His Restlessness
Avni : tina...I'm.actually sorry
Tina: for what? She asked frowning
Avni: i wanted you and neil To spend some time together and despite been in a club you both didnt get to do that because of me and i didnt mean to spoil your time with him
Tina shook her head with a smile and placed her hands on avni shoulder
Tina: you dont have to be sorry avni...I know that you can never spoil anything be it me and neil spending time together...you know somewhere I wanted to spend some time with neil but then I realised that atleast he was there with me and that is what matters so I'm all good now
Avni smiles knowing tina is not annoyed
Avni: this is y you are my best friend as you understand me and know I would never do such thing
She gave tina a tight hug and then jumped into her bed covering herself with a blanket
Tina : what are you doing ? She pretended to ask
Avni : like usual...sleep at your place she said getting herself comfortable as its always been like that when they sleep at each others place
Tina: I'm going to take a quick shower ok
Avni: haan please do otherwise I'll probably have to smell your sweat due to your workout she sald with a cheeky smile
Tina: what did you say she said jumping on the bed and started attacking avni with a cushion who laughed and grabbed a pillow herself as both started to have a cushion fight
After few mins both looked at each other and burst out laughing
Tina: I'm going now will be back in few mins ok she said to which avni nodded
After 10 mins when tina came out of the washroom she saw a sleeping avni and smiled,
turning the lights off she covered both of them with a blanket properly and let sleep take over her
The next morning avni slowly opened her eyes ..she looked to her right to see tina sleeping
She sat up as she rubbed her eyes and looked at the time to see it was 7am
As she was about to get up tina phone rang
Tina: yaar y doesn't anyone let me sleep peacefully she said turning the other way to get the sound away from her ears
Avni: because it's time to get up tina she said in tina's ear
Tina opened her eyes and turned to look at avni to see her smiling and then gestured towards her phone
As tina was about to grab it the ringing stopped
Tina: I'll call back in abit till then I'll catch some sleep she said as she rested her head back on the pillow
Avni: you sleep I'm going
Tina : going where? She asked turning to look at avni
Avni: back to my place to get ready...it will be breakfast time soon
Tina: ugh ok fine I will wake up too see you in a bit ok she said to which avni nodded and headed back to her place
After some time the elders were present at the table with their usual talking
Dayawanti: where is avni, neil and tina? Havent they woken up yet?
Neela: maa avni is already awake she is probably getting ready and shekar bhai said that tina is also getting ready
Dayawanti: and neil?
Bebe: look here comes my tillu she said making all turn to neil
Neil: morning he said and sat down while all replied back at him
Neil looked around to notice no sign of avni and tina
Neil: where is avni and tina
Neela: they will be here in a bit
After few minutes avni came down...as she looked at the dining area she saw everyone including neil
Taking a deep breath she put up her usual smile on her face and greeted everyone and sat down opposite neil who watched her for a second and then looked away
Tina: sorry sorry I hope I'm not late she said walking quickly towards the dining table...a smile appeared on her face seen the seat next to neil empty
Shweta: you are on time beta come she said
Tina smiled at her and sat down next to neil slightly elbowing him making neil look at her.
Tina: morning is surely good right she said so that only neil can hear
Neil: it sure is he said with a genuine smile
all were served breakfast
Shweta: so neil and tina enjoyed going to the club yesterday?
Tina and neil looked at eachother for a sec and then at shweta..Tina was about to answer when neela interrupted
Neela: of course they would have enjoyed shweta since they had each other company she said teasingly
Tina and Neil smiled at them a little
Shweta: that is true she said having the same teasing smile
Neela: avni..what about you ...how was last night bacha
Avni who was enjoying her paratha looked up to see all eyes on her
Avni: what about last night ?
Shweta: arien your club experience ..did you enjoy it?
Tina: avni enjoyed the most..in fact let me tell you all avni danced with a guy who was a complete stranger what was his name...oh yes advay she said making all turn their attention to tina while neil rolled his fist tightly recalling that not knowing y its effecting him
Dayawanti: avni ? Our avni danced and that also with a stranger? She said looking at tina and then at avni
Avni sighed
Avni: it was only a dance nothing else...he needed someome to dance with and asked me and I said yes
Shweta: did you take his number?
