man who had found him buried in the soil of that Austrian forest, he just one day disappeared.
Disappeared to put an end to his family, with his mother as a first target.
" Bury me in this cold life. "
Perhaps at one point, after time had passed, Ghost had felt a miniscule sliver of regret and even guilt for disposing of his loved ones. As it had left him alone, especially when he returned to his elderly savior to find that he had passed due to unknown causes. But now, present time, Ghost is likely as his self-given aliase portrays; a shell and memory of what he once was.
" Feed the wolf... "
Ghost is an old soul who has undergone years upon years of emotional repression and suppression, self-conditioning himself so that he may pull from that void long lost in years past. However, much of what was once Ghost remains a distant, hollow memory for him and a mystery to be unraveled by an individual of careful choosing. He carries himself with many a practiced facade of confidence, yet his barrier is icy and wrapped tight in chain and lock. He is an intelligent fellow and a lover of the simple, yet extravagant things; that asset, which has not left him. A secret lover of old art and literature, he finds a sense of normality within it all.
" And shed my skin. "
His pale, nimble hands are stained with the blood of many. Ghost is no innocent soul and he will not go through with effort of making you think so. Because to him, what would the point be? He would tell of what he has done, yes, as he is just heavily blunt that way. However, he does not boast as he finds no sole reason in boasting over the amount of shed blood. He walks the world shrouded in numbness to certain things as that is his own means of 'protection'. Ghost's trust isn't freely given and truthfully, he struggles with the idea of it. At times, if a person has grasped his interest, he'd want to give it so badly but it is like a person holding onto a beloved item that they are about to give away; not wanting to fully uncurl those tight fingers from around it, yet his arm remains extended to the person. Perhaps he is afraid. Afraid of ending up close to someone and then ending up back at square one. Ghost does suffer from abandonment issues but one would never know unless he told them or it somehow just...revealed itself. Perhaps somewhere within him he longs for, just as much as the next person, some type of connection. He is aware that everything about him screams 'monster' and he is in full acceptance, which is why he is very picky of who he lets in.
" I can see the devil closing in. "
Ghost isn't afraid of a dangerous lifestyle, as he knows nothing different. He is not meant for the faint of heart and would likely only serve as a danger to that particular party. His anger stretches far and wide, and it has never truly left him. Only remaining in dormant suppression. His rage is messy and a rather saddening thing to witness as it is fueled by nothing more than that same anger brought into his life all those years ago. Someone could have wronged him and yet he could mercilessly lash out in the triggering name of the anger he was never taught to properly get rid of.
Heartbroken? Well, yes, utterly so. But you'd never really know.
Anger ridden? Yes, Ghost is a very angry being, yet he hides it well.
A hard lover? If he falls, he's going down hard. He doesn't choose to care for many and despite everything about him, his loyalty is undying.
" It is no longer a human.
Its a beast.
F e a r l e s s.
You're a mad man.
Tampering with nature.
Every man ambitious"
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