Blue Devil~1
(Looked over, unedited)
Delirious strutted through the bustling French port dock, his hat and mask unsurprisingly the eye catcher of the area. Ignoring the chatter, he walked his way to Captain Cortoonz's ship only to be halted by his name being slipped through the lips of one of his shipmates.
"Delirious!" Ohm, the crew's Quartermaster, called to him. Ohm was roughly 183 centimeters tall (6") with a dark grey monkey jacket, a loose off-white shirt tucked into dark leather pants. His pale skin was complimentry to his dusty hair and slight stubble. Delirious smiled beneath his mask as he slowed his pace for the running man as he approached.
"Ohm, good to see you man." The First Mate greeted. Ohm's face split with a grin, his eyes hidden by a mask of his own. Delirious often wonder how well his Quartermaster could see through it but he didn't question it aloud, the man was quite possibly the bed swordsman of the seas.
"Any word from the Captain?" Delirious prompted Ohm.
"Yep, just this morning" Ohm responded.
"Said that he docked 'round daybreak at the very end of the port." He paused. "Although I'm sure he told you since you're here" Ohm stated thoughtfully. Delirious nodded in the affirmative.
"Told me to walk around to find you scallywags and that if you weren't with me before we set sail, to leave you behind" Delirious recited the basis of the letter his Captain had sent him. Delirious added.
"I do hope it doesn't come to that though, our crew is small enough as it is without landlubber abandoning ship!"
"Blimey! He's a rough freebooter ain't he?" Ohm exclaimed. Delirious chuckled.
"'Least he ain't landlubber" Delirious defended subtly, the truth was that, aboard the Blue Devil, no man in the crew was left behind. Not even if you're scallywag shark bait.
"Where's your Duffle?"
Ohm was about to reply when a holler was heard, calling to the men.
"Delirious, Ohm! Ahoy mateys!" Delirious turned to see Ze and Satt running to meet them. Ze was about 170 centimeters tall (5"7), wearing a loose white shirt tucked into red leather pants while Satt, standing an at 172 cm (5"8), wore a very light blue shirt, almost white, his pants a dark blue. Jonathan slowed alongside Ohm for the approaching men.
"Ahoy, let's head for Blue Devil now. Once were there place your Duffle in your barracks then wait for me on the Poop Deck, I'm going for the Captain's Quarters." Delirious stated as he halted in front of the all too familiar, slightly blue, wood frame of the Blue Devil.
"All hands hoay!" Delirious ordered then watched with pride when his crew scattered faster than minnows from a shadow. He shook his head with a chuckle then went to see Captain Cartoonz.
Delirious knocked on the door and after hearing the familiar voice of his captain beckoning him onwards, he opened the door and entered. Captain Cartoonz was sitting at his table, Gorilla, the crew's Sailing Master, was on the side closest to the door, head turned to see who was entering. Gorilla was wearing an off white shirt with a Violet vest and dark purple slacks. Cartoonz was wearing his Captain uniform, it was a basic captain uniform but the base was Maroon with black accents.
"Captain, Gorrilla" He addressed.
"Ohm, Satt and Ze are all waiting for me on the Poop Deck, where's Catz?" He prompted, knowing that if Gorilla was here, so was Catz.
"Catz is loading the hull" Captain responded. Delirious nodded.
"Get the men to help our Buccaneer. He'll need it with how much we have this time." Captain added with a hearty chuckle. Delirious nodded and did a small bow to dismiss himself.
"Aye Captain." Delirious accepted his words then turned to open the door and leave. He climbed the steps to the Poop Deck and looked at his men who were all in an orderly line now.
"Captain's orders are for us to help Catz load the hull. We set sail afterwards" Delirious briefed. All men said "Aye" in unison.
"Ohm will supervise you as you go along, I trust he knows where everything is to be kept and that you will follow his orders." Delirious finished then turned away. Not bothering to listen to Ohm's directions since they didn't involve him. Delirious instead went to wait beside the Captain's Quarters for when Gorilla was done charting the route.
"All hands hoay!" Captain Cartoonz commanded. Delirious was stationed beside the 188 cm (6'2) tall captain at the center of the boat, hands clasped behind his back and standing tall in front of his crew.
