Cheif Neil
Neil: avni suno
Avni: hmm ?
Neil:I'll be making a sandwich for myself do u want some?
Avni: nope I'm not hungary after having that big meal
Neil: ok then good night
Avni: goodnight she said and headed to her room while neil went to the kitchen
After a while
Neil got onto this bed as he laid on his back staring at the ceiling... he recalled how he had reacted by just hearing ayushman name..
Neil: if avni actually had someone would I be happy? Of course I would be as long as she is with the right guy he said but deep down he didnt know y his heart jumped at her just mentioning a name
Neil: besides if any girl takes a guys name then any friend would feel protective about their friend and make sure that their friend is in the right hand so me probably reacting that way wasnt wrong as avni is my friend and we have full rights to get a full background check of the guy
Neil thought of their moments today with avni watching the sunset
Neil: time just flies being with avni... he said smiling but then he sat up
Neil realised he didnt call tina at all today...he grabbed his phone and called her
Meanwhile in avni room .
Avni sat down near the window as she looked outside ...she enjoyed her time with neil but she also recalled how she had joked with Neil about ayushman trying to get a reaction out of him
Avni: I shouldn't have gone too far as I got carried away by this situation created...I can see it in tina eyes that she has feelings for him...I actually feel bad with my overly playfulness with neil which was not needed at all... I'll just avoid spending too much time with him from now inwards ...the more I avoid him the better for all of us...neil and tina love each other and I dont need to invade their space she thought to herself
Back to Neil's room.
Neil:so how was your day today he asked ?
Tina:hectic...will finish a little late tonight besides u know what happened as I was about to start my rehearsals i saw 2 cockroaches where my entry was held
Neil: 2 cockroaches he said laughing as he recalled how avni told him about the cockroach incident today chukiling over how she was making all sorts of expressions while telling about the cockroach incident
Tina : that was actually not done..they shouldn't have done that na neil she said
As tina was telling neil about how one of the dancer had placed those cocorches unaware that neil didnt hear anything...tina waited for neil to say something
Tina: neil did u even hear what I said she said frowning
neil came back to present hearing his name
Neil: tina woh... but before neil could say anything tina got called for rehearsal
Tina:neil got to go for rehearsal bye will speak to u later she said
Neil: ok bye he said and heard the phone end on the other side
Neil: god neil what were u even thinking of ... if Tina realised u wasnt listening she would have killed u he said to himself while shaking his head
The next morning
Avni decided to make breakfast for her and neil and headed down to the kitchen but to her surprise neil was already in the kitchen pouring coffee into the last cup
Neil: morning he said smiling while seen her walk towards him
Avni:morning.... I didnt know u be up so thought of making breakfast but to my luck breakfast is all ready she said smiling
Neil: well what can I do ...the chef in me pushed me out of my bed and ordered me to make breakfast he said jokingly
Avni:ahaannn so what did chef neil make in breakfast she asked standing opposite him
Neil smirked and took of the two covered plates to keep the food warm
Avni was surprised to see seasoned mushrooms, bakes beans, hashbrown, scrambled eggs, and toasted bread
Avni: this looks amazing my mouth is already watering up she said sitting on the chair and took one of The plates
Neil: I know..wait let me add some salt and black pepper
Avni nodded..once neil finished he sat opposite avni passing her a cup of coffee along with a fork and knife
Avni:Neill this is amazing I feel I'm going to become lazy and not cook breakfast leaving u to do that now
Neil: I would love to do that but if u remember I told u to teach me how to make paratha along with other amazing food
Avni:deal she said forwarding her hand
Neil: deal too then he said shaking her hand
avni: now chalo eat otherwise food will get cold she said moving her hands away as she didnt want to hold on to his hand for too long and get carried away
Neil: did your family call u ?
Avni: haan spoke to maa yesterday and heard papa annoying your dad in the background with his poor jokes
Neil: hey come on ashish uncle jokes r not that bad haan
Avni: that's what u think... be with him every day and u will know
Neil:then I would say neela aunty, dadi and my family have known the pain of bearing his jokes
Avni looked at neil and both burst out laughing
Neil: acha so ready for your interview?
