Michael Mell was a boy. He was born one, and kicked out and adopted for being one. It would have been wonderful if his anatomy agreed with his gender. But he also had what to him seemed like the best boyfriend in the world, Jeremy Heere. He was sniffling as they were playing video games one day, looking longingly at the fighting boys bodies. Jeremy picked up on Michael's mood immediately, moving closer on the beanbag chair to him.
"What's up?"
"Nothing..." Michael's voice cracked, a slightly higher pitched voice escaping. He whimpered, leaning against Jeremy's side.
"That's not true. Tell me babe..."
"The guys... On the screen. They fight shirtless, and flat chested..." Jeremy put down the controller, climbing on top of Michael. He kissed Michael deeply, pulling away to look deep into his eyes.
"When's your birthday?"
"It's close... So you won't mind if I spoil one of your gifts, it's healthier to tell you now, anyways."
"What are you-"
"Rich, Jake, and I have been saving money. For you, Michael Mell, to get top surgery." Michael stared at Jeremy, mouth hanging open. Tears started welling up in his brown eyes. He pulled Jeremy close to him, connecting their lips. He smiled against the wet kiss, induced by his tears.
"How can I repay you... First testosterone and now this? Jer I can't ever repay you..." Michael started to stress, holding Jeremy's hand tight in his own. Jeremy held Michael in his arms, smiling down at his boyfriend.
"It's a gift. Plus you helped for the testosterone, this one is a gift. You deserve it, after all the most handsome man deserves the best." He stated lovingly, quietly kissing down the side of Michael's face. Michael shrunk under the taller boy, pulling him closer to him. Jeremy put his hand on Michael's chest as he attached his lips to his neck, biting and sucking to leave a series of marks. Michael moaned softly, pushing him off of him as a phone alarm sounded.
"T-Testosterone time." Michael said through a groan. Jeremy stood up offering Michael his hand, then the couple walking upstairs to get the shot.
"Can you do it for me...? I get scared... Sometimes... I mean you don't have to but,"
"I'd love to do it for you. That sounds kinda scary, sorry. I mean I'd do anything for you. Let me get it..." Jeremy fumbled with the drawers in the kitchen to find the needle, holding it up in glee as he pulled it out from a box. He walked over to Michael sitting on a chair, his hands carrying a bottle of the liquid and a needle. Michael smiled nervously, taking his pants down to reveal his thigh with little scars from past needles. Jeremy loaded up the needle, dropping to his knees to prep the area.
"Yea." Jeremy kissed his leg, taking the needle and inserting it into Michaels soft skin. He had held out his hand for Michael to hold on to and he felt the pressure of another hand squeezing in his own. Michael let out a long breath of air as Jeremy pulled the needle out, quickly pulling up his sweatpants.
"Aw... Keep them off. You look so cute in boxers..." Jeremy commented, looking at the boys alien adorned boxers in awe. Michael didn't lace up the sweatpants, letting them fall to his hips. He was wearing a packer, so he didn't feel as self conscious in his underwear.
"Unless it makes you feel dysphoric or anything because that's the last thin-" He was cut short by Michael giving him a quick kiss, followed by Michael giving him a soft smile.
"No, it's okay. I want cuddles." Michael stated, feeling himself get lifted up quickly by Jeremy. He wrapped his legs around Jeremy's slender figure, giggling as he spun him around then carrying him down to the basement. The boys collapsed in a fit of laughter, their legs entangled in each other.
"I really, really love you Jeremy. I mean like, a lot. More than I love anything else." Michael murmured, blushing bright red when Jeremy hugged him close to his chest.
"I love you too, Michael. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you..."
"Listen, I know we're both pretty young so I couldn't propose to you... Even though I really want to. But... I got promise rings... And I was wondering... Michael Mell, I promise I'll be yours forever if you'll be mine." Jeremy said blushing madly, and Michael was crying yet again.
"I fucking hate you... I mean I love you! But I actually can't, you've done to much for me. Like you're also so damn adorable that I can't stand it. So fuck yes, fuck yes I'll be yours." Jeremy slipped a simple black ring onto Michael's finger, and one was already on his own. Michael collapsed into Jeremy's grasp, holding him between his legs as he kissed him. He bit down on his lip, motioning that he wanted to go further into the kiss. Jeremy held Michael's soft hair as he pulled against the smaller boys lips, holding his other hand gently over Michael's ass. He squeezed his ass softly, earning a raspy moan from his boy.
"Yours." Michael said breathily, holding Jeremy's shirt tight in his small fists. They only pulled apart for seconds to breath, before looking into each others eyes to smile then go back to kissing. He started tugging at Jeremy's shirt, eventually pulling it off completely. Jeremy looked for confirmation from Michael to go further and when he got a small nod, he took Michael's sweatshirt and Nasa shirt off in one motion. He took a moment to admire his boys body, kissing down his collarbone and over his binder.
"So fucking hot..." Michael hid his face in Jeremy's hair as he left small rows of kisses near his pants line. Michael worked on unzipping Jeremy's jeans, pulling them off of him swiftly. Jeremy went back up to kiss Michael quickly on the lips before Michael started to leave a trail of hickeys on his chest. He left them in the shape of a messy heart, smiling as he admired his work. Jeremy ran his hand over it, looking at Michael in love.
"And I thought I couldn't love you more." Jeremy murmured against Michael's ear, giving it a quick kiss. The boys connected their foreheads, rocking and grinding gently against each other. After they both came (lol no smut today sorr kids im tired ill do it next time) , they fell into each others arms and stared at each other in pure endearment.
"I like you, Michael."
"I really like you."
"Well. I love you, player one."
"Love you too, player two."
a.n: thAt crinGE DAB
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