Extra (Halloween Special)
((howdidiforgetthis—This is an extra chapter to celebrate (late) Halloween. You don't need to read this chapter in order to understand the main plot. Also, everyone is alive in this.))
You were just walking around outside when you saw a nearby monitor turn on by itself. You walked closer to see Monokuma appear on the screen. Oh no... Did a murder actually happen...?
"Puhuhu... A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather at the gym!"
Confused an anxious, you ran inside to get to the gym. Some of the other students, Kaito, Tenko, and Kirumi, were running as well until approaching the door. With a shaky hand, you pulled the door open and ran inside with the others following you.
In the center of the room was Monotaro with what seemed like blood on top of his head. Beside him was Monophanie crying over his motionless body. "Monotaro..." she cried, "who did this to you...?" The other Monokubs were at the pink bear's side comforting her.
Kaito breathed heavily. He must have ran quite the distance. "What is this? Is this some kind of joke?" he panted, his frustration only growing.
"I don't know, but I bet some degenerate teamed up with Monokuma and set this up as some twisted prank!" Tenko yelled.
"I find that highly unlikely," Kirumi spoke. "I doubt that Monokuma would agree to something so harmless."
"I hate that bear so much," you growled.
The gym doors burst open, the other students flooding in soon enough.
"Is everyone alright?" Kaede called out as she entered. "What happened here?"
Korekiyo calmly stepped forward, looking at the Monokubs in the center. "Oh my... Is this what we were called in for? To see such a childish scene?"
Shuichi put a hand over his heart. "I thought someone had actually died," he said with a relieved sigh.
"S-Same," Gonta stuttered, "but Gonta is glad that everyone safe!"
You were too busy scowling at the Monokubs to notice a certain boy running towards you.
"Oh, thank goodness you didn't die!" With that, a pair of arms wrapped themselves loosely around your neck. "I'm not sure what I'd do without youuu!"
"You'd survive," you sighed. "But, I guess it's nice to see that you didn't die, either. It's nice to see that no one died at all... Not yet, at least."
"Yeah, but does anyone know why we were called here in the first place?" Kokichi asked.
"I do!" a shrill voice exclaimed. Monokuma cheerfully bounced to the center of the gym. "Hi, how are y'all?"
"Not cool!" Kaito barked. "We all thought that there was an actual murder!"
Monokuma tilted his head. "What? Of course there hasn't been an actual murder yet. I don't see why you're all being so paranoid like that."
"This isn't funny, Monokuma...!" Kaede groaned. "We're in a killing game, of course we're going to be paranoid!"
Monotaro perked up from his position on the gym floor. "So wait, I'm not dead?"
"Monotaro!" Monophanie cheered. "You're okay!"
You just stared at them for a second before asking, "Can you explain why we're even here?"
"Are you planning on giving us a motive to kill?" Rantaro asked.
"No, no! I'm being honest here!" the black and white bear answered. "I can't believe that you all would think that I would do such a thing. Anyway, that doesn't matter! You see, I called you all over here for a different reason."
"Ooh, now this sounds fun!" Kokichi chirped. "What do you have in store for us!?"
"I love your enthusiasm," Monokuma spoke, "but just wait for me to finish! 'Kay? 'Kay. For you all, I have planned... 31 nights of Halloween! It is that time of the year, I must say! The only time of the year where parents allow their kids to go get candy from that one suspicious van at the edge of town!"
"But, Father... No one is gonna be that patient enough to wait that long for a murder to happen," Monotaro remarked.
"Oh. Good point. I'll just shorten it down to...the one night of Halloween! Which will happen tomorrow night."
"What exactly are we going to do during this event?" Kirumi asked.
"Puhuhu... You all will just have to find out for yourselves! Don't worry though. I'll make sure that none of you die during this." Monokuma cackled before disappearing with his cubs.
"This is foolish," you said, cutting through the silence.
"I'm personally interested, though," Kokichi spoke.
Tenko held up her arms in a defensive stance. "But what if it's a trap!?"
"Nyeh... This event already sounds like a pain," Himiko grumbled, hiding her entire face in her hat.
"B-But Monokuma said no one will die. So...he gotta be telling truth, right?" Gonta questioned.