Avni: not really but I know I will have to work on it...just feel nervous sometimes
Neil:dont be u will surely do your best
avni:let's not talk about interview otherwise this tasty foody will go in waste
Neil:as u say boss he said and both continued to eat their breakfast
5 hours later Neil came back as he had gone to meet a client...he was heading upstairs and was about to enter his room when he stopped hearing someone talking which was coming from avni room
He started to walk towards avni room to see then door ajar and opened it more to see avni was sitting on the bed with her back facing him as she was busy watching a video on the laptop
Avni stopped the video and sat up straight
Avni: come on avni u can do this dont be nervous. She said as she was watching a video on how to prepare for an interview and how to answer questions
She got up and stood in front of the mirror not noticing neil at all
Avni: I..i feel I can make changes and improve things like..I can...i ....avni stopped speaking as she was too nervous to rehearse
Neil: avni
Avni shrieked as she didnt except neil to call her name and turned to her right to see neil standing at the door
Avni: neil ? You? Do u need anything ? Shall I make coffee she asked
Neil:come on avni do u think I will only come to you when I only need something...anyways I heard someone speak so thought of checking only to see u watching a video
Avni:haan woh got an interview coming up na so I didnt want to mess it up so was watching videos and trying to practice she said tucking a strand of hair behind her ears
Neil: dw I will help u
Avni: no no she said quickly while neil frowned at her reply
Avni didnt mind neil help but she didnt want to do something similar when they had gone to see the sunset
Avni: I mean you already have your projects and all and you also help me with most of the chores so I dont want to add something else to your list
Neil smiled and walked up to avni...he placed both of his hands on her arms while avni looked at it from the corner of her eyes and then back at him
Neil: u are my friend avni and if I dont help what sort of friend am I? ...besides internet video and all dont help I have given many interviews and also taken many interview so I will be able to help you easily .
Avni: but Neil if u help me then what about your work she said moving away from him.
Neil smiled and walked up to her
Neil: come on avni this is not something to think about interview is soon and here u r thinking about if u should take my help.... about my project then dont worry about it...I'm your friend yaar so I will help you ok otherwise I will call neela aunty and tell her that u r not allowing me to help u
Avni: ok ok fine she said smiling a little
Neil:good now I'll go and change and m then we can practice and Have dinner after
Avni:ok I'll meet u downstairs
10 mins later avni was sitting on the couch sitting opposite neil as he was giving her tips
Neil:avni u got to focus on when the interviewer is talking to u they will try to ask u tricky question in a simple way and also try to be strict with u to make you nervous but you need to be all calm and reply to their questions in the most simple ways instead of buttering it up
Avni nodded
Neil:also you need to make sure you have eye contact with them because eye contact is a must
Avni: i know neil but sometimes they try to make u nervous
Neil:and that is what u dont need to show them becuase once they see that they will probably ask even more tricky question to make u more nervous... u need to show them that u deserve the place that u have applied for
Avni: u r right she said
Neil:ok so shall we practice
Avni nodded and neil helped her with how to answer with basic questions
On the interview day avni was all ready and headed down to see Neil coming with a bowl in his hand
Avni: what is this ?
Neil:yogurt and sugar now open your mouth he said
Avni opened her mouth and Neil fed her a spoon of the curd
Neil:mom always says that you give this to someone when they r going to do something good as it's considered lucky he said wiping the corner of avni lips to as there was some curd making avnis heart skip a sec with that gesture
Avni: thank u neil she said smiling
Neil: good luck for your interview and I'm sorry once again I cant come to drop u due to work
AvnI: its ok neil chill u stayed awake till late night and helped me
Neil:chalo best of luck and call me once your interview is done
Avni:will do..I'll leave now
Neil nodded and avni left the apartment and headed for her interview
After few hours
As avni came out giving her interview she took a sigh of relief..she was hell nervous yet she made sure not to show it...she was glad that the interview was done and doesnt have to worry anymore now as she knew if she was meant to get the job she will otherwise she can try other places or even start her own business as planned
Smiling she called back home first
Meanwhile in mumbai
Neela saw avni phone
Neela:bacha how did your interview go she said asking straight away
Avni: maa I gave my best I feel I did good but let's see
Neela: dont worry bacha u did your best na that is all that matters
Avni: haan maa acha where is papa and dadi?
