I Knew It...
I gasp out as he stops dead in his tracks, his eyes widening slightly.
I knew it... I had a feeling he was one of them.. He just kinda freezes his eyes locked with mine then they suddenly flick to my dad and widen a bit more making me turn, and look at dad to see his face is now tense and a glare set at Embry.
"A-Ariel? What are you— a-are you feeling better?" He asks nervously his eyes flicking from dad to me to finally settle on me and he seems to finally calm down, his body relaxing.
"Yeah a lot better. Thank you again." I say with a smile and he mirrors my smile.
But then I feel my dad's arm drop from around me, and I start to see him shake from the corner of my eye.
"Again?!" My dad hisses through gritted teeth and I can feel the fear crawling up my spin with the fact my dad could literally explode any second.
I'm guessing Embry senses my fear as he gently grabs my hand, moving me away from my trembling father and behind him to block me from his rage.
"Paul, please—" Embry tries to butt in, but it seems my dad is just too pissed.
"No! What the hell is going on?!" My turn to save Embry's ass...
"It's nothing Dad! I—"
"It doesn't look like nothing?!" Okay one thing I hate is being interrupted...
"Will you let me finish?! I met Embry earlier today when I ran from Jason. I ran into his house thinking it was abandoned and he just helped me calm down before I went home. He made sure I didn't have any major injuries. So you should be pretty damn happy he made sure I was okay. There's also the fact that he found me when I ran from Ashton, so you shouldn't be pissed off over anything!"
I had gotten my hand out of Embry's grip and tried to stand toe to toe with my dad but he still held me back away from my dad's grasp. I knew he could hurt me if he phased, but I guess I wanted to trust that he wouldn't.
"Well how come you just didn't tell me you'd already met him?" Dad stops shaking so much but Embry still hasn't released my hand and I'm not sure why, my dad won't hurt me..
"Because I didn't know you all knew each other..?"
I go to move around Embry, but I can feel his hesitation and so I look back at him and see the worry and hesitation in his eyes mixed with something else I'm not sure of.
"You can let me go, he isn't going to hurt me. He is my dad after all."
I say quietly as I keep eye contact hoping he'll trust me. He searches my eyes and nods slowly then releases my hand as he looks toward my dad.
"You didn't..." I hear my dad growl and I turn to face him confused to see the angry look on his face again.
"What? Dad wha—" Looking between the two seeing that Embry has straightened up to his full height and Dad's shaking again..
"Ariel go and find your mother. I need to talk to Embry here alone." I feel the air tense around us and I know something isn't right.
That's one thing about me, I've always been good at guessing people's emotions, being able to read someone even if they don't think they're showing emotion.
"No. What's going on?" I ask staring straight at my dad while he completely over looks me and is just staring down Embry.
"Ariel, it's fine. Just go." Embry says as he places his massive warm hand on my arm and I feel a strange set of chills run up my arm.
"No. What's your deal?"
I ask as I turn back to face my dad, and he finally looks down at me and I can see the anger in his eyes. I just don't understand why he's so angry.
"What's my deal? He's my deal! This is why I wanted you away from the pack, away from this bull shit!" My dad started yelling at Embry again and I am beyond confused.
"You know this wasn't my decision Paul! You out of everyone should know that I can't control it!"
By now their argument was drawing a crowd, and I could tell Embry was trying to stay calm but his hands were shaking lightly.
"Well I was doing a pretty damn good job of keeping her away from all of you so this wouldn't happen! I didn't want her dragged into this!"
"And you think I did this purposely? Pull your head out Paul. We don't pick and choose, it just happens! Don't be such a hypocritical asshole!"
At this point the room was kinda stunned into silence knowing that Embry would never act out like that, especially to my dad..
Ashton grabs me too quick for me to register what's happening, when both Dad and Embry disappear outside and the sound of tearing clothes can be heard. And of course me being the stubborn, dumb person I am, broke free of Ashton's grip to run through the front door ignoring the calls to stay inside.
I see two giant wolves fighting each other with growls and snarls filling my ears, and I'm afraid they're going to hurt each other over something so petty. I watch them going back and forth for a bit not knowing what to do, if there was any way I could get them to stop– my voice not working for me.
As I watch the bigger grey wolf throw the smaller one back, I realized who was who and without thinking I run forward and throw myself between them protecting Embry, knowing my dad could really hurt him.
"Stop! Both of you!" I say but not quick enough.
The grey wolf which I realized was my dad had already lunged forward not noticing that I was in the middle of the two and I quickly snap my eyes closed waiting for the impact when it never came.
My eyes fly open to find Embry's wolf on the ground in front of me and my dad huffing in breaths wide eyes staring at me, finally noticing me and realizing that he would've attacked me instead.
I drop to my knees next to Embry's massive head and I feel terrible. He protected my stupid self from my dad and now he's on the ground unconscious. Tears gather in my eyes as I place his head in my lab and I run my hands through his soft fur.
"Embry? Embry p-please open your eyes. I-I'm so s-sorry, I-I didn't mean for this to happen."
The tears are slowly leaking from my eyes as I hear a whine from behind me, and I look back to see my dad with sad eyes and I can feel how much he regrets it.
But at the moment I'm too upset to care and turn back to Embry slowing petting his head hoping that he'll wake up and be okay.
"P-please Embry... I'm so so sorry.." His eyes slowly flutter open to quickly look into mine before they close again and the tears come even faster because this is all my fault...
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