Everyone had exited the courtroom. At that point, nighttime had spread over the land with its blanket of darkness. You personally wanted to head straight to your dorm and collapse.
"For now...we should rest," Kiibo spoke. "To me, that seems the most rational course of action."
"Yeah..." Himiko mumbled. "My brain's outta juice from going full-throttle all day."
"Like you even have a brain to use!" Miu groaned.
"Anyway, this killing game is over! I won't allow it to go on!" Tenko yelled in determination.
"It'll be fine. As long as we listen to Atua, we'll all be just fine."
"What's wrong, Gonta? Why're you staring up at the sky?" Tsumugi asked the entomologist.
"It's just...even when all this bad stuff happens, stars are always so pretty. But stars here different. Not the same ones Gonta used to."
"Different? Do you mean...the position of the stars?" Shuichi inquired.
"Yeah... Gonta looking, but no can find star he remembers. But...why? Were we taken somewhere far away?" Far away? Hm, maybe...
"Hey, let's all head back already. I'm wiped out," Kaito announced.
"Oh, hold on," Kokichi suddenly spoke up. "I have to tell you guys something."
"What now? Like I said, I'm wiped out."
"Now now, it won't take that long, so just listen to what I have to say." Kokichi put on a weird grin and slanted his eyes. The convenient shadowing cast upon his figure gave him a creepy and unsettling vibe.
"Well then? What is it?" Korekiyo questioned the boy.
"Everyone seems to be treating me as some kinda compulsive liar... But that's ridiculous! There's a way worse liar than me in our group!"
"A liar worse than you?" Shuichi repeated quizzically.
". . . I'm talking about Maki." Kokichi had an even creepier smile on. Mischief and deceit. It was something that you've never seen before.
"What do you mean, Maki's a liar?"
"Maki admitted it during the class trial, remember? Ryoma wanted her to show him his motive video 'cause he was looking for a reason to live. But that wasn't the whole story... Ryoma was blackmailing you, wasn't he, Maki?"
"B-Blackmail?" Kiibo repeated.
"Ryoma just so happened to discover Maki's true identity. So he used that to blackmail her. I bet he said something like... 'If you don't show my my motive video, I'll tell everyone what you really are.' That's why Maki didn't want us to know she met with Ryoma." Kokichi smirked evilly. "She wanted to keep her true identity a secret! That's why she kept quiet until the last minute!"
"Wh-Why you... What sh*t are you making up now? Maki's true identity? What—"
"Nishishi, I've known Maki's true identity the whole time."
Maki's red eyes seemed to glow with pure hatred. In just the next second, she had Kokichi in her grip. By looking at her hand, you would easily be able to tell that she had a lock-strong hold on his pale neck. Your instincts forced you to rush towards the two and do something, but before you could intervene, Kaito and Shuichi pulled you back.
"...Gh!" The boy wriggled a bit from where he was held. "Y-Y'know...th-this is an interesting t-turn of events... B-But, would you really...k-kill me in front of everyone...?"
"H-Hey, Maki! What the hell is going on?" Kaito asked her while still holding you back—he was shaking a bit himself, you noticed.
"Y-Yeah...you can probably...snap my neck like a twig right now... But that's...not your style... Y-You would rather...kill from the shadows... Right...Miss Ultimate Assassin?"
"Maki! Calm down!" Kaito urged her. "Just let him down. We'll see about this in the morning when we all come to your lab, okay?" Maki shot the astronaut an icy cold glare in return, but she did loosen her grip a bit.
You struggled underneath his and Shuichi's grasp, but they eventually let you go. Kaito walked over to the female and out his hand on hers, trying to pry her hand open. Reluctantly, she harshly let go, causing Kokichi to be pushed back a little.
You quietly rushed over to the boy. There was a mark on his neck from where he had been held. "You okay?"
Kokichi chuckled weakly. "Maki...really is strong. B-But...only to be expected from a blood thirsty killer."
You noticed everyone starting to leave. "...Come on, we should follow them. It's been a rough day." The boy shrugged in response, but went along anyway.
One word to describe it all? You'd have to say 'weapons'. An arrangement of scythes, axes, knives, and even guns lined the walls. No wonder she's been guarding her lab so much.
"Wh-What the heck is this?" Kaito asked nervously.
"It's like...weapon warehouse," Gonta commented.
"See, I told you she's not the Ultimate Child Caregiver..." Kokichi spoke with his hands behind his head. "She's the Ultimate Assassin."
"Kokichi...you learned that from the motive video, right?" Shuichi inquired. "Monokuma said everyone's Ultimate talent at the beginning of their video. Ryoma knew Maki's true identity because he had her motive video... And, because you saw that—"
"Hm? I knew the whole time. Given my position, I'd obviously know before any of you, right?"
