Chapter 6
Louis pov
The next morning, I woke up next to Harry's body. His eyes opened.
"Louis?" He uttered when he saw me. Harry embraced me.
"I don't want to die." His voice trembled.
"I won't kill you, Harry." I responded. "Do you actually believe I would do that?"
"I don't know. You shot me. I thought-"
"I just wanted to scare you a bit. Maybe I took it a little too far. Sorry."
We headed back to the house.
There were two men in official-looking uniforms scrutinising my home. One knocked on the door.
"Hey!" I called out.
"You, two, live here?" One of them asked.
"Yeah, and you are...?"
They introduced themselves as Officer Jackson and Officer Knight, and showed us their Identification Cards. They were from Baermorial Police Force. I recognised Officer Knight. He was the one who told us to get out of the forest.
"We followed the tire tracks. May we get you to help us answer some questions relating to the death of Kelly Gray and Scott Baker, and perhaps get you to put some clothes on?"
I did as told. They asked Harry and I for basic information, such as our names and age.
"Do you know any of these people?" Officer Jackson showed us photographs of a boy and a girl. I think they were the ones Harry and I killed but I'm not sure so I remained silent. By Harry's reaction, I can already tell he recognised them.
"Yes," Harry said. "Well, not personally, I mean-"
"He means, we've seen them on the news." I interrupted before Harry could start babbling. I don't know if these two even made it onto the news. Considering this was the first wolf attack in Baermorial in years, I'd be surprised if they didn't make it onto the news. I couldn't think of anything else to say anyways. I don't want Harry to slip up and reveal that we're werewolves. Not that I think the officers would believe it but just to be safe, I'd rather not give them a chance to believe it.
Officer Jackson nodded and scribbled something on her notepad.
"Do you remember where you were on 24 February at 8pm?" Officer Knight asked.
"Yeah, we were near Baermorial. We rode there on my motorcycle. At 8pm, we were on the way back but decided to stay the night in the woods."
"Why would you do that?"
"We spend the night in the woods anyways." I said. "It's just what we do."
The officer decided not to question further about it.
"We found these near your tire tracks. Do you recognise them?" Officer Jackson showed us a picture of my clothes. Well, what's left of them anyways. They were ripped and dirty. If you saw it, you wouldn't identify them as clothes, just some torn scraps of cloth.
"Yeah, they're mine. What does this have to do with anything?"
"There are teeth marks on them. We thought maybe you were involved in a wolf attack."
"We weren't. We didn't encounter any wolves either."
"Did you notice anything strange that night?"
"I did. I heard screams and gunshots." Harry inputted. I understood why he said it. We were supposedly close to the scene. We should've heard it.
"How come Harry heard something but you didn't, Louis?" Officer Jackson asked. It's too late to retract my statement now. I didn't know how to make it seem like I wasn't lying when I said no.
Harry noticed me hesitating to speak and decided to speak for us. "We were having sex."
I scream in my head. What the fuck, Harry? What kind of answer is that?
"He was moaning so loudly he probably wasn't paying attention to our surroundings but I heard what I heard: gunshots and screaming. Oh, and a wolf howl."
That was actually a pretty sound explanation but did he have to use that as our excuse? To be fair. I don't have any better ideas so I'll just roll with it.
I sit in my chair, fidgeting and blushing. Officer Jackson wrote in her notepad.
"Why didn't you report it, then, the screaming, or at the very least check out what was going on?" Officer Knight asked Harry.
"And leave him to- what? Masturbate?" Harry said, pointing at me. I feel my cheeks grow hotter. I bit my nails. "After we were done, you came along and told us there was a wolf attack so I think it was safe to assume that someone else had reported it."
"Okay," Officer Knight said. Officer Jackson continued to write. They were probably used to crude answers from people.
They asked us about whether we were aware of the presence of wolves in the forest. "Yeah but they don't live near Baermorial." I said. "They live around here."
After a few more questions, they left.
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