Everyone crowded around the weird shrine. There was a statue of Monokuma, except much larger than his actual size and he was buff; the muscles on that thing scared you. The statue was holding something that had water coming out of it, with a rushing mini waterfall behind.
"So this is the Shrine of Judgement..." Kaito said.
"Careful, everyone! If bad things happen, hide behind Gonta!"
"Then gimme a piggy-back ride!" Angie called out to him. "C'mon, carry me."
"Omigod, you are so f*cking annoying! So are we doin' the class trial here or what!?" Miu asked loudly.
Ryoma answered nonchalantly, "No. Monokuma made it sound like we'd be guided somewhere from here."
"But Monokuma is nowhere to be seen." Attention turned to Kirumi. "What's going on...?" No one went to answer her. Instead they started talking amongst themselves in small clusters or just to themselves. You saw Shuichi conversing with Kaede, as to be expected.
"...Sooooooo," a voice started from behind you. "How do you think about the upcoming trial?!"
"..." You stayed silent, already knowing who was trying to get your attention; you had already made up your mind though. Cut it, I don't want to speak with you right now... You furrowed your brow and pretended not to hear the person.
"Oh come on (Y/N)! I'm talking to you!"
"...So? I'm not talking to you..." you said quietly.
The person thought about something for a moment, but seemed to decide against bringing it up. "Fine. Can't argue against that." ...Liar, you thought. "Well anyway, is there something you want to talk about? Something...specific you have in mind...?" Huh?? Having really no other choice, you turned around to face Kokichi.
"What..."—you pulled him over, away from the others a bit—"what do you mean?" You held your arms and looked sideways. "I don't know what you're talking about." At this point, you just had to hope that you wouldn't be found out by this small boy in front of you.
"You're lying," he said, messing around with one of his hands with the other one placed on his hip. "I can just tell." The male sighed. "Just spit it out by now..."
"Something I want to talk about?" you repeated, earning a nod from the other. Letting out a huff you began to think for something. "...According to all laws of aviation, a bee—"
"That's not what I'm referring to and you know it!" Kokichi was obvious annoyed at this point. "I'm...I'm going to do the thing to force it out!"
"Would you really do that again...?" you questioned, a mix of emotions starting to stir within you.
"...If it'll get you to...then..." Kokichi trailed off, leaving you in wonder. You remembered something he had said before... Well...don't you just hate me now?
"Then what?" you decided to ask. "And what's your obsession with, uh...feelings?"
"...Nishishi. Got you, didn't I?" He took a sharp turn away from you. "Heeyyyy, Kiiboy!! Lemme touch your robot body!" The purple-haired male quickly ran away from you before you could get a final good look at his face. Glancing over at his direction, he was now pestering the Ultimate Robot with his childish energy. A few more moments passed after that before you started to hear a faint rumbling noise.
The rumbling noise only got louder from there. The other students around you grew aware of it on their own, and turned to see where it was coming from. The Monokuma statue started moving, busting the thing in its hands before sinking into the water at its feet. The small waterfall behind it—some of its warted parted for entry to what seemed like a door to something. A bridge stretched across from the door and over the water surrounding it, supposedly so everyone could make it to the other side.
"Is this...an elevator?" Kaede asked.
"Does he want us to board it?" said Kiibo with his own question.
"I don't wanna..." Himiko said sharply. "I don't do scary rides."
"I...don't want to get on it, either," Tsumugi interjected.
"Stay behind, then. Though I'm sure that'll just be worse for you in the end," Maki told her calmly.
"Yeah, that's true...I know..."
"However," Kirumi started, "if anyone wishes to run away, I will cooperate as well."
"That's probably not a good idea." Ryoma pulled down his hat a bit while saying, "There's nowhere to run. As long as that End Wall exists, escape's not an option."
"It'll be fine..." the pianist spoke up. "Let's all work together. Remember our promise? We're gonna escape this place and remain good friends afterward... So let's do it! I'm sure we'll be alright! Because...we make such an incredible team." She had a smile when she said that.