Avni: nope...we was enjoying just talking and dancing
Neela: somehow I wish if this guy would become more than a friend for avni...so that my daughter finally thinks of settling down...neil looked at neela when she said this and turned to look at avni
Avni rubbed her forehead and looked at ashish to see him winking at her making her understand he is up to some prank
Ashish: avni you didnt tell neela about advay?
Neela: tell me what? She asked frowning
Ashish: that avni knows advay from before and that he had called her to club that is y avni said she wants to go the club
Neela: what ? She said not able to believe what her husband was saying
Avni looked at neela and the rest when her eyes landed on tina who was stunned and neil was in the same zone tooo
Avni: it's true maa..whatever papa said is true...me and advay have known each other from before
Neil came back to reality...he was literally feeling uncomfortable
Neela: then y dont you bring him home...we all can meet him
Dayawanti: haan and if you both like each other we can see what we can do about that after all we have to see if the boy is good or not she said
Avni looked at ashish who turned his head away as if he didnt start this
Shaking her head she turned back to dayawanti
Avni: ok ok it's going too far advay was a stranger I met at the club..
I have never met him before...it was a prank that papa started she said
Neela glared at ashish while all chuckled
Ashish: what did I do ? He said
Avni: for leaving everything on me she said with a cheeky smile
Tina: gosh avi for a sec I thought you had hidden such big thing from me she said making avni giggle as she looked at both neil and Tina who had taken a sigh of relief
Neil let out a huge breath he didn't realise he was holding this long. He blinked in relief but next moment bit his lips when his eyes fell on Tina who was frowning watching him weirdly. To her response Neil mouthed displaying a grump 'I don't like that guy' and that made Tina's chest slip a giggle.
Neil sighed, brought a toast to his mouth... finding it amused Tina looked away, put her focus back on elders and what they were chatting as she finished her egg poach.
Avni: dadi finish breakfast we need to go for your routine check up after
Dayawanti: oh god this routine check ups are annoying if it was in my hand I would avoid going to it but my kids she said shaking her heads looking at neela ashish and avni
Bebe: you are getting old what else
Dayawanti: if that's the case you come too na since you also are in that category
Bebe: no thanks I'm still a year younger than you and I'm completely fit and fine
Dayawanti: so what do you think I am
Bebe: only you know she said making all chuckle
Later on avni was back from the hospital with dayawanti
tina had gone for her rehearsal while bebe and dayawanti were in the lawn and shweta and neela were in the kitchen
Avni was sitting on the couch near the window sill on her phone as she was checking out few of her messages
Neil: heyyy he said as he sat opposite her
Avni: hey she said smiling at him when her phone beepeed to see a request been sent
As she opened insta she saw a request from advay and accepted it
Instantly she got a reply from him and both messaged eachother
Neil noticed the way avni was smiling as she was typing away on her phone
Neil: who are you busy in messaging avni
Avni: its advay she said not looking up as she was busy typing away
But getting no response from neil she looked up to see him staring at her as if there was something which she wasnt able to figure out while he didnt know y he was feeling a restlness in him or something
Neil; I thought you said you didnt have his number? He said trying to sound casual but his tone was serious
Avni frowned
Avni: I didnt...he added me on insta few mins ago
Neil: and you accepted it straight away avni...a guy you just met yesterday?
Avni looked at neil for a sec and before she could say anything neela called out to her
Avni: coming maa she said loudly
Neil rubbed his forehead not knowing y this is bothering him so much
Neil suddenly looked up when he heard avni speak
Avni: I dont see a harm in accepting advay request neil...that's how we make friends right she said with a small smile and left from there while neil looked away as he clasped his hands together tightly
Later on it was nearly dinner tine
avni was helping neela and shweta bring the food out while the staff was cleaning everything up in the kitchen
Neela: once you all clean up have dinner she said to The staff who nodded with a warm smile
Meanwhile as tina was walking she was about to slip when neil grabbed hold of her hand
Neil: careful he said making tina smile as neil made her stand properly and this scene didnt go unnoticed by the elders
Tina: I don't have to worry when you are there she said with a playful smile
Neil: but you will have to when I'm not there he said looking at tina when his eyes moved towards the table noticing avni who came with a bowl of salad...the restlessness still in him as to y her accepting advay is bothering him so much
Tina: oye mr America where are you lost she asked making Neil look at her
Neil: nowhere come everyone has sat for dinner he said
Tina shook her head and followed him
Avni saw tina and Neil walking together ..she then went and sat in between neela and shweta
Wheras neil chose to sit opposite avni... daywanti and bebe gave each other knowing looks knowing they have to do something about tina and neil now
Avni smiled at tina and neil which they returned but avni felt as if neil was not smiling fully..ignoring those thoughts she took a sip of her water
As dinner started tina was telling everyone about her rehearsals while ashish got up and showed a small funny dance step making all chuckle
After some time as all sat on the couch aftet having dinner
daywanti and bebe went into the kitchen to tell their daughter in laws that now it's time to announce tina and Neil engagement as the kids will take their own time to confess
Avni who came in the kitchen heard...she felt a pain and controlled herself from letting any tears out
She watched as neela and shweta arranged the desserts as they planned how to suprise tine and neil
Taking a deep breath she followed them outside as she plastered a smile on her face
Shekar : lo here comes desserts first give it to ashish he said jokingly
Ashish: you would never understand how it feels when I get my first love late he said dramatically
Neela: well you have to wait becuase today you will get it a little late
Prakash: y is that neela ?
