You sighed, picking at the skirt Tsumugi gave you as part of the cosplay. Well...maybe she didn't necessarily 'give' it to you.
Only when you had made it all the way back to your dorm room did you realize that you still had the cosplay on, and that you didn't have your normal outfit with you. That was fine for the most part—you knew that there were extra outfits in your closet that looked exactly the same—but you felt a bit disheartened when it dawned on you that you no longer had one of Kokichi's scarves to wear...
Was that weird? You hoped not.
Knock! Knock!
There was a soft knock at your door. You wondered why they didn't use the intercom, but you just assumed that they weren't sure if you were already asleep or not. It had managed to reach past nighttime.
You stood up from your bed and walked over to the door. "Who is it?" you asked, just loud enough to be heard by the person on the other side.
"It's 'open-up-the-door-already-please-'cause-I'm-getting-tired-guy', aka me, Kokichi." His voice was sarcastic, yet still toned down a bit.
You opened the door up to see Kokichi already stepping into your room. "Kokichi, what are you doing in here? It's really late...and you should be going to sleep."
The boy rolled his eyes. "I don't need to be looked after," he pouted.
...Are you sure about that? you asked inside your mind. You seem to be doing a lot of damage to yourself already, just with your words...
"Anyway, Tsumugi noticed that you left your normal clothes with her. She wanted me to bring them back to you."
"O...kay. But why would you only come to me just now?"
"I had to run an errand, and then I was busy taking a shower," he replied with a shrug. "And I also almost forgot about it. I only remembered when I was gathering my clothes together when I left the shower, and there I saw them. Soooo...here."
Kokichi shoved your surprisingly neatly folded clothes to you. And upon closer inspection, you could tell that he did in fact take a shower. Some smaller strands of his curly purple hair seemed to be sticking to his neck. You could even smell the shampoo he had used...
"Uh, thank you..."
The small boy just smiled. "Nishishi~! It's no problem!"
"Stay out here for a second." You walked inside your bathroom, changing back into your normal outfit and stashing away the humiliating cosplay. Once you were finished, you walked back out.
Upon seeing the boy again, you noticed something. It made sense that he wouldn't have his scarf on like normal, but... "Kokichi... You don't have any pants on." He was just wearing his oversized shirt.
"So?" he replied in a somehow innocent tone. "I'm still wearing my boxers, so it's not like I'm able to flash you or anything." A smirk crossed his lips. "Was that what you were worried about? Aww, is (Y/N) trying to keep their eyes virgin? So cute!"
"Ah, um... That's not it," you responded. "I guess that I just wasn't expecting you to show up at my door dressed up like...this..."
Kokichi furrowed his brows at you. "What were you expecting me to show up in? My normal outfit? My outfit is a bit complicated, so it can take a while to get in and out of it... Or were you expecting me to show up entirely nude?"
"I wasn't expecting you to show up at all," you groaned.
He just shrugged and yawned. "Aaaanyway..." The boy walked over to your bed. "I'm tired right now, so I'll just lie down if you don't mind~" He jumped onto the bed and landed stiffly. "(Y/N)! Your bed is so hard and uncomfortable!"
You just tilted your head at him, a confused and tired look on your face. "...What do you mean? It's fine."
"Oh! Does my beloved just enjoy hard things?"
You squinted your eyes at him. Was that supposed to be an innuendo or something...? you asked yourself mentally.
"Nishishi~ That was a lie," Kokichi chirped. "Imma just sleep here for tonight, okay?"
You nodded at him. You were too exhausted to even think about anything—and even though you liked the small supreme leader, you could admit that he wasn't doing anything to help your exhaustion.
"Sure, yeah, alright then," you slurred. "Goodnight, then..." Almost mechanical with your movements, you walked out of the room.
"Huh? Wait, where are you—"
You had already closed the door behind you. Through the darkness, you navigated your way to Kokichi's dorm. The door had been left open. Less work for you, you supposed.
When you entered his room and closed the door, your eyes adjusted to the darkness and soon you could see the slight mess that had became of the dorm. What does Kokichi have going on in here...? You noticed some of the pieces of evidence that was found in past murder cases, as well as a bunch of boxes with papers overflowing from them. Even the wax effigy of Rantaro was hanging from the ceiling in the back of the room.