Neela :bacha they went out with the khanna family and shekar bhai
Avni: y didnt u go ?
Neeela: beta there will be few people coming to check the Khanna mansion to finish the remaing work but when the rest r back I will tell them
avni:ok maa chalo I will speak to u later need to call neil too
Neela:ok and listen make sure to call tina too
Avni:haan u dont worry will do
Once avni ended the call she tried to call tina but she didnt answer so then she called neil
Neil: hey how did the interview go?
Avni: good...thanks to u she said smiling
Neil:when will they let u know
Avni:they said if I get the place then they will let me know soon
Neil:dont worry hope for the best
Avni: yup
Neil:so where r u right now
avni:outside the building thought of calling maa to inform her and then called u now
Neil: do u want me to come and pick u up?
Avni:no dw I will reach to the apartment soon
Neil: ok...come soon till then I will finish some work and then we can have lunch together
Avni: ok bye
Neil:bye he said smiling and ended the call
20 mins later avni finally reached to The apartment and opened the door with the spare keys neil had given her
As she entered inside she looked into the hall and kitchen but there was no sign of neil
Avni:maybe he is upstairs she said to herself and headed up
She saw his bedroom door open and popped her head in to see him busy on a call while explaining something from the laptop
Neil looked up feeling someone watching to see avni...he gestured her 2 mins while she smiled and nodded and headed to her room to change her clothes
Once she changed she headed to the kitchen ..
Avni: what shall I make for lunch she said to herself and was thinking
Neil: hii he said appearing behind her kind scaring her due to his sudden voice
Avni: gosh u scared me for a sec she said turning around to see sit on the worktop near her
Neil: acha I didnt know u get scared too
Avni: y ?have I got anything written on my forehead that I cant be scared she said raising her eyebrows
Neil:dont know I will have to check properly maybe with a magnifier in case if its written in small letters
Avni:Neill she said with hands on her hips
Neil:ok ok calm down ...what were u thinking about
avni: about what to make for lunch
Neil: that's it ? Such a small thing even I can tell you what we can have
Avni: what?
Neil: aloo ka paratha my favourite he said rubbing his hands together and licking his lips as if he can taste it
Avni:Neill if it's in your hand u would have that all day she said shaking her head
Neil: so what's bad in that...let's make that please besides u was going to teach me so might as well start from today
Avni laughed the way neil was speaking
Neil:avni please dont separate my stomach from my paratha please allow them to unite he said dramatically
Avni cracked up hard
Avni:u ....u r mad she said shaking her head while still laughing
Neil:I knows but please let's make this
Avni:ok ok fine she said after calming down
Neil : I cant wait for lunch now
Avni:come on mr excited now help me make your favourite parathas she said
Neil got ready and helped avni with the paratha as avni placed the potatoes in the pressure cooker and then teached neil how to make the dough and then the next process of what to do while neil was unaware that tina was calling him on his phone which was left in his room
As neil was kneading the dough he would keep lifting his hands up and bring it to avni face while teasing her as she would glare at him and told him to behave....after some time they were peeling the potatoes which avni had removed from the cooker and neil would keep jumping as the potato was still a little too hot for him while avni would chuckle ....she took it from him and told him to mash the peeled potatoes as she would peel it ...avni was explaining basic things to Neil while neil was also listening to avni keenly when she would explain what needs to be done
It was actually getting too hot in the kitchen due to constant heat plus windows was closed too
As avni was showing neil how to place the paratha on the hot pan and cook it nicely her forehead was sweating while showing him the forth paratha that she had flipped on the pan and removed it from the pan
Avni: see neil how crispy and nice it is like the other ones now u should...suddenly she stopped speaking as she felt neil dry her forehead with a cloth
As she turned her face to his directions she saw how closely they were standing...neil was busy dabbling the cloth on her forehead while avni gulped feeling his breath fanning her face making her close her eyes.