"Oh...don't worry about it. That was a lie. Anyway, her reaction yesterday pretty much gave away that she's the Ultimate Assassin."
"But whyever did she lie about being the Ultimate Child Caregiver?" Korekiyo wondered.
"'Cause assassins hide to do all their killing!" Miu laughed. "If people find out they're assassins, they get all cautious and they can't kill anyone!"
"Did she hide her true identity because...she was planning to kill us?" Tsumugi asked nervously.
"But then, why hasn't she killed anyone yet?" Kiibo questioned. "She has had many opportunities to do so."
"Geez, robots can't even understand human feelings, let alone a girl's heart," Kokichi spoke.
"Please take back what you just said. I can too understand human feelings. But I'm still in the process of collecting data. Please, give me data! Please!"
"If you're so worried, why don't you asked her? She's been holed up in her room all day. But I can't promise that she won't try to kill you like she tried to do to me. Nishishi... Good thing everyone was there to stop her, but what about next time?"
"The talent of a killer... That is the biggest threat to all of us who wish to survive," Korekiyo remarked.
"Let's just lock her up so she can't kill anyone," Miu snapped.
"She kind of has been doing that herself," you told her.
"Hold on guys," Kaito interjected. Leave Maki to me... I'll take down that mask of hers. Tch, Ultimate Assassin my a**... Always messing around..."
"K-Kaito?" Shuichi stuttered. "Don't do anything stupid—"
"O-kay! Let's leave everything to Kaito!" Kokichi cut him off. "Gonta, you should stand back. Nothing good ever happens when you try to help."
"Hm? Oh yeah...sorry."
"Hey, Gonta. Like I told you, a man shouldn't apologize so eas—"
"Oh! I don't need everyone's usual reactions! Time's a bit of a factor here!" Monokuma had came bouncing in.
"Everyone! Get behind Gonta!"
"Himiko, get behind me! I'll surround you with my body to keep you safe!"
"I just said I don't need your usual reactions!" Monokuma yelled out, clearly aggravated. "It's almost halftime, so the stats should be out soon for everyone to obsess over... And since you guys overcame the class trial, I figured I'd give you all a wonderful prize!" Nothing happened. "I said, I figured I'd give you all a wonderful prize!" Still, nothing. "...Huh? My adorable cubs aren't coming? That's strange."
"Rise and shine, ursine!"
"They're finally here! Yay! You're so cute today, it's practically obscene! Just...wow. You guys are seriously cute. H-Have you always been this cute? Ahhhh! The shock of my super-cute kids...seems to be making me...go bald..." The bear suddenly shedded some fur... It was disgusting. "...Like, in patches."
"He's actually balding!?"
"Ugh! Gross!"
Monokuma shivered. "Ahhhh... I-I'm cold... V-Very cold... Hey, my cute little cubs... Could you hurry up and give them the prize...? I-It's too cold...I can't s-stand it... Hurry... I wanna go somewhere warm."
The bear's fur grew back...somehow. "Huh? What's wrong? Why aren't you backing me up?"
Monokuma started sweating. "...Hah! Good one, kids. Very funny. You can show me where the hidden cameras are now."
"F-Father... you're too old for this!" Monotaro exclaimed. "You've been doing this for so long, you've become predictable!"
"It's the age of the Monokubs now!" Monophanie announced. "Out with the old, in with the new!"
"Wh-What!? But what about the long time fans who—" One of the Monokubs had cut him off, but at that point, you didn't even bother to listen. The next time that you payed attention to the whole scene, Monokuma was bald once more. Great.
"Nyeh...he's bald again."
"It seems the shock made him bald... This time...for good."
"U-Um, let's see what the prize is this time..." All three Monokubs held something up for the group to see. "We're giving away a Golden Hammer, a Magic Key, and a Ninja Scroll as a prize bundle!" Monophanie announced.
"Wow...what a buncha random junk. I-I mean, bravo, bravo!"
"I had a feeling it was more junk..." Kiibo trailed off.
"Aw maaan... We don't need more junk." Kokichi sighed. "We had too much anyway. And its name is Kiibo."
"Now you've gone too far! Everyone, we can't allow this kind of intolerant language!"
"Also," Monophanie added, "we've hidden another hidden Flashback Light somewhere, too. I hope you all grow even closer now that you've regained more of your memories."
"So long, bear-well!"
"Geez, those cubs suck," Kokichi grumbled while biting down on his fingernail. "Monokuma was waaay better. Damn it... I've got too much pride as a human to let hose robots push me around! The world would be a better place if robots didn't exist! They should all be destroyed!"
"I've recorded your intolerant remarks, and will report the, to the proper authorities."
"So what are we going to do?" Kaito asked. "If we use this junk, we can open up new places, but..."
"Yayyy!" Angie cheered. "A new area means we can all have lots more fun!"
"I don't know if we'll have that much fun..." Tsumugi commented.
