Chapter 4
Michael made his way over to Christine. She was the last person he thought he’d ever ask for favors, but here they were.
“I need you to pretend to be my Mom.” He blurted out. Smooth.
“What?” Christine asked confused.
“Jeremy isn’t doing too good right now, so I called his Dad and he’s coming to pick him up. Unfortunately my parents are at work and would freak if they found out I was leaving school, even if it was to make sure my friend is ok… so I need you to please call as my Mom so I can leave early.” Michael explained in a rush.
“What’s going on with Jeremy? Is he ok?” Christine asked. “Why is it so important for you to go now and not after school?” Her eyes squinted in suspicion.
“Well you’re just full of questions aren’t ya?” Michael forced a smile. He knew it was wrong to be keeping her in the dark, but clearly Jeremy mustn’t have wanted her to know yet.
“Come on Michael, I care about Jeremy too! If something is going on…” Christine trailed off before a look crossed her face. “Is it… the thing?” She made a motion with her fingers to act like she was holding something small. Michael knew what she meant. He hesitated for a minute.
“We… don’t know for sure.” He sighed at last realizing there was no point in hiding it. It was more of a half truth anyway.
“Poor Jeremy...” Christine frowned. “Alright, I’ll help you. But when this thing blows over I want a full explanation from at least one of you!” She said pointing at Michael.
“Thank you so much!” Michael grinned relieved. Christine sighed and got her phone out. She headed to the girls bathroom and dialed the school’s number, putting on her best acting face and getting into a Mom-like character. Michael waited in the now clearing out cafeteria anxiously awaiting Christine to come back. He was sitting by Jeremy who was now sleeping soundly at the table. Shortly later Christine came back a very pleased look on her face.
“Well?” Michael asked rising.
“They totally bought it!” Christine beamed. She gave a sympathetic look to the sleeping Jeremy. “You guys are good to go.”
“What’d you tell them?” Michael asked.
“Your dog Peanut Butter has gone to a better place.” Christine put a hand on her heart dramatically looking up. Michael didn’t even own a dog as much as he loved them, but just the thought of his fake dog dying brought tears to his eyes.
“Way to sell it! Keep it up if anyone asks you what’s wrong.” Christine winked. “I’m totally here for you Michael.” She put on a sad face and gave him a hug, running with it for anyone watching.
“These are trying times.” Michael sniffed. “Why don’t you walk Jeremy to the front, and I’ll get my stuff.” He told Christine. She nodded and gently shook the sleeping boy awake.
“Hey Jer, we’re gonna take you to the front. Your Dad will be here soon.” She told him. Jeremy nodded tiredly as she took his hand and led him away. Michael collected his things from his locker, as well as whatever Jeremy might need from his. He pretended to be depressed as he left the school until he was safe in his car. Planning to wait it out for a few minutes before he left, Michael sat in silence. He wondered if it was just dreams bothering Jeremy, or if something was really wrong. Surely there was no way the Squip could still be alive right? The Mountain Dew Red was supposed to destroy it, or at least make it shut down.
Michael shivered at the thought of the sinister computer sitting dormant in his friend’s mind. Probably just waiting to re-power up and finish what it started. Apparently it was programmed to stop at nothing to achieve the user’s goal. Michael guessed it didn’t take lightly to any sudden goal changes. Eventually he put his Cruiser into drive and set off for Jeremy’s house.
Jeremy on the other hand was still not feeling too hot. His Dad came for him, and they drove in silence the whole way home. Mr. Heere picked up that his son was in no mood to talk. When they pulled into their familiar driveway, he felt Jeremy’s head.
“You’re a little warm, probably picked up a fever or something. You said it was an overnight thing?” Mr. Heere asked.
“Yeah, It just sort of… happened. I was awake most of the night. I just need some sleep, then I should feel better after hopefully.” Jeremy said. He hadn’t told his Dad anything yet. To be honest he was nervous. How would he react? Jeremy really wanted Michael to be there with him, it would reassure him to know he wasn’t going in alone. He decided it was best to wait until he was in a better mindset before he attempted to explain anything. He went upstairs to his room carefully, hoping he wouldn’t pass out or something before he made it. Jeremy had never been more happy to see his bed in his entire life.