It seems like this place has gotten messier since the first time that I've been in here, you thought. Wow... That was actually quite a long time ago, huh?
Walking over to the bed, you suddenly found yourself tripping over something. Letting out a slightly frustrated huff, you gathered yourself, brushed yourself off, and looked over to investigate what had caused your fall.
A whiteboard. That's all that is was. It seemed to be turned around, though.
You truly felt curious about what could be on the other side, if there even was something on the other side.
You should feel ashamed of yourself...wanting to snoop around Kokichi's stuff. And you say that you like him!
You gulped and stared at the board. A bead of nervous sweat managed to form on the back of your neck as you slowly placed your hand on it.
The door suddenly opened, and a silhouette appeared in the door frame. The outline of a person. That outline was all too familiar, just judging by the short stature and the curls near where the head should be. The sight sent your heart dropping all the way through the center of the earth.
"What. Are. You. Doing?" Kokichi asked you quietly. His tone was deadly serious.
"I..." You looked at the ground, shame clouding your mind. You looked up, only to find no one there. The door hadn't even been opened. "...What was that...?"
You shook your head, trying to clear your mind. Then you looked back at the whiteboard... It's just a whiteboard. Even if this is snooping, it isn't snooping the worst thing, right? You kept telling yourself 'right,' despite part of you still being unsure.
After a few seconds of hesitation, you turned the board around. It simply had everyone's picture on it, some of the pictures being specifically placed. Other than that, it was just doodles. You noticed that for the people who had already died, their pictures had an arrow pointing the victim to their killer, along with a doodle of the murder weapon.
To the side were pictures of the Monokubs, with the word 'annoying' written besides them. To the top right corner was a picture of Shuichi, 'trustworthy?' being written underneath. Next to Shuichi's picture was yours... There wasn't a word near it, only a star and a few arrows pointed at it. Now what the hell could that mean...?
Near the bottom of the whiteboard was a doodle that Kokichi must have made by himself. Aww, cute... He's actually pretty good at drawing, you thought. Over to the side of that doodle was another doodle of someone, but it didn't look like anyone else in the group... So who was it?
There was a soft knocking on the door.
You jumped a bit in your spot. You quickly turned the whiteboard back over to its original position before walking over to the door, opening it up just so that there was a small crack between it and the frame.
Kokichi gently opened the door all the way and let himself inside. "(Y/N), my beloved...!" he whispered. "Why did you come here? Ah, you're so silly... When I said that I was going to sleep in your room, I didn't mean for you to come all the way over here."
"Oh... I'm sorry. I'm just really tired," you told him. "And yet, I can't seem to fall asleep..." you added on as a mutter under your breath. You were fairly sure that he didn't even hear you.
"Come on, we'll head back to your room and sleep in there, 'kay?" You noticed that Kokichi lightly kicked away the whiteboard with his foot, which was in fact possible because it had been on wheels.
"Nishishi~ Yaaaay! I get to sleep with my beloved (Y/N)!" Kokichi hugged your arm as you led him to your dorm.
"Kokichi, that sounds so wrong."
"Mhmmm? It does?"
You sighed, reaching your door and opening it for him. Once he entered, you followed after and made sure to close your door. "Can you repeat to me why you can't just sleep in your own room?"
"Because..." Kokichi let out a fake sniffle, "...I think that someone is trying to kill me."
The sad thing is that...I don't think that the possibility is all that low, you thought. Of course, you definitely wouldn't want to tell him that.
"I'm serious."
"'Cause I wanna be with you."
You blushed slightly. "I said serious...!"
Kokichi rolled his eyes at you. "I'm being honest here. Geez. Everything isn't complicated, y'know?"
You just walked past him and towards the bed, pulling back the covers. "Get in. I'm going to go get a drink of water, okay? I'll be back in just a moment."
"Okay!" he chirped.
You walked inside your bathroom, grabbing a small paper cup and letting the faucet run. Meanwhile, you heard Kokichi slipped into your bed. Geez... I can't believe that he's going to be sleeping here. What's more surprising, though, is that I'm actually letting him do this.
