You groaned, sitting up. Where am I? What happened? You looked around to find the inside of your dorm room. Oh yeah, Kokichi was here... I guess I managed to fall asleep. Such a feat that has always been hard for me... You whimpered quietly at the loss of his body heat. At the lost of the comfort knowing that someone trusted you and that you could trust them back—that you would be safe with them. You looked around once more, noticing that the razor blades were all gone... Most likely for the better.
It still is a bit embarrassing, though, that I let such a vulnerable side to be seen. You grumbled. So he's left by now... I really hope that I can fully trust him, because honestly, I still have my doubts. Either way, I have time to kill on my hands. Better go ahead and do something.
Ding dong!
It was your intercom. Groaning, you got out of your bed and went to answer the door. There stood Kokichi. "Mooorning!" he chirped.
"Kokichi...? What are you doing here?"
"Shuichi found a Flashback Light, so I went ahead and took the responsibility of alerting everyone to come to the dining hall! Come on, let's go! We can't afford to keep everyone waiting now, can we?"
"No...I guess not?" You quickly fixed the checkered scarf above your eyes, hiding the bandage that you had yet to take off, as well as your eyes...
"Alrighty then! To the dining hall we go!" the boy chanted. He grabbed your hand, forcing you out of your dorm and begin walking. The two of you stayed like that the whole time. At times, Kokichi would ask you about what the flashback might be this time, to which you would always respond with a simple 'I don't know.' Before he could pester you anymore, the two of you were already at the dining hall. Perfect timing, too, seeing as Shuichi came in right after.
"Shuichi! Is it true that you've found another Flashback Light!?" Kiibo quickly asked.
"Yes, it's true."
"Wait, so Kokichi wasn't lying! I'm stunned! Startled! Shocked!" Tenko commented.
"See?" Kokichi spoke. "I told you I wasn't lying. Good thing too, 'cause I don't want my pants on fire."
"I want to start talking about what we're going to do, but Kaito isn't here yet..." Tsumugi reminded everyone.
"Maki's not here either!" Angie pointed out. Oh yeah...Maki... She had strangled Kokichi in the Shrine of Judgement in front of everyone. It would make sense for everyone to be wary of her.
"Oh, Maki's not coming. I didn't invite her," Kokichi said plainly.
"Huh? You didn't invite her?" Shuichi questioned.
"Forget about that killer. Hey Miu, Kiiboy, did you guys see the computer room on the fourth floor?"
"Since when did we have a computer room...?" you mumbled obliviously to yourself.
"Computer room, you say?" Miu spoke, clearly intrigued. "Go onnnn..."
"Yeah, there was a big computer room on the fourth floor. Would you take a look later?" Shuichi asked. "You or Kiibo might know something about it, right?"
"I'm sorry," Kiibo apologized. "I'm not very computer savvy."
"O-Oh..." stammered Tsumugi. "Is that so...? That's...unexpected."
"I have been meaning to ask, but..." Korekiyo interjected, "Kiibo, what is your talent, exactly?"
"Well...I can do all sorts of things. Oh yes! I'm pretty good at one-man comedy shows, if I do say so myself!"
"Kiiboy's existence is the only Ultimate thing about him." Kokichi gave an innocent smile and put his hands behind his head. "Other than that, he's got no talent."
"I just told you I'm good at one-man comedy shows!"
"I don't really get it," Miu said getting back on topic, "but we just need to check out this computer room, right? But I'm not gonna come just for some computer. It's gonna take way more than that!"
"Ah, well... The Monokubs did say it was amazing..." Shuichi told the inventor.
"Hey! Thanks for waiting!" a voice suddenly called into the room. Everyone turned to the doors, only to find Kaito waltzing in...dragging Maki along with him. You furrowed your brows slightly at the sight.
"M-Maki!?" Tenko exclaimed with a frightened look. "Why is Maki with you!?"
"Well, this is about the Flashback Light, so everyone should be here, yeah?"
"But...when you say 'everyone' do you truly need to include a professional killer?" Korekiyo asked the astronaut.
"...I'm leaving," Maki sighed, turning her back to everyone.