He also took the time to notice how messy his room really was at the moment. Sighing he began to clear off his bed. It was just some clothes, a school textbook, and his laptop. As he reached for the laptop, Jeremy jerked his hand back suddenly with a hiss of pain as a sharp shock zapped his fingers. Instant memories flooded his mind as he tried to think of what he had done wrong to earn it.
“No, it couldn’t be…” He tried to reason with himself. Jeremy could feel himself holding his breath, listening for that certain voice to instruct him to do something. Nothing ever came. Waiting for another moment, Jeremy felt weak. ...Hello? He thought tentatively. No response. He breathed a sigh of relief, it was probably nothing. Just a normal static shock that happens all the time to people unexpectedly. He continued to move the computer again, no shock this time, setting it on his desk. Without any further hesitation he sat on his bed still trying the shake off the strange event. His door opened, startling Jeremy for a second but he realized it was just Michael.
“How’d you get past my Dad?” He asked.
“Easy. I snuck in through the bathroom window. As far as your Dad knows, I’m not here.” Michael shrugged smirking.
“Thanks for coming. Sorry for um snapping at you earlier.” Jeremy rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he apologized.
“Hey, it’s no big! You’re just cranky you sleepy boy.” His friend gave him a sympathetic look. “Are you feeling any better?” Jeremy wanted to share the strange experience from earlier, but decided it was probably nothing.
“Yeah, I’m alright. Or at least I will be once I sleep.” He answered stretching.
“If there was something really wrong… you would tell me right?” Michael asked shuffling a little. He caught Jeremy off guard with that one.
“O-of course! I tell you what I can right?” He told him.
“J-just in case this somehow correlates to the dreams.. and the Squip. I don’t expect you to be fine after everything just like that. I’m here for you.” Michael went on.
“Thanks. You’re a good friend. That’s why you’re my best friend.” Jeremy smiled. “I’m gonna be ok. It might take awhile, but I will be.”
“Just promise me you will tell your Dad?” Michael pressed.
“Yeah… I guess you’re right. I will tomorrow, it’s gonna be quite an explanation.” He laughed.
“Well, as long as you’re ok I should go. Thanks to Christine I have the rest of the day off!” Michael grinned. “I can come over tomorrow after school and we can tell your Dad together?” He offered.
“I’d like that.” Jeremy said with a smile. “Um, you can stay if you want… I mean I’m gonna be asleep so I won’t be much fun but you can chill out here for awhile.” Michael’s heart skipped a beat.
“Sure! I’ll be gone before your Dad gets suspicious, promise.” He did a Scout’s Honor sign. Jeremy laughed and settled into bed as Michael situated himself in his desk chair. As Jeremy slept, Michael stayed in the chair on his phone for awhile. He looked at his sleeping friend and felt bad for him. These past few months had been wild. It wasn’t good for Jeremy to be keeping it all to himself, and it was definitely not good for his mental state either. Michael had really hoped at first that the dreams were simply just that, dreams. He himself had a few in the beginning, but they eventually merged into normal dreams. The last thing he wanted was for something to happen to Jeremy. He was glad that he was finally getting some undisturbed rest, but then again Jeremy always had been a peaceful sleeper.
Michael looked at his resting form, his face the epitome of beauty. He felt his own face heating up, so he looked away feeling like a creep for staring so long. Michael your gay is showing, he scolded himself. He felt more comfortable saying it now, finally feeling ready to let more people know. “I just want this whole Squip nonsense to be over.” Michael muttered to himself. Heck he didn’t even have one (thank goodness), and he still felt the effects of the aftermath. How many nights had Jeremy woken up from a nightmare with no one to comfort him? He couldn’t even imagine how that must feel. Michael made it his job to distract Jeremy from the past and keep him happy and focused on better things. The entire squad probably were handling their own issues different ways, they chose to hide them and seek comfort together believing it was nothing more than an accident.
