Chapter 16
Roman's POV
TW: Mention of Suicide, Swearing
I rushed out to the van and I know that Alex and Hadley probably hate me but I have to try to help.
"Go away, Roman.... please," Alex said in a voice so quiet and broken that it broke my heart in a million pieces for the second time in a few days.
"Alex, please I just want to talk," I said in an equally quiet tone.
"What do you want." She said sighing a little bit.
"I want to tell you about my family, specifically about my little brother. You see, once upon a time I didn't just have a twin. Remus and I had a little brother named Roland. Roland was so sweet, always caring for his older brothers and he always loved the nicknames Remus and I would give him. A few days ago Remus told me that he got a call from Roland. Roland um he-he said that he had been bitten and was going to shoot himself so that he didn't hurt anyone," I didn't realize that I had started crying but I kept going, "Remus said that he tried to talk Roland out of it but the last thing he heard was Roland telling him to tell me that he loves me and the line went dead. I wanted to yell at Remus and tell him that he should've tried harder but I knew it was no use. I'm telling you this because I want you to know that I understand that losing siblings is hard and that Remus and I are always there to talk to you if you need it."
"Thank you, so much. I'm really sorry about Roland," Alex said at this point she had more tears running down her face than before. I sit next to her and wrap my arms around her in a tight hug.
"Besides," I say as I pull away slightly, "You remind me of Roland so much it's almost like having him back in away."
Alex smiled and pulled away from me.
"Why should get back to the others," she said getting up and helping Roman up as well. As we started walking in we heard shouting coming from upstairs and we started to run up the stairs where Hads looked like they wanted to rip Logan apart.
----------------- A few minutes earlier --------------
(3rd person POV)
"GODDAMNIT LOGAN!" Hadley shouted as they took a step towards Logan. "You just HAD to say something didn't you?!" They took another step towards Logan, who is now startled.
"I-I'm sorry?" Logan said and it sounded more like a question.
"Hads, calm down," Kyle started, trying to calm them down before things got violent.
Not listening Hadley continued, "You couldn't have just left it alone! You could TELL she was already upset!" They step even closer shoving Logan backward and Logan almost tripped, underestimating just how strong Hadley was.
"Hadley!" Kyle shouted, rushing forward and pulling Hadley back away from Logan. "Stop, calm down, Alex will be fine." He reassured them as they hugged him tightly. "It's okay..."
"You didn't have to push me, you know," Logan said obviously not getting the hint. "I understand I made a mistake. You didn't have to do that. It was quite uncivilized if you ask me."
"Good thing no one did ask you," Lucy said getting upset.
Hadley lets go of Kyle and turns to face Logan again. "You are heartless, Logan. I hope you understand that. What you said to Alex is unacceptable. Unacceptable!" They shouted again and the rest of them heard footsteps running up the stairs.
"Is everyone okay?" Alex asked, obviously concerned with all of the yelling she had heard.
"Yeah, it sounded like something was hurting you guys," Roman added from behind Alex.
"We're okay. Logan and Hadley just got into a fight is all." Patton explained shakily. No one could tell whether it was because of the yelling or the bodies, maybe it was both. Whatever it was Patton looked to be on the verge of tears. Logan wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulders.
"Okay, well we should collect somethings and get out of here," Alex stated as she stepped closer but tried to avoid looking at her bedroom.
"Talyn, Lucy, Alicia, and I can grab some pillows and blankets from your bedroom if you want." Joan offered as they noticed how Alex avoided the room next to them.
"We can also hold some sort of funeral for your sisters if you want. It might be good for you and Hads to do that for some closer." Emile explained gently.
"Yeah, we can do that," Alex said looking at Hadley as if to ask their approval on the matter.
Hadley nodded, but it was more of a shrug. Alex took that as a green light and took charge. She decided that it might be best for Hadley and Kyle to take Lucy and Alicia to get some supplies from downstairs as they were all close to her sisters. She had Joan and Talyn help her and half of the remaining group put some clothing, blanket, pillows, etc. into bags and take them out to the car. The other half of the remaining group took the bodies and got things ready to burn them.
"WHAT THE HELL?! EVERYONE GET OUT HERE!" Logan called. When everyone got to the backyard they were shocked to find that Alex's sisters weren't exactly dead.
(Hey guys, I know it's been a while but I'm trying to update again. I love you all. Stay safe, my loves.)
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