"Wait, hold on a sec." He grabbed the female's arm so that she couldn't get away.
"Kaito, didn't you say you wanted to take down her mask or whatever?" Kokichi asked.
Kaito had a confident smile plastered on his face. "Yeah, I'm gonna take down her mask as a murderer. I just can't believe a girl like her is capable of killing people in cold blood..."
"Um... Is it true? Are you really the Ultimate Assassin, Maki?" Kiibo questioned. "Have you...killed anyone before?" Obviously she's killed before... How else would she be the Ultimate Assassin?
"...Yes," the female replied bluntly.
"Why...you hide that?" Gonta wondered.
"Pfft! Isn't it obvious!?" Miu scoffed. "It's so she could kill us all before we figured out her identity!"
"You're wrong... It's because I knew you guys would react this way... When people learn my Ultimate talent, they get the same fear in their eyes that you all have... Eventually...that fear will turn into hate. And then someone will try to kill me because they're afraid I'll kill them first. Whenever someone learns my real identity, they try to kill me. It happens every time. Always." Always...
"Hmm... You've lived a pretty sad life, Maki," Kokichi commented. "Oh...poor, poor Maki. I feel so sorry for you. I think I'm about to cry..." His tone lightened up. "Because of everything you've been through, human life has no value to you now, is that it!?"
"She's an assassin, not some murderous fiend!" Kaito grumbled. "Even if she did kiil someone, that doesn't mean she thinks it's okay to--"
"Hey, can you let go of me now?"
"Hm? O-Oh..." He let go of Maki's arm, and she just sighed.
"I knew you wouldn't believe me... That's why I kept it secret...and tried to avoid you guys as much as I could." Her red eyes seemed to glow. "But someone who doesn't know how to mind his business kept dragging me places."
"Huh? Are you talking about me?"
"However, I'll say this... I have no intention of killing any of you...unless one of you tries to kill me first. Having said that...you probably won't believe me anyway. So, you guys mind your business, I'll mind mine, and we'll all agree to avoid each other. Please...just pretend I'm not even here." Maki turned and left the group, walking out of the dining hall most likely to return to her Ultimate lab.
"Geez, Kaito. What were you thinking? Are you trying to turn us against each other?" Kokichi inquired, annoyed. "I think I speak for everyone when I say, we're all disappointed in you! Right, guys!?" You could practically feel the boy's gaze glance over you for a few seconds.
"N-No..." Tsumugi said in her breathy voice. "I wouldn't say that, but..."
"Hey, can we all focus on the Flashback Light for now...?" you spoke up. "That's why we've all gathered here, is it not?"
"Yes..." Kiibo agreed. "So, have we all decided what we're going to do?"
"Use it, of course!" Tenko snapped. "We might be able to remember something new!"
"Like the true purpose of the Ultimate Hunt..." Himiko added.
Right... In the last flashback we had, everyone said they remembered some 'Ultimate Hunt,' but...I don't understand. I don't think I got that memory... You looked down to the ground, furrowing your brows. I got something different...which might mean someone is trying to trick me...?
"Well...we don't know for sure if it's got anything to do with why we're trapped here..." Shuichi remarked.
"Don't gimme that wishy-washy bullsh*t! Of course it's got something to do with why!" Miu yelled at him.
"Hey, instead of arguing, it'd be way faster to use it, y'know?" Kokichi interrupted them.
"Yeah... Gonta worry, but we gotta do it."
"But but," Angie piped up, "no matter what we remember, you can't think about wanting to leave this place. If you think like that... We'll just be repeating ourselves."
"I-I know that!" Tenko stuttered. "And we can't go around repeating ourselves!"
"Then let's give it a try. Shuichi, go for it," Kiibo told the detective.
"Man are they all lucky!"
"Yeah! All those teenagers, talented enough to be scouted by the team...! I'd sooo love to see what it's like!! I've also been wishing to meet everyone in the cast!"
"Same here! But...don't you find it strange how the ones who have died haven't been reported to have been seen? They are, like, celebrities...! You'd imagine that people would be talking about them all the time once they leave the game..."