* * * *
Michael had stayed true to his word. When Jeremy woke up his room was empty. He was actually disappointed because he was hoping they could hangout for a little. Jeremy had recently been with Christine a lot more, so he missed their quality bro time. Already feeling heaps better, Jeremy went downstairs. He expected his Dad to be at work since it was later but to his surprise he was lounging in the living room.
“Dad? You stayed home?” He asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“Hey! Yeah, I decided to take off today since you were feeling a little under the weather. How do you feel now?” Mr. Heere answered smiling.
“So much better already.” Jeremy returned the smile. “Although I am hungry now considering I didn’t eat any lunch.”
“I got you covered buddy. Frozen casseroles are such a gift, especially since I can’t cook for squat.” His Dad laughed. Jeremy made himself comfortable and had some of the actually quite decent casserole. Afterwards he decided he should at least attempt to do some work, grateful that Michael had dropped off his backpack. In the end, he proved too tired to be able to focus on some of the newer material considering he did sleep through almost every lesson. Knocking out early wasn’t a bad idea anyway.
The next morning proved to be pretty good. Jeremy was super refreshed from the uninterrupted sleep. He somehow also felt lighter, like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders. Of course the first thing he did was inspect himself in the mirror in case overnight he had magically become a man, but alas, no muscles. Still just the same shrimpy teenager he’d always been. For once he didn’t complain. He felt a sense to socialize which was a shocker since he had no one really to socialize with, besides Michael. Maybe he just missed being around people and talking since he’d been sort of distant lately.
Jeremy rode the bus like normal, and he waited in their usual spot like normal. He caught movement through the corner of his eye and realized Michael was racing towards him at top speed. Jeremy covered his face bracing for impact but his friend managed to come to a halt before smacking into him.
“Jeremy look!” He shouted breathlessly quickly turning to the side to show off his arm. At first Jeremy saw nothing but his friend’s red hoodie with a few patches, then his gaze landed on a new multi-colored patch a bit lower on the shoulder. His eyes widened.
“Is that-”
“A pride patch! My parents surprised me with it last night, isn’t it wonderful!?” Michael smiled excitedly waving his arm around. Jeremy laughed at his friend’s enthusiasm, still surprised by the new addition. Michael then froze when he realized he just kinda sorta came out just then to Jeremy. It wasn’t a secret, but he had planned a much calmer way of telling him. “Oh… um I know this is sudden. I-I swear I was going to tell you! But yesterday you were feeling bad and… I totally understand if t-this is weird for you…” Michael rambled on already regretting his decision. He instantly shut up though when Jeremy pulled him in for a hug.
“Michael I’m proud of you! You’ve accepted who you are!” He talked into Michael's shoulder.
“Y-you mean you still want to hang with me?” He asked nervously. Jeremy did a dramatic gasp and looked him in the eye.
“Michael Mell what kind of person do you take me for? I’ve always supported you. This is amazing! Why would I leave you behind?”
“Umm-” Michael raised a finger to speak.
“Don’t answer that.” Jeremy added. “If anything, I’m just glad you told me. So you told your parents?”
“Yeah! They were so accepting, I couldn’t believe it. My Mom especially. It was her idea to get the patch for me.” Michael beamed.
“I’m really happy for you man.” Jeremy told him. “Are you going to tell the others? I know you don’t like to sit with them and all, but I was wondering.” He asked. Michael’s smile faltered slightly.
“Oh, I don’t know Jer. What do you think they’ll say?” He asked quietly.
“They’re gonna be fine.” Jeremy tried to be reassuring. “If they judge you then I’ll… I’ll beat em up!”
“Pfft!” Michael laughed and soon Jeremy joined in.
“I know, I know, like that would work.”
“What would you do, use Rich to smack Jake?” Michael joked.
“You know that’s not even a bad idea!” Jeremy put an arm around him and they headed into school all doubts forgotten. As they walked down the halls, a few people glanced Michael’s way, a few could care less. Jeremy stood protectively by his friend the whole way giving him reassuring smiles now and again. They arrived at their lockers when Michael finally spoke.
“You seem a lot better today. I’m guessing no dreams?” He asked.
“None at all! I slept like a baby.” Jeremy grinned. “I have so much more energy today, it’s actually the most energized I’ve felt in a long time.”
