You groaned, waking up from a rather unsatisfying sleep. You were able to sleep in just a bit more, but that was only because you had stayed up later. Last night, a million thoughts had swarmed through your mind. They kept loudly nagging at you, going on about the killing game, how much time you had left, Kokichi, other stuff...
You slowly but surely made your way into the bathroom, splashing some cold water onto your face to wake you up all the way. You weren't quite sure about what to expect for today, but for some reason, you felt like it was going to be a long day.
After refreshing yourself to the best of your capabilities, you walked to the dining hall. You had to wait a bit before there were many people in there, but it didn't take long. You were fully awake when everyone a quarrel started up.
"But we gotta do it! It not now, then when!?" Gonta questioned.
"L-Like I said before, it's reckless! There are still two Exisals, right?" Tsumugi inquired.
"Gonta know that...but... Watching friends disappear... Seeing everyone get weaker... Gonta no can take this anymore! That's why Gonta go fight Monokuma!"
"Fight Monokuma!?" Shuichi repeated.
It must be pretty weird walking in and hearing this, you thought.
"Shuichi, good timing! Talk some sense into him!" Himiko ordered. "Gonta's saying a bunch of reckless stuff and he won't listen to us!"
"Gonta know it reckless...but it only way to save everyone. Waiting around, doing nothing just make more victims... That why Gonta gotta risk his life! Real gentleman would risk life! Gonta gladly give up life to save everyone!"
"Gonta, I get how you feel, but don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself?" Kaito asked.
"Y-Yeah! It's reckless to fight against them barehanded!" Tsumugi exclaimed.
"...More like meaning less. You shouldn't do that," Kokichi spoke up. He quickly put a finger up to his lips. "And even if you did do that, it wouldn't stop the killing game."
"...Why not?" the giant wondered.
Kokichi tilted his head and continued, "Actually, why would you even want to stop the killing game? It's just starting to get fun! It'd be a waste to stop it now." An angered look crossed his face as he started to yell, "You guys are all whack jobs! Is something wrong with your heads!?"
"Something's wrong with your head!" Kaito barked.
You lightly kicked at Kokichi's shoe in an attempt to get his attention. "Please, calm down..." you whispered.
The boy gave you a quick glance before speaking again. "Oh, don't tell me...you guys aren't confident enough to win the game? Geez, if you're really that much of a weenie, then you might actually lose, y'know? But in my case, I'm full of confidence! I'll win this game, no matter what!"
"W-Win the game..." Shuichi stuttered.
"Are you planning on becoming the next blackened then?" Maki asked.
"Me...? The next blackened?" The question seemed to catch him off guard for a second, but he recovered quickly. "Yeah, sure. It that would help me win, then I'd do it."
"Are you serious...?" Shuichi asked nervously.
"Of course, I am! Games are only fun when you play them seriously, right!? So, c'mon guys! Let's enjoy this more! It's not often you get to play a killing game, y'know? Soooo, who's gonna be the next victim!? The game can't continue until there's another victim! So someone, start killing already! If you doooon't, then I'll kill someone instead! Just like I promised, got it!?"
"Why you... That's enough!" Kaito yelled, frustrated.
It seemed like time slowed down. You tried to say something, but the words never came out of your mouth; instead, they choked your throat. All you could manage was a gasp when Kaito's fist finally hit Kokichi's cheek.
"Kokichi...what the hell's gotten into you?" the astronaut asked. The boy in question only stayed silent, understandably still stunned. "You were messed up to begin with, but this is a whole 'nother level of weird... If you keep acting like this, I'm gonna knock your sense back into you!!!"
"Um...you already hit him," Tsumugi remarked.
"Kaito, please stop," Kiibo told him. "There is never a good reason to commit violence. Even minor aggressions...can lead to atrocities such as murder."
You finally got your voice back, albeit still shaky. "Please, Kaito, just calm down. I swear, you have a major problem with punching people... And Kokichi, are you okay...?"
"Of course I'm not okay," he spat, just barely loud enough for only you to hear. "I just got punched in the f*cking face, how can I be okay after this?"
Kaito finally dropped his clenched fist. "Tch...fine. I'll stop for now."
You better stop forever, you thought.
"But, Kokichi...I hope that whole stupid speech of yours was a lie," he continued.
"..." Kokichi's face was dark as his head hung down to face the floor.