Tsumugi sighed. "You can never fully trust anything that Monokuma say, Gonta."
"What I am most concerned about is this 'everyone' that Monokuma mentioned," Kirumi commented.
"Yeah...I wonder who they are?" Tsumugi wondered.
Ryoma huffed, "Tch. Monokuma was probably talking off the top of his head, not really thinking about anything."
"Maybe...let's hope that it's like that... I'd feel uncomfortable if there were people watching me without me knowing..."
"Would you please refrain from saying weird things like that in the future?" you asked her.
"Let's not dwell on that for much longer," Kiibo stated. "For now, I believe that we should take the most fun out of this event that we can."
"Should you really be the one saying that?" Kokichi inquired him with a smirk. "I mean, robots don't know what 'fun' is since they don't have emotions, right?"
"Excuse me, but with precise calculations, I can feel the very same things as you guys have!"
"At least you're not the only one who can't have fun." Kokichi pointed over to Maki, who was standing quietly in a corner. "She's so cold. She probably doesn't even know the definition of fun!"
Maki just stared at him, and then you. "...(Y/N), when will you get the bright idea to shut him up once and for all? If you don't then I will."
Kokichi looked at you with wide, glossy eyes. His lip was trembling. Pulling his arms away from your neck in favor for your torso, he shoved his face into the crook of your neck. "Protect meeee..." he mumbled.
"Kokichi, people are looking at us weirdly and I'm getting embarrassed!" you whisper-yelled at him.
"Oh no! Not you, too!?" The boy shuddered, holding you tighter. "Are... Are you m-mad at me?"
"Don't get the wrong—"
"Well, it's not like I care anyway!" he exclaimed loudly, suddenly jumping out of your arms. This only caused you to sigh and look at the ground.
"Cut it out! It's not nice to mess with people's feelings!" Kaito yelled.
"Oh?" Kokichi put his hands behind his head and smiled. "But...messing with people is just in my nature. It can't be helped!"
The nighttime announcement played and ended.
"Guys, there's no use in fighting right now!" Kaede huffed. "If we get mad at each other then we might... A-Anyway! We should head back to the dormitory now."
"Fine with me, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get to sleep tonight. I'm too excited about what Monokuma has in store for us tomorrow!"
Most of the others either scoffed or gave him a look before leaving the gym. Murmurs between students could be heard, mostly talking about what they were expecting and how they thought that the event was stupid in the first place.
You were about to leave when you were stopped by a small hand grabbing onto your wrist. You turned around to find Kokichi holding you back. "...What?"
"I was just making sure that you weren't too butt hurt over wittle ol' me~" The boy broke into a sweet little giggle.
"You really are a big child at heart, huh?" you humored him.
"Mhm! I think that that's why I'm so excited that we're going to be doing something special for Halloween!" He bounced up and down a little. "Ooh, what do you think will happen!?"
"I'm not so sure..." you admitted. "Whatever it is, though, I doubt that it'll be normal."
"It better not be something normal! I'll be so disappointed if it's something boringggg..."
"We should hurry out of here before we get in trouble. Remember? It's against the rules to be here past nighttime."
"Oh! Right! Well then..." Kokichi sprinted out of the room. However...he was still holding onto your wrist.
"W-Wait!" you sputtered as he dragged you with him. He kept running until the two of you were outside. "Did you even hear me!?"
Kokichi stopped abruptly. "Oh. Sorry—!"
Surprised at the sudden stop, you weren't able to stop moving in time. You ended up knocking the small boy over on the ground and landing right above him. "Oh... I'm sorry..." you muttered. You could feel your heart starting to flutter.
Kokichi's eyes were widened. It was hard to see in the darkness, but you thought that you could see some color on his cheeks. Overall, it just looked like the wind was completely stolen from him.
"...Oh look how the tables have turned, nishishi..." he mumbled.
"For the Ultimate Supreme Leader who claims to be the leader of a massive evil organization...you seem to be rather flustered," you remarked. A smirk was starting to tug at your lips—
—until Kokichi simply placed his index finger on your lips.
What. The. F*ck...
