You heard quick footsteps from outside your door. Running. From what, though? There really isn't any reason for someone to be running, not in the dormitory, not at this time of day. I wonder who that could be... You sighed, turning back to what you were working on, when the intercom button was suddenly abused and your dorm's door was pounded on. It all stopped, and you heard the door open. Wait, what? Your hands skimmed the floor, reaching the key. Ugh, the key is here, but I must not have locked the door...!
"(Y/N)," a loud voice boomed. Gonta...? "Gonta is sorry, but Gonta must take you with him!"
"What the hell, Gonta!?" You held your hands closer to your body.
"...Hmm? Oh, Gonta is so, so, so sorry! Gonta is gentleman, and gentlemen never force blind and/or injured around!" I'm not blind... you thought in your head. Okay, I kind of am, but... The giant must have seen the object you held in one of your hands. "Oh, does it hurt?"
"If you're not going to drag me away then your apology is accepted, please leave my room...!"
"Yes! Yes! Gonta will most certainly do that!" You heard your door gently close, the sound of heavy footsteps walking away from your dorm following soon after. You looked back down again. ...Perhaps now isn't the best time for this. Sighing, you stood up from the floor and went over to your bed to sit on it. I wonder what all of the others are doing.
You walked over to your door and peeked outside. It felt empty, maybe even a bit dead. Even if you couldn't see anything, you just felt the absence of life—excluding you, of course. Actually... I'm dead on the inside. You closed your door again, locking it, and leaning on it out of pure boredom. Out of pure, 'I don't know what to do'. Maybe I can...sleep? Sleep all of my problems away. Yeah, like that's going to help... Nevertheless, you walked to your bed and tried closing your eyes from behind your scarf. Even if it didn't work, you just lied there. . .
There was a weird clicking noise. It sounded like it came from your door. Your heart quickened a bit once you considered someone may be trying to kill you. You only calmed down, when...you figured it didn't matter. I really don't have anything to...live for. . . The clicking noises suddenly stopped, only to be replaced with the sound of footsteps. Welp... Time to welcome death with open arms. Heyyy Death, nice to meet you, how have you been?? The footsteps traveled to your bed.
...Breathing. You heard the light breathing of someone, yet the person wasn't trying to kill you like you thought. You decided to stay still, as if you were actually asleep. Then, you felt a tug. It was a slight movement, but grabbed your attention none the less. The person had pulled on the Kubs Pad you hadn't realized you were clutching onto. The person tried again, presumably trying to not 'wake you up'. Screw this. Your eyes shot open and your body shot up with them. You grabbed the person by their wrist, and harshly shoved them up against the nearest wall.
"Who are you, and what were you trying to do here?"
"Tell me..." the person said, before seemingly leaning closer to you and whispering, "Who do you think it is?"
"Haha, bingo!"
You rolled your eyes behind the scarf. "Kokichi, what were you trying to do here?"
"Welll, I was trying to gather everyone together for a screening party! A few didn't come, you being one of them I guess."
"...Screening party? Of what?"
"Nishishi! Of the motive videos, of course!"
"Wh-Wha...!?" You felt like a weight had been suddenly strapped onto your back. "W-Well... If I'm not even going to be at this 'party', why should I let you take the motive video I have?"
"Hmm... I could always take you with me!" Kokichi giggled. "Hah, but on a second thought, perhaps it'd be best if you didn't join us. The 'Insect Meet and Greet' is in Gonta's lab, and I'm sure he's filled the room with bugs already!"
"Of course you'd set something like this up, you mischievous little...something...?"
"Brat? Sh*t? ...Yeah, I know. I'm evil like that! I am the Ultimate Supreme Leader after all, aren't I?"
"Still... I don't want to share the video I have. It'd...be disrespectful."
Kokichi sighed. "Well, I can't get everyone's except yours. It would look suspicious... Hmm... How about this: I'd have everyone's videos, but I'll try and find a way to not show yours?"
"Maybe..." You sighed, quietly mumbling, "I just don't want anyone to see my motive."
"Huh? What was that? You have your own motive video?"
"N-No, I...never said that!"
"Tch. That was a pretty weak lie, (Y/N). Look, I just won't show everyone your video, okay? I'll use this excuse that it's me 'being me'. 'Cause we all know that no one would bother with someone like me..."
"..." What was he insinuating? Your mind slowly filled with concern, but you decided that you shouldn't bring it up now. You sighed, dismissing the thought for the time being. "Mm... Okay. But just so you know...I-I...trust you." You heard the boy's breathing hitch for a small moment, so small that you were questioning if you were just hearing random things.
