#1 ~ Expensive Headphones!
~ College Au - Trans¡Michael ~
A/n - I'm not 100% how colleges are set up, but I'm trying my best
This ones for you! :)
•●• Rich's POV •●•
Ah College. I didn't think I'd actually make it. Well.. because of High School and the fire and all that.
I sighed quietly to myself, knowing that my Dad was still home. He drinks...a lot. My Dad and I are very distant. Let's not be all sad over that though.
Today is the day that I get to head to the campus, get a dorm, meet my dormmate hopefully, and see my handsome Mikey on the way.
I had my bags packed from yesterday. Mike said he'd drive me because he's an amazing like that. I had about 3 bags (including my backpack)
I had another hour before Michael would be here, he would be driving both Jeremy and I to the campus. I honestly love his pt cruiser, so I'm not complaining. I would be last picked up because Jeremy lived closer to Mike.
I laid on my bed and just played on my phone while I waited for the boys.
Soon enough there was a small knock coming from the front door and I raced to get it before my Dad. I happily opened it to see..
Michael and Jeremy.
They both gave me smiles.
I would've hugged them, but my Dad was right in the other room..probably passed out.
I returned the smile and spoke "Hey, uh, my bagth are in my room.. if you want to help me"
I went to my room with Michael following, he grabbed my duffel bag and slipped it over his shoulder. He grinned at me and pecked my forehead "Long time no see" he said.
I blushed lightly from the small kiss and nodded. I grabbed my other bags and followed Mike to his car.
We were all loaded and ready to go. Jeremy let me sit in the front with Mikey.
We arrived after about an hour of driving, laughing, and singing to music.
One by one, we got our bags (mostly by Michael holding half of them) but we got them. We headed into the front area and went to the front desk.
I gave her my name and she returned with a key and a couple pieces of paper that explained my classes and the rules here.
She did the same for Michael and Jeremy. Luckily, our dorms were pretty close. Well especially for Mike and I, we got the same dorm.
We headed to our dorms, splitting up so we could unpack. Jeremy had a kid named Jared Kleinman as his dormmate.
Mikey and I set up our rooms pretty quickly. I had to stop Michael from falling asleep...multiple times.
"Why do we even need two beds? We could always share one" The taller boy practically teased from across the room, giving me a small wink.
"Maybe because that's how every room is" I replied, rolling my eyes slightly.
Michael went quiet all the sudden, plopping onto his bed and laying back "This is going to be a long year"
I went over to him and gently layed over him, followed by a small grunt. "Yeah, but we have each other"
Michael smiled and hugged me tightly. I, of course, returned the hug.
Michael adjusted his glasses and nervously played with the fabric on my shirt "Hey Rich?"
I looked at him with a small head tilt "Yeah Mike?"
Michael went quiet, obviously trying to find the right words to use.
Mikey eventually spoke "Would you still like me if I were a girl?" He asked nervously, avoiding eye contact. He bit his lip gently as his eyes slowly glossed up.
I smiled slightly and hugged him tightly "Uh duh, I would like you no matter what gender you were"
Michael looked down at me and squished me as a hug. "I love you Rich" he said, it sounding as if he were talking to himself.
"I love you too Mikey, and you know this" I chuckled softly before getting my chuckles cut off by a small kiss.
We cuddled for the rest of the day, kissing at times, and ordering pizza because neither of us can cook for shit.
A/n ~ Ahahaha, I did it. I posted! :)
I didn't know how to actually write the smut in with this because it felt too fluffy.. sorry!
Buuut! The requests are always opened for smut of any kind!
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