"Why can't I touch the water?"
The question hung unanswered in the air as Arden turned back to look at me.
"Peter will know we're here if you do."
I felt the blood drain from my face.
The only way across the eerily green water way by some very slick looking stepping stones.
"Oh no." my feet were rooted to the ground.
Arden sighed heavily. "We don't have time for this."
In three long strides he reached me, and before I could object, he swept me off my feet. Carrying me bridal style across the stones.
I clung to the collar of his shirt and closed my eyes.
Then he stopped.
I opened my eyes to see we had crossed the stream safely.
"You can let go of me now."
Amusement colored his tone.
I blushed and let go of his collar. It had wrinkled terribly. I awkwardly tried to smooth it as he let down my legs and let me stand.
"You're terrified of Pan." He remarked, his face darkening.
"What did he do to you?" He growled.
"Nothing. I'm alright!" I insisted.
He frowned taking my face in his hands and looking me over intensely.
"Arden..." I blushed, "What are you doing?""
"He didn't kiss you did he?!"
"What?!" I exclaimed.
He said nothing now moving his gaze to my neck.
"Arden! Explain yourself!!" I demanded pushing away from him.
He blushed and then sighed.
"If an Fae kisses you you stay drawn to them. And there is usually a mark on the victim's face or hands."
I looked at him seriously,"...What do you mean drawn to them?"
"It's an all encompassing feeling like an invisible string is pulling you to them." He frowned.
"Like love?" I asked softly.
"No. And yes. I don't know how to describe it." He grumbled, shaking his head.
"Well Pan didn't touch me." I replied, with an awkward attempt at a reassuring pat on his arm.
"I was merely in the dungeon. And I escaped with the help of the ring." I rambled.
"Well..." he replied, looking visibly relieved, and dropping my hands. "I'm glad you're alright."
"Thanks." I smiled.
He nodded to himself, "Now let's go. The sooner we leave Neverland the better."
"Finally something we agree on." I sighed. "So where is the transportation you promised?"
"Ah right."
He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.
Immediately his horse came trotting to the other side of the river.
"Come on girl."
"A horse? That's how we're getting off this floating island?"
"Did I ever tell you my... horse's name?" He asked watching as she trotted carefully across the stepping stones.
The horse reached our side and he mounted with a skilled grace, reaching down and extending his hand to me.
I took it and he helped me up.
"Well aren't you going to tell me?"
He said nothing as he spurred the horse into a canter.
"Arden that ledge is too close what are you doing?!"
The horse leapt off the edge and I closed my eyes, hugging Arden with all of my might.
He laughed gleefully, as we started to glide.
I opened my eyes, and gasped at her beautiful wings.
"Her name is Pegasus..."
I turned back to watch Neverland grow smaller and smaller.
'Good riddance' I thought.
{Author's Note~ Hey guys!! Happy Valentines day! (It's early I know, but I'm going to be busy tomorrow.) I hope you all have a lovely day weather you spend it with your one true love, or your friends and family. I just wanted to let you guys know, how much I appreciate you reading this. It's so nice to be able to know that no matter what I write somebody will read it. I love all of you guys! Have a good one!}
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