Kleinsen- Punk And Pastel
Evan smiled, clearly tired as he looked lovingly into his boyfriends eyes. "Hi."
"Hi." Jared chuckled, fixing his boyfriends baby blue flower crown. "You tired, baby?"
In response, Evan nuzzled further into Jared chest, smiling like a lovestruck puppy. Jared copied the smile, but it quickly turned into a frown as he felt out cold Evans hands were. He looked around sharply, making eye contact with one of his punk 'friends' (they were more like people who were so afraid of Jared they followed him around like a lost puppy, but friends, sure). Jared snapped his fingers and pointed to Evan.
The girl with the short, purple hair and a purple lipstick rushed over, throwing the fluffy black blanket she always had with her on the two. He gave her a nod, signaling she free of her duties. She gave him a rushed nod and went back to the her friend, making sure to be quiet so she didn't wake up Evan.
"Wow. Jared's like, soft for him." She glanced worriedly at the girl with dark brown curls as she filed her sharp, dark purple nails.
"Quiet! He'll hear you!" The purple haired girl sat down, fiddling with one of her rings. "But... I think it's kind of nice. Jared's definitely taking better care of himself!"
"Yeah, But what's next?" The dark haired girl asked, scooting closer to her friend. "Is Jared the softie gonna need a bottle with his blankie?" She asked in a cooing voice.
"Shut up, its cute!" The purple haired girl pulled back a strand of her hair, and glanced over at the couple. "Evan brings out the best in him, you know? And clearly both are happy. So ...if Jared asks for a bottle, I'll fucking make one."
The dark haired girl laughed, shaking her head. "You've been reading way too many fan fics."
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