"Heh, I wouldn't be able to call myself a man if I was still scared after hearing a girl say that," Kaito spoke aloud, whilst rubbing on his head. "Bring it! I'll show them how I, Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars, live!"
"Don't you mean 'die'?" Kokichi asked cheerfully.
"Don't say something all ominous like that!"
"Nggaaah!" Tenko cried out. "We've come so far already! We just gotta do it...SO LET'S DO IT!"
Shuichi quietly added, "We have no choice... We can't turn back now..." With that, all of you stepped forward and into the elevator. Even through the determination in which had been spread, you could sense that a lot of the other were still nervous. You couldn't blame them though; you were nervous, too.
"Whoaaa! That's super cool. It's actually an elevator," Kokichi spoke.
The female, who was yelling just a moment ago, stuttered, "E-Even so...this elevator is going pretty far down..."
"Kehehe...we're falling... I wonder how far we will plummet..." Korekiyo said in a creepy wavering tone.
"Nyeeeh... I suddenly have to go to the bathroom real bad," Himiko complained.
"By all means, go ahead," Kiibo offered politely, innocent and oblivious as to what he just said.
"Of course! A robot wouldn't understand how inappropriate that is!" the purple-haired male beside you told him. The robot stayed silent in a hurt manner. As for you, you stayed silent for the rest of the ride. Although the elevator wasn't going down awfully fast, it was still enough to make you feel threatened that you would start levitating off the ground and into the air. Hmm... I wonder if Rantaro is watching us somehow... Maybe he would even know his killer. But you knew deep inside that things would never be that easy.
The elevator came to a stop, and everyone stepped out into a large, tall circular room. What looked like stained glass windows took place for the walls. There were seventeen podiums on the floor. In the front of the room was a platform high up in the air, and on top of that, a big red chair.
The Monokubs popped out, appearing on the platform. Welcome to the class trial!" they greeted you all. One of them went on talking. "Oh boy! The class trial is finally starting! Finally, a game that actually feels like a game!"
"Listen up—from here on, things are gonna get so violent you'll wish you could turn back," Monosuke said matter-of-factly.
"Th-That's not true... There won't be any...gory or violent scenes... I'm positive," Monophanie whispered.
"This is an authentic replica of a courtroom," Kiibo spoke up. You could tell he was slightly disturbed by the realism of the situation.
"Hmph, what bad taste..." Ryoma mumbled in an unimpressed tone.
"Why are you making us do this? Is this fun for you!?" Kaede called out to the bears. Almost on cue, Monokuma bounced in to take his place on the red chair near his cubs.
"Of course! Putting strangers in life-or-death scenarios is the best entertainment!" the stuffed robot answered gleefully.
Tenko pointed a finger at him while yelling, "You are seriously the worst!"
"Puhuhu... Worse or not, those who have fun are the real winners in this world!" The shrill voice that came out of him just made you want to punch him in the face even more. "It doesn't matter what terrible things you do or are done to you, as long as you're having fun!"
"Wow, this is so sickening it's almost refreshing," Kokichi responded with a smile. "So, how do we get this game going?"
"There are podiums over there. Please stand behind the one with your name on it." You saw everyone else follow his instructions; you reluctantly found your podium and stood on it, gulping nervously. This is for you, Rantaro...
Everyone got into their positions. Your podium was next to Himiko and conveniently to your right was Kokichi. He looked over at you before giving a slight smile. You looked away awkwardly in response.
"Ahem! Now then, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! During the trial you'll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for 'whodunnit'. Vote correctly and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person...I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will graduate from this academy! Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so you better vote for someone! Now, let's get this crazy, awesome, crazy-awesome trial underway!"
"So, it's starting, huh?" Kaede asked uneasily.
"Ah-haha, oh man, I haven't been in a trial in, like, forever!" Kokichi exclaimed.
Tsumugi questioned him, "Oh, so you have experience with trials...?"
"Yeah, since I'm a leader of evil and stuff. I've done a looooot of bad things."
