Kleinsen- Morning Lovin'
"Jared?" Evans voice was soft and slow, but it still rang loudly thought his bedroom. "Are you awake."
Jared didn't answer for a few moments, so Evan tried to force himself to go back to sleep.
"Jared is not awake at this moment. Press five to redial." Jared's morning voice was gruff, but Evan could hear the happiness in his words.
Evan couldn't hide the smile on his face as he turned back to Jared. Jareds eyes were closed, but he had a faint smile on his lips.
"Hi Jare."
"Hi Ev." Jared slowly reached out a hand and put in on Evans cheek. He opened his eyes and sluggishly gave his boyfriend a kiss on his forehead. "You gonna make me breakfast?"
"Wow, way to ruin the romance, Jare." Evan said, clearly not upset. "Hope you like cereal."
"Fucking love it." Jared mumbled, closing his eyes again. He let his arm drop so Evan could climb out of bed. Evan didn't miss the smirk on Jared's lips.
Evan began to pour the cereal into two bowls, chuckling when he saw Jared stumble in. Jared glared at his boyfriend before wrapping his arms around Evans waist, resting his head on Evans shoulder.
"You're uh, very, uh, you're very cuddly this morning." Evan paused, not wanting to ruin the moment. "But I like it! It's good! I'm not complaining! You should uh, be this cuddly every morning. I mean, obviously we don't see each other every morning, but I just kinda, uh, well, you know? So." Evan bit his lip, internally punching himself. "Sorry."
"Evan, it's okay." Jared mumbled quietly. "I like it when you talk. You..." Jared trailed off, still tired. "You have a pretty voice. And pretty words. And... pretty eyes."
Evan chuckled, his tension quickly going away. "Do you... uh, want to eat in bed?"
"Fucking...yeah babe."
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