"Maybe...Gonta have to do it. If friends are gonna fight like this, then Gonta go fight Monokuma."
"Like I said, you can't. Please don't do anything reckless," Tsumugi pleaded.
"Yeah, that's right... There's no need to be so reckless," Miu spoke up. She looked around the room, examining the gazes everyone was giving her. She put on a straight face in return. "I'm serious, there's no reason for Gonta to do something so reckless. Why?" She smirked. "I'll tell you the f*ck why! Because I, Miu Iruma, the gorgeous girl genius, will save you all! Got it!? Just wait a little longer! I'll bring you to a world where the killing game doesn't exist!"
That sounds nice, but... "Can a world like that even exist?" you found yourself asking.
"Of course it can!" she spat. "It can now with my golden brain! Hah-haha! You'll just have to wait and see it for yourself! Oooh...I'll keep my plan a secret! I love being a tease!"
"Nyeeeh... I've got a bad feeling about this," Himiko grumbled, pulling down on her hat.
"Yeah, me too..." Shuichi admitted.
Then everyone sat down to eat breakfast. It was completely silent except for the clattering of silverware and the sounds of people eating and drinking. The dense, awkward tension just didn't seem to go away.
It was nerve wracking for you. It was nothing at all like the peaceful silence that had strung between you and Kokichi last night. Thinking about him... You looked across from you, where the purple-haired boy sat quietly and looking down.
I hate this silence. I hate how many people are left. I hate how I can't do anything about it.
After sometime, everyone got finished with their food and slowly left the dining hall. You tried to wait behind for Kokichi when you felt something tug at your shoulder. You expected it to be the supreme leader himself who had managed to sneak up on you...but...
"Hey, uh..."
You turned around. "Shuichi?"
"Yeah. I was just thinking about something."
"I saw how much you kept glancing at Kokichi while we were all eating," the detective spoke. "Yesterday, when we were at Tsumugi's lab, she—uh, well, you—uhm..."
"Just spit it out." Your words were rushed. You looked back at the dining hall, only to find no trace of Kokichi, much to your dismay. You sighed. "Never mind... Take all the time that you need."
Shuichi sighed as well, taking a moment to collect this thoughts and register proper speaking. "Well, I know that you might like, uh, K-Kokichi. I just wanted you to be careful."
You looked at him with an offended expression.
"D-Don't take it the wrong way, okay?" he stuttered. "I mean... I want to believe that no one will try and commit another murder, but...Kaito was right. I don't remember Kokichi ever acting up that much, so..."
You held up a hand to pause him. With a disgruntled sigh, you looked down at the floor and then closed your eyes. "Look. I understand what you're trying to get at. Thanks for the advice, but I'm going to do with this what I want to. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I should get going—"
"Wait, why don't you come with me? We can go to Tsumugi's lab again and the three of us can hang out..."
"She's the one who prompted the idea of me liking him," you recollected. "And besides. Kaito's punch left a nasty bruise on his face and if there's anyway that I can help him then I'll help him." You lifted your head back up so you could look at Shuichi with slightly narrowed eyes. "After all, I don't think that anyone else would be concerned about it. Remember when he had actual blood running down his face?"
Shuichi slowly nodded his head. The look in his eyes only showed that he knew he was backed up into a corner.
"You and Maki didn't do nothing. Now, I'll say that you did react relatively better than Maki, but it still didn't seem like you cared all that much..."
"I was just flustered and confused!" the detective hastily spoke.
You opened your mouth, about to retort until you changed your mind. You decided on saying something less aggressive. "Well, I'll be on my way. Have a good day, Shuichi."
"..." Shuichi looked down, holding onto his arm and clenching his eyes shut.
'How mean...'
"...I'm sorry," you said after a short pause. "I'm going to go look for Kokichi...but I guess I can go to Tsumugi's lab once I'm done."
"O-Okay... I guess I can find something else to do in the meantime so that we might be able to see each other."
"Alright then... Bye, I guess." You waved at the detective who seemed to be a bit more relaxed than he was before. He waved back before walking away.
You sighed. Now where could he be? You weren't quite sure if he would have already put a mask back on or if he was still stunned. Ugh... I wish that I could be more helpful... Now isn't the time for self-loathing. I should just go.