After retrieving your cup of water, you noticed that Kokichi was hugging one of your pillows. You had to admit, it was kind of cute...
"Nishishi~ You done yet?"
"Yeah..." You walked over to your closest to get another blanket out. Sighing, you started to lay the blanket down on the ground until Kokichi grabbed onto your wrist.
"Whoa! Hey! What are you doing...?" he asked with his head tilted.
"I thought...that you might want the entire bed to yourself—"
"(Y/N). I'm not that greedy, am I?" The boy pulled you closer to him. "Come on. The floor must be uncomfortable, right? We can both sleep in the bed, no need to feel awkward, okay?"
You looked down at the ground. "Um... If you're sure that's fine with you."
"Yeah, it's fine with me." You looked back up at him, barely able to see the slight pink on his cheeks through the darkness. "Come on. I'm fairly sure that we're both too tired to be putting up with each other's sh*t."
You just chuckled at that. He was right, though. In fact, you were too tired to really think very clearly. Once Kokichi got back under the covers, you got under as well. You were on the side closest to the door and so you just stared out at it while Kokichi was behind you.
You weren't quite sure where he was facing. Was he expecting for you to turn over? Did he just have his back to you? You ended up deciding that it wasn't something worth worrying over, and you tried to fall asleep.
Your entire body shook from surprise, and your heart accelerated some more when you felt something beside you do the same. Oh yeah, Kokichi's here... And...someone's at the door... Your eyes widened. Sh*t.
Kokichi let out a cute groan, obviously still sleepy. "Nn...? Sweetheart, what's going on...?" Through the darkness, you could see him rub his eyes a bit.
"Just stay under the covers, alright? Someone's at the door and, I, uhm..." You blushed a bit, glad that the lights weren't on to expose you. "I don't want them to get the wrong idea."
Kokichi snickered a bit, but he seemed to be too tired to tease you. He actually followed your instructions and hid under the covers while you crept out of bed.
"Hello? Yes?" you asked quietly, opening the door a crack. "Hm? Miu?"
Miu cackled. "Duhh. Of course it's me! Surprised to see me at your door at this time, eh?"
You groaned. "If you don't give me a good reason as to why you're here in the next minute then I'm going to kick your a** all the way back to your dorm room."
The blush on the inventor's face was practically glowing. "K-K-Kick me...?" You could just barely see her bite her lip. "Mm...ooh, you must be pretty bold then, huh...? What are you, some kinda kinky sadist?"
You squinted your eyes at her. "...Just answer me," you ordered in a stern tone.
"H-Hey! Just so you know, I don't let just anyone dominate me!"
"Answer. The. Damn. Question," you repeated through gritted teeth.
"Don't be so mean like that..." Miu whimpered. "It's because of my golden brain that you get to leave this place..."
Leave...? you wondered. Is that possible just by the hands of Miu?
The inventor snapped back to her normal persona. "Just come to the computer room on the fourth floor of the academy!" After saying her piece, she turned around and started to stomp away. Sighing, you started to close the door until her hand stopped you.
"Oh, yeah. Even as annoying as that little brat is, Kokichi needs to come along too, but I didn't hear him inside his dorm room," Miu stated. "If you find him, mind spreading the word? Or is he...secretly hiding in here!? Did you bang him!? I bet it'd be extremely hot to see someone so egotistical to be knocked down a few pegs, ah-haha!" Then she left for real, and you slammed the door shut.
You heard the noise of the covers on the bed rustling, and through the dark, you could see Kokichi peaking his head out. "Geez. I was listening to that entire conversation." He then grumbled. "I'm genuinely sorry that you had to put up with her sl*ttiness. I'm not lying."
You sighed. "Well, that's Miu." You turned the lights on, causing Kokichi to groan from the sudden brightness. "Come on. You need to get fully changed so that we can leave."
"They're all in my dorm though."
"Fine! I'll get them." Without giving the boy a chance to refute, you made your way over to his dorm, picking a new outfit out from his closet, and walking back to your own room. When you returned, you saw Kokichi pressing a scarf close up to his face. He didn't have a scarf, though...
