He Is Taken
Avni: Hey mother india. Avni walked in and greeted her mother. It appeared that Neela was looking for something in her wardrobe.Avni slouched on her bed after putting her watch on her bedside table.
Neela: Hi. Neela replied without turning her face towards Avni.
Avni watched neela for a sec before speaking.
Avni:Could you tell me specifically what you're seeking in my wardrobe? There's no gift left by dad, I suppose. Avni giggled when referring to her dad.
Neela: Did you see your wardrobe? Chidiya ka ghonsla you turned it into." Neela upbraided softly.
Her Mom's muffled voice replied to her joke which Avni responded with a baby pout.
Avni: It's not me it's your ladli Tina ma. She took all of my sky blue jeans. God knows why she had to try them all. Avni blurted the last few words about Tina with a annoyed tone.
Neela: You seem happy, don't you? Throwing her words with a smile, Neela moved to take the folded clothes off the bed. For a few seconds, Avni's eyes narrowed, but then a smile appeared.
Avni: Huh, yeah. The food was yummy. Her smile broadened as she remembered the time she spent with Advay and the brunch they had at a restaurant.
Neela : So? Neela spoke sitting face to face with her daughter.
Her heart was filled with joy as she witnessed her daughter having a good time with a handsome man. He is not only handsome, but also looks quite decent as a person.
She saw them from her dining hall window when he came to pick Avni this morning. Her mother-heart has already started looking forward to her daughter's love life.
Avni: So Avni replied in a tone similar to her Mom's.
Neela: I see that Advay is a truly nice guy. Neela nodded in appreciation, her smile was quite amusing.
Avni let out a sigh and got up. Walking silently, she took a seat at the other side of the bed, resting her back on the headrest. Neela's eyes followed Avni.
Neela: Won't you say anything? Neela asked, watching Avni pull her legs close to her chest, her thoughtful gaze supporting her chin on her knees.
Avni:Mom he is a distraction. She replied in a quiet tone.
Neela: What do you mean? Neels's brow knitted in confusion as she walked near Avni, taking a discreet seat in bed facing her daughter.
Avni: Mom, I have something to share with you. Avni slowly pulled her chin up and looked directly at her mother. Both were facing each other.
Neela: Go ahead, I'm listening, She spoke spftly
Avni:I like someone. It is something very deep. Her voice soft, hesitant.
Neela: Ohh okay. And? Neela replied calmly, but her gaze furrowed at her child's troubled expression.It's natural, nothing to freaking out about. Loving, falling for someone is a very natural thing, very pure. It's the best feeling someone can cherish their whole life.
Avni: I can't have him. It's kind of complicated Avni said in a melancholy tone.
Neela"Did you tell him your feelings? Do I know him? Neela's question was in a caring tone, but Avni denied it with a head movement.
The next thing she said caused her mom's chest to tighten at the sight.
Avni: Mom he is taken" Her voice faltered in pain.
Neela: Avni, bacha. Neela was on the verge of weeping when she saw her daughter's pain.
She grasped a hold of her hands and took them into hers. When their children are going through heartbreak, parents feel the most vulnerable and helpless in these moments. No parents can truly sympathize with the emotional turmoil their child endures in this state.The process of falling in love and getting hurt is how love works. If you don't hurt yourself, that means you never loved. There is no other way to explain it.
Avni: He's in good hands, so please don't worry. And I feel really happy for him. Authentically happy.Avni plastered a smile. But anyone can see how mournful that smile is. How painful it can be watching the person you love is happy with someone else.Avni can fool the world, even she can fool herself but her mom knows it all.Neela exhaled a heavy sigh, her heart breaking as she witnessed her daughter in such agony.
Neela: I am lucky. Lucky to have you as my child Avi" Other than this Neela has no other words to explain her consolation. Although It's a truth, she is really very proud of her daughter.