You stepped out into the hallway, immediately getting confused on where to check first. Somewhere out of the way? Was he already pestering someone? But if he was then surely we would have came to you...
You found yourself heading outside to the dormitory. It was a nice, simple place to start. You swallowed hard, your nerves starting to get the better of you.
"Sh*t—" You ran into the doors of the dormitory. Great. Just f*cking great. Nice work! You just groaned at yourself and hastily opened the doors to get inside. You made your way to Kokichi's door and gently knocked on it.
"..." A bead of nervous sweat rolled down the back of your neck. "Kokichi...are you—"
The door opened abruptly. "Yeeessss? Hellooo?" Kokichi lilted. He brought his head up to see who was at his door with his normal cheeky smile. Upon seeing you, however, it instantly faded away. "Oh... You can come in."
When he stepped aside for you to enter, you walked in and sat down on a chair next to his desk, with him closing the door behind you and locking it. "So, what is it that you've came to me about?" His voice was abnormally flat, and it kind of scared you a bit.
"I just wanted to check...if you were alright," you answered him full of concern.
Kokichi sighed, walking over to sit on his bed. "You mean this?" He pointed up to the massive bruise on his cheek. "Take a guess, sweetheart."
You grimaced. "I'm sorry that I'm so useless... I wanted to stop Kaito, or at least take the hit for you...but I just couldn't move." You pulled your hands up to cover your face. "I'm so sorry..."
"I don't know why you're apologizing—"
"Because I let you get hurt!" you snapped. You got up from your chair to sit next to Kokichi on his bed, looking deep into his beautiful amethyst eyes. He grabbed one of your hands and held it up to his cheek, making your fingers lightly ghost over the bruise.
"Whatever...! It's my fault that I wasn't able to dodge him in time," he told you while shrugging.
You saw how his eyes were a bit red. "...You've been crying, Kokichi!"
"Maybeeee, maybe nooot..." He looked away from you. "...Nishishi, it's not like—"
"Stop," you demanded. "Don't you even try to continue saying that lie."
His eyes widened for a second before going back to normal. "It's actually quite fun knowing that you've basically figured me out entirely. For any other person, I'd hate it, but with you I see it as a challenge to surprise you!" He then giggled quietly.
"...Alright...? But please, tell me why you were crying..."
Kokichi groaned, combing his free hand in his purple locks. "I'm not in the mood to talk about it," he said while rolling his eyes. "I'm too tired..." He pulled your hand closer to his face before it was on his cheek; he leaned into the touch.
"But I'm glad that I have at least one person who cares," he said with a contented sigh, "even if it might be a...lie."
"I'm not lying, I promise," you told him. You could feel your eyes changing color to help prove your point. Oh, right. My eyes... "I just remembered that I forgot to get something."
"I meant to ask Tsumugi for some contacts since her lab opened up..."
"Whaat!?" Kokichi asked, gaining some energy back. "If you get contacts then I'll never be able to see your pretty eyes again!!"
You could feel yourself blush just the smallest bit. "They're not pretty..."
The boy rolled his eyes. "Ugh, just shut up!" He pouted, crossing his arms. "So then I guess that means you'll be going to Tsumugi's lab?" You nodded at him. "Where is it?"
"Her lab is on the fifth floor."
"I see... Well, I guess I can't stop you then, huh? What a shame..." He sighed and looked off to the side. "I suppose that I'll see you later."
"I guess... I'll see you later, Kokichi." You awkwardly stood up and walked out of his dorm room to go to the Ultimate Cosplayer's lab.
"Oh! (Y/N)! You've returned!" Tsumugi smiled cheerfully, clapping her hands and jumping up and down.
"Yeah..." you spoke awkwardly.
"How'd things go with, um..." Shuichi quietly trailed off.
"Fine," you whispered to him.
"Since you all are here, I'd like to try something..." Tsumugi giggled as she pushed her glasses up.
Shuichi gulped. "What...would you like to try with us?"
"...COSPLAY!" she cheered. She threw her arms up into the air with a flourish. "Come on! You can't just walk into the Ultimate Cosplayer's lab and expect to walk away without having your life changed!"
"...Is that what you think about cosplay?" you asked her. "'Changing lives'?"
The blue haired teen nodded. "That's exactly right. It's amazing how characters in a show can impact the real world so much... So, anyway, let's get this show on the road!"
