How they met 2
(This is for VerifiedCunt go follow this beautiful person)
Vanoss POV:
I was sleeping peacefully.
So damn peacefully.
Then I heard my door opening, hell not even open.
They slammed that door so fucking hard that it fell forward.
"Hey!! Wake up!!",
My dad said.
"We have a meeting and your ass should be in the shower by now.
You know what to wear and I don't want to her a any back talk."
He left the room.
I groaned.
I got up before he came back a yank me off my bed.
He has done it before.
I started to walk towards my bathroom.
I got in my shower and I out it on the highest shit level on a shower ever.
(Okay so I'm not going to explain on what he does to get ready. Cause everyone does the same fucking thing. We all take a damn shower and if you don't you nasty as fuck. Everyone brushes tye damn teeth, and again if you don't you you nasty as fuck. Everyone puts on clothes. Everyone combs their hair
...... once. And everyone puts a damn crown on saying that I am more better then all of you and y'all should bow down to me!!)
After I was finished doing my stuff.
I went down stairs to the kitchen.
I was greeted by my servants, my maids and my butlers.
I saw my parents and I greeted them and they did the same.
"So what's this meeting about?"
I sat down and my maid gave me my puncakes with juice.
"Well, we are having a meeting with every kingdom and we are discussing on what we are going to do with the water kingdom."
My dad replied.
"What's wrong with the water kingdom? Did they do something wrong?"
"Well, their ruler is a young boy.
2 or 1 years younger then you.
And yes, he did do something wrong.
They, well he, can't rule cause he is at a young age and he can't even speak English right."
I looked at him confused.
"Why is the ruler a child?
And why can't he speak English?"
"Well, his parents died and he can't speak English cause he likes to curse and his first language isn't English, it's Spanish and his water language."
"Oh ok...
So he lives by himself?
And who taught him to curse?"
"He lives with his slaves and he probably learned it from his parents before they died."
"Oh ok."
I finished with my breakfast and my maid took them and started to clean.
"Hey sweetheart. Maybe you can turn into your half human half flareon so that you can look like a future king?"
My mom said with a soft voice.
I changed.
(This is what he looks like, but imagine him as a kid form)
I love my tail so much.
Time pass cause I'm lazy as fuck.
And this is the meeting time.
We were waiting for the king of the water kingdom.
It's been hours.
My friends were there and we were making jokes.
That was until he walked in.
My dad was right.
He was just a kid and he looked good.
I smiled at him, but I don't think that he saw.
e was too much involve with my dad, and his teddy bear?
He had a teddy bear with him.
It was cute and slightly blush.
His eyes were so blue and his hair is so damn cool.
I got out of my thoughts by him yelling and cursing at my dad.
I looked at him with fear and with shock.
Then I got more scared cause my dad was screaming right back at him.
He started to cry, which made my heart sink.
I don't even know him at all, but he made my heart hurt.
He said something that made everyone shock as fuck.
M-m-my dad killed his parents.
I thought to myself, about to cry.
I was about to go to to him and calm him down, but he ran out.
Everyone looked at my dad.
"D-d-dad did you really k-kill his parents?"
I said to him, and I mentally cursed at myself cause I have never stuttered in my damn life.
He looked at me.
He finally spoke after a few minutes of silence.
"So what? His parents deserved it.
They wanted to test me and I showed them who is their boss."
He said with angry.
"And I will do the same to anyone of you who wants to go against me and test me."
He then left.
Every king and queen was angry but they decided not to day anything cause they know that he would kill them and they don't want to leave their kingdom and their children behind with my dad.
My mom apologies to everyone and asked them to leave.
But I asked if they can leave their kids/my friends behind cause I want to talk to them and play with them.
They thought about it for a while and they let them stayed.
Time pass
Me and my friends were playing video games in my room.
I couldn't focus right.
I kept on thinking about him.
"Hey, Evan are you okay?"
I look at Tyler.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just thinking about the king of the water kingdom.
He just seemed....... cute."
Everyone looked at me and I blushed.
"W-what do you mean by cute?"
Brock asked.
"I mean that he just looked cute, especially his hair and his beautiful blue eyes. His hair is just unique and so amazing. Also his eyes are so damn blue, they are like a blue that I've never seen before. Like like like a Royal Blue. He is just so cute and amazing."
I said just thinking about him.
"Dude, you do realize that your dad hates him and if you barley know him."
Lui reminded me.
I looked down and I felt sad.
I gulped.
"So what? He isn't going to do anything. I'm his only child and he can't do anything about it. Plus, he can't stop me from loving him."
I just realized what I said at the end.
I was so damn red, I was red like a damn tomato.
My friends looked at me with shock.
"Awwwww. Little Evan here has a crush on the water boy. You do realize that his name is Jonathan."
Craig said.
"Evan and Jonathan sitting on a tree.
First comes love.
Then comes marriage.
Then comes a baby in a baby carriage."
Scotty started to sing.
Then everyone started to join in as well.
They kept on singing it, they got even louder.
They were so loud that we couldn't hear my parents coming to my room.
I was so red.
I covered my face.
"What the hell are you guys saying!?!"
My dad said scaring all of us.
My mom was putting her arm in front of him stopping him from coming into my room.
I couldn't speak.
"Why are you saying that my son loves that disgusting piece of shit!
He doesn't know the damn monster!"
He was yelling, not even letting any of us speak.
I was scared.
I was thinking that he was going to kill me.
Before he was going forward at me.
My mom stopped him and he was getting angry.
Me and my friends were moving backwards, away from him.
He was getting mad, like really mad.
He pushed my mother away forcefully.
She fell and hit her head.
Blood streaming down her head.
I looked at her scared.
She wasn't moving.
I was shaking.
And about to cry.
He grabbed me by my throat.