"I find myself more interested in the Flashback Light," Korekiyo spoke. "Perhaps we'll recall the school's secret."
Kokichi smiled. "If that's the case, then we'll deal with murder girl later."
"Nyeeeh... What are we gonna do with that thing?" Himiko pointed down at the floor where Monokuma was standing. Slightly bald, completely motionless, and silent.
"Umm...let's just leave him here," Tsumugi replied. With that, everyone except for Kaito left.
"Oh. Morning, (Y/N)."
"You okay, Gonta?"
"Gonta is fine. Why you ask?"
"I don't know. I was just randomly thinking back about how you acted during the investigation and trial."
"Thank you for caring about Gonta!" Gonta smiled down at you. "Gonta is sorry if he made you worry."
"You're fine..." You looked around silently before looking back up. "You know, you're too innocent to have been thrust into this killing game."
"Huh...? U-Uh, Gonta is not very smart boy, so he no understand..."
"It's nothing to be sorry about, but just...look at you! You're oblivious, sensitive, a big pushover... Unlike the rest of us... I bet you really wish to go home, right? You must have people who are worrying."
"Gonta does wish to go home, but his motive does not match Kirumi's. Kirumi...had so many people relying on her. That why...she decide to kill Ryoma."
"...Yeah. An entire nation..." Much more greater than my motive... It makes me feel pathetic. The memory of seeing your mom there, on the brink of death and then actually dead...it sent an involuntary shiver up your spine, and caused a pang of pitiful sorrow to pierce right through your heart. ...I have no one to speak to...so I guess I can resort...to that.
"Uhh, are you okay? You have been staring for long time..."
"Ah, um, I'm fine! I'll just...leave here. I have no business left for now." You turned and waved at the entomologist. "See you later."
"Oh! See you later!" Gonta smiled after you as you walked away.
It amazes me just how much all of these people around me can keep everything together, you thought as you walked through the school halls. You did trip a few times from having your scarf back on to cover your eyes, but you memorized the school's layout well enough. Just how long will we be forced to stay here? You continued walking, eyeing the people you went past. They all seemed optimistic and hopeful, despite having lost another two classmates. The mastermind really is sick.
You continued walking, no stopping for anyone. You eventually made it to the warehouse. I just need to find what I need before anyone could find me and take this entire thing the wrong way. You paced around, feeling around for what you needed. And then sometime sharp pricked your finger. "Ow." You picked the item up—it was sharp, thin, and square shaped. You took five and headed toward the dorms.
You could have sworn that someone called out your name, but you simply ignored them and started running. You ran into the dormitory, stumbling weakly on the stairs and scrambling to get inside your own room. You considered locking your door but you figured it wouldn't matter in the end. No one would even think about entering the dormitory at this time, let alone my room. You closed your door without bothering to lock it before walking to your bed and collapsing.
Letting out a sigh of despair, you pulled off your scarf from your eyes. After doing so, you reached for your Kubs Pad and turned it on. I want...to see my mom again. The video makes my heart stop and makes me want to gag...but is it better to face it head on? The screen flashed on, but you saw something that you didn't expect.
"Kokichi Ouma's Motive Video"
"Wh-What!?" you whispered frantically. "How did this happen...!?" You thought back to what might have happened.
"...Here's a better question... Where's our motive videos?"
"..." Kokichi looked back down. He just shrugged. "I dunno."
Suddenly, you heard the sound of metal. Squinting to see, you found Monodam on the ground before you. "I-GAVE-MOST-OF-THEM-TO-THEIR-RESPECTIVE-OWNERS. EXCEPT-FOR-YOU-TWO."
"Well... Can we please have them back?"
"MOST-CERTAINLY." You kneeled down and grabbed the Kubs Pads he was holding out. "NOW-GO-TO-BED... YOU-B*STARDS." He disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.
"..." Your silence soon grew into a groan as the realization hit. "E...Either way...I'm not going to watch this. It'd be disrespectful...but still. If Monodam switched these up then that means that...Kokichi got his own motive... A-And Kokichi has mine!?" You felt your heart crumble. You didn't want anyone to see your motive.
I guess this is just another reason to get on with this... You picked up one of the small objects you had stole from the warehouse and held it in your palm. You stared at it intently, thousands of thoughts flowing through your head all at once. Your entire body shook slightly as you kept staring and thinking. Then you held it closer to your body.
Kokichi, bored out of his mind, decided to exit the Ultimate Anthologist's lab. He just so happened to be out walking near the school's front entrance when a figure a fair distance away was sulking towards the dormitory. The boy tilted his head and squinted.
"Hey... (Y/N)!?" he yelled. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!?" Can they not hear me? The teen ignored him and started to run into the dormitory. "W-Wait! I wanna...talk to you about something." He stopped shouting, knowing that his attempts were futile. I have to follow them. And so he did.
