Chapter 12
Harry pov
Louis was already out of his "cell" when I woke up. He sat outside my cell, holding my hand through the bars. He stared blankly at the ground, waiting for me to wake up.
"Good morning," I chirped, pulling him out of whatever he was daydreaming about.
Niall showed us to the canteen. He sat with us throughout breakfast. Niall basically inhaled all his food and went back for seconds (and thirds and fourths).
"Some werewolves go to work at the factory nearby during the day. If you're short on cash, just let me know so we can make arrangements." Niall told us.
I have a fairly large sum stored in my bank account but I don't know how long it'll last.
"By the way, Harry, I texted Zayn that you were here. He said that he's coming to visit on Saturday." Niall said.
"Oh. How do you know Zayn?" I responded.
"We were buddies in kindergarten."
"Can Louis and I share cells tonight?"
"My wolf gets upset without him."
"Um, okay. As long as you two don't fight, it should be alright."
"Thanks." I said.
"Hey, I have to go and work. Sorry." Niall said, clearing his tray. We waved him goodbye.
Two other werewolves sat down at our table and greeted us. "Hi, I'm Liam." One of them said.
Liam looks like a werewolf you would find in one of those teen romance movies. He's tall and handsome. He looked really manly. I'd guess he was in his early twenties. However, he was a werewolf so he could be 1000 years old and nobody would be able to tell.
"Tina," The other werewolf said, scratching the back of her neck with one finger. Tina ran a hand through her long brown curls and tucked them behind her ear.
Louis and I introduced ourselves.
"I'm glad that we're getting more male werewolves in. I was the only male for quite a long time. I felt a bit strange." Liam said to us. Tina rolled her eyes.
Apparently, Liam has been a werewolf for 20 years which means he's about forty-something years old.
Tina is the youngest of all of us. Louis and I turned into werewolves about the same time as her.
Liam and Tina showed us their favourite corner in the facility.
"Nobody ever comes by here and there's WiFi." Liam told us. "Don't tell anyone. I'm telling you because we're friends now."
"Okay," I chuckled.
"What's WiFi?" Louis asked. Liam stared at Louis as if Louis has just insulted him.
"How do you not know what WiFi is?" Tina asked.
Louis shrugged. "To be fair, Louis has been living in the forest for- God knows how long." I said for him.
"I know how long! 6 years! Does this make me God?" Louis joked. Liam laughed.
"God would know what WiFi is." I teased Louis. Louis pouted, pretending to be angry.
"Will someone just tell me what the fuck WiFi is?" Louis groaned.
"It helps you access the internet on your phone." I explained.
"You can do that?"
"Are you sure you've been in the forest for 6 years and not 10? Iphones came around in like 2007." I made fun of him.
"Well, excuse me for trying to figure out this whole werewolf thing instead of keeping up technology, Mr Touches-Silver." Louis said, sarcastically.
"Woah, you touched silver?" Liam asked. "Did it hurt?"
"Yeah." I showed him the scar on my hand.
"It's so rare to see werewolves with scars, you know, because they heal and no one is dumb enough to touch silver." Liam immediately realised what he had said. "I mean, no one dares to touch sil-"
"It's okay. It was a stupid move." I admitted.
"Oh. Um, okay." Liam stuttered. "How come you didn't know that silver hurts werewolves?"
"I didn't really read up on werewolves." I replied.
Liam nodded.
A few days passed, Saturday finally came. I woke up and quickly unlocked my cell. Louis was still asleep.
"Lou! Lou! Wake up,"I screamed, shaking the gate on his cell. The metal clanged noisily.
"Give me a moment." Louis mumbled.
I ignored him and dashed down the hall, swerving to avoid the sleepy werewolves who were unenthusiastically lugging themselves out of their cells. I put on my clothes. I saw Niall at the canteen.
"What time is Zayn coming?"
"I don't know. Noon?"
"Noon? That's like forever away." I groaned. I was so excited to see Zayn.
Louis slid a tray of food in front of me. He sat down with his own tray.
"Eat." Louis said.
"I'm not hungry. I'm too excited that Zayn is coming."
"Eat. You need the energy." Louis insisted. I rolled my eyes and took a bite out of the sandwich on my tray.
"Happy?" I asked.
Louis pov
Hours passed. Harry and I sat in the canteen chatting.
Harry received a text that Zayn had arrived.
Harry dashed towards the elevators. "Aren't you coming?" Harry asked, slowing down.
"Nah, you go ahead. I'm taking my time." I called out.
Harry headed down.
I stepped into the lift and pushed the button to the lobby. The lift hummed as it descended. The lift doors opened. Liam barged into the lift and closed the doors before I could get out.
"Liam, what the fu-!" I yelled.
"Who's that Harry's talking to?" Liam asked.
"Uh, Zayn? Why do you want to know?"
"No reason."
I pushed a button on the panel. The lift doors parted.
I saw Zayn and Harry. Zayn had his arm around Harry's shoulder. Harry threw his head back laughing.
"Hi, Louis." Harry chirped upon seeing me. I gave Zayn a small wave. "By the way, that's Liam. Liam, this is my friend, Zayn."
Liam smiled awkwardly.
I slipped in between Zayn and Harry and placed my hand around Harry's waist.
We decided to play football in small field behind the building. The ball we got from Niall was tearing slightly and two on two isn't much of a game but I haven't played football in a long time and I'll take what I can get.
"Where's the toilet?" Zayn asked Liam who was standing next to him.
Harry and I headed out to the field first. The field was wet from yesterday night's shower. The grass grew unevenly, in all directions. The air was cool. A small breeze blew against my face.
I showed off some of the tricks I had mastered when I was a teenager. I'm surprised I could still remember how to do them. Harry tried to replicate what I had done but the ball hit him in the face. Harry rubbed the bridge of his nose and whined about how much it hurt until I kissed it to "make it feel better", as he calls it. It's so cheesy.
I saw Liam and Zayn jogging across the field towards us..
Liam grabbed me by the arm. "I need to speak with you." He said quickly. Before I knew it, he dragged me into the building into a secluded corner.
"What's up, man?" I asked.
Liam looked around before he spoke. "You need to leave."
"What?" I exclaimed. Liam couldn't have been any more vague.
"The cops are coming to get you. You and Harry have to go."
"And you know this because...?" I asked suspiciously.
"Zayn told me. They're threatening him and they put a mic and a camera on him so they see what he sees."
"But he told you. Wouldn't he get in trouble?"
"Just get your stuff and Harry. They have cars blocking the only road out so we'll leave by another route."
"You're coming too?"
"Yes. I've been here for 20 years. It's so boring. I need some adventure in my life. Meet me at your locker in half an hour."
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