"...He's bluffing," you mumbled.
"Nishishi, who knows?"
"...So, what are we supposed to do? Where do we even start?" Kaito inquired.
"Gonta never done trial before... Not sure where to begin..."
"First, let's breathe it in!" Tenko interjected. "And breathe out! We need to remember our 'No, No, No's'! 'No pushing! No running! No talking!'"
Kiibo, who was right next to her, got confused. "But communication is the foundation of any discussion!"
Calmly, Kirumi started to speak. "We should not worry about our procedure. Especially since this is not a formal trial. Each one of us will be serving as a potential culprit, lawyer, prosecutor, and jury member. Let us proceed with that in mind, shall we?"
"Then might I offer the first topic?" Korekiyo asked.
"Don't f*ckin' get ahead of us! Ya tryin' to start some sh*t!?" Miu scolded.
"C-Calm down... How about we listen first?" Kaede tried to intervene.
"Atua has spoken... He says it is vital that we hear everyone's testimony."
"I'm a good listener 'cause my ears are clean. Once, I cleaned them so hard they bled."
"That's gross, Himiko. We really didn't need to know that." Tenko shot you a look right after you said that.
"I'll being the conversation, then," Korekiyo continued. "There's something...I found curious—why, I wonder, didn't the culprit take advantage of the First Blood Perk?"
"I thought that was strange, too!" Tsumugi agreed.
"I bet they just wanted to do a class trial real bad," Ryoma offered nonchalantly.
"Then Monokuma's the culprit!" Miu said. "Duh-doy! 'Cause this whole class trial was his idea! Hoo-yeah!! Easy-peasy! I'm a f*ckin' genius!"
"Wait," Kaito cut it, "is it even possible for Monokuma to be the culprit?"
"Of course not!" Monokuma himself answered. "I would never do anything to you guys directly."
"Hmph, notice the emphasis he put on that last word," you grumbled.
"Even if you can't," Kaede pointed at the bear, "it's a different story for the person controlling you, right?"
"Is it possible that the mastermind controlling Monokuma killed Rantaro?"
"Mastermind?" he responded while acting oblivious. "Wuzzat?"
"I-I dunno any mastermind..." Monotaro blurted out nervously.
"N-Never heard of 'em..." Monophanie followed.
"Don't play dumb with me, who's the mastermind controlling you guys!?" the blonde shouted over across the room.
"The mastermind, huh? Odds are, it's one of us..." Ryoma looked away and pulled his hat down to cover his eyes.
"It's Kiiboy over here!" Kokichi said with his hands resting behind his head. "Everyone else thinks so too!"
"D-Does everyone really think that...!?" Kiibo responded.
"No, he's lying," you said with a straight face. "I can't see how you would not be able to figure that out by now. Anyways... We'll figure out the mastermind in due time. For now, however, do we all agree on finding the culprit of Rantaro's murder?" Looking around, you saw everyone agree.
"Then...we could start by determining the sequence of events?" Shuichi quietly spoke to the group. "Let's take a closer look at the circumstances of Rantaro's death."
"Gonta agrees with Shuichi! After all, Shuichi is Ultimate Detective!"
"Then let us start by reviewing the incident," said Kirumi in a calm manner. Everyone nodded. The podiums levitated slightly off of the ground, meaning there was no escape by now.
>>Monokuma File 1
>>Moving Bookcase
>>Rantaro's Belongings
>>Bloody Shot Put Ball
>>Receiver on Shuichi
>>Library Vent
>>Stacked Books
>>Card Reader Dust
>>Maki's Account
>>K1-B0's Account
>>Promotional Video BGM
>>Korekiyo's Account
>>Lookout Classroom
>>Classroom Vent
>>Sliding Door
>>Front Entrance Photos
>>Rear Entrance Photos
>>Hidden Door Photos
"Is this really...the perfect crime? Are we in an unsolvable mystery?" Tsumugi asked distressed.
"I guess this is a dead end..." Himiko said beside you.