“Well that’s good!” Michael shared his enthusiasm. “You’re like a totally new person today.”
“Jeremy!” A voice chirped from down the hall. Jeremy’s face lit up as he turned around.
“Christine!” The girl came down the hall hugging him instantly.
“I missed you all the rest of the day yesterday. I hope you’re doing alright now?” Christine fussed over him, her eyes swimming with questions.
“Yeah! I’m loads better, thanks.” Jeremy replied. He scratched the back of his neck a blush forming on his cheeks. “I um, missed you too.” Christine smiled and gave him a kiss.
“Well, I’m glad you’re back. The others missed you too! We have a lot to catch up on at lunch. The whole gang's planning to sit together. Do you want to join us today Michael?” She asked glancing at him eagerly. Michael, who hadn’t been paying attention to the whole exchange looked up startled.
“Wha? No, I’m good.” He answered.
“Are you sure?” Jeremy frowned. He didn’t want his friend to be excluded. Michael thought for a good 5 minutes about what he should do. He really didn’t want to sit at the popular table, but then again he’d never given it a chance. Plus, Jeremy’s distraught face was enough.
“Oh alright. I’ll be there.” Michael sighed at last.
“Awesome!” Jeremy smiled, proud of his friend’s decision. “Me and Christine can wait up for you right here.” He said. Michael returned his smile.
“Yay! I’ll let the others know.” Christine beamed. She caught sight of Michael’s arm and gasped. “Oh my gosh Michael! That’s so awesome!” She squealed.
“O-oh, you think so?” He asked not hiding his arm so much anymore.
“Yes! I support you one hundred percent.” Christine smiled.
“Thanks Chris.” Michael smiled blushing a little. “That means a lot.” Jeremy smiled. His two favorite people getting along was a lovely sight. The three of them soon went their separate ways. Christine was really considering asking Jeremy about what was going on. She didn’t want to pry, but everyone else had been apart of the whole Squip fiasco and if something was wrong she wanted to try to help. She herself hadn’t necessarily experienced anything bad from the whole incident. Sure sometimes she did kind of miss the way it had made her feel. So fearless, and ready to take on the world. It was like she could do anything. Christine strived for perfection her entire life.
She would always do her best to make the best grades and work relentlessly to memorize her lines for theater. Ah play rehearsal, how she loved it. It was the best distraction and so much fun! Christine loved how everyone worked together to put on a fabulous show, the praise from the audience made her feel like she had done everything right, and that they appreciated her. At home things weren’t terrible, but her parents never had the time anymore it seemed to focus on Christine. The only time they praised or noticed her was when she made those good grades or put on a show. This encouraged Christine to constantly push herself. Now that she had made new friends, she felt like she didn’t have to be perfect so much.
Jeremy made her happy, and true happiness was something she had never felt before unless she was on the stage. He constantly told her how amazing she was, and how he admired her. This made her feel so much better, like someone actually appreciated all the hard work she put into every little thing she did. Christine wanted to be there for Jeremy too, she was just worried that he wouldn’t turn to her for help. Now that they were together, she wanted him to know that he could trust her and not feel the need to keep secrets. Maybe at lunch if the subject came up, she could ask him.
Michael on the other hand was honestly dreading lunch as the time neared. He tried to tell himself it was going to be ok. These were Jeremy’s friends, and any friend of Jeremy’s was a friend of his right? He sure hoped so. They did talk to him sometimes, but not nearly as much as their little clique. At least Christine was accepting of him. She wasn’t a bad person, and he thought she was good for Jeremy. He needed someone who could make him happy, and who he truly loved. Michael now stood by the lockers with his headphones on, tapping his foot anxiously. He looked up when he noticed the approaching figures of Jeremy and Christine who had come to get him.
“Ready?” Jeremy asked with a smile.
“Yeah.” Michael answered attempting a smile. He followed the couple through the crowded cafeteria, trying not to bump into anyone. They neared a round table with their other friends already present. Jeremy sat down next to Rich, Christine following suit. Michael sat down by Christine awkwardly.
“Hey guys! You all know Michael, I hope you don’t mind if he sits with us today?” Jeremy asked.