Avni:you know you would be a great husband
Neil stopped what he was doing making avni open her eyes and looked at him
Neil smiled and moved closer to her ears making her blink nervously as she clutched her hands around the spatula tightly
Neil: you should tell your friend this too he whispered and burst out laughing
Avni tucked a strand of hair and looked up at neil with a forced smile while neil was totally unaware...avni took a deep breath as only she knew how crazy her heart was beating by having him that close
Avni:here you also try she said placing a paratha on the pan and gave him the spatula while neil nodded and calmed down taking it of her
After lunch was done
Neil:gosh that was a hell of work to make few paratha but the best part was eating them he said leaning back on his chair
Avni: now u know the hard work put behind such a simple dish which looks easy but isnt
Neil:but it was fun to learn once I get the hang over it I'm sure it wont take that long
Avni: I agree on that as long as u enjoy cooking nothing else matters
Neil:hmm acha chalo I better get back to my work have a video conference coming up in the next 10 mins
Avni: ok she said smiling while neil smiled back and went towards the sink to wash his hand while avni collected his plate
Neil: avni dw about dinner we will order something u rest since u didnt relax properly due to your interview
Avni: yess boss she said and walked to the sink and placed the plates down ready to wash them up
Meanwhile in Mumbai tina was trying to call Neil again and this was probably about the 5th time ... finally neil answered this time
Before tina can speak neil spoke
Neil:tina I will call u later have a video conference in few mins bye he said ending the call not waiting for tina to speak while tina mouth was wide open thinking what just happened
Tina: this mr america is very strange before he would answer my call in 1 ring and never miss a chance but now he hardly answers and we also dont seem to speak like before phele toh he would find ways to speak to me when he was here but ever since he has gone to shimla he doesnt seem to have the time ... she said to herself and deep down tina didnt know y but she was getting a little scared ...there was a weird feeling in her
Only one person name came in her mind and she instantly went on to her contact
avni was drying her hands with the napkin when her phone rang as she saw the caller she answered it straight away
Avni:hello dancing queen she said cheerfully
Tina: hi
Avni frowned
Avni:, what happened ? Y is your mood off
Tina:neil she said grabbing a pillow and placed it on her lap
Avni: what about neil
Tina: he is so busy that he doesnt give me time properly she said not wanting to tell avni what she is feeling
Avni smacked her forehead and chuckled
Avni: Tina tum bhi naa
Tina: avni can I ask u something
Avni: since when did u start asking me for something
Tina: I know but still
Avni: acha bol
Tina:tell me more about Neil na like what does he like be it anything food, colour anything
Avni walked to the garden area and sat down comfortably
Avni: neil loves anything u give him but his favourite food is aloo ke parathe no matter how tired angry or upset he is aloo ke parathe can always make him happy
Tina: really? What else she said sitting comfortably on her bed
Avni: his favourite colour is blue...he likes to go to the church most of the time though he believes in every god
Tina: what else
Avni: neil is actually very loving and helpful if he feels someone is in need then he wouldnt think for a sec and would help that person... he is the son that any parents would be proud of the more u get to know Neil the more proud u feel of him
Tina: that is actually sweet
Avni: neil loves to work out too he goes for a jog every morning but is a big foodie at the same time she said chukiling along with tina
Tina: that I can tell too she said smiling
Avni: by the way y so much interest in knowing about neil all of a sudden
Tina went silent and avni understood she always does that when something is bothering her
Avni: what is running in that crazy head of yours
Tina: avni honestly to say I dont know...there is this weird feeling... ever since neil has gone shimla he doesnt seem to be the same neil that was here... I have tried calling him many times but he hardly answers and if he does then he ends the call due to his work and at night I dont get much time as my rehearsals starts in the evening
Avni: Tinaa
Tina: I know I might be overthinking but my heart isnt listening...honestly to say I miss him but I dont know if he does due to his work
Avni: he does tina and due to work maybe he doesnt get much time but that doesnt mean that he doesn't care or is less interested in u... just dont let this thoughts gets into your head...just like how u would get busy with your rehearsal he would be busy with his work once his work finishes I'm sure u will feel this is the same Neil
Tina: pakka?