"Oh, geez, my head...!" you mumbled. You reached your hand up, rubbing on your temples. It felt like a bunch of daggers had been stabbed inside your head. Thinking back to the scene which had played out... The voices you heard—they sounded like little kids. All you could see was a screen, which seemed to have something on it—perhaps something like a logo?—but you couldn't define any words. It was like it had all been blurred.
"Hey, you aren't going to black out again, are you?" you heard a voice at your side. You could vaguely match the voice to Kokichi.
You shook your head with little to no effort, though the action still caused more pain. "Ah, um... No, that shouldn't happen again. I'll be fine...but thanks for worrying, I guess." Will I really be fine, though...? It feels like I'm lying again.
"Wh-Why?" Shuichi stuttered aloud. "Why was I...at my own funeral?"
"What!? A funeral... You, too, Shuichi!?" Tsumugi cried out.
"It would appear we all remembered the same thing," Korekiyo stated, voice sounding slightly disturbed.
"But what the f*ck does it mean!?" Miu shouted. "Why was I watching your guys' funeral!? A-And...why was I there, too!? Wh-What the hell is goin' on!? What was the funeral...?"
"But...the only thing I can remember is seeing that funeral. Nothing else..." Kiibo claimed.
"Maybe we...already dead!?" Gonta exclaimed.
"Ahahahahaha! No way!" Kaito laughed, brushing the entire situation off as if it were nothing. "Geez...this is so stupid, I couldn't help but laugh. I mean...there's no way that was our memory of our funeral..."
"Then what's your explanation for it?" you snapped, maybe a bit harsher than you wanted.
"It was probably...a memory of our school festival or something."
"School festival?" Tsumugi repeated.
"Yeah, it was probably a memory from a play we did for the school festival or something. I mean, isn't it obvious if you just think about it? If that funeral was real, there's no way we'd still be alive."
"Nyeeeh...that's true."
"But aren't we all from different high schools? Why would we have a school festival together?" Tenko questioned.
"Th-That's...we'll probably remember something else about it later. Anyway, there's no way that funeral was real! There's no mistaking that!"
"You're right..." Kiibo agreed with the astronaut. "If we think about it logically, that's clearly out of the question..."
"Okay...good. Gonta think everyone was already dead."
"Stop saying stupid stuff!" Kaito told him in a cheerful mood. "Look at me, I'm alive! Hale and hearty!"
"Hardy?" Miu spoke. "'Cause you get hard-on every time you see me?" She...obviously misheard him.
"Oh, I heard males can tell they're healthy by how hard they get in the morning! Is that true!?" Tenko inquired.
"Hey! St-Stay in your lane, b*tch!"
"I'm not good with other people's dirty jokes..." Tsumugi commented.
"...Aw maaan, what a disappointment..." Kokichi said.
"A disappointment?" Shuichi repeated.
"Nyeeeh...it's true. This Flashback Light was a real letdown... We didn't find out anything about the Ultimate Hunt. Just some weird memory."
"Yeah, seriously," Kaito chimed in. "Talk about a disappointment..."
"No, I'm not talking about the memory," Kokichi interrupted them. "I'm talking about you guys..."
"Oh, no! It's nothing! I'm just lying again, so don't worry about it! Well then, how about we move right along to breakfast? I'm starving."
"It won't be the same without Kirumi here," Tsumugi noted, "but I guess we just have to move on..."
"..." You turned your Kubs Pad on—it was still Kokichi's. So he didn't change them back...oh well. Now it's time to go. You left your dorm and walked outside, taking a in a deep breath of fresh air and looking outside. In...and out... Hey, I never noticed that we had a casino and a...love hotel?? You dismissed all that for the moment, going over to sit down at a picnic table that wasn't too far from the dormitory. You could actually see where you were going since you undid the checkered scarf that normally covered pretty much half of your face, letting it hang loosely around your neck.
"Oh, hey (Y/N)...!" you heard a voice chirp. You turned around, finding Kokichi skipping over to you with a Panta bottle in his small hands. You lazily waved at him. He jumped into the seat right across from you, smiling so happily like an idiot. "How is my... best friend doing?"
