Chapter 1
It was debateable whether 'The Nicest Coffeeshop' could really be considered the nicest coffeeshop, but it was the place to be in Beacon Hills. At least, for Brooklyn and Allison it was. They arrived dead on eight o'clock every morning, so they could grab mochas before class. It was the only way Brooklyn could manage to stay awake.
The door squeaked loudly as it opened, and Brooklyn slouched into the shop after Allison.
"Why do they make first period so damn early?" she complained.
"Stop whining. That's my one condition of coming here, remember? It's expensive buying coffee every morning."
"Yeah, like that's a problem for you. You've been getting an allowance bigger than my dad's pay check since first grade."
Allison rolled her eyes, sitting down at the coffee bar. "Again with the complaining. And the bullying. I sometimes wonder why we're friends, you know."
"Because I'm great company. Just not in the mornings," Brooklyn reminded her, but they were both smiling. A tired looking barista served their coffees without even having to ask their order, and they pushed a handful of dollar bills across the counter. Brooklyn nudged Allison.
"He totally has eyes for you. I can tell."
"All the coffee must have gone to his head," Allison replied. "I'm not interested anyway."
"Why not? He's cute."
"Brooke, in case you haven't noticed, he's been serving us coffee for the best part of two years, and barely said a word to us. I think if either of us were interested, we would have made a move by now."
"Maybe he's shy. You're pretty intimidating," Brooklyn teased. Allison was, on the surface, the least intimidating girl in Beacon Hills. With her soft looking brown curls and sweet outfits, she couldn't scare anyone, let alone some cute barista. Allison nudged Brooklyn back.
"Hey. I can be intimidating. You've never seen me wear black leather."
"Not sure I want to either. I prefer being the punky one of the two of us," Brooklyn replied, running a hand through her pixie cut hair. She was wearing a leather jacket and knee high boots with skinny jeans. She looked different to other girls at Beacon Hills High, but she didn't mind. She liked having her own style.
The squeaking of the door announced the arrival of a new set of customers. Brooklyn knew who they were without having to look up. They were as much regulars in the shop as she and Allison were. It was the popular kids from school; Scott, Derek, Lydia and Jackson. But they had someone knew with them today. A kid Brooklyn didn't recognise.
"That must be the new boy. You know, arrived last week? His dad's the new sheriff," Allison whispered, but Brooklyn wasn't really listening. She was too busy staring at the boy. He was cute, in a sort of nerdy way. He was wearing a checkered shirt and low slung jeans. He looked a little nervous, and as a waitress bustled past, he jumped, startled. He caught Brooklyn's eye and and she gasped, looking away. Allison smirked.
"Gone all shy, Brooklyn?"
"Of course not," she mumbled, sipping her coffee.
"His name is Stiles. Not that it matters. If he's in with the populars, it's likely to stay that way now. Which means he'll never associate with us."
Brooklyn watched him settle with the cool kids at their usual table in the corner. As she turned away, she tried to hide her dissapointment. For the first time ever, she found herself wishing she could be popular.
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