[§] C. Dioceles [§]
"It's reverse psychology see...the wolves run with me."
[B A S I C S]
|| N A M E ||
Cassius Dioceles.
--> Ka-ss-eeus <--
|| G E N D E R ||
|| A G E ||
Immortal; appearing in his late teens to early twenties.
|| S E X U A L I T Y ||
|| S P E C I E ||
Hybrid Entity.
(See Aphelonis' page for further detail.)
[ B L O O D L I N E ]
|| F A T H E R ||
|| M O T H E R ||
|| S I B L I N G S ||
Four siblings.
|| O T H E R R E L A T I O N S ||
--> Adoptive Guardian <--
--> Adoptive Guardian <--
[ P H Y S I Q U E ]
|| H E I G H T ||
|| W E I G H T ||
|| A P P E A R A N C E ||
In contrast to his brother in just about every visible way possible, Cassius is quite the shaded figure. Though younger than Aphelonis by a handful of minutes, he is taller and holds more of a build to him. Though it is still not nearing bulky, instead more so lean and athletic. His skin is deathly pale and frigid to the touch, though it does not give off a glow. A brooding expression of thought or a scowl is usually plastered tightly upon his face; dark eyebrows set and lips tugged downward in a way that almost made it seem like they would get stuck. Atop his head, a shaggy mess of dark chestnut falls in an unkempt manner above his eyebrows. As for the opticles, they are a brilliant shade of an inhumane amber.
[ M E N T A L ]
|| P E R S O N A ||
For the most part; mellow and seemingly laid back.
Though he does possess a small hint of sociopathic tendencies, leading him to harbor a rather aloof vibe when surrounded by people and their...problems. He finds it to be a cruel annoyance when others have nothing more to do than complain about ever little thing in existence. If a city was taken by the flames of a dragon and whatnot, Cassius is the exact type to believe that those who have survived should rejoice. Despite how mentally, emotionally, and physically damaging the event may have been to the person. This type of behavior leads most to see the male as none other than a class A asshole, in which he would blatantly agree. He is self aware of his monotonous, apathetical aloofness and seemingly emotionless ways of going about things, and will tell you up front and to your face. Truthfully, it is his own selfish way of guarding himself from the burdens that others carry. Now this doesn't say he couldn't be somewhat decent if he either had to or wanted to on some rare occasion. He is capable of 'acting' as though his heart still beats and his soul is still quite intact with him. In all honesty, Cassius does not favor humankind, instead, he prefers the company of nature and the beasts that inhabit it as he does possess some form of connection with them.
See Aphelonis' page for full story.
Cassius is an Alderwood Stag; Agent of the forest and Guardian.
[ V I S U A L S ]
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