Kokichi saw (Y/N) enter their dorm and slam the door shut. He let out a sharp breath before ascending the stairs. He was a bit nervous to confront them, after seeing what was in their motive video. The boy just wanted to look back over his motive when we noticed he didn't have his own. He knew that he probably should have put it down and return it normally, but his curiosity got to him.
No response.
"Hey, may I come in?" He was oddly serious.
No response.
Kokichi noticed that the door wasn't locked. I...should still probably go in. What's the worst that I could find in there anyway? "(Y/N), I'm coming in." He gently opened the door. . .
"Ah!" you yelped, scrambling away from him only to back up into the wall. "K-Kokichi! Why are you in here!? Get out! Don't look at me when I'm like this!"
"Holy sh*t... Holy SH*T!" Kokichi respectfully closed your door and immediately rushed over to you, taking a seat on the bed right in front of you so that you couldn't escape.. "What the hell do you think that you're doing!?"
You shamefully looked down at your arm. A single cut. Out of what seemed like hours that had been given to you, you were only able to make one cut. Pathetic. Your mind was fuzzy, however, even from such a simple injury. "..."
"Answer me!!!" he yelled. Then he repeated, in a softer tone, "Answer me, (Y/N)...please." He snatched the razor blade from your hand and grabbed your arm.
"I...was just..." You bit your lip. "...Venting?" You casually reached behind you and grabbed another blade.
"Venting?" Kokichi repeated as if you were crazy. He smacked the blade out of your hand, the small object flying across the room.
"Well, I mean, something happened. Something happened and I guess I just didn't want to vent to someone so I...vented to myself."
"Why would you hide something?"
"Isn't it obvious?" you spat, unintentional venom audible from your tone. It wasn't directed at Kokichi, but more so at yourself. "We're in a killing game! Make one wrong move and you'll be dead. And also...because I have no one to vent to." You went to grab yet another blade when the boy caught your wrist.
"Just how many of these razors did you manage to get...!?"
"Five in total." You tried to pull the razor blade up to your arm again.
"Stop that!" He grabbed the remaining blades and threw them away from you, the tiny pieces of metal landing and sliding across the floor in various directions. "Hurting yourself won't make it any better!...Hey, look at me!!" He forced you to look up into his amethyst eyes by using his thumb and index finger.
"Is this about your motive video?"
"I believe that when giving us back our Kubs Pads, Monodam switched up ours so I got your motive and you got mine. I...kinda gave in to curiosity and watches yours..."
"This is so goddamned terrible..." You tried to cover your face with your hands but Kokichi wouldn't let you.
"Why, (Y/N)...? Why would you go this far? And why now?"
"Why not? When I heard Kirumi's motive, having an entire nation's responsibilities weighed down on my shoulders, I felt far more inferior. I only had my mom, and now she's dead!!" Kokichi gave you a concerned frown. "I basically have nothing to go home to! I'm just going to be stuck in this damned killing game for the rest of my pitiful life! I am worthless!"
"(Y/N)...how dare you! You really think that!? Your eyes are the brightest f*cking blue I have ever seen right now!!"
". . . Why do you even care?"
"To all the others you can act like a complete d*ckhead, so why are you so worried all of a sudden?? Why are you acting like you trust me?? Please...don't mess with my feelings..."
Kokichi let out a heavy breath before bringing you in close, making your foreheads touch. "I'm not messing with you, and that's not a lie. I've gathered all I need to in order to understand that you...you're s-special. I'm pretty sure that I can trust you."
"Thanks...I guess..."
Kokichi awkwardly pulled you into an embrace. You felt something wet trail down from your eye and down your face. They slowly became more frequent. It took you a moment to process that you were...crying. You wanted to sob, but it would just be gross and utterly embarrassing. Though, it probably would feel nice to let it all out while you're still with someone who trusted you—you couldn't even remember the last time you had cried.
Upon noticing that you were starting to cry, Kokichi held you even tighter. He patted you on the back. "Hey...can you say that you'll also trust me, no matter what I might do?"
That was a tough decision. You didn't want to trust anyone, but for some reason, it felt like there was an exception to this boy. Weird, since you were being so stubborn and reluctant with him at first. "...Why should I?"
"Have you seen my motive video?"
"I can show it to you later, then. But for now, just trust me, okay?"
"I...guess. Like a...friend, right...?"
"...Yeah, friends..." He held you a bit tighter when he said that, but for the moment, that was fine for you. When your waterworks finally started to dry up, you played around with the boy's beautiful purple hair. It was actually really soft, smooth...you expected it to be full of hair product in order to achieve the curls.
Kokichi chuckled. "Just so you know, we can stay like this for however long you want to."
"Alright." You smiled into his shoulder. "That...sounds nice."
Word Count: 3788
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