Banana Bus~ 2
Looked over, unedited
He sighed tiredly into the wind as it flew past the back of his head, weaving through his hair and heading out to be caught into the sail that kept the ship moving. He looked at the compass in his hand, smiling when it was still North. He took a hand off the helm and ran to through his hair, returning it to it's original place afterwards.
"Moo" the Cockswain jumped when the voice of Captain Vanoss filled his ears. He whipped his head to look at the steps up to the poop deck and saw Captain Vanoss was there, climbing the steps up to Moo.
"Ahoy Captian." Moo greeted then looked back out towards the midnight waters. He heard a sigh then the sound of boots against the wooden deck.
"I'll call for Lui, you need rest" Captain Vanoss stated.
"Captain, that's not necessary. I'll be fine, probably be at the port in a couple of hours" Moo lied through his surprisingly clean and white teeth. The truth was that he was dead tired and at this point would sleep in Davy Jones' locker just to get some sleep.
It would be so simple to just nod and step away but he wanted to prove that he could do it. As a former red coat not many pirates, some a part of his own crew, trusted him or believed he had what it takes.
"Moo, you best not be thinking about what those sons of biscuit eaters, no good, scallywags say." Captain Vanoss questioned venomously. Moo knew that the venom wasn't towards him so he ignored the tone and answered calmly.
"Yes Captain, but even with those words said, I know they're not true." He lied.
"But it would shut them up if we had proof that I can do it" Moo said, voice raising slightly as the determination grew within him.
"Moo, you know why I set you as my first mate?" The captain asked while looking dead ahead. Moo shook his head.
"Because, just like a captain, the first mate is elected out of trust and respect. But I don't choose the first mate by myself.
"I let the crew choose who is to be first mate. Do you know who all voted for your position?" Moo shook his head.
"Well, as I'm sure you remember, when I put it out there, people almost instantly started fighting between Wildcat and you. I was surprised when Wildcat stayed out of it but I felt as if it was an impostor when after the meeting, he came back in, alone, and said that you were more fit to be first mate.
"It was astonishing I tell you." The captain finished, leaving Moo with a hanging lower jaw and wide eyes.
"So you see, despite your best efforts to lie and say that you don't care, I know you do, and I'm hoping that now you will take your hands off the wheel and let a rested lad take over." Captain Vanoss looked at his first mate, Moo shook his head a smile forming on his face.
"Whatever you say, Captin" he grinned.
The captain walked off, returning shortly with a well rested Lui to sail for the sleep deprived first mate. The two smiled at each other, Lui took the wheel and Moo let go, walking away.
It was only when he saw his cot that he realized how tired he was, and once his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light.
Moo awoke from the light shaking of his shoulder. He blinked away his sleep then looked to see Wildcat.
"Up and at em matey, we're docked and ready to unload the hull" Moo nodded and sat up, lazily fixing his hair and looking around for his hat, he grabbed it from the pillow and placed it on his head. Moo sighed and walked out of the barracks to meet with his Captain and crew.
"Alright and avast ye. I've received word that all of the other crews have also docked here in London and are trying to keep it as civil as posible." Captain Vanoss said once I'd stationed myself beside him.
"That said, I also would like to keep this civil, Lord knows that the King will send us a Hempen halter for treason" Captain Vanoss continued. Moo looked out to the port dock and noticed that they were being watched, it looked like it could possibly be Cry considering the pure white mask but it could also be just some citizen. He narrowed his eyes to see better and confirmed it to be Cryaotic, first mate aboard the Tubeyou.
"Captain, I need to attend business" Moo whispered for only Captain Vanoss to hear. The Captain followed Moo's gaze while still talking then nodded. Moo dismissed himself, approaching Cry.
"Cryaotic, always a pleasure matey." Moo smiled, Cry's lips turned up in the corners slightly, a half smile now present.
"Same to you. I'm always shocked at how observant you are. You still a Sailing Master?" Cry asked. Moo shook his head and smiled.
"Nope, I'm First Mate now, Wildcat's Quartermaster and Captain Vanoss is still going strong, how's Captain Pewdiepie? And Quartermaster Mark?" Cry smiled.
"All is well aboard my ship, congrats on the rank, you deserve it." He started.