“No problem at all! Glad you finally joined us antisocial headphones kid.” Rich smiled and gave Michael a wave. Michael gave a timid wave back. Is that what people called him? It had a nice ring to it.
“You probably know everyone already,” Jeremy started. “But just in case this is Rich, Jake, his girlfriend Chloe, her best friend Brooke, and the third part of their trio, Jenna.” He introduced. They all waved smiling. Michael returned the wave, exposing his arm and the colorful new addition.
“Wow cool patch!” Brooke pointed out. Michael stuck his arm back down looking away slightly.
“That is pretty cool Mell, when did ya get it?” Jake asked.
“Last night actually. It’s sorta a new thing.” Michael answered a little more comfortably. “Surprise, I’m gay!” He joked doing jazz hands. Jeremy choked, not expecting his friend to openly just do that. The table got a kick out of the whole thing.
“Nice to meet you Gay, I’m Bi!” Rich held his hand out like a greeting. Everyone including Michael, laughed some more.
“This guy’s great, why have you never invited him before Jeremy?” Jenna asked.
“A-actually, I just never wanted to.” Michael answered. “N-not that you guys are bad!” He added quickly.
“Nah we get it. We’re pretty intimidating.” Chloe pointed out.
“Well you’re welcome to hang out here anytime you want.” Rich offered. “Any friend of Heere’s is a friend of ours. Right guys?” The group nodded in agreement. The rest of the lunch period was pretty fun. The squad joked and talked about whatever they pleased, and for the first time in a long while, Michael felt like he was apart of something.
* * * *
After school, Michael told Jeremy that he would meet him at his house so they could do some studying, and then later tell his Dad everything. Jeremy had thought he was ready, but as the day progressed his confidence faded. In fact, he didn’t see why he had to say anything at all anymore. He felt fine now, he had had no troubles all day. Maybe there was nothing to worry about after all? It was a far fetched idea, but it seemed reasonable to Jeremy. He still agreed for Michael to come over. He would tell him his thoughts then.
Jeremy was quite happy that Michael got along so well with the whole group. He could tell his friend had been nervous towards the beginning, but as the time went on he became more comfortable. They all seemed to take a liking towards Michael which was great. Jeremy hoped that as the year went on they would all become good friends. Michael did after all save everyone, although they didn’t quite know it. He had been meaning to ask his friend if they were ever going to reveal the truth to the others. It was a risky move, but they had a right to know what had happened in a sense.
Michael offered to drive Jeremy home, which he happily accepted. Normally he just walked home or rode the bus back since he didn’t have a ride of his own. Some days Michael would walk to and from school with Jeremy since their houses weren’t that far from each other. They hadn’t done that in a while though. So now they sat in the car, listening to whatever music Michael had on the radio. He always kept a nice stash of CD’s on hand in case nothing good was playing.
“So, um I was thinking…” Jeremy started.
“About?” Michael asked continuing to drive.
“Maybe… we don’t have to tell my Dad after all.” He answered slowly.
“Jeremy, you can’t keep putting this off! You promised.” Michael scolded him. Jeremy shrank down in his seat. His friend had a point.
“But I’m ok now! I actually have a good feeling for once about this. Maybe there isn’t anything to worry about anymore.” He tried again.
“That’s a lot of maybes Jer.” Michael frowned. “Besides, just because you had one good day doesn’t mean you’re home free.” Jeremy sighed laying his head against the car window.
“I just… I don’t want him to have to worry about me. He’s already been through alot and… ya know?” He asked aloud. “He might not even believe me. The worst thing that could happen is he send me away to some mental place, or hook me up with therapy sessions. He’d be all alone, I just can’t leave him. I’m not Mom.” He added the last part quietly. Michael instantly thought about that confrontation he’d had with Mr. Heere. He clearly cared about his son, but Michael understood what Jeremy was saying.
“We can’t just act like none of it ever happened.” He answered softly.
“Why not? We’ve been doing a pretty good job at it.” Jeremy muttered.
Michael’s hand stiffened on the steering wheel. Now wasn’t the time to bring that up. Maybe they should talk about it, it was clearly bothering the both of them.