Avni: It's not what you think. I made a mistake. A really big mistake.Her eyes were on the verge of tears, but she averted her gaze.She is unable to face her mum. She acted improperly towards Neil. She had numerous opportunities to tell Neil the truth. But she threw it all away. And now, every time she hears Neil bring up their emails, the guilt consumes her. She never imagined that life would be this difficult.
Neela:I don't know what you are talking about. But I believe in fate.Neela said stroking her head.Avni drew back her gaze to her mother. Her mother's touch soothed her heart a little.
Avni: I don't know. I feel bad. Really really bad.Neela was curious as to what she had done. Why is she taking the whole blame.She can't push her, though, until she feels comfortable telling her mother what is upsetting her. Neela was in agony. She pulled herself together and attempted to speak to her daughter differently in spite of her pierced heart.
Neela: You know, I was at a wedding function when I met your dad. He is the groom's side cousin.I so disliked him when we first met. He followed me everywhere, which was really annoying. Like, kind of following me around the entire ceremony, but pretending it's just a coincidence. How can be it a coincidence? Stupid. His evety move was as clear as day.Neela rolled her eyes letting out a fake annoyance which Avni giggledher sad face started faltering. Witnessing her daughter smile again brought Neela a sense of relief, which was very much on purpose. Observing Avni emerge from her depressive mood made her heart melt. She continued making the air light.
Nevertheless The truth is, I felt jealous of him for being so content. joking around and laughing nonstop. You know at that time few days back when i had my first heart break, and you dad said "so what you should not stop living, loving, falling for someone again. Life must go on, people should move on.And can you believe it bacha, he proposed to me on the last day before my departure. He just said it in front of my parents! How horrible.
Neela smiled as she remembered that moment and continued. The only thing he said " I have no idea how loved I can make you feel. You will fall for me in an instant. Please do not reject me. Puleese. Pagal. " Neela let out a scoff, giggling wiping her eyes.
Avni: Did you say yes to him? Avni enquired
Neela: Nope.
Avni : Then? She asked with a frown
Neela:We became friends. We used to do late night calls through those landline phones you know. He used to call me at every alternative days. At some point I actually realized I am waiting for his calls, I had started missing him those off days, started missing his silly jokes. No one had ever made me laugh that much as your Dadda did. And then I knew. It was always him. It should be him.
Her smile at the end said it all how happy she is with this man.
Avni: Did you forgot your heartbreak? I mean the person behind your broken heart?
Neela-I hardly remember him anymore..Neela paused for a sec before continuing.
Then you came in my life, my little princess. You made our life complete bachha.She smiled pouring so much love in that little sentence, that Avni couldn't hold back a smile.
I very much do believe in destiny. Your Dadda was my destiny. Who can say Advay might be yours. Those last words in a playful tone made Avni let out a sigh.
Avni: Mom... her tone annoyed..We are just friends. Okay? Hope her mother gets her point. She thought
Neela : Yeah. You should be friends first. Just like me and your Dadda.
Avni: It's not like that ma.
Neela: Then like what? Okay I need to talk to Neil then.
Avni- What for? A deep frown appeared on her forehead at Neela's sudden declaration.
Neela: If he knows any guy in his friends group or if there is any work fellow who can be suitable for you so that i can fix a meeting with you buddhu. What word do you kids say? Yeah...hook up. You could hook up with someone then.
Avni: Mom. Shit Noo. Avni let out a shout in horror which made Neela flinch at her reaction.
Neela-What happened?
Avni:.God maaa. My beautiful mother india 'hook up' is a bad word. Avni couldn't help but giggled at her mom's innocence.
Neela: Is it? She asked being unsure.
Avni: Absolutely.
Neela:.So sorry I didn't know this. Okay then to get engaged with. That sounds better now?
Avni: Mom. You can't bother Neil. He is going to get engaged soon. He is going to be someone's fiancee in a few months. So dont get him involved in this.
Neela: So what? He is going to get married, not go into any prison.