"Wait, don't give up that easily!" Kaede countered. "We already know the culprit is the mastermind. We gotta work together to find the mastermind! Then we can end this killing game!"
A voice next to you let out a small chuckle. "You yap about teamwork and all that, but you still think one of us is the mastermind..." Kokichi spoke, a finger up to his lips.
"Yes, and I know that's a horrible thought... But that's why I want to end all the terrible things happening to us! I'll defeat the mastermind and end this dumb killing game!" The pianist's words were loud and clear. "I'll...I'll even use this class trial to do that!"
"Nishishi... Wow, looks like you're determined to face even a cold, hard truth." Kokichi paused for a second. "Then here it comes—the cold, hard truth!" What? "I already figured out who killed Rantaro."
"Wh-What!?" Monokuma shouted from all the way over on his mighty chair. He had sweat all over him...somehow.
"Why are you surprised?" Maki inquired.
"'Cause if he's right, that would make this the fastest class trial to date!"
"How fast was the previous record, anyway?" Monotaro asked his 'father'.
"Real fast, lemme tell ya," Monosuke quickly butted in.
In her whispery voice Monophanie added, "He was like...a leaf on the wind."
"Oh yeah. I guess now he's one with the wind."
"Yeah, I think about him this time of year, too."
"The way he soared through the enemy fleet all bad*ss, just to die a li'l punk!" Monokid yelled, pulling out a guitar.
"Shut it, you weirdos!" Kaito interrupted them. "This is an important conversation! Kokichi! Are you serious about knowing who the culprit is?"
"Yup! Soooo...we all agree that the culprit knew about Kaede and Shuichi's trap, right?"
"No sh*t!" Miu responded. "That's why they're not in any of the pictures! So who is it!?"
"So, whoever knew about the hidden cameras is the culprit," Kokichi claimed. He wore a confident smirk on his face.
"So who the hell is it!?"
"It's you!!!"
"You made the cameras used for the trap! Riiight? Obviously, whoever made the cameras knew about the blind spots."
"Before breakfast was the only time someone would be able to sneak by," Ryoma added.
"Wh-What the hell brought this on all of a sudden...? I...I just designed the cameras... I didn't know they'd get set up in the library..."
"If someone asked me to make cameras," Kokichi retorted, "I would totally ask what they were for."
"How come you never asked what the cameras were for? Huh? Huhhh?" Angie questioned. You could see Miu squirming in her place. Agh, it seems that everyone is starting to think that Miu is the culprit, you groaned in your head, but she isn't that type. No, not to get her hands dirty...with blood.
"I...I...I pulled an all-nighter makin' them...and afterward, just sorta...passed out..."
"You're getting awfully worked up," Kokichi said in a taunting voice. "Look at you, you're sweating."
"I'm always wet!" she blurted out to defend herself. "I'm just feelin' extra sensitive, like these big boobs of mine..."
"For someone so aggressive, you're kind of a wimp, huh, Miu?" Tsumugi asked plainly.
"C-C'mon, lemme off the hook already... D-D-Do you want money!? Is that it!?" She squealed and looked around at everyone. Some of the students had started to give her a hard look. "Heeeee! ...(Y/N)! Make your talent useful for once and get me the f*ck outta here!"
"Uhn...me?" Lord, why me...? "State your argument first."
"You're the culprit, aren't you Miu?" Kokichi asked.
"N..No way! Th-That's not possible!!"
"So you knew nothing about the trap in the library?" Kiibo questioned.
"I'm tellin' ya, I had no idea! Not that it matters... 'Cause I never went to the library!"
"Miu's innocent!" you called out. Actually, you had to shout in order for your voice to be heard amongst everyone else's.
"Oh yeah? Where's your proof?" Ryoma inquired skeptically, pulling his hat down his face.
"Korekiyo," you pointed towards him, "your account claims that you, Kirumi, and Miu were in the dining hall eating, is that right?"
"Precisely," the male answered you. "I saw her there while dining on what I thought would be my last supper."