"In actually here to tell you that us First Mates are meeting up tonight at the far end of the dock. On Captain Aries's ship." He mused, Moo looked at the masked man incredulously.
"Yup, Captain's will be in the Captain's Quarters talking over this whole peace thing." Cry confirmed.
"Okay... why are the first mates meeting?" Moo asked, still unclear on what the purpose of the first mates was at this meeting.
"Well, the Captains want us to get to know each other..." He said slowly.
"But I think it's so that we can pull our Captains away if they break out fighting." Cry added, making the pair burst out laughing..
"Anywho, I came to confirm that you'll be there, both you and your Captain." He said once they'd both calmed down.
"We'll be there."
"You sure that this is the place?" Captain Vanoss asked Moo for the 27th time (He was counting). Moo sighed inwardly as he (once again) responded with.
"Yes Captain, we are going to where everyone else is" Moo looked behind him to see Captain Vanoss smiling.
"Captain?" Moo asked, slightly weirded out by the enormous grin the man was giving him.
"Your patience has never been beat my matey" Vanoss grinned even wider. Moo looked at him quizically.
"Thank you Captain, I hope that it's a safe assumption that, that was a compliment." Moo said turned to face forward again, he checked his posture when he saw the Man-O-War herself, Ash Haven was in the distance, also in the distance, but not far at all, was another Captain. Moo narrowed his eyes, trying to see which Captain it was but couldn't, he decided to play it safe and keep a subtle eye on the man as he approached.
"Captain Cartoonz!!" Captain Vanoss suddenly yelled, the man that Moo had been observing looked over and smiled, he made a motion and a second man came out from around the corner Captain Cartoonz was standing at, the First Mate, Moo assumed.
"Captain Vanoss!" Captain Cartoonz greeted as he started to walk with the men towards Ash Haven, he looked at Moo.
"And First Mate..?" He trailed off.
"Moo, First Mate Moo" Moo finished for him, wary of the man.
"Aren't you a former red coat?" Captain Cartoonz inquired.
"Not that it matters so long as you're loyal" he quickly added, trying not to offend the shorter man.
"Its alright, but yes, I am a former red coat" Moo smiled softly in understanding then added with a chuckle.
"I'd say I'm pretty loyal, hence being first mate."
Captain Cartoonz let out a chuckle and Moo stayed silent for the rest of the way towards Ash Haven. He smiled when he saw that the captains were getting along so well and thought back to Cry's belief, that they were there to pull back the captains if they started to fight. He laughed to himself which earned him a glance from Captain Cartoonz's first mate. Moo smiled.
"Sorry, just laughing at my own thoughts" Moo explained, slightly embarrassed. The first mate nodded.
"Understood, I'm Delirious by the way." The man, Delirious, said.
"How'd a Red coat end up a pirate?"
"I hate the crown just as much as you guys, maybe more. I figured that with the right crew or even just a group of people I could get us in since the crown always saw me as the most loyal of them.
"I'd be able to wreak havoc from within the palace since I was the royal family's personal guard. I know everything about them and I have access to everything." Moo thought for a moment.
"In many ways, I'm just as powerful, probably more powerful than, the crown" Moo explained.
"Never thought of that, but you still didn't answer my question, why a pirate?" Delirious asked again.
"Why not? They get to explore all they want, all the riches possible, travel the world." Moo listed, Delirious seemed satisfied with this answer seeing as he left the words to linger. The silence didn't last long before they heard yelling from ahead. Moo groaned inwardly, knowing that it was Ash Haven.
"Moo!!" A voice from aboard the ship called out. Moo looked towards the sound and saw Queen.
"A little help please, nobody here has the patience to calm Captain Aries down, I can't do it alone." She begged. I nodded and started running.
Once aboard the ship, I noticed Queen was holding Captain Aries by one arm, I scanned over the deck and saw that it was a man of captain Aries's crew that was also being held back by Cry. Moo looked back towards where Queen was struggling with holding her Captain. Moo righted over and snapped his fingers in front of Captain Aries's face, successfully gaining the captain's attention.
"What happened?" Moo asked calmly. Captain Aries started to trash in Queen's hold and Moo placed his hands on the captain's shoulders.
"That bastard hit her" Captain Aries growled.
"He hit my Queen" Moo looked at Queen and saw that she did have a Red Mark on her face. He looked back at the enraged Captain.