Avni: Still ma. It's a bad idea.
Neela: You guys are bestie. No one knows you better than he does. I'm sure he can find someone perfect for you if you are not into this Advay guy. Or you are hum? Neela wiggled her brows stifling a grin which Avni ignored making a bored face.
Avni: Mom.There was a big pause before avni continued speaking.
Advay makes me happy. She stated without any falter in her voice.
Neil: And i don't? Neil spoke as he barged in with a very hard face, balling his fist in his side.
Neil had left the balcony nearly after an hour he saw Advay dropped Avni. But on the way passing by crossing her room he couldn't hold back from eavesdroppig the mother daughter heart to heart conversation. He heard it from when Neela was talking about fate. It was going good but the moment Avni said she is happy with that jerk. He couldn't stop himself from intruding the scene. Only if he can show how tormented he is from the inside watching them together and then hearing this kind of conversation make things worst.
Neela: Thank god you came Neil. I was actually going to talk to you. Neela said as she got off the bed, stood facing Neil who is breathing heavily in rage. He even didn't bother masking it his eyes all over watching Avni. And the more he is glaring at her the more he is realising something. Something that is slowly starting to fade.
Avni: Maaa-
Neela- Kya ma ma tabse laga rakha hai?
Avni: Mumma it's our secret.
Neil- What secret?
Neela- That my daughter is seeing someone Neela teased. This made no help. Neil is furious at this point now. He can burst out anytime.
Neil: Avni I think we need to talk. Neil chewed the words keeping a very calm face in front of Neela but inside there is tide, a heavy storm. Storm of feeling betrayal.
Avni: No we don't. Avni replied in a stern voice looking directly in his eyes. There is like a staring game going on.
Neil- Avni it's urgent. Neil struggled not to loose his temper. Only if Avni knew.
Neela- Buy guys. Neela took the opportunity and disappeared singing them goodbye. Her innocent heart didn't catch the situation.
Avni: What is it? Avni gritted, now it's her turn to get annoyed. Why he is so unpredictable. What is his problem? Doesn't he have any work to do? If he doesn't then why doesn't he go for a walk or a date with Tina. She will be more than happy accompanying him in any hour. I don't know this Neil. Feeling irritated She brushed her tho2uuughts away and folded her arms around her chest with a very sour face. She just don't want to keep any kind of attachment with Neil anymore. She just want them to get married soon and leave the country as soon as possible.
Neil watched avni. He was about to take a step towards her when tina entered.
Tina: Hi Mr. America. Missed me?" Startling both of them Tina walked in with her as usual very cool style.
Neela Aunty said you two are in deep discussion on something serious. So I thought why not join you guys. So here i am. I hope I didn't miss much. Did I? Tina took a stop between them as she darted her gaze at both few times waiting for a reply from one of them.
Avni: You didn't miss anything. She said forcing a smile.
Tina turnes to look at neil
Tina: Ab isko kya hua? His face is like preparing someone's funeral. Don't you think so Avni? Tina frowned watching Neil in that strangely cold mood then her eyes landed on Avni waiting for an answer to her question.
Fuming Neil stormed out, not even sparing a single glance at Tina acknowledging her presence which wasn't missed by Avni but being already wallowing in guilty to her act she felt bad for both. God knows what he wanted to tell her, it must be very important, she shouldn't act like a child instead she could appear polite, let him talk atleast to know what he wanted to say.
She so shouldn't have done such a grave mistake in the name of playing with her own heart and someone's as well. It was always decided Neil would choose Tina not her. Because it was Tina he thinks he had. chatted with. He is absolutely not at fault. And Tina. She is a girl. Neil is so handsome, caring, sensible. It hard not to fall for a person like him.
"Though she doesn't know him at all the way you do" her inner self screamed but as always she avoided her and locked it somwhere in the corner of her heart.
Avni: I think i will go and see Neil she said about to go when Tina stopped her.