"Avast ye men, Were heading off to London again to sell our Booty, Ohm will supervise the deck and poop deck. Delirious will be in overall supervision, mostly from the Crow's Nest but before that, Ze, help Satt lower the sail." The men named nodded and headed off in a hurry, probably excited to be heading home.
"Delirious, Ohm. Lift anchor. I'm Cockswain for now" Captain Cartoonz finished and with a unanimous "Aye" from Ohm and Delirious, they split ways. The captain headed towards the Poop Deck to man the Helm whilst Delirious started to screw the anchor back up to it's resting place in preparation to set sail. Ohm fell into step across the way from Delirious, striking up a conversation with the First Mate.
"So Delirious, got a lady waiting for ya in London?" Ohm joked. Delirious scoffed.
"Nobody in their right mind would marry of their daughter to a Pirate." Delirious snapped but it held no bite, the men chuckled together then heard the clang of the anchor being latched into place.
"What about you?"
"Negitive, I don't dance at that party anyway" Ohm admit smoothly. Delirious sputtered.
Delirious was at the same party but it still stunned him that Ohm would admit to liking men so freely. Most Englishmen and women were strongly against such ways so Delirious had just never admit it. It was oddly refreshing to know he wasn't along though. Delirious recovered from his state of bewilderment and shook his head with a smile despite the mask that made it dificult to decipher the Matey's emotions.
That was the point of having the mask though. Delirious mentally slapped himself for making the Quartermaster uneasy, having realized he hadn't formed a response yet.
"Its all good" Delirious reassured. "I'm living that life as well, although I'm confident you wouldn't share that secret. 'Specially when we dock in London" He joked. Ohm scoffed.
"Hardly a place to be spilling that. The king might just want our heads more for that than being freebooters!" Ohm commented, the amused tone proving that he half-heartedly believed the statement to be true.
"I ought to climb to the Crow's Nest now, see you again when I take up the Helm!".
Delirious looked out on the horizon, smiling softly as the wind whipped past his face, his bare face. It weaved through his short, dark brown hair and the Sun's reflection made his magnificent blue eyes shine. He laughed lightly and looked down at his mask, the white plastic with red triangles and breathing holes making it look decorated and not so plain. He rubbed his thumb over the smooth surface then looked towards the horizon again. He jumped slightly when he spotted a dot in the distance. He reached towards his belt, hand clasping around the base of his telescope. He extended it to see farther and brought it to his right eye, shutting his left eye tightly. He let out a relieved breath when he saw that it was the sigil of Pirate Captain Aries Buenos. Delirious smiled, he'd met the captain only once but it was a wonderful encounter. Delirious reached up and rang the bell thrice. Then checked his compass. He shouted down to the deck.
"North West West" He looked to Captain Cartoonz for orders. The captain steadied the ship then looked through his telescope. Captain gave Delirious the affirmative to make the decision this time. Delirious looked out and pursed his lips in thought. He put away his telescope and pulled out his Flintlock, firing one shot into the air. He waited then saw the flashing of a mirror from the Crow's Nest of the Ash Haven. Three flashes.
Delirious fastened his mask onto his face and grabbed on to a rope. He climbed up onto the ledge of the Crow's Nest and jumped. Swinging his way down and throwing orders.
"Avast Ye!" He hollered. The crew all lined up, even Captain Cartoonz came to stand in the line up.
"Over yonder is the she-beauty herself: Ash Haven. I've received the signal of S.O.S from their ship." The men, despite being utterly shocked, nodded and waited for orders.
"Ze, Satt, I want you to be ready to raise the sails, Ohm, be ready for anchor drop, Captain, steer the ship. I will be up in the crow's nest, the signal will be a pistol shot, once I've fired, I need the anchor lowered. Ze, Satt, start raising the sails now!" Delirious ran back and rapidly started to climb to the Crow's Nest. He watched a counted in his head. Once they were close enough he raised his Pistol and stot towards the sky. The whole ship lurched and he heard Captain Cartoonz shout.
"Hit the deck!" Delirious dropped down and waited until there was no movement from the ship and saw that he was exactly right. He smiled under his mask then used the time to swing across to Ash Haven. He landed on the deck of the famous ship and greeted the crew that awaited him.