You looked down at yourself, and realized that your own scarf was missing. So yours must be the one that Kokichi was holding. "Um... What are you doing?"
The boy hummed. "You've touched this, so if you think about it, every time I touch this then it's like...I'm holding your hand."
Your cheeks heated up a bit. "Kokichi, wh-what the f*ck? Now isn't the time for this... Here are your clothes." You handed the outfit over to him. "You can change inside my bathroom. I'll wait out here."
He gave you a thumbs up and winked. "Gotcha!" He ran into the bathroom.
You smiled after him until he was out of sight. You picked your scarf back up from where Kokichi had placed it on the bed. I can't believe that he actually said something like that, you thought. And also... I suppose that it's pretty bad for me to actually be thinking about what Miu said earlier.
"I'm dooone~!" Kokichi chirped. The small little leader skipped back to where he was now standing in front of you. "Hey, aren't you going to put that back on? Or...have you finally realized that you wanted to forget me? To throw all memories of me away?" Tears started to form in his eyes.
Despite you knowing that they were fake, you still felt like hugging him. And so you did. You could tell that he was a bit surprised, just by judging how his breathing paused for a brief moment.
"It's not that, Kokichi," you whispered to him. "I just haven't gotten it on yet."
"Oh! Oh! Need help?" Kokichi pulled away from your embrace to go behind you, snatching your scarf out of your hand. He started to hum a random tune as he worked the scarf around your neck, pulling it together to make a knot in the back. Every once in a while, you could feel his small fingers brush up against the back of your neck.
Eventually the job was finished. "Nishishi~ Perfect! But you'll really need to learn how to put that on by yourself if you're gonna join my organization. Those scarves are a mandatory clothing item, and if you're caught without it on the job, you'll lose your life!" He paused for a second. "Buuuut, since I like you and all, I guess that I can help you get your uniform on and stuff."
You lightly chuckled at him. "Yeah, okay then. Now, we really need to go. I'm not sure if Miu's waiting on us or not."
"Ooookay then. I guess we can't say no to the b*tch, but only because it sounded like she knew of a way to escape this place." Kokichi snaked his hand down to yours, intertwining his fingers with yours.
You stayed silent but nodded. A small blush crept onto your cheeks again from the contact he was making with you. Get a grip, you told yourself, now isn't the time.
You led Kokichi out of the dorm, closing the door behind you. You glanced at him, with him just giving you a small smile that made your heart race, and walked towards the academy building. The area was silent—well, it pretty much always was, but this silence somehow seemed different. It felt calmer, more peaceful than usual.
After a few more minutes of walking, you were standing outside the doors of the computer room. Kokichi had to direct you to the right place because you didn't remember actually seeing the room before.
All of a sudden, you felt him pull away from your hand. "Wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea, right? That's probably what you'd want...right? I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want your reputation to be hurt if the others see you with me."
I don't think I even have much of a reputation in the first place...but I wasn't thinking about that anyway.
"You're...fine, Kokichi," you mumbled, "but I understand how we might not want to be seen with each other. Tsumugi's already caught wind, though. Still...I guess that it wouldn't hurt for you to enter a bit later than me."
"Alright then."
"Good, they bought it," you heard Kokichi mutter under his breath. You probably weren't supposed to hear him. "I was only doing that to make them feel better. I'd never want to make contact with them again..."
You stared at the boy for a moment, him just blinking at you. "...Wellll? Love me so much that you can't bare to leave me outside and all alone?" He motioned over to the door. "Go on. We shouldn't keep them waiting for too long."
"Uh...yeah, okay." You turned away from him and opened the doors, entering the room.
"Oh, good! You're here! Just one less person that Maki will have to hunt down," Miu commented.
"I could hunt Kokichi down any time," Maki said, red eyes glowing. "Whether with the intent of something tame like this...or something else."
You glared at the assassin for a moment before saying, "Sorry, did I keep you all waiting long?"
"Ah, no, you're fine," Shuichi told you. "I just got here a few moments ago, so..."
"...Anyway, I'm sure that Kokichi will be here anytime now."
