A Nice Guy
Avni: you both please dont start I'll come but only on one condition
Neil: what's the condition ?
Avni: let's go to the club
Tina: club?
Ashish: since when did my daughter start to do things I love he said making everyone chuckle
Shekar: you kids continue while we go back to chilling he said as a the elders went Back to the garden
Neil: avni club? He said repeating what tina said
Avni:haan club if you are up for it then I'll come otherwise not
Tina:done then what say neil ?
Neil: if you both are happy then why would I mind club it is then
Avni smiled
Avni in her head: this is the best option been in a crowded place like this will not make me look like a extra between neil and tina and they can spend some time without me been near them
Tina:avniii come let's get ready at my place I have some amazing outfits
Avni: tina I do have clothes
Tina:haan but not something to wear at the club
Avni:and I'll only wear something comfortable
Tina:haan haan I know oye mr America see you at 6:20pm at my house
Neil: alright see you soon he said as he watched tina and avni walking away and then walked towards his room
After few minutes avni sat on tina bed as she watched tina scrolling through her wardrobe to find something for avni
Avni: tina chill yaar I will grab something from my place you get ready she said
Tina: chill yaar I know I will find something in this treasure of mine she said
Avni smiled as she chucked silently because tina addresses her valuable things as treasure which does include her clothes
Avni: you have been looking for the past 5 mins
Tina: finally found it she said popping her head out of the wardrobe and turned to avni
Avni eyes traveled to the outfit making her instantly know she will be comfrotbale
Tina: this will look damn sexy on you she said making avni cheeks to turn red
Avni: shut it she said rolling her eyes at tina
Tina: what ? I'm serious this outfits is good but once it fits you... damn girl your curves will surely be visible and watch there will be a line of boys she said teasingly
Avni: that is what you think tina but no such thing will happen she said shaking her head as she grabbed her outfit and headed to the washroom
Tina: god knows what I will do with this girl ..come on tina time to find your outfit she said to herself
It was around 6.15pm when tina was nearly done while avni was all ready and was just brushing her hair when suddenly the door bell rang
Avni: I'll go and get it she said as shekar was still at her place
Tina: cool
As avni reached to the main door she opened the door to see neil who looked surprised seen her outfit with the way it looked on her
Avni: neil you?
Neil: of course me dont tell me you both planned to ditch me and head to club alone he said smiling as he entered
Avni: noo it's no such thing it's just that you came few minutes early...I thought you will come exactly on time she said closing the door
Neil: well I have to maintain some impression so I thought to make it better I'll come few minutes early
Avni chuckled making neil join her too
Neil: you look beautiful by the way he said as he moved a strand of hair that was falling on her forehead making avni suck some air in felling his finger touch her skin
Avni: thank you she said adjusting her hair properly
Neil: so where is tina? he asked not knowing how his small gesture effected avni
Avni: she is neraly ready
Tina; not nearly ready I'm fully ready and just on time she said as she came out with her small handbag
Neil: finally...we was waiting for you he said smirking at her which tina returned
Tina: well the best has to look the best so here i am
Neil : its worth it he mumbled while avni looked at him and then tina
Avni: shall we go now? She asked to which tina nodded and all 3 left
After 30 mins they reached to the club tina had gotten out of the passenger seat and avni got out from the back...both waited till neil collected his phone and keys from the car
Once he was out they headed towards the club luckily there wasnt much que as they had reached there early before it would start to get packed
As the door of the club opened they entered inside once showing their Id
Tina: this club looks great...it will be packed in no time she said
Neil: let's get a drink he said gesturing towards the bar while the girls nodded as they ordered their drink and sat on the chair with avni on the right, tina on the left and neil in the middle...they started to notice the crowd getting a little bigger while some came near the bar to order their drinks
Tina: this mocktail is amazing avni here try some she said getting up from her chair and moved to avni
Avni: yh it's got a bit of that tangy taste with a little bit of sweetness she said
Neil: wont you let me try some of your drink he asked leaning towards tina while avni who was about to take a sip of her drink stopped and looked at neil and then at tina