"Do you even remember who you're talking to?" he cooed, a smirk of his own making its way on his face. He dragged his finger away, only to cup your cheek instead. "Ah-haha! I can actually feel your blush!"
"S...Shut up." You removed yourself from his touch and stood up. "Do whatever you want. I just know that I'm going to go back to my dorm and try to get some sleep," you grumbled.
"Love ya too!" Kokichi teased as he got up from the ground and brushed himself off.
You sped walked all the way over to the dormitory, not giving the boy a chance to catch up to you.
"Rise and shine, ursine! It is now eight a.m.. Time to wake up, you b*stards!"
It's eight, huh? That means that I only got an hour or two of sleep... Just GREAT. You let out something that was in the middle of a yawn and a groan before walking out of your room. I should probably head to the dining hall. No doubt that everyone's going to discuss this weird...event thing.
Since you were so tired, while going down the small set of steps you tripped and tumbled all the way down, eventually landing with your face planted to the ground.
"Oof, that looked like a bad fall," someone chimed behind you.
"I should be used to this," you grumbled in response. "Mind giving me a hand?"
"Sure! Just let me find an axe—"
"I'm serious."
With that being said, you put out a hand and found another one meet it. Gripping onto the small hand, you managed to pull yourself up from the ground. "Thanks," you said as you looked into a supreme leader's purple eyes.
"Nishishi~ It's no problem," he responded. "Anything for my sweetheart!"
You furrowed your brows a bit. "Oh yeah... You never told me why you call me 'sweetheart,' have you?" Kokichi just shook his head. "And I bet that you don't have any intent on telling me in the near future?"
The boy shook his head again. "Nah, but what I'm focusing on are the bags under your eyes. Aww, were you up all night thinking about me??"
You looked away. "...We should probably go to the dining hall now," you muttered, already making your leave.
"Wha—Hey! Don't leave me hanging like that!" Kokichi sped up to you, finding himself at your side.
"I don't think that the others appreciate having to wait for everyone to appear," you commented. "We should really hurry." Keeping true to your word, you sped up in your walking, Kokichi doing the same until the two of you were finally at the doors of the dining hall.
"After you!" Kokichi had his hand on the doorknob, looking at you with bright eyes.
"How polite," you said sarcastically. You muttered a thanks to him once he opened the door for you and let you inside.
"Oh! It looks like everyone is here now!" Kaede chirped.
"(Y/N) and Cockichi arriving at the same time?" Miu spat, narrowing her eyes. "Suspicious."
"Now is not the time for all this banter," Korekiyo spoke up. "I do believe that we are here to discuss Monokuma's mentioned event...are we not?"
"Are we sure that it's not actually a motive?" Kaito questioned.
Gonta tilted his head at everyone. "Huh? But Monokuma say that he make sure no one dies."
"Nyeh... As if we can trust everything that bear has to say..." Himiko mumbled.
Tsumugi looked off into the distance. "What kind of motive would Monokuma even make from a Halloween event...?" she whispered.
"Guys! I think that you all are being too harsh with Monokuma," Kokichi whined. "Why can't you trust him just this once? Maybe he's actually planning something wholesome and decent for us to celebrate the holidays. But of course you all mark it up as him being up to something!" He let out a quick sigh. "I can't even begin to imagine what it feels like in Monokuma's shoes... I'm starting to feel bad."
"...Be quiet," Maki told him in a cold tone. Her red eyes seemed to be glowing.
You sighed, figuring that it would be a good time to intervene. "Look," you started, a bit nervous in all honesty, "I personally think that we should just wait and see what Monokuma has in store for us. The worst thing that could happen is that he just gives us a motive."
"And we all know not to be tempted, right?" Kaede asked shakily. Everyone in the room nodded, causing her to smile a bit.
"And if Monokuma does actually present us with some fun event," you continued, "then good for us. It's rather simple..."
"But what exactly is it that he could be planning for us...? Regardless of whether this event is being used for ill intent or not, I do find myself wondering about it..." Korekiyo spoke up.
"Tch. It's probably something lame," Kaito told him with a sigh.
"Well, I sure hope that it's not something lame!" Kokichi exclaimed with a pout. "I will never forgive Monokuma if it's something so lame that it bores me to death."