On cue, the boy burst through the doors, just barely dodging you before he could trample over you. "Sorry that I was fashionably late~! Nishishi!"
Miu rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Dipsh*t! Where were you!? I couldn't even find your shota a** in the dormitory!"
"None of your business, you pig!"
"G-Guys!" Tsumugi stuttered. "Calm down... We all came here because we were told that there was a chance to escape, right?"
"But I still think it smells fishy," Himiko grumbled.
Kokichi put his hand behind his head with his playful smile. "Really? Doesn't it smell like something fun is gonna happen instead?"
Kaito sighed. "You always seem to show up for stuff like this. I've got you figured out..."
"Thanks! The key to a mutual friendship is understanding each other!"
Maki turned to Miu, ignoring the two boys. "...So, what's this 'way' for getting out of here?"
"Is there really a way?" Kiibo asked skeptically.
"Duh-doy!" the inventor exclaimed with a proud grin. "Of course there is! Geniuses like me never make mistakes!"
"So...how are we going to escape?" Shuichi questioned.
"We're goin' to another world! A world with no killing games and no Monokuma!" She paused for a second. "Oh...you wanna know? Huh? Do ya? I'll tell ya if you bow to me! On your knees! Now!"
"...And why would we do something like that?" you asked her quietly.
Miu blushed. Oh no. "Hehe... When Shuichi and Kaede bowed to me...it sorta awoke somethin' in me... Now hurry the f*ck up and bow to me, you masochistic sh*ts!"
Kokichi tilted his head, poking a finger to his cheek. "...Hm? Shouldn't you be the one bowing down to us?"
"You want us to listen, right?" The boy pressed a finger up to his lips which had turned up in a mischievous smirk. "Then get down on your knees and beg like a dog."
"Wh-What the hell? Isn't that...weird?"
"Everyone's wasting their precious time on a worthless piece of trash like you. So you better bow down and beg. C'mon, hurry it up."
"What? Wh-Why? I stayed up all night getting this ready for everyone—"
"Okie then! Everyone, let's gooooo!" Kokichi subtlety grabbed onto your wrist behind his back.
"W-W-Wait!!!" Shakily, she dropped down to the floor on her knees. "I wanna...talk about it..." She let herself rise back up again, staring down to avoid everyone's gazes.
"...I actually feel sorry for her," Kiibo mumbled after a moment of silence.
"Hey...let's at least hear her out," Tsumugi spoke awkwardly.
Kokichi dropped your wrist to put his hands behind his head again with his signature smile back on. "Did ya hear that, Miu? Good for you!" he chirped.
The smile dropped. "How long are you gonna be depressed for, you sow!? Hurry up and tell us, squid-breath!"
"Heeeee! Y-Yes, sir! U-Ummm... So when I said 'another world,' I was talkin about this big-a** computer... Th-There's this device connected to the computer that you put on your head... It uploads your consciousness so you can go to a world created by a computer program."
"A world created by a computer program?" Kaito repeated.
"Oh...Gonta understand!" the giant suddenly exclaimed. "Exit is in that kon-poo-ter box! So we gotta break it open and go in!?"
Miu's face flushed, her overall posture definitely looking more...sexual. "N-No! If you try to force your way in, you'll just destroy it!"
You squinted your eyes at her. That sounds wrong...
"You mean this virtual reality, right?" Maki asked.
"I-It's more than just a virtual reality... It's...a Virtual World..." the inventory stated. "Because...your consciousness will be able to move around as if you're in the real world."
"Ah! It's the matrix!" Tsumugi claimed. "I saw a movie about that sort of thing on TV when I was little!"
"Alright, now let's go!"
"Huh? Go? Like, to the Virtual World?" Kaito questioned.
"Yeah! Let's all go together!"
"No way!" Himiko shouted.
"What!?" Miu grimaced a bit. "Why!? You promised that we'd all come at the same time!"
"None of us promised you anything, as far as I can remember," you said quietly.
"Just in case," Shuichi spoke up, "I should ask a question... What's going to happen to our consciousness when we're inside the computer?"
"Oh, so we use avatars as our new bodies to link our consciousness to the Virtual World," Kokichi told him.