Tina: nope you have yours I only share with avni she said cheekily
Avni turned her chair the other way not wanting to see to the way they are looking at each other when she notices a guy looking in her direction...he was dressed in a formal wear with his shirts few buttons open revealing his chest and his muscles were clearly seen through his fitted shirt that just stuck to him like a a second skin..his tie was hanging totally loose and hair a little messed up giving him a cute yet handsome angle she saw he was standing few feet away from her who smiled at her making avni smile back at him after a second and then looked away from him as she focused on her drink still trying to ignore tina and Neil's conversation and wanted a way to move away from them as this is y she chose a club in the first place
Neil: come on Tina...one day you will have to share with me
Tina: we will see about that she said
Neil laughed when he noticed a guy looking in their direction and he followed the gaze to see it fixed on avni...something stirred in him when he noticed that not only the guy but avni kept on looking in his direction making he feel restless which he didnt know y
Avni was about to get up and leave from there when the same guy came and stood in front of her not only catching her attention but neil fully and Tina's too
Guy: hey
Avni: hi sorry do I know you she asked politely
Guy: actually noo it's just that I wanted to have a dance with you...if you dont have any problem
Neil Frowned at the guy and was about to respond when avni spoke
Avni: sure I don't mind she said placing her drink down and got up from her seat
Tina: hi I'm tina by the way and this is neil and the girl you plan to dance with is avni she said moving near avni
Guy: hi I'm advay he said smiling at them while tina smiled while neil just nodded
Avni: so shall we she said wanting to get away from neil and tina
Advay: sure he said
Tina gave avni a quick hug but before letting her go she pulled avni a little close to her
Tina: he is hot and good looking... dont let him go casually she whispered in avni ears and let her go with advay as avni hit her on the arm before leaving wheras neil heard what tina had said and looked away feeling a little uneasy
Tina noticed the way neil looked away and smirked...she leaned over close to him playfully and spoke
Tina : Don't be jealous it's for her, I'm totally one man woman she said winking
Avni (in her head) : finally...I hope atleast now neil will stay away from my head until I'm here and I dont have to hear what he or Tina talk about and I can distract myself from neil
Advay: where are you lost he asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder
Avni: sorry was just thinking about something she said realising they reached to the dance floor
Advay: thank you so much for saying yes for a dance avni
Avni: its fine but if you dont mind can I ask you what made you want to dance with me and are you here for meeting or something she asked gesturing at his attire
Advay: actually I just want to clear one thing... I'm not one of those guys that would find a chance with a girl to flirt and all but i had a hectic day at work so I thought maybe a drink and a friendly dance with someome can help me loosen up a bit and when I saw you I felt maybe you can be the one to you know...he said leaving his sentence incomplete
Avni chuckled
Avni: I get it...sometimes a stranger can lighten up our day and I'm happy that you felt a friendly dance with me can help you relax a little in a way
Meanwhile back to where tina and neil where
Neil eyes kept going back to where avni and advay were...tina who was taking a sip saw neil looking towards the dance floor
Tina: you know i hope this dance leads to something more she said as she took another sip of her drink and looked at Neil and then avni and advay
Neil frowned hearing what tina said and looked at her
Neil: y would you say that? They just met tina
Tina: so what they just met...I already like him...like just look at him...he seems to be a nice guy
Neil: he isn't...he muttered fleeting his eyes to that spot
Tina: What? What did you just say? Tina frowned making through his words in that loud music.
Neil: Nothing. Well I'm just saying he can be a creep you know? we can't be so sure about someone in just one meet.
Neil's eyes zoomed at them while sipping his drink slowly, like gauging a particular someone. Only he knows who it is. Obviously the whole weird feeling he is experiencing is beyond his understanding. Something he has no idea about what's going on in that head, he just can't put a finger on it.
Tina: Fair enough. Similarly Sometimes we think we know it all of a someone we are with but later we realise we know nothing. Not in all cases Years are enough to know a person Neil.