"Alright then!" He flicked your nose.
"...Kokichi, what was that for?"
"I dunno! You just look cute."
"...!" Your face flushed a bit. "K...Kokichi...! Should you really be saying things like that at this point!?"
"Whaaaa? Oh come on, you haven't acted like this the other times I've hit on you!" H-He's...been hitting on me? I wouldn't call it that, but... Oh sh*t, I see what he's getting at. "Not like it's a bad thing though...~! Quite interesting, if I do say so myself."
"..." You said nothing, but released Kokichi from the wall. You felt over to your bed, grabbing your Kubs Pad. "Here." You held it out from you, the boy taking it.
"Nice doing business with you!" He patted you on the head, and before you could say anything about it, he quickly skipped away. ...He will never cease to bewilder me, you mentally sighed. With your mind lingering on him a bit longer, you found yourself smiling. Just a bit though.
I guess I really have nothing else to do? You let out a sharp breath. Who knows how long this... 'Insect Meet and Greet' will last... Ughh, I can't stay still for this long...! You started pacing around aimlessly until you accidentally tripped on something. Sh*t. Groaning, you picked yourself up off the floor. You realized that you would just have to wait a while before the others would come back.
"Gah, what's taking everyone so long...!?" It had been an hour after the nighttime announcement, and yet you didn't hear anyone entering the dormitory again. Perhaps I should see what's going on myself. Determined, you stepped outside of your dorm. You also took your scarf off, letting it hang around your neck just so you could see. Now...Kokichi said this event was at Gonta's Ultimate Lab. Pulling up a school map, you started walking at a rather brisk pace.
A few minutes later and you made it to your destination. You were...rather horrified. From the other side of the door, you could hear muffled screams. You immediately pounded on the door. "Hey! What's going on in there!?" The door opened, making the screams louder.
"Gonta just hanging with bug friends with Kokichi." He looked slightly angered.
"Helppp!! Help me, these things are gonna kill meeee!!" You saw him run by through the crack in the door, an inhumane amount of bugs flying after him.
"...Oh, what happened to you?" Gonta questioned while motioning to your bandage, completely ignoring Kokichi's cry of help.
"It's not a big deal. Now...Gonta... I think he's been through enough, wouldn't you think?" You nervously sneaked a glance behind the giant in front of you, trying to spot the poor boy again.
"We only getting started though!"
"Gonta... I'd think it's a bit late for this, hm?"
"But if Kokichi like bugs like he says, then he shouldn't have problem."
You gulped. "I... I'm sure he's tired. Can you let him go?" Gonta just looked at you for a moment. "...Can you please let him go...?"
"Gonta is sorry, but Gonta wants to say no."
"W—" You felt something starting to crawl up your leg. A-Ah... What could that be? You hesitated slightly before looking down. A giant beetle was making its way up your leg. You almost shrieked. "Get it off!"
"...Hm? Why? Do you no like bugs...?"
"I..." You glanced around nervously before the words popped into your head. "I have entomophobia. It's a fear of insects. It's...not that I hate them...! I, uh, bet that there are a lot of wonderful bugs out there. It's just that I'm kind of afraid of them..." You shook your leg a bit. "And it's also not something that can be helped naturally."
"Oh...! Gonta see!" He cupped the beetle off your leg. "Gonta is so sorry! Gonta not mean to frighten you! As apology, Gonta will let Kokichi go."
"Thank goodness!!" Kokichi's voice yelled out in the distance. Gonta turned away from you and towards the inside of the room. In one swift and effortless motion, he picked the boy up and plopped him down on the ground outside of the lab. The small dictator shot up, dusting himself off.
"Thank you, Gonta," you told him.
"No problem!"
"Uhn..." Kokichi exhaustedly grabbed onto your arm. "C-Come on, (Y/N)... Let's get outta here," he mumbled. You nodded in response. You waved to Gonta before starting to walk away. The area was covered by a blanket of darkness. The moonlight stabbed through the atmosphere to give off some light, which was the only way for you to find your way back to the dormitory.
"You can thank me later." You then sighed. "What did you even do to get in that much trouble?"
"Ah-ha...ha... Well... Gonta found out about my lie of liking bugs, so he just forced me to stay in that place. Everyone else? They...just left." He hummed a bit. "Why'd you even come to the entomologist's lab anyway?"