Tina: Nope stop. Let me see my Man. You discover yours. Giggling Tina ran trailing behind Neil. Her words broke Avni's heart a little more. Her Man. Absolutely. Avni felt her breath stifled at the thought of her calling him that.
Avni plopped on the bed thinking about the scene, that intense visage of him.
She felt bad, really bad missing their old days. Neil used to be so sweet, playful but now days Neil is so different. Sometimes she think it's not Neil she talked to all those years. It might have been someone else. Because this Neil everything but sweet?
Tina saw Neil room lights on, smiling she walked over to his room as she was about to reach near his room she halted her steps noticing Prakash enter in Neil's room.
Tina: Oh no. Now i can't talk to Mr America as Prakash uncle is with him. Come on Tina, seems like you won't get a chance to see Neil now she said to herself...shrugging her shoulder she walked away.
The next day
Sleep had gotten to Avni very late which resulted in her not waking up at her usual time.
She walked down the stairs busy putting her wrist watch on when suddenly she bumped into someone...she looked up to say sorry when she was surprised to see it was Neil
Avni: Good morning Neil she said slowly smiling hoping that she gets a glimpse of the Neil that she knows
Neil eyed avni for a sec and saw the watch she held on to. Taking it from her he placed it on her wrist and looked at her.
Neil: What's the rush Avni? Going out again today with your friend? Oh sorry you had said boyfriend yesterday right? he said sarcastically evident in his tone as he tightened the strap around wrist making avni hiss.
Avni watched Neil as he let go of her wrist. His words echoing in her head. Why is he stuck on Advay her mind screamed.
Shweta: Avni beta y are you standing. Come and sit she said. Avni nodded as she plastered a smile on her face and sat down. Soon enough Tina and Shekar joined them.
Ashish was making up jokes when breakfast was being served, to which Neela would chastise him while the others laughed. Just as Avni opened her coffee to take a sip, she noticed service members removing some objects and then packing luggage. She was about to inquire when Ashish got to it first.
Ashish: Yaar honestlly i don't understand. Why don't you just stay here Prakash instead of moving next door. I told Shekar that he and Tina should shift here as they also stay next door but bhaisaab said no. Then you came. The house seemed more lively with all of you here and now you're moving next door after so many fun loving days.
Dayawanti: Ashish. You're saying as if Prakash and Shekar live far away and you won't see them again.
Ashish: Come on maa. It will be rare where 3 friends including family have 3 time meals together...until prakash was here Shekar and Tina would come here too but now that is going to be less.
Prakash: Yaara tu chill kar. If we cant have 3 meal course together koi gal nahi... we will always see each other everyday. Our chess game is a must.
Shekar: Absolutely.
Bebe: Plus regarding breakfast, lunch or dinner we wlll occasionally plan it at each others house.
Shweta: You're absolutely right Bebe.
Avni grinned as she turned to face the elders. While Tina was engrossed in the elders' conversation, Neil seemed to be lost in thought as he stared at his plate. She looked away, gasping when she realised that he was staring back at her.
Avni: Perhaps the Khanna family moving next door is a good thing. I won't be alarmed by Neil's mood swings, and I won't be afraid to run into him at any time. At this point of our lives If Neil remains away, it will be good for both of us. I can't grant any kind of attachment with Neil anymore when I am a super struggleful into keeping distance from him. My already weak heart can't take this closeness of living under the same roof with the person I have a special spot in my heart, it's not helping in a way I want to certain things should be. It's better being afar with the person you can't have, than being with him 24/7. It won't be good for my mental health. We need to keep some distance for our own good.
Hey beautiful people here is another chap to be mine
I'm hoping you're enjoying the story
I know you all are waiting for neil to realise his feelings and also find out the truth but all will happen at the right time asien hi dediya toh phir kya maza
Anyways keep loving and be the same old cuties you all are
Will be looking forward to all the comments and votes coming and thank you to those who commented and voted for the previous chap
Lots of love
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