"But, Tsumugi... I was just wanting to see if you had something—"
"Then you'll just come with me first!" she cooed. "Then we can talk about what you're looking for." Too enthusiastic for you to feel comfortable, the cosplayer dragged you over near the back of her lab where a bunch of chests were, along with a big closet.
"Alright... What should I put you in...?" she muttered to herself.
"Tsumugi, really... Do we have to do this?"
Tsumugi pouted. "Do you not want to?"
"No, I honestly don't think I do..." you admitted, trying to be as polite as possible. You felt your eyes changing color.
The girl snapped her fingers in sudden realization. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "Yes, yes, yes! That might work..." She seemed to just be talking to herself at that point.
You watched in terror as she eagerly started rummaging through one of the chests. A weird blush was on her face and her eyes were wide; hearts had practically formed in them. It took a while before Tsumugi finally seemed to fish out the costume she was looking for.
"Just go over there to the bathroom so that you can change, okay?"
There's no use in fighting her now, you mentally groaned. "Fine," you grumbled. You ran over to the bathroom and, with much hesitation and reluctance, put the costume on. I just wanted some damn contacts...
You looked over at a full body mirror and just stared at your reflection in confusion, not quite sure how you should feel. You had on a navy blue vest with white and gold detached sleeves. Dark blue boots found their way on your feet. And the cherry on top of it all?
A blue miniskirt with a transparent underskirt. You felt...really uncomfortable. You were pretty sure that your underwear was visible with what little the skirts could cover. Sadly, the cosplay also seemed to match your eyes which were still their blue color.
A soft knock sounded on the door. "(Y/N)? Are you done yet?" Tsumugi asked.
"If you're referring to me changing then yes, I'm done. If you're talking about me being done gathering my confidence (what little I have of it already) then I am far from it."
"Oh come onnnn! I'm opening the door now." She did just as she said she would, opening the door to the bathroom a bit so that she could see you properly. "Oh, you look so cute!"
"Cute...?" you asked with furrowed brows and a small bead of sweat rolling down your face. "Tsumugi. I feel goddamn humiliated."
The cosplayer just looked at you with a blank expression on her face. "I appreciate you coming this far as to actually dressing up for me instead of running away—" Not like I had much of choice, did I? I'm only doing this so you'll help me, you thought, "—but your character could still be developed some more."
"..." You bit on the inside of your lip slightly... Mental note has been taken. Thank you, Tsumugi.
In the distance, you could hear the doors to her lab opening. The girl just turned her head over to see who had entered. "One moment!" she chirped, suddenly back to normal. And off like that she went, skipping over to the doors.
From your angle in the room, you couldn't see who had entered. You were already a bit nervous though, as you could hear Tsumugi let out a small squeal every once in a while. Then came the sound of approaching footsteps, and sure enough, she was returning.
"Who was that?" you asked her in curiosity.
"Unexpected guest," she replied simply, seeming a bit too...enthusiastic.
"Tsumugi...what's with that face...?"
She just smiled. "Ah, don't worry about it!" Her face shifted into a frown. "But you seriously have to get out now! Shuichi is waiting oh so eagerly to find the cosplay that matches him and he needs to change in here."
"...What's the point anymore," you grumbled. "All of my pride had died ever since I first looked in that mirror."
"Glad to see that you're finally planning on coming out!" Tsumugi proceeded to drag you out of the bathroom by your arm. You looked down at the floor the entire time.
Just when you had felt like you had absolutely no pride left in you...
Your pride dropped into the negatives as soon as you realized the situation.
Your head snapped up, eyes immediately landing on...Kokichi. Your crush was standing in front of you while you were in a damn miniskirt, one of the most animesque situations that you could ever find yourself lodged in. A scream was lodged in your throat, unable to get out for some reason. One of the darkest blushes that you could ever manage to make was painfully obvious on your face.
Kokichi on the other hand had the biggest smirk that you had ever seen on him. Or anyone else in general. He looked at you up and down, once, twice... A small blush appeared on his cheeks, and a small bead of sweat had formed on his forehead. You couldn't help but to notice the quick flash of confusion that appeared in his eyes. You would like to think that even he was a bit dumbfounded at what was happening.
But then, without warning, he pulled you in close. "Awww, isn't my (Y/N) just so ADORBS!?" he exclaimed loudly. "Like, damn."