Last few words Tina said in a low tone but Neil heard it right and immediately his eyes landed on Tina looking at her seriously
Tina was surprised for a second as she looked at his serious face but brushed it off
Tina: you know forget all this Anyone that meets the first time form a bond..anyways come let's take a picture she said getting her phone out
Neil eyes went back to avni seen her laughing with advay as they were dancing
He felt suddenly there is something rapid inside, his heart. He took a long sip. He is not feeling that cheerful as he was before coming to the club.
Tina: neil come smile she said getting his attention where he gave a quick smile and turned his chair this time facing the dance floor
Tina was taking few selfies of herself and was about to take few boomerang videos when she turned her phone towards neil to see him looking ahead...she turned her chair facing towards the dance floor
Tina: Neil let's take another selfie she said
Neil: ok he said not really paying attention to her
placing her hand on his shoulder tina pulled him closer and smiled when she noticed neil eyes not focused on the camera but ahead...she closed the camera and looked ahead to see avni and advay dancing and then back at neil who was continuously looking at avni as she could see how his gaze moved when avni moved back or forth or when she changed positions
Tina: why are you looking at her neil? She asked getting a little irked now
Neil: I'm keeping an eye on her...you and avni are my responsibility
Tina: come on neil avni is not a kid she knows how to take care of herself
Neil didnt say anything as he continued to look at them and see how avni and advay were talking about something where they laughed as they clearly were enjoying the dance and each others company...he recalled his and avni time spent together and then looked back again ahead making him gulp his drink in one go
Tina: (in his head) maybe a dance can make neil give me some attention
Tina placed her drink and looked at neil
Tina: come on neil let's go for a dance she said not waiting for his response and took him to the dance floor but a little away from where avni and advay were
Neil looked at tina while she urged him to start...to which he did but everytime he would keep turning back to look at avni which tina still noticed
Tina : y isn't neil paying attention to me when I'm with him she thought to herself
Tina: neilll she said a little loudly making neil turn towards her
Without saying anything neil held Tina hand and walked where avni was dancing with advay as they continued laughing about something
Seen neil and tina standing in front of them advay and avni stopped dancing as they looked at them
Neil: sorry if you dont mind we want to now dance with avni he said trying to be polite while tina was fully annoyed and avni frowned
Advay: sure it was good dancing with you avni...hope to see you soon as you are such a great company
Neil rolled his fist tightly but raised an eyebrow to what avni Said next
Avni; even you are advay..I enjoyed so much that I completely forgot that I had come here with my friends
Saying bye advay left from there
Avni: what happened? She said looking at tina and then neil noticing the tension a little
Tina: neil was keeping a watch on you since he felt it was his responsibility and didnt find it safe to leave you alone she said it annoyingly
Avni noticed the way tina spoke and it was clear for her that tina wasnt happy with whatever happened
Avni: neil you didnt have to worry about me...I was only dancing with advay and trust me he didnt make any sort of wrong moves...instead of thinking we are your responsibility you could have danced with tina and enjoy with her
Tina: exactly please tell him that
Neil : what is the issue if us 3 danced together
Tina (in her head) : there is no issue but I wanted to dance with you only not in groups
Avni (in her head) : I want to distract myself from neil but something keeps happening failing all my plans
Neil: am I talking to myself? He asked a little loudly brining them back to present
Tina: nothing is wrong if we dance together
Avni: yeah....I agree she said slowly
Neil: then lets dance lets he said smiling
Neil was twirling them both at the same time while his hands were around avni shoulder and other hand around tina waist making her smile widely seen neil give her the attention she wanted
Avni was not enjoying much though she
still was smiling so that the others dont notice however neil somewhere felt her reserving herself as the way she was smiling and laughing, when dancing with advay didnt seem the same right now
once they got back to the bar area they ordered their drinks as tina was going gaga about the atmosphere avni was silent which neil had noticed when he glanced in her direction
Neil: what happened avni missing your new stranger friend? As it didnt seem like you was enjoying dancing with us he said using a tone which neither had expected
Avni: advay was a good company and a sweet guy neil... sometimes general conversations with strangers can also be soothing she said with a smile not wanting to pay attention to his tone or serious face
Neil nods controlling himself
Neil (in his head) : as a friend I was concerned for avni so my reaction is justified.
