Be Home Soon.
TW: Major Character Death.
Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi in front of the front door, "I don't want you to go hyung!" the singer pouted. He was being playful. He knew it was always a special occasion when any of them got to go see family, but he just loved giving his hyung a hard time.
"It's not even for long. You know my parents want me to come visit," Yoongi chuckled. He was all packed up and ready to go visit his parents in Daegu for a couple of days. They had called him after BTS just won a lot of awards at an award show, and said they missed him and would like him to come visit when he had some free time. And he had some free time. He thought it was cute how all of the members seemed to turn clingy once he announced he'd be gone for a few days.
"I have an idea, let's all come with you," Taehyung mentioned. Yoongi wasn't sure if Taehyung was being serious or not, his tone always made it hard to tell.
"You already know what my dad would say to that," Yoongi smiled.
"I do not approve of this!" Jungkook replied in his voice that mocked Yoongi's father, getting a laugh out of all of his hyungs.
"Something like that," Yoongi smiled, "I promise it'll be quick. You guys see me every day!"
"And that's somehow still not enough!" Hobi joked.
"Aish, let the boy go see his family!" Jin scolded playfully. Jin ruffled Jimin's hair, "Like he said, it's only a few days."
"I really have to get going," Yoongi said as he checked the time. Namjoon handed his hyung a small snack he had just finished putting together, "For the road," the leader said.
"Thanks, Joonie," Yoongi replied as he hugged everyone goodbye.
"Let hyung know when you get there," Jin said.
"Always," Yoongi replied. He headed for his car and was on the road within a few minutes.
The rest of the members went on as usual. Jin expected a call from Yoongi within a few hours so he kept his phone volume up loud waiting. Something he didn't usually do unless absolutely necessary because he didn't like his phone to distract him while he played video games. After a few hours Jin got the call from Yoongi.
"Yoongi-ah! Was the drive okay?" Jin asked as he paused his game to talk to his oldest dongsaeng on the phone.
"Yeah yeah it was fine. I'm at my parents now. I guess they have a lot planned for the next few days so sorry if I'm not around to call or anything," Yoongi replied.
"No worries, I'll keep our dongsaengs occupied somehow." The two chuckled.
"Good luck, hyung." Jin and Yoongi talked for a few minutes and Yoongi told him some of the things his parents had planned. Yoongi got going and Jin let everyone know they could text Yoongi now. He had told everyone not to text him until he knew he was off the road, he didn't want Yoongi having any distractions while driving.
The few days that Yoongi was gone the members got sulky, especially the maknae line and Hobi. He'd been so busy he was never really available to talk on the phone or text.
"When does hyungie come back?" Taehyung pouted.
"Tomorrow!" Namjoon said cheerfully. This made everyone cheer up. They missed Yoongi a lot. It had felt like a lifetime since he'd left even though it'd only been four days.
The next day Yoongi called everyone to let them know he was on his way back. "I'll be home soon," he told them. The members shouted cheers of excitement into the phone. They waited impatiently throughout the day and when it got close to when Yoongi should be arriving home, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, and Hobi were sitting at the window waiting to see his car pull in.
But Yoongi was taking a long time.
"Shouldn't he be here by now?" Jimin pouted. "Haven't we waited long enough?"
"Maybe he's stuck in traffic?" Namjoon mentioned.
"Can we call him? Just to check?" Jungkook asked anxiously.
"I don't want us to call him if he's driving. He will be here soon. Like Joonie said he probably just got stuck in some traffic." Jin patted Jungkook's and Taehyung's backs. "Just try to do something fun to pass the time. Staring out the window won't make him get here any faster."
"It might!" Hobi said cheerfully. Jin chuckled and went on his way. After another hour the anxiety in the house had picked up greatly. At this point Jin was worried enough to try calling Yoongi but was taken straight to voicemail every single time.
"Aish," Jin said into the phone.
Jungkook looked up at Jin with a pout, "Hyung? I'm so damn worried. He should be home by now. He should have been home a while ago."
All of the members tried calling Yoongi but they all got the same response. Jin tried calling Yoongi's parents and told them he was taking a while to get back. He asked what the traffic was like down there and they told him there had been a major accident on the highway not long ago so Yoongi must just be stuck in that.
Three hours later, after already crying with worried anxiety about not hearing from him, the members were given the news that Yoongi was not stuck in traffic due to the major accident on the highway.