"I'm not sure," you mumbled to him. "You know how he is already. I doubt that it'll be something too awfully bland."
"Right you are!" Monokuma's shrill voice suddenly squeaked. "On another note, I'm quite offended that you all immediately throw me under the bus like that! I ensured no killing, didn't I!?"
Oh god, he's here now. You mentally winced at his presence.
"You know already that we can't trust you," Shuichi muttered.
Monokuma just shook his head and jumped up onto the table to be seen better. "So, you crazy kids really can't be patient and wait for tonight, huh? Well, sorry, but you're gonna have to wait a bit more longer!!"
"What's the problem in telling us now?" Kaede groaned in frustration. "The longer you hold back, the more suspicious we are of you...!"
The black and white bear simply just waved his paw dismissively at her.
"Isn't it obvious?" Kokichi asked with an exaggerated scoff. "It's so that the surprise wouldn't be ruined...! Duh!"
"Bingo!" Monokuma cheered. "And you all are required to participate! I'm counting on you all that you'll be able to stay up really late, 'cause this show is gonna start right at nighttime! I'll see you guys in the courtyard!" He cackled a bit before waddling away.
"And the plot thickens," you deadpanned, cutting through the silence.
"Mhm!" Kokichi smiles with excitement, and his eyes were practically glowing with enthusiasm. "Aren't you guys excited!?"
"S-Sure..." Shuichi replied to him nervously.
"Alright then...!" Kaede spoke up. "I...guess that there really isn't anything else to discuss here. We can have breakfast and go about our day."
Everyone seemed to agree and sat down at the table. Kirumi went into the kitchen to prepare the food and Shuichi was at her side to help. Meanwhile, everyone else was talking among themselves, and Kokichi just happened to sit right next to you.
"Sooo...what are your thoughts on tonight?" the boy asked you.
"I honestly think that this is being a bit more hyped up then it needs to be," you answered. "Nothing bad is going to happen. I can't see what Monokuma would even do for us that would be so exciting."
Kokichi just groaned, furrowing his brows at you. "Seriously, (Y/N), you gotta lighten up...! You seem more slow than usual today."
You simply looked over to the side. "I got less sleep than usual. That's all."
"Then let my warmth cause you to fall asleep!" he chirped. A bright smile was on his face, and his somehow innocent eyes were beaming.
You pulled your scarf up to your face, hiding the heat that for some reason manifested itself on your cheeks. "...No thanks."
"Awww... What a bummer... We would've felt so comfortable and safe, too..."
You coughed awkwardly. I wonder if anyone overheard us... The possibility wouldn't stop bugging you inside your mind until Kirumi finally came out into the dining hall, gliding quite elegantly.
"Breakfast is ready," she announced. "I do hope that this will help us get our minds off of whatever Monokuma may be planning for us tonight."
You stared at your digital clock that was inside your dorm. 9:59. Nighttime should be starting soon, you mentally told yourself. You kept staring at the clock, just waiting until it was ten...
Ding dong, bing bong!
The monitor turned on, the image of Monokuma flashing on the screen. "Ahem..." he began. "It is 10 p.m. which means that it is nighttime... Well too bad for you suckers, you're not gonna get any sleep right now! You're not allowed!! Now get your lazy a*ses to the courtyard for tonight's Halloween Extravaganza!" Then the image of the bear disappeared.
You sighed. For some reason, you felt that part of you wanted the entire event to just be some sort of joke. Yet...the other part of you was curious, and wanted to check it out. Your thoughts ran back to Kokichi, with how excited he seemed...
"I may or may not like whatever this is but I have to go," you mumbled to yourself as you sped walked out of the dormitory and to the designated place. Most of the others were already there, so you assumed that they had gone there in advance, just a few minutes before you.
After you came Ryoma and Tenko, who was dragging Himiko along with her. Oh yeah, Angie was also at their sides.
"Nyahaha! Sorry that we are a bit late," Angie spoke. "Tenko and I were just trying to get Himiko to join us for this divine event!"
"..." Ryoma stayed quiet, lightly shrugging his shoulders.
"You all are absolutely fine. It's still good to see that everyone made it here safely," Kirumi told them.