I couldn't breath.
But before he could've done more damage.
My friend's parents came into my room and stopped my dad from choking me.
I fell on the ground.
They were holding my dad back.
I went to my mom and I shook her, hoping that she would move or even open her eyes.
I was crying.
They knocked my dad out.
And they were making sure that their children are okay.
Making some of them stop crying.
Tyler's mom looked at me.
I looked at her back.
"Evan, listen to me.
We can help your mother out, but we have to go to the water kingdom.
Cause they are the only people who can heal people."
(Okay so I know that some of this shot isn't true for pokemon, but I wanted to spice some shit up)
I looked at her.
I nodded.
Time pass
We made it to the water kingdom.
It was peaceful.
We started to walk to the castle, but we got stopped by some gastrodon guards
(I think that's how you spell it)
(That's how they look)
"What are you? Friend or foe?"
One of the guards asked us.
"We are friend."
Craig's dad said.
"Why do you want?"
"We wish to see your king."
Brain's dad said.
They nodded to each other and they moved out of our way.
We thanked them.
We started to walk to the castle.
We were getting looked upon by everyone.
I've never got a bad look before.
It bothers me.
Is this what he feels?
It sucks.
We made it to the castle.
It was bigger then my house, it was actually bigger then all the rest of the castles.
We knocked on the door.
We didn't wait the long.
The King's servants were leaving with all of their stuff.
They looked pissed.
"Go away!!
Y'all are taking so damn long to get the fuck out of my castle!!
You are worthless and a waste of my damn fucking time!!!"
That voice reminded me of my dad.
All of us tensed up.
After all of them left.
He saw us and was walking towards us.
"What do y'all want from me?"
He asked.
"W-well my m-mom needs y-your h-help.
And I-i-i was w-w-wondering if y-your c-could h-h-help?"
I said, stuttering so damn much.
He looked at me.
His yes we're red and his cheeks were puffy and pink.
Was he crying.
I felt bad for him.
He said with a hint if blushing.
He let us in.
We all followed him to a room.
The room was filled with medical stuff.
"Lay her down here."
He said, pointing at the the table.
Tyler's dad laid my mom down on the table.
He was looking at her, waking around the table.
"Where is your dad?
Is he dead yet?"
He looked at me smiling"
I opened my eyes.
"Why would say that!?!
Are you a damn monster!?!"
I said back.
"Just asking, I mean he did do this to your mother and he did try to choke you, but your friend's parents came to the rescue at the perfect timing."
He looked at me smiling.
I was shook.
"How did you know on what happened?"
"Well,"he put his hand on my mother's head and his eyes glowed and his entire eyes turned blue.
"I can look through people's memories."
"So is she okay."
"Oh hell no.
She is in a coma.
Like she is going to die,"
He took out a bat from the corner.
"Well, do you want me to hurry up and give her death quicker?"
He asked.
Why would you ask such a thing!?!
And what do you mean that she is going to die!?!"
I was about to cry.
"Your dad threw your mom hard against the wall and she lost a bad amount of blood.
But she is "alive" but she will die soon and I can't do anything about that."
He said.
"Hey but listen,"
He walked towards me.
"you will be alright.
You will manage."
He patted my head.
"I can tell that you don't know how to make someone feel better."
I said moving his head.
I felt him holding my hand, moving his thumb.
"Yeah, but I'm trying."
I looked at my hand than at him.
I smiled at him.
And he smiled back.
I was getting lost in his eyes.
His beautiful blue eyes.
I was about to lean in but someone interrupted me.
"So, what should we do about her?"
Brian's dad asked.
He let go of my hand and my smile went away.
I missed his touch.
"Well I can keep her here and we I can try to make her improve.
But it would take a long ass time."
He said.
Before anyone said anything I said.
"It's fine, but I have to stay her."
He looked at me confused.
"Cause she is my mom and I don't want to go back home with my dad still there."
I put my head down just thinking about what he would do to me.
A tear went down my cheek.
I then feel someone hugging me.
"You could stay.
I wouldn't mind.
Plus your dad is an asshole and when your mother wakes up I'm pretty sure that she would love to see you."
I looked at him smiling.
He smiled back.
Everyone was just looking at us.
I didn't mind though.
His eyes were so pretty.
I was about to lean in again, but as before I was stopped.
"Not to ruin this adorable moment,"
Brock's mom said.
And Jonathan looked at me and pushed me away.
Blushing a lot, which made me sad and blush.
"What would we do about your dad?
He might find out where you are at and he might try to take you and possibly hurt Jonathan."
Jonathan was smiling.
Then his smile grew wider and wider.
Then he stated to laugh.
His laugh was something that I have never heard before.
It scared me.
He kept on laughing and his eyes turned darker.
"He ain't gonna do shit to me.
He is such a damn dumbass who cares only about himself.
I mean he can't even lay a single fucking finger on me.
He's ass would've been killed."
I stepped back and watched him.
"And don't call me Jonathan.
That ain't my name.
Call me H2O Delirious.
Jonathan is a name that my parents gave me.
And look what happened to them.
They died."
He started to laugh crazily again.
He was scaring me.
His laugher was dying out.
His eyes went back to his regular color.
He said before he fell forward.
I catched him before he fell.
What the hell happened?
Is he okay?
Time pass
Brain's dad carried him to his room.
And put him down on his bed
They left me and him alone.
They left the kingdom.
I went up to him and I got in bed with him.
He opened his eyes and blushed.
I asked him.
He blushed more.
And he looked down.
He mumbled something.
And I couldn't hear him.
"What did you say."
I asked him putting his head to look at me.
"Could you be my teddy bear?"
He said.
He was red.
I was shocked.
I would love to be your teddy."
He smiled and he hugged me close.
I smiled as well and hugged him.
We then both went to sleep.
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