"Delirious, first mate aboard Blue Devil." Delirious introduced. A girl who looked to be around 168 centimeters (5"6) tall in all black clothing, minus the loose lavender undershirt and dark violet boots, stepped forward, much to Delirious’s surprise.
"Charmed. Queed Malos, First Mate aboard Ash Haven." Queen smiled then frowned.
"We could really use supplies, specifically rations." She explained.
"I'd like for our Captains to talk first." Delirious pointed out. Another woman from the front, wearing the same outfit, just pink undershirt, responded for Queen.
"I'll get Captain Aries." The 183 centimeter (6") girl ran off a little eagerly, Queen rolled her eyes.
"Let's get your crew on board." Queen stated kindly. A younger man with copper colored hair and the same outfit as Queen (just orange instead of purple) came up with a board, he went onto the plank and layed it down. My crew walked across, Captain Cartoonz in the lead. I waited for him to be beside me before we waited.
"Captain Cartoonz, always a pleasure matey" a man's voice sounded out. We all turned to the the man himself.
"Captain Aries Buenos, we've been informed that you require help." Captain Cartoonz responded.
"Indeed, we got lost in a storm and rations went overboard. It would be of great help if you could lent a hand." Captain Aries, a short captain at only 165 centimeters (5"5) tall and wearing a dark maroon captain's coat and matching pants with a black undershirt, said. The young Captain thought for a moment.
"We could chat whilst we eat as well, you've done quite a bit in one day haven't you? Last I checked you were in France, heading to London I assume." Captain Aries guessed.
"Indeed, Ze, help Ohm bring over two barrels of rations" Captain Cartoonz paused then added.
"Bring a barrel of rum too, think we can spare water Ohm?" Captain Cartoonz asked the Quartermaster. Ohm nodded his head in the affirmative.
"Then bring one of those too, tonight we share, tomorrow we sail!" Captain Cartoonz declared. Everyone started shouting then broke into laughter. I noticed Captain Cartoonz walking off with Captain Aries and I started to follow, Queen falling into step beside me.
"So, you're the infamous Delirious. Gotta say, I expected someone taller" She ran an eye over my 165 centimeter (5"5)frame.
"And meaner"
"I get that, then again, I expected a male." Delirious said then smiled.
"And someone more talkative, how do you deal with Captain Aries's consistent chatter?" He mused. Queen huffed.
"I mean, we grew up together. I helped him pay for his ship. I lived with him for a long time, heck, I love the man, just not in the way you might think." She grinned, joy evident in her eyes.
"Our relationship is solely platonic and I wouldn't ask for anything else."
"That's sweet, he's a good man." Delirious commented lightly.
"What about you and Captain Cartoonz? What's the deal there?" She probed. Delirious smiled.
"Platonic, that's the first thing" he clarified and Queen laughed.
"I love the man though, practically brothers here. Known each other since we were kids. Nothing special though" He finished quickly. There was actually a lot in their relationship that couldn't be said. They would very easily die for each other. They would break if they were separated. They wouldn't be able to live if the other perished. But nobody needed to know that.
"Queen, Delirious, go enjoy yourselves, we can talk alone" Aries suggested. Despite Delirious’s respect for the man, he felt unsure. He just didn't want to go to a crowd without his brother. Regardless, he nodded and left, taking Queen with him.
"Ahoy Queen!" The girl who got Captain Aries before called out, she looked around then frowned.
"Where's Aries?"
Delirious sputtered, Queen did the same.
"Blimey! Quartermaster Dusty. I'm sure you haven't noticed by your incompetent behaviour but we have guests, one of which is First Mate Delirious, right in front you." Daisy explained, Dusty looked towards Delirious who was sizing her up, he didn't quite believe that this was the Quartermaster aboard Ash Haven.
"Delirious? I thought that Ohm was First Mate." Dusty said unbelievingly. Delirious said nothing to her and instead turned to Daisy.
"It was a pleasure to chat with you but I must go make sure my crew is in order and doesn't get too drunk, I would hope you find me again for some rum?" Delirious offered, to show that he'd like to talk more and that he wasn't offended.