Avni: pakka now chalo dont think much now ok
Tina : I love u avni I'm feeling much better now
Avni: u r na ...that is all that matters
Tina: arien I forgot to ask u how did your interview go
Avni: it went well let's hope for the best
Tina: dont worry my love u will surely get the job
Avni: hope so
Tina: acha chalo got to go now need to meet the team for some changes
Avni: ok bye
Tina: bye she said and both ended the call
Avni wondered over Tina thoughts and prayed that Tina doesnt get such thoughts in her head ever again
At night avneil had finished their dinner 40 mins ago as the food had arrived on time
Avni placed the cups on the tray and headed upstairs to Neil's room and walked over to the balcony
Avni:coffee she said forwarding the tray to him and neil gladly took the cup and took a sip of his warm coffee while enjoying the cold weather
Avni sat down next to neil as she wrapped the shwal around her properly to keep herself warm
Neil: hmm he said as he took a sip of his coffee
Avni: can I ask u something
Neil: u r my friend avni so u can ask me anything...avni smiled as she held her cup with both her hands and took a sip of her hot coffee
Avni: how did u fall in love with tina ?
Neil was a little surprised with that question
Neil: u do know how avni
Avni:not really...when u fall in love with someone you get a feeling like u just know this is the girl
Neil smiled as he leaned back
Neil: as u know since childhood I had always had a crush on Tina while been in mumbai because at that time I never knew what love was but I surely knew she was my crush and I wanted her to be with me...but u know how stubborn she was... she never told how she felt or even showed so I didnt take a step forward but I made sure never to miss a chance been with her ...then came the time when dad decided we will go to London... I didnt know how to react and what way to contact tina so that is y I told 5jer to send me emails and luckily she agreed
Avni looked a little uncomfortable when he mentioned the email bit
Neil: when I reached to london I felt tina might not reply but then the other part of me said she will...and after few days I got her email...been far away i didnt know how I started to share each and every details with her which I never did when I was near her and not only me but even she time went by we continued to send email mostly every day.... and that is when I realised this is the girl I have fallen for her emails made me fall for her as her emails showed what and how she is and I knew it tina was the one...I'm blessed that I told her to send me emails otherwise we wouldnt have shared so many things and also apart from been the love of my life and a friend she was my well wisher too
Avni looked at Neil... a lie which she made is what neil is living in and she knew she cant break that lie otherwise it will spoil many people lifes
Avni: you love her a lot na ...neil looked at avni and then ahead
Neil: haan...but i also love all the things she said about her in the email
Avni took a deep breath and smiled
Neil: acha so u do remember what we decided na
Avni:Haan dw I know u want to learn more on how to cook
Neil:not only that but also we decided to go on a tour
Avni:oh haan I forgot that and also i want to get all of them something but what about your work
Neil:I got a meeting in the morning then I'm done for the day
Avni:so how about we meet up at xyz place that u was talking about and from there we can go to other places so that would be like a small tour for a day
Neil: done...I'll meet u at 11am then
Avni: done ...acha it's quite late time to sleep now she said getting up
Neil: avni
Avni:hmm she said turning around and saw neil get up
Neil: thank u he said and without giving her a chance hugged her
It took avni few seconds... slowly she moved her hand and placed it on his back and closed her eyes which only lasted for a while as neil broke the hug and held her hand
Neil:having u as a friend is like one of the best things... I just feel so comfortable around u that I can share anything with u...thank u for been such amazing friend
Avni:that I very well know I'm a good friend na then come on sleep
The next day avni saw neil walking to her as they had planned to meet at a certain place
Avni: how did the meeting go
Neil: it went well just one more meeting and we will get the deal
Avni:see we all knew you was able to handle it
Neil:I know but at that time I was nervous acha now let's go and get started with your shopping he said
Avni nodded and both headed towards small stores in the area
As they were looking around avneil found few items for some of the family members while the other half was left... sometimes neil would find something and sometimes avni ...however both decided to contribute to pay as it was like a gift from both of them for the family members
In between neil would take pictures and would get avni with both making funny poses while they had bought some street food to eat and then took a tour around the places while taking pictures
1 hour later
As avneil had stopped to get some ice cream
As they were about to order their ice cream neil got a client call
Neil:avni u order the ice creams I'll take this call
Avni nodded and ordered a lolly for her and Neil's favourite ice cream
Till then neil came back
Avni: here u go
Neil was surprised seen his favourite blackcurrant with berries topping
Neil: avni how did u know this was my favourite ice cream?