"The pasta on the menu tastes like a lonely old lady eating her grandkid's birthday cake!" Monotaro interjected excitedly.
"Don't feel bad for her... She got to eat her grandkid on his birthday!" Monokuma said from behind his cubs.
Monophanie cried out, "That's too sad to make sense!"
"That's Pops for ya!" Monosuke laughed. After the bears not saying something after that, the attention eventually turned back to the group's trial.
"There you have it...Miu's alibi," Korekiyo announced.
"You f*ckin' slug! Why didn't you say so earlier!?" the inventor shouted at him. "...Uhm, thanks for the help (Y/N). I coulda done this on my own, but thanks for tryin'." Yeah...sure you would've been able to get out of this on your own, you thought, rolling your eyes slightly in the process.
"What Gilgamesh-level condescension! But which Grail War are you from?" Tsumugi questioned.
"Wooow... Another reference we don't get. Heh, you must be a hardcore loser," Kokichi called out to her.
"...Oh, sorry. Sometimes my hobbies just sort of slip in..."
"Hey! Don't be actin' all cocky, Kokichi!" Miu retorted. "You put my a** in the hot seat earlier! How 'bout you just keep your f*ckin' mouth shut, you lyin' little abortion!"
"Wha—!? Th-That was really uncalled for... I only said that to find the culprit!" He put on a sad look with tears on his eyes; not to mention that his voice was quivering. "WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU'RE SO MEEAAANNNNNN!!!!!"
"O-Oh my god. Kokichi, calm down...!" The sudden outburst disturbed you, even though you knew the tears were fake. You reached over from your podium to grab the male's shoulders and shake him a bit.
"...'Kay. I feel a lot better now."
"Cool your jets, kid," Ryoma told the other male, completely done with him at that point.
"Tsumugi and Kirumi were both in the dining hall as well," Korekiyo continued.
"We can dismiss those four as potential culprits if they were together the whole time," Kiibo pointed out.
"No...not the entire time. At one point, Tsumugi went to the restroom."
"Oh...so you brought that up after all..." the cosplayer responded. "It's true. I went to the restroom closest to the dining hall."
"...Oh?" Monokuma suddenly inquired. "Did I hear that right? The restroom, you say? Excellent! I was waiting for this moment! I'm getting so excited right now!"
"Ew! Why!?" Tenko snapped back.
"Did you take a firm dump!? Or was it a soft one!?" Monotaro asked Tsumugi.
"...Why're you assumin' she was droppin' a deuce in there?" Monosuke asked the bear.
"But I really did just go to the restroom. Not the basement, you know? Also, I don't think I was there long enough t be suspicious, right?"
"You're the Ultimate Cosplayer, though," Ryoma pointed out. "You could've just disguised yourself as someone else while you were out."
"D-Disguised!? No, no! I don't do disguises!!"
"I don't think that's possible," Kaede spoke up. "And I know the reason why..."
Everyone in the dining hall was cleared of suspicion. Now that leaves the people in the basement... you thought, giving out a little sigh.
"I only went because I was invited. Why don't you ask the shady guy who invited me?" Maki asked.
"What!? You mean me!?" Kaito said. "But I just said it wasn't me!"
"Don't thrust the blame onto me! You degenerate males and your...thrusting! Ugh!" Tenko defensively shouted back.
"I'm not a bad girl, really... If you don't believe me, ask my mommy," Himiko said.
"Really, I have an alibi!" Angie stated.
"Hey (Y/N)...weren't you in the basement too, at one point?" Shuichi managed to catch your attention.
"Hey...! I've got an alibi, if you'll just let me explain myself!" you retorted.
"I'm not the culprit!!!"
"I'm not the culprit, too."
"I'm also not the culprit."
"In no way am I the culprit, either!"
>>Mass Panic Debate START<<
Word Count: 3634
Holy sh*t, you guys, 10k!? Thank you all so, so much! Sorry, I've just never had anything like this happen to me before so uh, yeah! I'm really happy about it! ^-^
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