"I'd like to say that I'm fine right about now."
"Well... Truth is, I can barely trust anyone. In fact, trusting you might be a bit of a dangerous decision on my part. Not that I see you as a bad person, I actually see you as one of the best people here! But still...and I've been feeling pretty down lately. Only you claim to trust me, and I just feel so lonely... Which is why I'm gonna kill myself."
"Wh-What the hell, Kokichi!?"
"Nishishi~ That was a lieee... You should know better than that!"
"Don't joke about things like that!!" Oh, how you so wanted to just give him a light smack on the top of his head to knock some sense into him. There has to be some truth in his claim, though... The way everything was introduced just seems unnatural. "...Oh, hey. While you're here...I want to ask you some things."
"Oh? Is the phantom thief being interrogated, now?" Kokichi cooed playfully. Phantom thief...? The hell is he talking about...? Agh, never mind.
"Why didn't you switch the Kubs Pads back?"
Kokichi put a finger up to his cheek. "Oh. You wanted that back...? Too bad! I'm keeping it!!" There has to be more to it, you thought. "Let's not dwell on that topic for now, okay? Next question! My time is precious, y'know, and I'm not patient. It gets me so p*ssed when it takes one of my members in my organization forever to complete just one task, so I act up...and kill them!"
...Another lie. Speaking about lies... That brings up my next question. "Why'd you lie for me in the last class trial?"
"Huuuuh?? Psh, I didn't lie for you. I was just doing it to make the trial more interesting!" He smirked before taking a sip of his drink.
"Wouldn't it be more 'interesting' if everyone got derailed and started suspecting an innocent person while the true culprit just agreed with everything?"
"You...kinda got me there. Woooow (Y/N), when I'm with you, I'm really slacking on my lying game! But of course, that's a lie."
"When do you ever tell the truth?"
"Nishishi... Whenever I feel like it!" Kokichi put his hands behind his head.
"You're so complicated." You crossed your arms on the table and rested your head on them.
"I know that! You just gotta figure me out!" You groaned, earning a mischievous giggle from the boy across from you. "Aren't I interesting, (Y/N)? Don't I keep you on your toes!?"
"At times, you can really keep me on my very last nerve."
"I'll take that as a good thing!"
"Whatever." You closed your eyes just to rest for a bit, even if it would just be for a brief second. You suddenly felt a sharp poke at the top of your head. You tried to ignore it, but you were only poked again. You moved one of your arms to where your hand was free; you were able to catch a wrist before the hand attached to it could poke you once more. "What is it."
"Don't tell me that you're going to sleep already!? I...I'm not that boring, am I...?"
"No...you aren't," you assured him slowly, taken aback slightly from the small outburst of a seemingly genuine emotional response. Not to mention that it literally came out of nowhere. "I'm just resting."
"Did you not sleep well?" Kokichi then gasped. "You can use me as a blanket!!"
"What? No..."
"You're so cold, (Y/N)," Kokichi told you, faking a sad tone.
"Am not," you replied bluntly. You heard him huff in response.
"You're gonna be a hard one to convince..." he mumbled.
"Hm? Convince me to what?" You sat up properly, resting your tilted head in your hands.
"Join my organization, (Y/N)!"
"Didn't you try to invite me to your group before?"
"Maaaaybe!" Kokichi chugged down some more of his drink. "But hey, make yourself more interesting! I don't like boring people, and I don't wanna dislike someone like you!" He hit you playfully on the head with his Panta bottle.
"You're...confusing me." You let out an exhausted sigh.
"I know, that's on purpose." The boy gave you a childish smile. "If you join, you'll get an entire new wardrobe just like mine! I can even give you a cute little cape kinda like the one I have if you manage to become my second in command! Also, we provide everything you'd need! Food, water, friends, sex... You name it, and we'll most likely have it!
"I'm...just going to ignore that last part." You awkwardly coughed a little. "What do you do in your group, anyway?"
"Ooh, so you're interested!?"