"Puhuhu...! Yes, you're exactly right! Great to see that I don't have to punish anyone, ah-hahahaha!" With that squeaky voice entering the conversation, Monokuma stepped into the scene. "Geez, why is it so dark out here?"
"You did call us out here at nighttime," you groaned. "You also didn't grant us with any source of the light."
"The moon isn't even out like normal..." Shuichi noted.
"I know that!" Monokuma snapped. "But something is not right... Oh, now I remember. Where the heck are my kids!? They were supposed to put up the decorations!!"
"Eek! Sorry, Daddy!"
Monophanie and the other Monokubs quickly ran towards you all. "I'm sorry... I've been such a bad and naughty girl..."
That sounds...weird, you thought. It sounds...wrong...for some reason that I can't quite place my finger on...
"Yeah, it's just like what Monodam said!" Monotaro chirped, a bit too happy than what the situation called for.
"Why do the decorations even matter if the b*stards need light?" Monosuke asked, pushing up his glasses that he probably didn't even need.
"The decorations I wanted you all to put up included light strands!" Monokuma yelled. "That tells me that you kids didn't even look at the boxes I clearly laid out for you!"
"We're sorry!" Monophanie cried.
The black and white bear just sighed and smiled. "Aww, you're all excused. But only because you're all so cute."
"Can we just hurry this up?" Maki interjected, red eyes glowing in irritation.
"Geez, impatient much?"
"I got this, Pops!" Monokid yelled. "SMOKE BOMB!" Suddenly, the blue bear threw something at the ground and the entire courtyard was covered in smoke. The smoke wafted everywhere and hung in the air for a few more moments until it all cleared up.
Geez, was that really necessary? you groaned inside your head. Deciding not to complain anymore on that matter, you looked around at the courtyard.
Random poles had been set up so that strands of small orange lights could be strung up between them. Some of the poles also had cobwebs on them, with some fake spiders staying completely still within them. Some weird pink substance that was probably supposed to imitate blood was also spattered on the ground... Well, at least it was dry.
"Monokid, you forgot to turn the fog machines on!" Monotaro scolded. He went around the courtyard, pressing something on each machine that had appeared. After a few seconds of waiting, fog started to form.
"What kinda bomb can do this sh*t!?" Miu questioned.
"Why would a bomb like this even need to exist...?" you mumbled to no one in particular. This is just getting even stranger as time goes on...and we haven't even done anything yet.
"Wow! So cool!!" Kokichi clapped his hands together.
"Thank you, my wittle cubs!" Monokuma cooed. "You can go on now. I'll make sure that you all get your licks later."
"So long, bear-well!" The Monokubs disappeared, leaving only Monokuma with you all.
"...What's going on?" Kaito asked.
"Yes. Gonta would like to know too, 'cause he is very confused..."
"Fine! So impatient, geez!" Monokuma snapped. "Long story short, I stole some fabric from the Ultimate Cosplayer's lab so that you all could make your own costume! I also stole some other things to make it look fancy, like feathers and glitters and sh*t."
Tsumugi just stared at the bear for a moment, sweat starting to roll down her face. "...So that's where it all went..."
"Is that...seriously all that you've been planning for us?" Kaede asked skeptically.
"If it is then I'm going back home!" Kokichi declared with a pout.
"I don't feel like it is..." you mumbled to him. "This is a bit tame for Monokuma...don't you think?"
"Of course this isn't all that I had planned!" the bear yelled. "Have some faith in me, will ya!? You just can't go about Halloween without a costume, y'know? Now get to work!" He threw out a bunch of fabric and some sewing needles onto the ground.
Monokuma waddled away a bit, but still stayed in the area. Probably so that he can watch us, you thought.
Despite the murmurs of, 'Is he serious?' and 'Does he actually want us to do this?' it seemed like everyone scrambled to the materials on the ground, grabbing whatever they thought looked good.
Someone bumped into your side. "Hey...! You heard him! Get to work and make a costume!" Kokichi chirped. "And that's an order from your supreme leader~! Haha!"
"I don't...even know what I'd want to be..." you responded.
Kokichi groaned and said, "Seriously? It can't be that hard...! I already know what I'm gonna be."