"...How do you know this?" Maki asked him slowly.
"Miu told me already," the boy replied casually. "I helped her prepare our trip to the Virtual World! I brought all of our seats here... In exchange, I made her tell me the reason."
"When?" you asked in a whisper.
"Before I came to your dorm to give you back your clothes," he whispered back.
"Um... What you guys talking about?" Gonta questioned. "What's this...'ah-vuh-tar'?"
"They're characters that will represent you while you're in the Virtual World," Kiibo responded.
"In other words, this computer will transfer our consciousness from our bodies and shove 'em into avatars inside the Virtual World," Miu explained. "And then we'll have new bodies in a new world! A world without murder and Monokuma!"
"But what happens to our real bodies?" Shuichi asked her.
"Your body will basically be asleep for the duration. In that sense, it'll be like a dream. Alright, let's go!"
Himiko glared from underneath her hat. "Like I said, we're not going. It's definitely dangerous."
"Shut the f*ck up, donkey-lips! I'm tellin' you, it's not f*ckin' dangerous!"
"Saying that makes it sound even more dangerous!"
"Heeeeeeee!" Small beads of sweat formed on the inventor's forehead. "Wh-What the—? Am I...really that untrustworthy? Well then, you'll be relieved to know that I didn't even create this Virtual World...Someone else made it, apparently."
"If that is true then wouldn't that only warrant more skepticism?" you asked. "Would you mind telling us who created the world?"
"It's me!" Monokuma bounced into the room. The Monokubs followed right after him.
"Oh, Daddy! You really can do anything!" Monophanie spoke.
"Huh? Daddy? Which one...is my daddy?" Monotaro questioned. The bear looked up at Kiibo. "Him! He's my daddy!"
"No I'm not!" Kiibo retorted in frustration.
"Now then, allow me to explain!" Monokuma announced. "I used a certain program as a template to create the Virtual World. And that program...is the killing game simulator!"
"Well, with that, I've made up my mind. I definitely won't go in there now," Tsumugi stated.
"W-W-Wait! I said wait, dammit!" Miu called out, starting to cringe.
"If Monokuma made it, it's dangerous for sure."
"I pulled an all-nighter investigating it, and I deleted everything dangerous from it... It's definitely safe! I swear!"
I'm not getting a good feeling from this... you thought. Then, it felt as if a sudden weight was strapped onto your back. Something bad is going to happen. Something bad is going to happen...
"There's no need to worry," Kokichi spoke up. "It's just a simulator, right?"
"No, this is Monokuma we're talking about. It may not even be a real simulator," Kiibo noted.
"Daddy's right!" Monotaro piped up.
"Hey, whose side are you on?" Monophanie asked him.
"I'm not your daddy!"
Monotaro looked down at the ground, dejected. "..."
"How cruel..." Himiko said accusingly. "Why not accept him as your child for now?"
"For now? I can't play along. He's not even my child."
"Getting back on topic..." Miu started. "You guys are only b*tchin' 'cause you haven't been to the Virtual World yet. But once you go, you'll understand... Seriously, it's so f*ckin' awesome! I know you guys will love it! And then...you're gonna fall in love with me for showing it to you guys! So...let's just dive right in, okay? We'll do it together."
"But Monokuma made it, right?" you asked. "I'm still apprehensive about this world's safety..."
"If you don't wanna dive in, you can just dip the tip!"
"But you just said you pulled an all-nighter adjusting everything, right, Miu?" Kokichi inquired. "So that means...it was originally a killing game simulator, but not anymore, yeah?"
"Y-Yeah, that's right... I rewrote the program to delete all dangerous objects that could be used as weapons."
You cast a nervous glance at Kokichi. He just glanced back at you before looking somewhere else, and that certainly didn't help your nerves.
"That's what a good mommy would do!" Monotaro chirped.
"M-Mommy!?" Miu blushed and held herself. "Wh-What's this weird sensation in my chest? I-Is this...what it feels like to be a mom?"
"Hey, let's trust Miu!" Kokichi exclaimed. "We should trust in our friends more anyway!"
"Why...are you on Miu's side?" Shuichi asked the boy.
Good question, Shuichi...