Avni: is it ok if we go now? I'm actually tired unless if you both want to stay I dont mind taking the cab home
Tina: no it's fine I guess its enough for the night she said
As they got in the car tina turned to avni who was sitting at back as neil started to drive
Tina: so avni I bet you enjoyed clubbing today she said teasingly making avni look at her
Avni: it was fun not that bad she said pushing her hair to the back
Tina: haan of course it would be after all you got to dance with advay what could have made your night better she said
Neil's hand tightened around the steering wheel
Avni: that is what you think it was just a friendly dance
Tina: friends can always turn into something more
Avni: not In everyones case she said looking at her and then looked out when tina spoke again
Tina: by the way you both looked good together and see even your names rhymes...advay avni...avni advay...wow I'm wondering y didnt I realise it then avii...I'm proud of myself ..she said moving her eyebrows up and down making avni chuckle at the way she looked
Meanwhile neil was feeling discomfort with tina stunt regarding this whole advay and avni thing
Avni: give yourself an award for that she said
Tina: did you take his phone number
Avni: noo
Tina: how boring of you ...learn to be romantic my love...what say mr America
Neil: what's so romantic in that tina
Tina: forget it....so avni what did you both talk about
Avni: random things..our likes and dislikes
Like this tina kept on asking avni questions while neil would be uncomfortable with the whole conversation
Once reaching home avni said bye to tina and headed towards her house
Neil: good night time sweet dreams he said moving to hug her while tina hugged him back happy to receive his attention again
Tina: good night to you too bye she said softly and walked towards her house as she moved away from him and started to head to his
Avni had reached to her room and sat on her bed
Avni in her Head: I thought that I was imagining when I felt that maybe neil was looking at me but I was hesitant to look In his direction and didnt want to confront my doubt...but tina words somewhere proved that my instinct was right
Avni recalled the way tina spoke when she mentioned about neil watching her as he said they were his responsibility
She suddenly got up and headed to tina house
After a minute she was outside tina house and rang the door bell
Shekar came and opened the door finding avni smiling at him
Shekar: avni beta.come he said letting her in and closed the door
Avni: thank you uncle
Shekar: dont ever thank me this is your house too ...you are no less than tina he said patting her head and left as this wasnt the first time avni would come over at night
As avni walked to tina room she noticed the light on and and headed inside
Opening the door slightly.she saw tina doing late night work out
As the door opened fully tina turned around and noticed avni
Tina: what happened avni ? Missed me too much she asked with a smile
Avni smiled.amd walked towards tina
Avni : tina...I'm.actually sorry
Tina: for what? She asked frowning
Avni: i wanted you and neil To spend some time together and despite been in a club you both didnt get to do that because of me and i didnt mean to spoil your time with him
Tina shook her head with a smile and placed her hands on avni shoulder
Tina: you dont have to be sorry avni...I know that you can never spoil anything be it me and neil spending time together...you know somewhere I wanted to spend some time with neil but then I realised that atleast he was there with me and that is what matters so I'm all good now
Avni smiles knowing tina is not annoyed
Avni: this is y you are my best friend as you understand me and know I would never do such thing
She gave tina a tight hug and then jumped into her bed covering herself with a blanket
Tina : what are you doing ? She pretended to ask
Avni : like usual...sleep at your place she said getting herself comfortable as its always been like that when they sleep at each others place
Precrap: elders decide to fix engagement
Hey peeps so here is another chap
Thank you for the unconditional love you have shown for this story.
I'm sure some.of you know bani di NeilAvni_love very well and trust me I wouldn't have been able to finsh the chap if it weren't for her...the help and support she has given me and also gives is something I cant explain some of the dialogues have been written by her
Will be waiting for all the comments and votes and also thank to those who commented and voted for the previous chap
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