"I'll take you up on that, now go on you scallywag!" She pushed him and they laughed together. Delirious walked away only to be met with Ohm.
"Ahoy matey!" He giggled, slurring slightly. Delirious was the only to notice however so he smiled under his mask and shook his head.
"You're three sheets to the wind" Delirious stated. Ohm laughed.
"Indeed, indeed I am but avast ye, go shake yer dungbie. The dancing is abaft" he slurred then stumbled his way to the rum.
Delirious shook his head at his friend's behavior. He didn't drink often because it dulled the senses. He walked over to the dancing to see that Captain Cartoonz was already there, drinking with Captain Aries. He smiled when he noriced the smiles on everyones faces and the laughter they shared while dancing horribly to Ze playing music on his accordian. He also noticed that most of Captain Aries's men were not actually men, they were mostly women. Regardless of gender, they had the same outfit with varying colors for the undershirts. He shook his head and walked away, to the opposite end of the ship. He stopped at the sail and looked out to sea, the sky was fading from it's sunset of warmth in the version of pinks, purples, oranges and reds to the midnight beauty, freckled with stars and the milky way visible. A gleam caught his eye and he looked towards it, he saw that it was Queen.
"Does your offer still stand?" She asked. He breathed a laugh and motioned her over.
"Wanna go up to the Crow's Nest?" She asked. Delirious nodded and stood up from leaning against the rail to follow the raven haired girl up to the Crow's Nest where they just sat and watched the sea. Queen took off her hat and smiled, running her fingers through her hair.
"What's it like" Queen asked out of the blue. Looking at Delrious then realizing that she missed details.
"Sorry, I mean what's it like to be anonymous? To hide something that in normal circumstances would be just a normal thing to show? why do you hide your face? What's it look like? Who's seen your face?" She listed off and Delirious stood shocked. Then laughed.
"It's great honestly, you get used to the stares. It's nice to be secretive, people wonder a lot and it's amusing to hear what they think of why. I hide my face because I feel like I'm ugly, and as of now, Captain Cartoonz, Captain Aries, Captain Vanoss, Captain Pewdiepie and Captain Basically are the only ones to have seen my face, Ohm has too but it was years back and he was three sheets to the wind." Delirious answered, skipping smoothly over the what he looks like question. But Queeen was smarter.
"You didn't tell me what you look like." She pointed out.
"That's because you don't need to know, but, I guess first mates understand eachother." He hesitated, then reached for his mask, his breath hitched and he slowly pulled it off, but quickly looked away. Queen groaned and forced him to looked her way. She studied his face then smiled.
"You're handsome." Queen stated Matter-of-factly, dropping Delirious’s face.
"Like, you could made the Church sin for you" She laughed. Delirious laughed with her then slipped his mask on.
"I see why you hide though, it seems nice"
"It is" he paused to take deep breaths.
"We should go make sure that our Captains will be sober enough to function tomorrow." He said grabbing onto the rope and sliding down rather than swinging, Queen above him.
"Smooth sails matey. Adieu to you and may the seas not despise you." Captain Aries said from his slowly accelerating ship.
"Same to you!" Captain Cartoonz yelled back then turned to his crew.
"I'm going to rest, Delirious will be Cockswain and Ohm will be up in the crow's nest. Aye?"
Thank you for reading the first chapter of Sea of Thieves.
Pirate Slogan
• Monkey Jacket:: Short jacket worn by some of those aboard the ship
• Scallywags:: A name that is used as an insult to someone
• Landlubber:: A person who is not incredibly skilled at sea
• Blimey:: Something said when one is in a state of surprise
• Freebooter:: Refers to an actual pirate
• Duffle:: A sailor's belongings
• Ahoy:: Hello
• Matey:: Friend
• Poop deck:: Deck that is the highest and furthest back
• All hands hoay:: Everyone get on deck
• Buccaneer:: Name for a pirate
• Avast ye:: Pay attention
• Booty:: Treasure
• Crow's Nest:: The place on the ship where the lookout stand is built
• Cockswain:: the helmsman
• Three sheets to the wind:: Someone who is quite drunk
• Dungbie:: Rear end
• Abaft:: Back area of the boat
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