"I'm not taking her side, but it's like...I have a feeling we'll find something in that world. I mean, Monokuma created this world, right? Maybe he laid a bait to lure us in!" He pressed a finger up to his lips. "Like...a super duper crazy secret hidden in that world!"
Stop... I don't think that my nerves can handle it.
"Well, Monokuma? Did you prepare some sort of bait for us?"
"Oh, bait?" the bear repeated. "Yeah, of course I have."
"Huh, really?" Monophanie questioned, a nervous edge to her tone. "This is the first I've heard of this."
"Me too!"
"...Mommy's hearing this for the first time, too," Miu said, still blushing. A weird smile was on her face.
"She accepted him!?" Himiko asked with wide eyes.
"Ahem... Like Kokichi said, there's a crazy secret hidden somewhere in the Virtual World," Monokuma announced. "...It's the secret of the outside world. All I can tell you about the secret is that if you get your hands on it, you'll instantly learn what's happening outside of the academy!"
"H-Hold on... What's happening outside?" Tsumugi questioned nervously. "What are you talking about? It's like he's saying something is going on out there, but...that can't be, right?"
"Do you think it has to do with those meteorites?" Himiko asked.
Meteorites...outside world... You glanced around the room. Are there really meteorites...?
Monokuma just giggled. "Puhuhu, is your curiosity piqued? Then you have no choice but to go."
"Yeah! We wanna know, so we'll definitely go!" Kokichi chimed.
"Kokichi...what's going on here? Did you know about this all along?" Shuichi asked the boy. "That Monokuma is hiding a secret in the virtual world?"
Kokichi just gave a mischievous smile. "Don't joke around like that... It's just a hunch. Anyway, we can't ignore it. It's possible we might find info on the outside world. Maybe with that info, we could even put an end to this killing game."
"Can it really be that easy...?" you asked quietly. You received slight unsure looks from mostly everyone. Mostly.
"Huh!? We can end killing game!?" Gonta exclaimed. "Then Gonta will go! Gonta will go this...'Ver-chew-ul World' place!" Oblivious, gullible, Gonta.
"Wait...you can't! It's probably a trap set by Monokuma!" Tsumugi shouted.
"But if there's even a small chance that we can stop the killing game, we should take it," Kiibo commented. "...Yes, that's what my inner voice is telling me."
"Are you still talking about your inner voice? We're already sick of all that Atua stuff," Kokichi said.
"As I've mentioned before, this has nothing to do with Angie's influence. Whenever I'm lost, my inner voice tells me what to do. I have always obeyed that voice, and I will continue to do so." A determined look crossed the robot's face. "That's why I'm going to go to the Virtual World!"
...Inner voice, huh? You decided to make a mental note of that.
"Then I'm going too," Kaito declared. "This 'secret of the outside world' stuff worries me, but I want to check this world out. Call it a man's curiosity!!!"
"The idiot's at it again..." Maki groaned.
"Wh-When a man loses his curiosity, he ages! Curiosity is what moves a man!"
"You can stop talking now, but...I guess I'll be an idiot, too."
"Ah, wait... You're going too, Maki?" Shuichi asked.
"Of course," she replied. "You're coming along, right, Shuichi? And don't say no because it's dangerous. We've been in danger for a while now."
"Alright...I'll go too," the detective spoke with a confident smile.
"B-But why!? It's definitely going to be dangerous!" Tsumugi cried out. Seems to be the most defying out of all of us, you noted.
"No matter how dangerous it gets, we just have to do it," Kokichi told everyone.
"Fine...I'll go too," Himiko grumbled. "Being left behind will just make me worry."
"W-Wait... If you all are gonna go...I will too," the cosplayer decided.
Kokichi turned to you. "What about you, (Y/N)...?"
You looked into his eyes. Something didn't feel like normal in those purple orbs... I have a terrible feeling. I know that something bad is going to happen...but if I stay behind then my anxiety will probably just get worse. Besides, I need to find that information...!
You gulped nervously. "A-Alright... I'll go as well."
Word Count: 5672
Apologies and my thanks will be found in a comment (since I don't wanna add to many more words to this)!
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