"(Y/N)! I can't believe you actually made it! Took you long enough, huh?" Your eyes widened as the door to the library you were leaning on for support suddenly opened, causing you to fall. Sh*t. You tried to catch yourself before you hit the ground until you realized that something had caught you. "Nishishi~! You really are falling for me!"
"Th-That's not it... Now let go of me, will you?"
"Hmm... No thanks!" He dragged you more into the library and closed the door. "Geez, why were you that exhausted in the first place? Was it me~?" He winked playfully at you.
"Tsk. How cute."
"You're not shaken up one bit...!" The boy pouted before a smirk crossed his face. "Hey, how about we go into a dark room and see what develops?"
"...The hell!?"
"Nishishi! I learned it from a photographer!"
"Ugh... What do you want from me, anyway? You said you wanted to do something with me..."
"Hey, now...! I was getting there!" Kokichi huffed. He took one of your hands and twirled you out of his arms, as if it were some part in a dance number. "First off... Do you trust me?"
The question threw you off a bit. You weren't quite sure how he would talk to either a 'yes' or a 'no'. "...For now, I...guess I do. But if you do anything creepy then I'll never trust you again."
The boy in front of you just looked at you for a moment, not saying a word. He seemed like he was wondering about something, but you didn't question it. "...Anyway.." He suddenly pulled out a knife.
"...!" You then remembered the situation you were in. He wasn't approaching you. You them thought about his character. Something's telling me that he wouldn't normally kill someone... You took a few breaths. "...So... What are we going to be doing with the...knife?"
"It's a game of risk and chance!" he told you excitedly. "Spin the knife three times, and whoever it lands on has to stab or cut themselves with the knife!"
"...Yes. Quite risky and full of chances," you said uneasily. Kokichi, still holding one of your hands, led you to the floor. You sat down, him following suit. "Who's going first?"
"Hmm..." He tapped a finger to his chin. "Oh! How about we spin the knife three times and whoever it lands on has to go first?"
"...Sure." You put your hand on the knife that had been placed between the two of you. At the same time, Kokichi had went to put his hand on the knife. You two looked up for a moment, eyes locking. You started to feel weird, so you quickly looked down. With both of you having a hand on the knife's handle, the two of you spun it. Once. Twice.
Third time... you thought. You closed your eyes for a second.
"I gotta go first," one of you said. You opened your eyes. Kokichi was pushing your hand away from the knife, in an almost...cautious manner. "Okay! Soooo, I'll just spin three times. One." He spun once. "Two." He spun again. "Three." His last spin was noticeably more weaker than the rest. "Welp, looks like this turn, I've got to take the bullet! Alright!"
"Hey, wait—" He was too quick. He pricked one of his fingers before he could give it another thought. You were quickly put on edge at the sight of his pink blood being exposed. "You...actually just did that?"
"Yeah I did! Next time the knife lands on someone we'll have to turn it up a notch! Yourrr turn!"
"But..." You pointed towards his finger.
"Ah, I'm fine!" He put his hand behind his back. "Go on, now."
You put your hand on the knife. It was still slightly warm from where Kokichi had gripped it. Closing your eyes you started to spin. "One, two—"
"W-Woah! I think you're spinning to harsh—"
"Three... What do you mean? I'm just playing the game." You looked down; so did Kokichi, his facing growing dread and pale for some reason. "Kokichi...why are you looking like that? The knife landed on me." You picked the knife up with both of your hands. You weren't quite sure where you were aiming, but nevertheless you hastily brought the weapon to your body. . .
"(Y/N)! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Your knife was being held back. You looked around, only to find it was Kokichi yelling at you and holding the knife back. He seemed to be sweating, and something clouded his eyes.
"I'm...playing...the game...!" you managed to say while attempting to release the leader's grip.
"This... This is a bad idea! You're going way to far with this!"
"This was your idea! Stop being stubborn...!"
"You're being the stubborn o—"
"Hng...!" Everything suddenly seemed to go in slow motion. Your grip loosened instantly. Your hands instinctively traveled up to your face. With your right eye you could see Kokichi covering his mouth, eyes wide. Now I can see what's in his eyes... Tears. You never even noticed them form. Your attention was brought back to what had happened when a pain ran by again. The knife had scraped your skin, clipping the skin near the very corner of your eye. It was so close to actual making it to your eye. "...I'm sorry," you murmured.
