|¤| Cyanide |¤|
I can't believe I forgot this boy.
Happy 3rd birthday to him ;)
"I bite. And it ain't pretty, sweetheart."
[B A S I C S]
|| N A M E ||
He was only ever given the name of Cyanide.
|| A L I A S E S ||
He has no unique nicknames, though he usually goes by 'Cy'.
|| G E N D E R ||
|| A G E ||
Appearing around his late teens and early twenties.
|| S E X U A L I T Y ||
|| S P E C I E ||
A serpentine entity.
[ B L O O D L I N E ]
|| F A T H E R ||
|| M O T H E R ||
|| S I B L I N G S ||
|| O T H E R R E L A T I O N S ||
The only other known 'relations', if one could even call it that, was with the very man who created him.
[ P H Y S I Q U E ]
|| H E I G H T ||
|| W E I G H T ||
|| A P P E A R A N C E ||
Standing in at exactly six feet, Cyanide still truthfully lingers below the common height of his own gender nowadays. In fact, it barely makes it over average. Though he may be tall, this wiley male harbors more of a lean, athletic build of a sprinter than a bulky stature. Yet, he is still quite finely toned around areas such as his chest and torso. His skin is a deathly pale, stretching from head to toe, though upon his face, covering the majority of the left sector of it- are black, glossy scales that give off a faint, rainbow chrome glint to them. The patch surrounds his eye, half of his forehead, and runs down his left cheek and ends at his collarbone. Within his skull sit a pair of smoldering, toxic visionaries of green and bright yellow surrounding the pupils. Feathery strands of dark mahogany hair sit atop his head in a carelessly unkempt mess with a seeming mind of its own. His ears are lined with different piercings of shape and size; from cuffs to spiraling spikes traveling through the cartilage. Lastly, behind his plump lips sit a pair of long, lethal fangs; a bit thinner than the average werewolven or vampiric set. While the tips are indeed sharp, they are also hollowed as to make the flow of a certain venom into one's bloodstream quite easy.
[ M E N T A L ]
|| P E R S O N A ||
-Detailed written whenever I'm not lazy oops-
Cy is a horridly sadistic, sly, wiley, apathetic, debaucherous, heavy lover of the feline species.
Quite unpredictable, he is also quite the dangerous lad with a near insatiable appetite and morbid need to bite everything that...he does keep under control, most times. He is neither a sociopath nor psychopath; he is rather self-aware of what he does and how he acts. He just doesn't care. Keep your infants and pets away, Cy does need to eat.
Though that is only if he finds himself in a horrid series of moods.Usually, Cy is pretty mellow and 'laid-back' with that no fuck's given attitude about him. Yes, he has more downs than ups but aggression and wild instinct runs within his blood so he can't exactly help it. Truthfully, he just wants to be understood and accepted for the way he is as it makes gaining relationships with others do much easier for him. He can be loveable, but he is most definitely not for the extreme faint of heart.
Cyanide was a scientist's worst and final mistake. A lethal abomination that cost him his life. Of course, to make an unnecessarily long story short, the elder man forgot to feed his creation, therefore, Cy brutally mutilated and devoured the remains of his body.
The rest remains a mystery, honestly. Cy is one of my old characters.
As for his powers, Cyanide is /tremendously/ poisonous. Harboring an endless supply of venom as potent as that beloning to a Fer-De-Lance pit viper. A literal bite releases around thirty drops of venom into the bloodstream per second.
Cy's venom is made of myotoxins that can take effect within mere minutes, causing disturbing necrosis of flesh and tissue to both humans and the inhuman alike. It quite literally melts away at flesh. The process is agonizing and if not acted on immediately, it is fatal.
Though, like all venom, it can be milked and turned into an antivenom. However, with the effects it harbors, it can also be used for other...means.
|| Y O U T H ||
[ V I S U A L S ]
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