"I hadn't heard anyone come back to the dormitory yet."
"Alright..." He looked up at you. "Lemme guess. You having entomophobia was a lie?"
"Mhm." A small moment of silence passed. . .
"Soooo, how's my amazing scarf doing for you?"
"It's doing fine."
"How is the sweetheart doing on this lovely night?"
"...Don't call me that."
"What? 'Sweetheart'? Well, you didn't seem to have a problem all of the other times I called you that!"
"...Here's a better question... Where's our motive videos?"
"..." Kokichi looked back down. He just shrugged. "I dunno."
Suddenly, you heard the sound of metal. Squinting to see, you found Monodam on the ground before you. "I-GAVE-MOST-OF-THEM-TO-THEIR-RESPECTIVE-OWNERS. EXCEPT-FOR-YOU-TWO."
"Well... Can we please have them back?"
"MOST-CERTAINLY." You kneeled down and grabbed the Kubs Pads he was holding out. "NOW-GO-TO-BED... YOU-B*STARDS." He disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.
You sighed before handing Kokichi one of the Kubs Pads. After that, you continued to walk until you finally reached the dormitory. You went up the set of stairs to the second floor. "Here we are." Despite having said that though, the boy didn't let go of your arm. "...What are you waiting for?"
He shook his head. "Nothing..." He let go.
"Alright then. Goodnight, Kokichi."
"...G-Goodnight." He walked over to his own door. He looked back up at you with a curious face one last time before disappearing into his room. As for yourself, you went into your dorm as well. You set the Kubs Pad on your desk before flopping down on your bed, trying to fall asleep.
"Where's some coffee in this darned place...?" You groaned miserably, arms pulling away from the kitchen cupboards. You barely slept...like usual.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" It was Kiibo. "Did you not hear?"
"If you're surprised at me being here when something is going on then obviously I didn't hear whatever you're referring to."
"Well, Himiko and Angie are hosting a magic show today! I bet it'll be great!" The robot was most likely beaming. "It's in the gym. I bet some of the others have gone there already."
"A magic show, huh? Well, I guess I better get going." You started walking away from the dining hall. "Thanks for the heads up... Hey, uh, mind taking me over there?"
"No problem!" He started walking along with you. "I have seen the tricks to many magic performances, but I believe Himiko is using real magic! She is the Ultimate Magician."
"Aren't you excited?"
"...Mhm." You nodded at him with fake enthusiasm. This seems too out of place, you thought. I wonder if something bad will happen... You cut off your own thought when you ran into the gym doors.
"Ah...! Are you okay?"
"Mmph... Yeah, don't worry." You opened up the gym doors; you could hear everyone talking amongst themselves. "..." You crossed your arms, being ever so quiet in a corner of the room. Then you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
"Good morning, (Y/N)..."
"Morning, Shuichi." You let out a thick breath. "I'm exhausted."
"Oh? Why's that...?"
"Well, I had to save a certain someone from really tiny killing machines, and then I couldn't go to sleep." You shook you're head. "Geez, I have to get on a regular sleeping schedule sooner or later... So, what am I missing? I'm not taking this thing off my eyes yet, just because I know the others must be looking at me oddly."
"Uhm..." There was a brief moment of silence between you and Shuichi. "Ah! Well, there's a big water tank with a box of piranhas above it... A few banners and streamers around... Wow, this is actually nicer than I thought it would be."
"Mhm! Mhm!" another voice suddenly joined in. "Isn't it divine? Oh, but of course you wouldn't be able to see it, (Y/N). Oh my. Oh me, oh my...! You look like that one poor kid who wears a bag on their head with holes cut out in it. Except it's not a bag! And you can't see at all...!!"
You tensed up. "H-Hey...! You're describing a typical loser...!"
"Whaaat? Are you claiming that you are not one of these 'typical losers'?"
"Angie, I think that's enough..." Shuichi intervened.
"Mmm... Yep! You're right! The show's been delayed enough at this point. Time for action!" You heard Angie skip away.
"Err... Thanks..." You sighed. "Who isn't here, by the way? I can just tell there's a few people missing."
"...Ah, well, there's Maki, Ryoma...Kaito, and—"
The male must have been surprised you could figure it out. "Yeah... How did you know?"
"I'm psychic, hehe... Not really, I'm just kidding. I only know because he hasn't came up to mess around with me." You relaxed and smiled a bit.
"Ready, Himiko?" Angie yelled out loudly from a distance. "Did you say your prayers and use the bathroom?"