"I see that but you really must calm down, you organized a peace meeting, not a fight" Moo explained.
"Let's go look at the water yeah?" Queen suggested, Captain Aries seemed to agree with that and the three started to walk on over.
"You always loved the water, you used to say that you loved it so much because it was where we first met, in the Bahamas." Queen rambled on.
"The colors of it during the day reminded you of the Bahamas, where the water was crystal clear and greenish but still beautiful and even during a storm, you would find a way to make it pretty after we battened down the hatches.
"Even when you're busy, I like to look out at it because the waters in open sea look just like your eyes, it's calming and a deep blue where all kinds of wonders could be.
"Back to when we met, you loved the waters there because it was the color of my dress when we met at the gala." Queen stopped, Captain Aries smiled in remembrance.
"I also met Moo there.." He breathed, Moo looked at him, took a good look and smiled.
"You met the old me" Moo responded.
"You were so loyal"
"Still am, just to a better leader"
"Anything is better that those royals"
"I'm glad you've calmed down" Moo changed the subject.
"I still want to know what happened though"
"I started it," Queen spoke up. "He was supposed to leave the ship with the rest of the crew so that the meeting could go on but he stowed away and I yelled at him. He pulled the 'you're just a girl' card and I ordered him to the brig" she laughed humorlessly.
"He slapped me and Captain Aries leaped at him with a cutlass, that is now in the Captain's Quarters. But Copper just made it worse, saying that I'm only here because I hornswaggled my way up by being the Captain's Slut." She shuddered.
"Never" Captain Aries laughed.
"She'd kill me long before we reached the bed" he joked.
"You wouldn't try anyway"
"Let's head back, I was serious about sending him to the brig, and he'll stay there until I say so" Queen sassed, Moo laughed and headed back. Leaving the pair to talk a bit more.
"Moo" Captain Vanoss called out.
"Captain?" Moo responded
"I told you that your patience was unbeatable" He joked and Moo scoffed.
"Thank you, but it seems that tonight, everyone is out to see how much I can stand before I snap someone's neck." Moo droned sarcasticly.
"I'd like to see how lone it takes" another man said as he approached. Moo smiled.
"Captain Pewdiepie"
"Moo, but I'm sure you know that by now" Moo responded respectfully.
"Who's neck are you hoping I snap?" Moo inquired. Captain Pewdiepie scoffed.
"The king's" He stated easily.
"The sad part is, he could actually do that" Cry added as he joined the conversation. All four men laughed.
"I wouldn't mind it, but I'm not so sure I want to be king" Moo sighed.
"That's fair, you're already famous without being a Captain, now that I think of it, how have the Parliment not noticed that you joined a Pirate ship? They really still think you're missing" Captain Pewdiepie asked.
"Yup, I saw a missing poster earlier." Moo mused.
"Its been like a year, they really respected you" Cry noted. Moo felt like it was a punch to the gut.
"No, what I had wasn't respect, I had information and with such information comes power." Moo smiled.
"Did you know that the King had a son when he was just a teen?" Moo revealed, the men laughed.
"Really? Where is he now? And the mother?" Captian Pewdiepie asked
"The mother died in the birth and the son is in France" Moo answered.
"Tell us more! I'd love know what a scandal the King is!" Captain Vanoss stated excitedly. Moo smiled and started spouting the idiocy of the King. The laughs of each stupid story filled the night air, keeping spirits high.
Moo awoke the next day before any of his crew. He sighed and stretched, getting up and dressing. Once dressed he walked out if the Barracks and into the early morning with a smile. He loved London mornings, especially at the water.
It was beautiful
Just a side note, but this chapter was going to have a very different ending.
I'm glad that some of you enjoy the language in the story and that my research is not wasted. There will most likely be chapters that are just completely for Pirate info but that's in the future, not now.
Pirate Slogan
• Davy Jones' locker:: Refers to death
• Son of a Biscut eater:: An insult
• Hempen Halter:: The noose used to hang people
•Man-O-War:: The name used for a Pirate ship that is all set and ready to go to war
•Batten down the Hatches:: A signal to prepare the ship for an upcoming storm
•Cutlass:: Type of sword used by the pirates
•Hornswaggle:: To cheat
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