"I-I'm getting help!" Kokichi cried. "Stay here!" He dashed out of the library, as fast as he did when he was coming to the library. You just stayed in your spot, completely silent. The room felt...empty, without the boy's presence. You found yourself wishing that he would come back already before you smothered the thought embarrassedly.
...This might be a chance, you realized. What Monokuma had told you on the way there resounded in your head.
"Just wanted you to know..." He suddenly grew creepy. "Your eyes. They change color, right? Well... I know what happened after your flashback. I suggest you do something quick in order to cover your eyes, if you don't wanna be caught."
...I might be able to use this situation to my advantage. The library door suddenly burst open. Kokichi came running back in; Kirumi simply walked in, but she made haste in doing so. She held a first-aid kit in her hands. "I heard that you are injured, (Y/N)?" she asked.
You shrugged.
"Yes, they are!" Kokichi interjected. "Come on (Y/N), just let Kirumi do her thing... Please?"
"Yes. If I am to help you then you will need to remove your hand from your injury."
You shifted uncomfortably in your spot. "I'm...fine. I think Kokichi is just overreacting."
"Am not!" The purple-haired boy stomped over to you, but gently pulled your hand away from your face. "See!? This is what we're dealing with!" The contact of fresh oxygen on your cut stung, causing you to wince. "Pleeaaseeee help them!"
"Most certainly. I will get right on it." The maid strode over to where you sat, kneeling down to work at a proper angle. "Just be patient with me, alright? I am going to make this as painless as possible." You nodded at her, and let her do her thing.
"...Kokichi," you looked over at him, "what was your reason for this game anyway?"
He looked off into the distance before looking back. "Ummm, I don't know. I guess I was just...checking out some things."
"Honestly," Kirumi spoke up, "I am quite surprised at you, Kokichi, for being so responsible as to seek for help."
"Hey, it's just what I do." A smirk grew on his face. "Savin' lives like a superhero!"
"...Says an 'overlord of darkness'," you said. "Says the Ultimate Supreme Leader, who claims to be the leader of a secret evil organization with over ten thousand members."
"Well y'know, I am a liar~"
"I'm fairly sure we all know that," Kirumi sighed. You nodded in agreement with her. "(Y/N), I'm about to put a bandage on this injury of yours. I'd advise you to stay really still, now." The maid carefully took out a bandage from her kit and placed it on top of the cut on your skin. "There."
"...I want to cover it up," you suddenly said. "I don't like how it looks on me."
"Well, if you are so inclined to do so...then there isn't much of a problem with that."
"Alright..." You looked down at your clothes. You put your hands on the rim of your shirt, with the intent of ripping a big enough piece off that could cover up your eyes.
"Don't do that," Kokichi pouted. "You'll ruin your beautiful outfit. Here! Take this!" The boy reached behind his neck, undoing the knot that kept his scarf in place. He took it off, exposing his bare neck...
"...What...are you doing...?" you asked slowly.
"Duh, I'm giving you something for your cause. Now take it... If you're wondering, I have more of this same outfit in my closet, so that part isn't any problem." He shoved the checkered scarf in your hands, which had a bit of dried pink blood on them. You looked down at it. The scarf was unbelievably soft, and it was still a bit warm from Kokichi's body heat. You looked back up at the boy, eyes lingering on his neck. He...really looks different, huh..?
"Nishishi~! Something wrong? Or are you thinking of something?" A mischievous smile crossed his face. "Am I cute, or are you being some sorta weird pervert!?"
"I do not agree," Kirumi cut him off. "I am positive that (Y/N) wouldn't have any thoughts like that of which you just described."
Kokichi just huffed and watched as you tried to put the scarf on around your head to cover your eyes. You tried knotting it at the back but every time, the scarf would completely slip off your head. "Geeeez, you really are helpless." He shuffled behind you and knotted it for you. You felt yourself blush, just slightly though, and you didn't really even know why you were blushing in the first place. ...Perhaps it's just the scarf heating my face up... Yeah, that must be it.
"But now here comes the problem. (Y/N), I highly doubt that you can see properly through that thing, can you?" You slowly shook your head. "There it is. You can't see anything, which will most definitely serve as a problem for your mobility."
"I can just get someone to help me around?" you offered.