He was part of the major accident on the highway, and he was killed in it. They'd come to learn that a car lost control on the highway and swerved into his, causing his car to roll in front of another one before being crushed.
Jin slammed the phone down after they were told the news by someone from the hospital who had called them. All of the members were in a fit of tears screaming and crying .
"He should be home! He was supposed to be home soon!" Taehyung screamed, although the words barely made it out of his throat as he hyperventilated and was being drowned by his own tears. They were all huddled together on the floor sobbing and pleading desperately for him to come home.
"I want Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook screamed and pleaded into Namjoon's chest, "I want Y-y-y-oongi hyung!" he cried over and over. He sounded like a broken record.
" hyungie!" Jimin screamed. Hobi was speechless. He didn't even know what to think or say. This had to be some cruel joke. He could only hope it was some cruel joke. He kept looking back at the phone expecting it to ring again. Expecting to pick up and on the other end it would be Yoongi saying, "Got you!"
But the phone never rang again. Nobody was calling back to say this was a prank.
Jin was numb. He didn't understand how the impossible could be possible. Because losing a member was supposed to be impossible. He wrapped his arms tightly around everyone as he tried to figure out his thoughts, but he didn't even know what his thoughts were, so he couldn't figure them out. He had just talked to Yoongi on the phone a few hours ago, it wouldn't make sense that he was dead.
He was just alive. How could he be dead?
Namjoon ran to the bathroom and threw up. He was choking on and being gagged by his own tears. His body felt heavy.
Suddenly he heard both Jimin and Jungkook screaming so loudly that they sounded like they were being murdered or tortured. Namjoon ran back out and saw both of them now laying face down on the floor, screaming and crying. He dove down with them and pulled them in close.
"He can't be dead!" Jimin screamed, "No! No! No!" he cried again and again.
This is exactly how the rest of the night had gone. All that could be heard was the screaming, the tears, and the heartbreak. All that could be felt was the grief, the sorrow, the guilt. Jin felt like this was somehow his fault because when Yoongi was leaving everyone else tried to stop him but I had told everyone to let the boy go see his family. And now he's dead. Why didn't I protect him somehow? Why didn't I do fuckin better, Jin?!?! How could you let this happen?! Your own dongsaeng! Your own little brother! Your own fuckin little brother!
Within the next two days, a lot had happened. The members were given a lot of time off to grieve. The news had been made public and millions of fans around the world were sending in their heartbroken condolences and gifts. They felt bad, but the members were just too heartbroken to interact with fans online and thank them for their kind words. They didn't want to see all the pictures or sad edits of Yoongi. It hurt too much. They stayed offline for the time being and just focused on being there for eachother. Per request of his family, Yoongi's funeral was private and only close friends and family could go.
The remaining six of the members were the ones to carry his casket.
He was buried in a cemetery not terribly far from Seoul. Which would make it easy for the members to visit whenever they want. There was discussion with his family over where he would be buried and the family granted the members their request to have Yoongi close to them.
The days at home were lonely. Although everyone still had eachother, the absence of one felt like the absence of everyone. Nobody spoke much. Nobody ate much. Jin tried to force Jungkook and Jimin to eat but they refused.
"Why should I eat, if hyung is dead and he can't eat?" Jimin cried one day. He felt guilty for continuing to live when Yoongi couldn't. Why couldn't it have been me instead?
"Jimin please, it's been days," Jin pouted.
"I don't care!" Jimin ran to his room.
Yoongi's death was taking it's toll on the members relationship. They were confused because they felt even more clingy and overprotective of eachother while at the same time everyone had started to fight more. They had lost their voice of reason, because that had always been Yoongi. They had fought about what to do with the rappers stuff. Namjoon, Hobi, and Taehyung thought it would be better to just get rid of it all. It was just a constant reminder of who they had lost. But Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin wanted to keep Yoongi's room and all of his stuff exactly how it was because it made Yoongi still feel close, and they weren't ready to let go yet.
Many times the members would stand there staring at the front door waiting for Yoongi to walk in just like he was supposed to. Hobi was deep down still waiting for that phone call saying this was all a prank. He has to come back.
Everyone had lost interest in everything. They even discussed what to do about the band. How was seven supposed to become six? Did they even want to carry on as six? How can they just go on without Yoongi there? Nobody had the answers to that.