“Jeremy-” Michael started.
“Forget it.” Jeremy mumbled quickly. They sat in silence the rest of the way. Once at the house, Mr. Heere completely oblivious to the boys’ internal struggles, greeted them happily.
“Hey boys! Sorry but I gotta bounce. Got called into work.” He told them.
“It’s cool Dad. Me and Michael were just gonna do some studying.” Jeremy replied.
“Ok, I’m not worried. Just remember, no video games until all your homework is done!” His Dad reminded him.
“Don’t worry Mr. Heere, we’re hitting the books! Nothing illegal, we promise.” Michael grinned. If Jeremy was going to say anything now was the time to do it. He wanted to, he needed to, but the words couldn’t come out. His chest felt all tight, and his voice didn’t seem to function. His Dad was almost out the door…
“Dad!” He blurted out finally.
“Yeah son?”
“Um… have a good day at work.” Jeremy sighed. Once his Dad left the two were left in silence yet again. “I really tried Michael… I was going to I swear!” Jeremy tried to explain himself. His friend only sighed.
“It’s alright. It doesn’t have to be today. Come on, we have some work to do.” Michael made his way up the stairs, Jeremy in pursuit. They did some casual studying, actually sticking to their plans and not veering off track which was pretty rare for them. Jeremy could understand if Michael was upset with him. He was upset with himself so it didn’t make a difference. It just wasn’t the most comfortable subject he liked talk about. He knew they had to talk, it just wasn’t as simple as “be friends again.” They just never really decided to well… talk. Everything felt normal though. Maybe it was as easy as just pretending. They sat there in silence, Jeremy on his laptop, Michael on his. After a while Michael stood up.
“I’m gonna go ahead and head out.” He said.
“Already?” Jeremy asked standing up too.
“Yeah. My parents are expecting me.” Michael answered avoiding his friend’s eyes.
“O-ok. Thanks for coming over.” Jeremy said reluctantly. Michael nodded grabbing his notebook and laptop and tucking them into his bag. He waved a slight goodbye before leaving. He just needed some time to think. The last thing Michael wanted was for this to affect their friendship again. He made it home fairly quickly, his parents not even home. He grabbed a drink before disappearing into his room. He threw his backpack onto his bed ungracefully, before flopping down on it himself with a sigh. Why couldn’t Jeremy see that all he wanted to do was help? Why did that boy have to be so stubborn? Michael couldn’t lie, it was one of the things he liked.
Annoyed, he reached for his phone debating whether or not to text Jeremy. Michael didn’t want him to think that he did anything wrong necessarily. Well, he had but he couldn’t help it. Jeremy was probably just scared. Michael was scared for him. He tucked his phone away after a while and fished for his laptop. Pulling it out and opening it, Michael groaned in frustration. He had grabbed the wrong computer, meaning his was still at Jeremy’s house. He went to close it and jerked back instantly when he received a sharp shock from the device.
Shaking his injured hand, Michael quickly shut the laptop putting it back in his bag. “Stupid computer.” He mumbled sticking his hand in his pocket. He got up from his bed pacing around the room complaining about how this day couldn’t get any worse. Then it did. “Ow!” Michael was taken off guard by a sharp pain in his head. He tried to shake it off, but it came back twice as strong causing him to fall to his knees. “What the heck?! Agh!” He gripped his head in pain when suddenly a disembodied voice rang out loud and clear.
“Calibration in process, please excuse some mild discomfort.”
“Discomfort?!” Michael shrieked unsure of what was happening.
“Calibration complete. Access procedure initiated.” Michael was now on the ground hoping this entire thing would end. A thought popped into his head causing his breath to nearly stop. No… that’s not possible! I didn’t-
“Discomfort may increase.” The voice said. Michael cried out in pain gripping his head as it felt like it was going to explode. The voice kept saying things about ‘accessing’ certain things as he writhed around on the ground. Finally the pain stopped leaving Michael gasping for breath.
“Michael Mell.” The voice spoke. Michael’s eyes widened.
“N-no this c-can’t be happening I d-don’t understand-”
“Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. Your Squip.”
Michael nearly passed out.
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