Jeremy was sitting in the center of his and Michael's room. He holding Michael's sweatshirt close to his chest as his breathing heaved. Dry crying was common for the boy, and it pained Michael to open the door to see the boy on the ground.
"Jer... What's wrong?" He leant down to sit next to him, pushing his hair from his eyes so they could look at each other.
"E-Everything is just too... Too much! I-I can't handle it." Jeremy's eyes were bloodshot as he shook. These attacks would happen whenever Jeremy's head so decided. Sometimes something would set it off, but most likely it was because of the overwhelming job of being alive. Little sounds and things he could feel would send him spinning into too many thoughts. Michael's hoodie was his favorite thing to toy around with in these situations, so Michael learned to let Jeremy keep it when he went out. There were little holes where Jeremy had picked it so often that it had begun to tear.
"Take a deep breath for me... Want some gum?" He held out a stick to Jeremy. Jeremy took it quickly and chewed on the ginger flavored gum, helping to calm his stomach as well. It often churned when he got these attacks. Michael rubbed circles into his back, offering a small smile to Jeremy.
"I-I just like... Feeling things when it happens. Thank you." Jeremy murmured out quickly, hiding his face in Michael's hoodie again. The boys sat on the ground until Jeremy calmed down, eventually Michael lifted him up and brought the now sleeping boy to their bed.
The next morning, Michael was gone earlier with a note reading "Be back soon xo"
Jeremy managed to make a breakfast for himself, smiling as he sat down to eat it. If he could accomplish simple things, it was enough to get him through the day. He put on one of Michael's shirts and blushed as he could smell the stale vanilla. The door pushed open again, Jeremy jumping but smiling more as he saw it was Michael. He was carrying a crate and a bag full of something.
"Sorry I didn't wake you before I went, I didn't want to disturb you." Michael said flustered, hugging Jeremy tight as he put his stuff down. Jeremy eyed the bag, raising an eyebrow to his nervous boyfriend as he pawed at the crate.
"W-What's this?"
"I-I was thinking, you like to hold things, right? So... Maybe if you had something to take care of it could help... Distract you? And you can hold him." Michael unveiled the crate to reveal a veiled chameleon. Jeremy's expression lit up immediately, opening the top to take the small creature in his hands. He looked in amazement as it crawled on his hands, then looking to Michael with pure happiness.
"I f-fucking love you! Look how cute he is! Mikey... What should we name him?" Jeremy squealed as he pet the scaly lizard, holding it up to Michael so he could touch it as well.
"That's up to you, babe."
"Hm... D-Dragon!" Michael blushed at the cuteness of the other, hugging his arm around his shoulder as they sat down to let the chameleon walk on the floor around them.
"That sounds perfect." He kissed Jeremy's cheek, surprised as the boy leant in to kiss him full on. He held Michael's face in his hands, giggling as he felt the lizard crawl onto his leg through the kiss. Michael couldn't help but smile against Jeremy's lips as they sat.
"His... His scales are so nice to feel. I love how his little claws rake against my skin! I-I can breathe..." Michael nearly cried as he saw the boy light up with excitement. He left lots of little kisses on Jeremy's face, giving one to the small lizard now in his hands. Jeremy leant his head on Michael's shoulder, letting the chameleon crawl in between their fingers. The lizard licked Jeremy's finger, causing the boy to giggle. Michael smirked as he licked the side of Jeremy's face, causing the boy to laugh louder.
"You're adorable, you know?" Michael commented as he ruffled the boys hair. He loved seeing the boy light up red, hiding his face in Michael again. Jeremy peppered the others neck in small kisses, throwing his arms around him to feel close.
For days after, Jeremy was obsessed with nothing but caring for Dragon. Everyday he would wake up to mist and feed the creature, and sometimes to just stare and amaze at the lizard. Whenever he had sensory attacks Michael would bring Dragon to him as he watched in fascination as the chameleon slowly helped Jeremy recover. It brought a light to Michael when he could see his boyfriend be happy.
a.n: short n sweet but i rlly wanted to make a fluffy lil thing,, im very tired. oKay so the next updates gonna be a smut,, and i am taking smut requests for it! so comment or dm me some m dudes ily
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