Namjoon stopped reading. Jin stopped playing video games. Jungkook and Jimin stopped working out and playing outside. Jungkook also never picked his guitar back up. Yoongi was the one teaching him and he figured now there was no point. Taehyung never went out to practice golfing anymore. Everything in the entire world felt absolutely pointless. They all had the same internal thought. We all die anyway, so why bother?
Although Jin was dealing with his own grief and guilt over losing Yoongi, he also felt guilty for not trying to cheer his dongsaengs up. He hated seeing everyone so incredibly depressed. He tried to encourage them to go out.
"You know him, he wouldn't want us acting like this," Jin said a few days later. "He'd want us to have fun."
"He's the one who wanted to turn into a rock when he died, I don't think he cares about us having fun," Jimin said flatly with no emotion.
"Don't talk like that," Jin scolded. Jimin shrugged. "I'm going to die one day too, so I'll live my life talking how I want."
Yoongi's death truly did remind them of their own mortality and it made them all depressed thinking of all the things they hadn't experienced yet. They knew there were so many things their rapper had wanted to try and do before he grew old and it broke them even more knowing that he'd never have that chance.
The members had developed a sense of separation anxiety on a level they didn't even know was possible. They stayed together 24/7. Nobody was to go anywhere alone, so one day when the maknae had completely disappeared without anyone knowing where he went all panic broke loose.
Jungkook had snuck out of the house to go visit Yoongi's grave. He wanted to spend special alone time with his hyung. He had a lot he wanted to say now that the fog in his mind had cleared up a bit. He stopped and bought flowers to bring. He wanted his hyungs grave to be the prettiest one. He also just loved to embarrass him.
When he got there he sat down next to his hyungs gravestone and immediately started chatting away.
"Hi, hyungie," he started. He started rambling on and on about what life has been like the last few days without him. How hard it was. How painful it was.
"Jiminie still won't eat and Jin hyung is getting kind of annoyed about it," the maknae told his hyung, "Maybe you could stop by and scold him or something? I think Jin is just worried about us getting sick. I don't know."
The maknae continued to ramble about life, his hyungs, the fans, how everyone is handling things. He started humming some of their songs and then stood up.
"Oh hyung!" Jungkook started doing some of the dance moves to a more recent song they'd released, "I'm getting better at this one, watch!"
When he was finished he stopped and pouted at Yoongi's grave, "You never got to learn your part...I will learn it and can teach it to you. I mean only if you want to though!" Jungkook tried to be cheerful just incase Yoongi really was around somewhere watching or listening but he couldn't ignore the hole in his chest. He sat back down in silence.
"This isn't fair," Jungkook said, "Why can't you just come back? I just want you to come home. You were supposed to come home."
Jungkook turned when he saw a very familiar car pull up. The rest of his hyungs ran out towards him.
"Here you are! Thank God! Are you trying to give us all a heart attack?! You have to tell us if you're leaving the house! We were worried sick looking everywhere for you!" Namjoon screamed at Jungkook in a panic.
"I'm sorry," Jungkook pouted, "I just wanted to talk to Yoongi."
Namjoon immediately lightened up and everyone surrounded Jungkook. They all wanted to talk to Yoongi. So they did.
For hours.
"Hyungs?" Jungkook said looking to the others. They looked at him questioningly.
Jungkook couldn't hold back his tears anymore, " I miss him. I really miss him." The maknae began to sob. He lay face down at Yoongi's grave and cried into the dirt. He clawed at the ground in a somewhat desperate attempt to hug his hyung. Taehyung was right there to lean down against him and rub his back as he cried too, "We all really miss him, bunny."
Now everyone was sobbing.
"Do you think he misses us to?" Hobi asked wiping his tears.
"He's everywhere we go," Jin said, trying to smile but his heart didn't have the strength.
"I just want to stop missing him. I want the hurt to go away," Jungkook continued to cry into the dirt.
"I don't think it will ever go away, it will just become easier to hide as time goes on," Jimin pouted. He knew he would be sad for the rest of his life and that made the thought of living a long time not all that enjoyable.
They all continued to cry together again as they talked to Yoongi more.
"What do we do? What are we supposed to do without him?" Taehyung cried. He really didn't know anymore. He had already given up trying to live any kind of life without his brother around.
"The only thing we can do is continue to make him proud," Namjoon replied.
"How do we even do that?" Hobi cried.
Namjoon pulled Hobi into a hug, "Live for him. Day by day. We have to keep going because that's exactly what he would want. Keep going with the band, with our lives, with our fans...
That's how we make him proud."
[The End]
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