"What? Do you have any suggestions?"
"Wellll... You could also go for something small, tame, and lame. That would be something like...candy corn, or a bat, or maybe...a unicorn, or whatever. Or maybe you could be a werewolf or a vampire. You could make yourself look really fancy with a vampire costume. Hmm...what else..."
Kokichi kind of looks cute when he's so concentrated like this... Wow. Great going, (Y/N), you called Kokichi cute. You mentally sighed, feeling a bit embarrassed at yourself.
"Other than that, I guess the only thing left would be a cosplay or something." The boy shrugged. "Whatever you want to do, sweetheart. But I gotta hurry and start my costume!" With a determined look on his face, he went over to the scattered materials left on the ground to start scavenging.
You started to bite on your lip, still unsure about it. You felt like you needed to do something. Who knew what Monokuma would do if you just stood around and did nothing...?
"Hey (Y/N), do you need any help?" Tsumugi suddenly appeared by your side and asked.
You flinched a bit at her sudden presence but relaxed quickly after. "I don't even know what I'm going to be."
The cosplayer huffed. "Really? You don't?" She looked off to the side in thought for a moment before turning her gaze back to you. "I doubt that Monokuma will give us enough time to do something really big so... Looking at your dark clothing, I think that you might like a vampire costume."
You shrugged at her. "Anything is fine," you mumbled.
Tsumugi's eyes lit up a bit. "Do you want me to help you make it?"
"But I thought that a lot of the others would come to you for help with their sewing...?"
"They are. But Monokuma brought his cubs back and now they're helping some people with their costumes... Besides, they're also going to Kirumi for help."
You nodded. "Ah, I see... In that case, I wouldn't mind your help."
Tsumugi clasped her hands together. "Great! We should first figure out the colors and design, then fitting, and finally the sewing and presentation!"
This still might take a while... you thought nervously. But...she's the Ultimate Cosplay. She's probably used to making much more complicated things than this, so hopefully we can get this done quick enough...
"I'm sorry that this isn't my most impressive design... I'm used to cosplay, not normal costumes for things like Halloween—"
"You're fine, Tsumugi, really. I probably wouldn't even have anything by now if you didn't help."
You were still surprised at how fast and efficient she was when making the costume. The others were still finishing or were in the middle of making theirs while you got done.
Your vampire costume consisted of a black cape that had some white drawings on it with a red underside. You had a red vest on with a white fancy shirt underneath it. On your legs were black dress pants. Your canine teeth were sharp enough, so you didn't feel like you needed anything to replicate fangs.
At one point, Tsumugi asked about your checkered scarf, the one that Kokichi had gave you. With a small blush on your cheeks, you had refused to take it off "just for a stupid costume," so she allowed you to tie it around your wrist.
"I think it looks good," you told the girl. "It...kind of looks fancy, I guess."
Tsumugi smiled. "I'm glad to hear! But you should really do more cosplay in the future."
Monokid cut into the conversation you were having with her when he yelled to everyone, "Hey! Are you b*stards done yet!?"
"Noooo! Give me another minute or so, please?" The voice belonged to Kokichi. You looked over at him, seeing him standing next to Kirumi. "Hey Moooom? How do I do this...?"
It sounded like Kirumi only smiled and showed the boy how to do...well, whatever he was asking about. After another moment or so, he turned around and immediately saw you. Then he ran closer until he nearly toppled you over... Great.
"Hm... Are you a vampire?" Kokichi asked you. You nodded your head at him. "Then bite me~" You groaned and rolled your eyes at him to look somewhere else, despite the blush that had unwillingly made its way onto your cheeks.
"Nishishi~! So cute!" he chirped. "Your turn! Guess what or who I am, (Y/N)!!"
"...An excited child?" you deadpanned while raising an eyebrow at him.
Kokichi pouted. "You know what I mean...! I am the infamous, highly wanted phantom thief!" When you looked at him, you noticed his costume. He had a white vest, white jacket, white pants, and white gloves... Huh. Okay then. Under the vest was a black shirt with a necktie that had the same checkered pattern like his scarf. On top of his head was a white hat, with a band of checkerboard pattern running across it. His round, purple, childish eyes stood out from behind the white mask he was wearing.