"Sh...Shut up and answer the damn question."
"Alllrighty then! Basically...we take over the world! Piece by piece! My organization and I have taken over almost every mafia, and we have contact to governmental institutions as well!"
"...Riiight... And how would I be any help to you and your group?"
"You could be...my...informant!! Yeah! And blackmailer! You collect information as my informant, and then when I need something outta someone, I can rely on you to blackmail them for me! Now, are you in? Come on, this is the chance of a lifetime! I don't just let anyone in, y'know."
"Err, maybe—wait." You had spoke before your mind had time to process it.
Kokichi's eyes widened, stars appearing to form. He gasped and practically strangled you from across the table. "HOORAY!! YOU'VE FINALLY GIVEN IN AND ACCEPTED!!!"
"K-Kokichi, I ne-ver said a d-direct 'yes'—"
"SHADDUP!" You heard him let out a fake sniffle. "I'm...just so happy that you joined! I'm cryingggggg!!"
"K-Kokichi...it—it's g-getting hard to b-breathe from how t-ight you're h-holding me..."
"Oh. Sooorry." The boy let you go. Damn... For being so short, he does have some reasonable strength. "Of course, there's still some more things that I'll need to catch you up on, but you at least get the basics. Now that you know a lot about the organization...you better not tell anyone else! If you do, I'll have to track you down, catch you, tie you up, and then torture you until you apologize and beg for mercy!"
"T...Torture?" you repeated. Someone like Kokichi... No, he wouldn't be able to hurt someone...could he? "What kind of torture would I even go through...?"
"Wellll...there's an electric chair, water box, stretch board, poisoned food eating contest, amongst many others. But there's also...another one."
"Another one?"
"Mhm, it's my favorite. I call it the 'Kokichi Special'~!"
I don't know why, but...that honestly sounds like something that you would buy at a restaurant. I am curious now, though. Is it a mix of all the other torture methods, or...an entirely different thing? You shivered a bit, even though you knew it all had to be a gimmick.
"Don't worry! Even if you did happen to slip and mess up, I wouldn't hurt you too badly during the torture. That's cause I liiiike you too much!"
"That honestly feels like a lie."
"I thought you trusted me! Was that a lie!?" Kokichi shook his head. "It wasn't a lie. I can just tell... I can also tell that you're hiding a lot of things away from yourself, even if you don't realize it."
"I don't know what you're talking about..."
"At that point, it's no better than lying! I hate liars! Liar, liar...gimme a match and I'll set your pants on fire!"
"I would much rather have my pants, especially with you around, thank you very much."
"Ugh... You're an attention wh*re, don't you know that?"
You furrowed your brows in confusion. "Pardon me?"
"I told you I didn't have a lot of time here, yet you still kept me in this spot and occupied!"
"W-What? You never said you had a limited amount of tome that you were working with before you had to leave...!"
"I know. Because that was a lie~!"
"I think I've had too much of you for twenty-four hours..."
"Nishishi~ Oh, just you wait... Some day, I will steal your heart...~" Kokichi lowered his tone and made his voice flow much more smoothly. You...didn't like it. It sparked a weird feeling in your stomach, caused your heart to beat just a bit faster, and made your face grow warm for some reason. Perhaps...he was somehow killing you with his words??
"Heyyyy, earth to (Y/N)! You okay? You're staring at me...not to mention you're blushing while you're at it~" He snickered. "Is there something you've been wanting to tell me...~?"
"For one thing, I am not blushing. And for that second part...I have no idea what you could possibly be hinting at..."
"Ah-hahaha! You know you loooove me! It'll only be a matter of time before you finally come to face the facts!" Kokichi stood up, ruffling your hair. "Welp! See you later, my sweetheart!" He dashed away before you could even stop him.
Word Count: 3818
Yayyy, I got this completed early! Er, kinda. I had this free time event and another one ready to be published when I remembered I had to do the Flashback Light thingy, sooo...yeahhh. To fill in the rest of the space remaining, I just reused most of the lines I already had.
(PS: "Howl's Moving Castle" theme song OST is very nice to listen to while writing, :> )
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