"I do see that that could be a solution... Who would you want to help you, though?" You thought about it. I haven't spent that much time with many others, so I can't trust them... Shuichi I think is suspicious of me, Kirumi seems to be busy waiting to serve for everyone. So that must leave...
"Soooooo. Who are you thinking aboutttt?" Kokichi asked, though he kind of knew the answer already.
You sighed, and pointed over to where you thought the leader was. "Hmhm... No one is there," the voice called out from the completely opposite side.
"Why you...!" You reached over to your other side, feeling around for something; anything. You felt a warm hand. It's just a hand, no glove. This must be him. "...This guy."
You could practically feel Kirumi glaring Kokichi down, despite not being able to see it. "If you are sure. Kokichi, I am entrusting you with the task of leading (Y/N) around the school area. Treat it as if you're aiding a blind person, and take this seriously."
"Yeah yeah, I got this!"
"Which also means, no abruptly running off like you did in the gym this morning. Then they would have to ask someone else to help them around, someone whom they might not be as familiar and trust as much."
"I get it! Geez!" You could feel him standing up.
"...Well?" Kirumi questioned.
Suddenly, someone took your hand. "Upsy-daisy!" Kokichi led you up into a standing position. "Onwards we go!"
"Bye Kirumi. Thank you for treating my cut," you told her.
"Anytime. If I haven't mentioned before, my duty is to be there to serve and protect everyone. I will be on my own way, now." You heard her leaving. Now it was just you and Kokichi.
"Soooo! What are we gonna do nooooww?"
"Uhm, I'm not sure... Whatever you want, I guess..."
"Man, we can't go for another one of our runs. That sucks. I actually quite liked running with you..."
You sighed. "Is that a lie?" I bet it is... No way that he would enjoy spending time with me.
"Why can't you figure that out on your own? You are the Ultimate—"
"S-Stop! Just...stop." You shook your head, embarrassed. "My 'official' title just sounds dumb, stupid, half-a**ed. It's...embarrassing. They couldn't afford to add in one extra word that would make it sound better...! Or better yet, I could have been name something else entirely... Like, umm... Ultimate Psychic, or something?? I d-don't know...!" You pulled your hands up to your face, unconsciously starting to play with the scarf.
"Hehe... Like that, huh?" Kokichi asked, noting your actions.
"N...No..." You felt your eyes change color. The hell...? "It's just soft...and warm...and...smells like grape...?" I won't even ask farther about that...but at least it's a nice smell, I guess. "Hey, can we, uhm, move somewhere outside of the library? This place...is a bit..." You softened your tone, and your voice was barely above a whisper. "...haunting..." You felt sick when the image of Rantaro's dead body flashed into your mind.
"...Oh, yes! Of course! Let's get a move on!" Kokichi dropped your hand, and you could hear him start stomping away. Inky a mere second in did he stop for something. You felt his hand intertwine with yours. "Now let's go." The two of you started walking out of the library.
"...Think anyone's going to look at me weird?" you asked your helper.
"Weird?? Pshh, you never look bad."
"Oh, I feel flattered," you deadpanned. "If you don't like having to do...this," you shook the hand that he was holding, "then I can take this off. I know, I wanted to cover my eyes, but if it serves as a bother to you..."
"I dunno!" You could feel him shrug. "I'm taking us to the dining hall, okay?"
"Great!" The two of you continued walking until you made it to your destination. "Aaaaand we're here! The glorious dining hall!" He walked you over somewhere, to which you stuck your hand out and felt a chair. You sat down in it. "I'm gonna go get a Panta bottle. Stay here~!" Your hand felt cold and lonely once the boy's hand left it.
As if I'm going to go anywhere... You kicked your legs back and forth a bit. You just started listening to everything around you. After all, with your vision blocked, hearing (along with touch) would be your most prime important sense. You could hear Kokichi rummaging through the kitchen.
"Gah! Motherf*cker!" he yelled, the noise of something falling to the ground and clattering following right after. You couldn't help but to smile a bit. Just a bit. We aren't necessarily friends, you told yourself. I...only trust him a bit. Yeah, that's it. After another moment or two you heard Kokichi's footsteps coming closer. "I'm back."
"What happened in there?" you questioned him.
"Awesomeness." You heard him unscrewing the cap of his Panta bottle before he started to drink it.