Phantom thief...? you wondered. "...What's that?"
He gasped loudly. "You don't know!? I'll have to take you prisoner and punish you!" Out of nowhere, the phantom thief reached behind him and pulled out handcuffs.
"Wh-What the f*ck, Kokichi, where did you even find those...!?" You tried to keep your stance as he took a small step forward.
"Ahh...you don't need to know." A sly grin made its way onto Kokichi's face. "Now come here~!" He snatched your wrists in one swift motion (much to your surprise) and he was about to cuff you until he took an extra moment to look at you. More specifically, your wrists.
"...What?" you asked quietly, unsure of the situation.
"...You still have this on?" Kokichi thumbed around with the fabric of his old scarf.
"...Yes...? Why wouldn't I?"
"I would have thought that you believed it contrasted your costume or something like that..."
"No!" you quickly snapped. "It's fine with my costume! No, it's perfect."
Kokichi looked at you with those childish purple eyes that were slightly widened. Something that no one would notice unless they knew what to look for. "...I see.... Well then, I guess there's no need for you to get punished." He put the handcuffs away.
"AHEM!?" Monokuma yelled. "Are the two lovebirds done flirting or what!?"
You blushed, desperately trying to cover it up by looking at the ground. Before you did so, you had noticed that Kokichi blushed a bit as well... Why though? Doesn't he only see you as a...friend...?
"Yeah!" Miu snapped. "Are you sl*ts done undressing each other with your eyes!?" Of course, she was dressed up as some sort of succubus.
"Says the one who found out if robots have d*cks or not!" Kokichi retorted.
"Guys, calm down..." Kaede sighed. On her back was a pair of angel wings.
"Yeah, calm down!" Monokuma chirped. "You all haven't even gotten to the trick-or-treating yet!"
"Normal trick-or-treating or...?" You tilted your head at the bear, thinking for a moment before furrowing your brows. "I bet this isn't normal, right? I bet you're adding a twist to it, right?"
"I sure hope so," Kokichi sighed, unknowingly clinging to your arm. "If it's normal t.o.t. then I'm gonna feel a bit underwhelmed."
"Of course it isn't normal!" Monokuma growled, red eye starting to glow in irritation. "Trick-or-treat! You gotta earn the treat by doing or completing a trick! Otherwise...you'll just end up being tricked, and no candy for you from that station."
"What do you mean by station?" Rantaro spoke up. For some reason, he somehow managed to get inside an avocado costume...
"Did we not tell ya?" Monosuke inquired. "Well, basically, you little rascals can go all around the school grounds lookin' for stations, which is basically the places where you can get the candy at."
"And what about these 'tricks' that we'll have to go through...?" Maki asked. She was dressed up like a spy.
Monokuma just laughed. "It's funny how dumb you all are!" He took another moment laughing before calming down. "Ah-haha...ha... As if I'm gonna tell you all! Go out on your own and see for yourselves, for crying out loud!"
"Now GO! SCRAM! Haha!" Monokid yelled, strumming fiercely on his small guitar.
"And you all have all night to do this," Monophanie added. "Have fun, you b*stards!" She and the other bears handed everyone a bucket, probably to collect candy in. They all waved at you before waddling away.
"...Aww, we didn't even ask what kinda treats we'd get," Kokichi whined softly.
"Dude, is that seriously important right now?" Kaito grumbled. He tried to scratch at his head, but it was a bit difficult because of the poorly made astronaut helmet over his head.
"Yes, it is!"
"Do we want to go in groups?" Kaede asked everyone. "Or do we just want to go by ourselves? Maybe form a group with some others if we find them and decide we want to?"
"Why don't we just see how we feel?" you said quietly. "We don't always have to stick to a plan. Especially not in a case like this."
"I...guess. Okay then, that sounds fine! Let's go!"
Everyone ran off into separate directions. Let's do this, you told yourself nervously.
You weren't quite sure how long it's been since Monokuma released you and the others to trick-or-treat. You were sure, though, that bad luck has been by your side for a lot of the night.
