Chapter 3
( all i can say is school sucks )
(3rd pov)
It had been a couple days since Thomas and Jon had talked and they decided to tell everyone they were dating. No one was shocked to say the least. Today only Jon and Logan had gone.... hunting? Scavenging?............................ ( idk ) Searching for food and supplies. Patton didn't go because he wasn't feeling good and Thomas was still a little scared of food searching.
"Guys, we're back!" Logan yelled
"Hey Lo, what did you find?" Asked Patton.
"Lots of things, but most importantly a van." He replied.
"Wait, really!?!?!?!?!?!?" Thomas asked while hugging Jon.
"Yep." Jon replied.
"Do other survivors own it?" Questioned Virgil, who had been listening from the other room and decided to join the conversation.
"Yes, but they all agreed it would be okay with them if we used it. They only had one condition." Logan explained.
"What was their 'condition'?" Roman asked also joining the conversation after exiting their makeshift kitchen.
"It was simply that we allow them to join us." Logan said
"Oh, well what were their names?" Patton asked.
Jon answered this time explaining that their names are, Alex,Hadley, Alicia, Lucy, and Kyle. Alex, Hadley, and Alicia are cousins. Lucy is Alex's best friend, and Hadley is dating Kyle. They were all hanging out during the time of the apocalypse. (Did I just write me, my cousins, my best friend, and my cousin's boyfriend into a story? Yes, yes I did.)
"Oh." Was all Patton said. He wasn't trying to sound rude, but he was still didn't feel great and probably needed to go to sleep.
"Patton, what are you doing up!?" Asked Emile as he walked into the room with Remus.
"Well, Logie was back and I wanted to *yawn* talk to him, but now I feel tired again." Patton told Emile in a tired voice.
"Patton you should really go back to sleep if you are still tired and unwell." Logan told Patton, while trying not blush from the nickname.
"Okay, fine I'll go to bed, but only if Logie takes me there." Patton announced tiredly.
Logan still trying ( and actively failing ) to not blush agreed to get Patton to the room where half of the group was sleeping. A little later that day the group of friends arrived with their van and decided to stay with the survivors until they were all ready to get to the cabin. That night half the people slept in a room with Logan, Patton, Virgil, Roman, Joan, and Talyn. While the other half slept in the room with Derek, Remy, Emile, Remus, Thomas, and Jon. A couple days later they would all set off on an unusual road trip. Will something bad happen? Yeah, it's kinda inevitable, it'll be fine.
(Sorry for the late update I've been kinda procrastinating writing, but I'll try reeeaaaallllyyyy hard to get the next part out soon. Have a good day/ night/ evening / life-ish-thing, bye lovelies)
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