Avni stopped having her lolly and looked at neil thinking she made a blunder
Avni: actually Neil woh...tina had told me once when we had gone to get ice cream so I just remembered she said
Neil: haan I had told her on email he said smiling and happily started eating his ice cream while avni took a sigh of relief
neil was enjoying his while avni had finished her lolly when she saw neil was still eating his ice cream..she moved a little closer to him and before neil could realise avni shoved the ice cream up his nose while it took a moment for neil to realise what happened
Neil:avni u r gone he said and ran behind her as she had started to run while laughing
Few minutes later neil finally caught up with her
Avni:, ok sorry sorry u was too engrossed that I wasnt able to help it
Neil: u have to wipe my nose only then I will forgive u he said not so seriously
Avni agreed and wiped his nose with a tissue
Neil:now i forgive u
Avni:and I'm really grateful that you forgived me she said in a slightly dramatic way
Neil chuckled and avni joined him too
Suddenly a couple who had been standing a little away from avneil was watching the scene
As avneil were about to walk away the couple came near them
Lady: you guys make a beautiful pair that anyone would adore
As avni heard that she looked away and gulped hearing this
Man:she is right always be like that... in a relationship you should have some fun too..god bless you both he said and walked away with his wife
Neil shook his head with a smile
neil :u know avni if people see 2 friends behaving this way like a boy and and girl they start to assume something else he said casually
avni looked at Neil and then down at her finger as she felt a lump form in her throat and blinked her tears away
neil: let's go now
avni forces a smile and nods
Both then finally managed to get something for the rest of the family members and now were looking around
Suddenly neil spotted a handmade chcolate store
Neil: avni let's go to that chocolate store
Avni:Neil what will we get there she said as she wasnt much interested in chocolates
Neil: come on there is no harm in checking it out he said and held her hand and guided her in while avni looked at their joint hands feeling a current pass through her body
As they entered inside avni was about to intertwine her fingers with Neil when neil moved his hand away tasting one of the free chocolates while avni closed her eyes thinking what she was about to do
Avni looked at neil too see how the staff was giving him different chocolates to try at a time she smiled seen how he was enjoying eating it
Neil:avni come you need to try this too
Avni: no Neil please I'm not fond of chocolates
Neil:but I am and I know u will love it come on try it
Avni:neil I said na...but neil placed the chocolate in her mouth while she glared at him but as she started to chew her expressions changed as she liked this one from the usual chocolates she had tried
Neil:like it he said with a smile while noticing her expression change
Avni: this is amazing she said
Neil:here try this one he said and before avni could stop him he placed it in her mouth
However avni was feeling a shiver run down her spine every time neil fed her as his fingers would everytime brush against her lips making her cluth her hand tighter every time
Neil: amazing na?
avni:very she said
Neil was about to lick the chocolate of his finger but avni stopped him
Avni: here use a napkin she said which he took and wiped his finger as she already had a heart beating 10 time faster already and seen more gesture of his would probably make her heart pop
Neil: can u pack all of these for me plesse he said to the staff who did
Avni smiled thinking neil has bought all these chocolates for her thinking they can have it together
Neil:avni tina would love these na? Although I got it for her I hope she does
The smile from avni face dissapeared as she had expected something but the reality was something else
Neil: avni tell na
Avni:of course she will she said and smiled making him smile even more
Neil payed for the chocolates and both exited the store
They then looked around few nearby places and as it was around 5pm they decided go head back
Neil:avni shall we go out for dinner or order something
Avni looked at neil and then replied
Avni: neil I would only go for dinner with my Man once I meet him, not any other guy ..
Neil's smile vanished as soon as he heard that
Precrap: kasien ho sab mast na kaisa laga
Hey guys thank u so so much for all the birthday messages that I had received it really means a lot
Hope u all like this chap
Will be waiting for comments and votes
And also sorry for taking time to update
Lots of love
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