"Nyeeeh... I said my prayers and went pee."
"Nyahahahaha! Then let's get the show started!" Even with some of us being absent...? "Thank you, Atua, for being with us today," the girl started.
"Boo! Boooooooo!!! You're supposed to thank us first!" Tenko yelled angrily.
Ignoring what the other had said, Angie continued on. "Nyahaha! I present to you the mysterious, the miraculous, The Amazing Himiko!"
"N...Nyeh..." You could tell the little magician was nervous out of her wits. She's got a ways to go then, huh? "Th-The magic I will perform today is the Extreme Water Magic... U-U-Underwater...Escape Act..."
"If you would please turn your attention to the water tank in front of you! When the timer above this stage starts, Himiko will enter the water tank. Once she's in the tank, her assistant—me!—will draw the curtain in front of the tank. After sixty seconds have passed on the timer..." She paused for tension. "...A separate, suspended tank will open and drop in a school of piranhas! Oh my goodness! After the piranhas have fallen, and the curtain is opened... If, by some miracle, Himiko has been gobbled up, please give a big round of applause!"
"Juuust kidding! It's a joke!"
"...I'm concerned about Himiko," Kirumi spoke. "She is not responding properly to Angie's jokes."
"Gonta worry... Gonta have bad feeling..."
You couldn't help but to silently agree with what the others were saying. However, there was something off. Yeah... I agree that I feel something bad is going to happen...but for some reason, I can't... I can't link this feeling of dread to Himiko. She isn't going to get hurt. Perhaps...you were just being paranoid? But often times, when you had thoughts like that, they were never far from the truth.
"Nyeeeh... Well then, let's begin... The Amazing Himiko's Magic Show!" You heard a splash.
"Okay! I'm closing the curtain!" Angie announced. Some time passed by.
"...Himiko is still not out!" Tenko said nervously.
"She went in there mere moments ago," Korekiyo replied. Some more time. . .
"W-Well, do you think she's alright!?"
"Uhh... Gonta starting to worry. Should we do something?" Even more time passed.
"Sh-She still hasn't come out! Are you sure she's okay!?"
"G-Gonta can't take it anymore!"
"Wait...Gonta!?" Kirumi called out.
"...Eh?" You slowly slipped your scarf off. Gonta was standing above the water tank Himiko hadn't came out of yet. The timer was on twenty seconds left.
"Aw, you can't do that! We're still in the middle of the show!" Angie told him.
"B-But...if Gonta do nothing, Himiko get eaten by piranhas— ...Huh?"
"Um..." Kiibo spoke up. "Less than ten seconds remain..."
"I don't care if it ruins the trick, just come out!" Tsumugi yelled. "This stress is bad for my heart!"
"Himikoooooooooo!!!" Tenko screamed.
"..." You watched as the timer went down, until it emitted a loud buzz at the end. The timer then read the word 'death'. The box above the water tank had its bottom unlatched, releasing dark shapes into the water.
Gonta just stared down into the tank. "Huh? Huhhhh?"
"H-Hurry!" Tenko rushed towards the tank. Her voice was frantic. "The curtains! Open the curtains already!"
Angie just smiled, seemingly not concerned whatsoever. "Got it. I'm opening it now!" She pulled back the curtains. You grimaced...and then the sight fell upon you and the others. I was right...my thought was right.
Instead of Himiko in the tank, a motionless Ryoma was floating in there. You had to look away when the piranhas started eating away at his flesh. No, no, no... You held your head. Not. . . Not again. . . You quickly pulled your hands away, thinking yourself of a fool, but then you couldn't stop your entire body from shaking. You snuck a glance back at the tank. The water had turned pink, and through it you could barely see Ryoma's skeleton. Just like Rantaro...he's dead... I honestly can't believe it...but it's staring me right in the face.
Himiko stepped out, smiling gleefully. "Behold! The magnificent Underwater Esca—"
Ding dong, dong ding!
"A body has been discovered!" Everyone turned towards the monitor in the room. Everyone, please gather in the gym!" Why do we still have to do this...?
"Nyeh? A body? In the gym?" Himiko questioned, oblivious to what had happened. She turned around. "...Nyeh?"
Word Count: 3335
Ok, different options. Which one would you like to see first? High school AU Oumasai, Pregame Oumasai, or Modern Day AU Oumasai? (All of them are planned to have some angst/drama, but the high school AU is planned to have hanahaki.)
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