"Ugh, now I'm thirsty. I'm going to try and—"
"If you're thirsty then why don't you just take a sip?"
"Huh?" You gasped a bit when you suddenly felt a hand appear on your cheek, guiding your face to look over somewhere. "Kokichi? What are you—Mmph...!" The bottle was shoved up against your lips, tilted at an angle so that the beverage would flow down. You weren't expecting it at first, causing you to choke a little, but eventually you managed to actually drink some of it properly. He took the bottle away.
Your face went red out of...annoyance? Anger? ...Something. You pulled the scarf down to where your right eye was exposed. You furrowed your brows. "What the hell was that for!?"
"Nishishi... You said you were thirsty! Don't get mad at me for giving you something you wanted...!" Kokichi took another sip of Panta, licking his lips afterwards before looking back at you.
You thought for a moment. Wait... If I just drank out of that...and he already took a drink out of that... You widened your eyes and just stared at the ground.
"Hmm~ With that look in your eye, it seems as if you've just realized something~?" The boy pretended to not know what was going on in your head.
"..." You glared at him before pulling the scarf back up to cover your eye. You rested your head on the table, humming a random song before stopping. It seemed like something in your mind just...switched, which also took effect on your thinking state. "...Kokichi, if you ever get tired of having to lug me around and guide me everywhere then...just tell me."
"Eh?" he asked you quizzically. "Why?"
"I'm not going to make you suffer whatever I'm going through. So, if you tell me, then I'll just have to find a way to work without you."
"...Geez, where did that even come from?" You heard him shift in his seat.
"Mmm... I'm not sure. I tend to say random things on my mind at random times when I'm tired...don't mind me." You yawned.
"How are you even tired right now? C'mon, don't go weak on me!"
You flinched when he put a hand on your shoulder to shake you awake. "I've just not been sleeping much lately, that's it... K-Kokichi, stop...!"
He huffed. "I'll keep going if it keeps you from being a drag like this! You're no fun when you're like this!" He finally stopped, but went on to whisper to you, "If you're not interesting enough; if you don't play the game right, then you are gonna die."
"What the hell...?" You sat up in your seat.
"Nishishi! It's nooooothing! I could be lying, after all!" You could hear the boy stand up from his own seat. "Hey, you said you were tired. Wanna go back to the dorms?"
You let out a long sigh before finally answering. "I guess."
"Alright! Let's get moving!" You felt Kokichi pull you up out of your chair, but what happened next was...quite unexpected.
"Kokichi...? W-What are you doing?"
"Piggyback riiiidee!" He pulled you up over his back, wrapping your legs around his torso and folding your arms around his neck. "Hold on tight, okay?" He started waking out of the dining hall.
"Kokichi, don't you think this is childish?" you asked.
"Mmm.... Nah, we're good!" ...I can literally feel the smirk growing on his face as we speak, you thought. "Maaaan, you're heavy."
"Hmph. Wow, thanks..."
You heard a genuine laugh come from Kokichi before he started talking. "Oh? Did you forget? I'm a liar~"
"This... This is embarrassing..." you mumbled to him. At least you two were about the same height, so there was no difficulty there. Behind the checkered scarf, your eyes got heavier and heavier with each second that passed. "You could tell me to follow your voice, or...or you could drag me by the hand. So why this? For hell's sake, you could have found a collar and leash to lead me around."
The boy gasped. "Kinky~!" He snickered. "But to answer your question, it's kinda like a remake of when you had to carry me like this! Remember?" Oh, yeah, it is kind of similar... "Now. No complaining! Just relax." He kept walking.
You got so tired that you rested your head in Kokichi's neck without realizing it. I'm seriously going to regret letting him see me like this later on, you mentally sighed. For the moment, though, you couldn't care less. "H-Here..." you mumbled, grabbing your dorm key and attempting to dangle it in front of your ride's face. You felt him grab it away from you.
After a while, you heard a clicking noise. A few more steps until you were softly lied down on your bed. You turned away from Kokichi, ashamed at your weakness. You heard him sigh.
"Have a nice rest, sweetheart!" the boy teased before walking out of your dorm room, closing the door behind him.
Word Count: 3464
Oumagod... Ou-ma-actual-god...
...PS, go check out my tag over in that one book no one looks at (Q+A and storyboard). It has ten things about me, I tagged some others, and a spoiler for this story.
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