Shweta: because we have got an announcement to make
Ashish: what is it? Dont tell me I will be going on my 5th honeymoon
Dayawanti: ashish you can go after first listen
Neela: maa she said with eyes widened
Shekar: we can continue that discussion after what is The announcement
Shweta: well here we were expecting that our kids will give us an announcement soon but looks like we elders have to take things in our hand and do it she said moving towards neil and tina who were still clueless
While at first ashish shekar and prakash thinking what shweta was saying when slowly they understood as her words started to process In their head
Neela: today neil and tina will have the dessert and that also from one bowl she said
Neil: if you dont mind may I know y? He asked confusingly
Tina: did we win some lottery or something?
Bebe: consider it as a lottery puttar
Neela : first sweeten your mouth she said feeding tina some halwa and then neil
Prakash: now here come the breaking news he said
Shweta: I always wanted to have a daughter in law for my tillu and I'm happy that he finally found the girl he truely finds happiness with she said
Neil's eyes widened
Bebe: puttar we are blessed that our tillu has chosen you...someone who he has known since childhood she said while tina smiled as she looked down happily and then looked at neil who wasnt able to process what the elders were saying
Neela: chalo chalo all congratulate them and feed them this halwa she said
Ashish: let me start of he said as he fed tina and neil while the rest did the same
Neela: avni come on wont you congratulate your friends
Avni forced a smile and nodded..
She hugged tina and gave her a spoon of halwa who gave her a warm smile
She then moved to Neil and moved the spoon near his mouth
Avni: congratulations neil you finally got the love of your life she said grinning ear to ear only she knows how pathetically forced her smile is, her heart is bleeding inside but she has to put up that contented facade because her bestfriend is involved into this, Tina.
Neil: thanks he said though his smile didn't reach his eyes which he has no clue why. At this moment Neil realised he should feel happy too but his heart clenched strangely instead.
"Seems your are happy" Neil looked straight into her eyes as he almost whispered through his grinding jaws but Avni heard it clear. His words sounded like more of a taunt to her. Her smile fainted looking at him in doubt. Why he is staring at her like she has done something wrong being happy for her bestie, that she shouldn't have. Neil couldn't help but his gape turned accusative at Avni standing there clueless in front of him.
Their moment broke when Tina walked up and wrapped her arms around Avni and kissed on her cheek
Tina: I love you avi she whispered to her and then beaming shyly she sneaks at Neil who in instant averted his gaze away from them and walked out that spot. Avni's smile returned seeing Tina this happy, she turned around and pulled her friend in a tight embrace which Tina responded with a giggle.
This is what Avni wants and this is the best thing. Avni thought and her smile brightened .
Neil heaved a sigh, there is a bizzare feeling inside of him. His chest felt heavy. He is not happy the way he should be, and everyone is. Instead t's like his heart will explode anytime soon if he won't get out of this spot immediately.
Hey guys first of all to all those that dont know I'm super happy as I'll be an aunty again as my sister in law is pregnant
Secondly is too hot and I'm literally dying
Lastly here is an update of be mine which was written but I just wasnt able to post it
Thanks to bani di NeilAvni_love for helping me who will take credit without complaining if it wasnt for her then I dont know what would have happened let me tell you she is idea ki bandhar like kuch bhi chayien just go to her asien asien ideas nikal thi hai na ke we feel like kash sach mai ho 😜😂
Thanks to all those that commented on the previous chapter
Will be waiting for all the comments and votes
Lots of love
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