One time you had to solve a murder mystery in two minutes in order to get candy. Two minutes? They expect me to solve a locked room mystery with only information off a card to go from? In only two minutes!? Another time, you had to hit a button a certain amount of times just so that some candy could be dispenses. You had actually managed to complete that one...but the dispenser wasn't working at the moment.
At the moment, you walked up to another dispenser. There was just a card taped to it that read, 'Take your chances! Will you get a treat or a trick?' You just huffed and touched a piece of candy.
A big shock ran throughout your body. It wasn't strong enough to kill you or anything but it still hurt a lot.
"Oh, for f*ck's sake," you muttered under your breath. You detached the lid from the dispenser and grabbed a handful of candy, dropping it into your bucket. You didn't really care if anyone would walk in and see you. I just got f*cking shocked, and I've gotten mostly tricks all night for some reason. Hey, I deserve something right?
You recounted some of the past tricks that you've had to endure. Some were more intense than others. They could range from pressing a button from memory, to eating a bug—oh, what Gonta must have felt, huh?—to having to navigate through an entire maze.
Being distracted, you managed to walk into the front doors of the school building. You decided to go inside just to check and see if there were any dispensers out. You noticed that the halls were blocked off, but there was still one dispenser in the middle of the room. One step forward and bam, a trapdoor opens beneath you, causing you to fall down into a dark, empty room.
After letting your eyes adjust to the sudden darkness, you found that there were actually some tunnels. Scratch that—there was only one tunnel. You looked back up at where you came from. I see no other way out...so... I guess I have to go this way.
After a few moments of walking, you ran into a door. Great. Feeling around the door until your hand was finally on the handle, you opened the door.
"K-..." You gulped, feeling a cold bead of sweat roll down your face. "Kokichi...?" Your eyes started to warm up and gloss over.
There, in the middle of the barely lit up room, was Kokichi's motionless body hanging by the neck from a rope.
You felt paralyzed. You absolutely couldn't move until your weak legs gave out underneath you, causing you to collapse. One second, two seconds, three seconds...
Something wet quickly came streaming down your face. Tears... How could it even be helped?
My crush... The only person who talked to me in the entirety that we've been trapped in this academy...is dead!? This...can't be...
More ugly tears started to stream down your face. It only got worse and worse as one simple thought kept repeating, getting louder each time it was said: I'm all alone.
"Nishishi~! I'm baaa-aack~! I wonder how my prank wen—"
The lights were turned on, revealing what was probably an Ultimate lab. Kokichi, who was hanging from the ceiling, started to look more and more like a...mannequin... Kokichi pranced into the room from who knows where. He had stopped, however, when he saw you there on the floor. Crying like a lost child.
"..." You said nothing. Instead, you just curled up in a ball and started to rock back and forth.
"I thought that...someone else would walk in. I thought that they'd be happy that I died—"
"Well I wouldn't..." you muttered, barely able to be heard. You kept rocking yourself back and forth.
"Stop crying."
With the sound of rustling clothes and footsteps coming nearer, you soon felt a pair of warm arms around you. One of the arms reached up so that the hand attached could run its fingers through your hair soothingly. "I'm here, I'm not dead...okay?" Kokichi kept repeating that softly. "I'm sorry."
"Then prove it," you ordered in a hoarse voice.
Kokichi turned you around with a soft smile before it turned into a slightly displeased one. "Sad tears don't look good on you..." He leaned in and kissed away one of your tears that was still on your cheek. "I'm sorry." Kiss. "I'm sorry." Kiss. "I'm sorry." Kiss.
This repeated for a while until you finally calmed down.
"...Wh-What does this mean...?" you asked quietly.
Instead of answering verbally, Kokichi just leaned in closer and kissed you on the lips. Your eyes widened a bit in surprise, but you were quick to kiss back before he could move away and get bored.
"...I love you, Kokichi..."
"I love you too, (Y/N)..."
Word Count: 6481
Sorry this is so late...and bad near the end. I'm sick and it's 2 am. I had plans for another way for this extra to ((*passes out, i guess* *has to finish this in the morning rn*)) look like but that would probably be a bit much. Especially considering the time... Just so you all know, if there's something cringy in here, I probs meant to comment on it but I'm too tired..
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