"T-Tsumugi! Why—!?"
"What?" She rested her head in her hand, looking off in the distance. "He said that he thought you were here and I confirmed. He asked me what you were doing and so I gave him the truth. Then he wanted to see you when you came out, but I had a feeling that you would refuse to leave if I told you who it was outside."
"You're all killing me!" you grumbled in frustration. With limited movement, you pulled down on your skirt and managed to pry yourself away from the small boy.
"Anyway... It's your turn, Shuichi!" Tsumugi gave no time for the detective to think before she took him by the arm and started walking away.
"E-Eh!?" the detective stumbled as he was dragged off to the back of the lab.
"Good luck," you sighed, even though he was too far away to hear you. Then you turned to Kokichi.
"S-So... Why did you want to find me?"
"I just wanted to say...thank you."
"...Huh?" You were surprised when you saw him turn and look away from you, a slightly darker blush on his cheeks from when he was looking at you with that miniskirt on.
"But just so happening to walk in while you were in such an embarrassing costume was the cherry on the cake!" He was turned to you again, blush gone and a smug smile on his face.
"K-Kokichi! What were you talking about?"
Kokichi didn't answer you. Instead, he just left silence hanging in the air between you two as he turned away. It seemed like you were aware of everything, and you could hear everything. Your nervous heartbeat, Kokichi's shaky breathing...
And from in the back, you could hear Shuichi yelling, "No way am I going to wear that!"
You chuckled quietly, causing the boy to turn back to you.
"Oh, yeah. I also wanted to talk to you about Shuichi," he said so quietly that you couldn't tell if he even wanted to be heard. Nevertheless, you decided to answer him.
You baited a breath. "What about him?"
"Do you like him?"
You coughed, somehow being able to choke on air. "Wh-What!? Kokichi, where did that question even come from?"
His face was blank as he seemed to be analyzing something in his head. Then he just smiled. It seemed...out of place. "Nishishi~! You seem flustered by the question, so I basically have my answer now, huh?"
"No!" you snapped. "Kokichi, how much time have I spent with him? Not a lot! You know who I've been hanging around with the most out of everyone here? You!" A blush started to creep on your face as you spoke, "If I was to like anyone here then it would most likely be you!"
"..." Kokichi's face went blank again.
Oh dear... How could I let myself say something like that!?
'Huh'...? HUH? You have to give me more than a simple 'huh,' Kokichi...!!
A small smile crossed the boy's lips. "Huh. Well then. Glad to know that you're open." He winked at you after saying that.
You just stood there, looking at Kokichi with a dumb expression on your face as you were still processing what he said. Then it suddenly hit you. You felt like screaming, and a blush immediately started to grow on your face. "K-Kokichi... Is that supposed to mean something...?"
Kokichi took a few steps closer to you. Without warning, you felt him grab one of your hands with both of his own. He opened his mouth to say something until—
"I...guess it isn't the worse that you could give me..." Shuichi mumbled. "I definitely saw some...more revealing cosplays in there..." You looked around Kokichi to see the detective looking at the ground, blush practically glowing. He seemed to be dressed up as some sort of butler judging by his fancy black suit.
"Hey, doesn't he look great!?" Tsumugi turned around from where she was facing Shuichi with an excited look on her face. She paused in her tracks when she saw you and Kokichi.
"Oh, my..." Her face lit up even more. "Hey... Mind telling me what happened while I was gone helping Shuichi?"
"..." You just looked away, not even having anything to say at that.
"Oh!" Kokichi smirked. "Were you hoping for a cosplay skit?"
"No! We can't do a skit...yet! You're not even in a cosplay!" Tsumugi exclaimed with a groan.
"Well, my time's precious. I should really get going soon. Sooo..." The boy held your hand up some more, letting it be suspended in the air. His face was getting dangerously close to it...
Kokichi, what are you doing...?
His lips only just barely grazed over your hand before you ran out with a dark blush on your face.
Word Count: 4277
Hey everyone. I know that I said I was gonna put notes in with a comment connected to the word count but I'm not sure if anyone would see this there if I did.
aNYWAY, I'm here to promote my friend's new, fan made killing game called Danganronpa: Despair Drive! Go check it out and support him, the story is really cool and the author is amazing! .w. His account is SkyeZScience .
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