Ash Haven~ 4
"Aries, get down here you landlubber!" Queen called to the distant Captain who was up in the crow's nest. He snorted, knowing it was his First mate/ best friend by the careless way the caller spoke of him. Laughter erupted from the crew on the main deck and the captain looked down.
He wasn't afraid of heights, loved them actually, being so high up with nothing to obscure his view was exactly what he wanted. The waters that the ship rocked evenly on and storm clouds in the distance, he couldn't ask for more.
"I'm coming, and don't call me landlubber or I'll start saying your real name." Aries called back to her as he descended from the crow's nest, sliding down the latter by it's sides.
"What do you need, love?" Aries grinned, his cobalt and cerulean eyes gleaming when he said the name. They did love each other, but it was more of a sibling bond between them, which wasn't quite true of a title either because they would kiss on the lips sometimes, but there wasn't a romance between them, never had been, probably never will be.
"I need you to stop spacing out and meet me in your office. I believe it's time." Queen said vaguely. Aries's professionalism snapped back into place at the words.
You see, for the last two years, Aries had been plotting to wreak havoc on the crown, a plan that was well founded since many citizens didn't like the crown, all pirates didn't like the crown, and as a personal affair, the crown forced the young, seven year old Aries to watch, standing right next to the executioner as his parents met the blade of a guillotine. Aries grew up in France but when fleeing the country because of an accident involving a murder on his mother's hands, they were caught by the Brits and were sentenced to death. Aries was deemed innocent but because of crime by affiliation, his punishment was the lifelong image of his parents' heads being sliced clean off and blood painting the wooden deck where they stood, the echoing squelch and snap of a blade through skin, flesh, and bone. The malevolent chuckling of the executioner himself.
Aries shook himself from his thoughts and made his way to his office. Where Queen was waiting.
"I'm here, now, let's talk." Aries picked up some scrolls that were, seemingly, just randomly thrown around and, using a few daggers, pinned the maps to his desk.
"This," he pointed to a spot in the London map. "Is where we will stay--"
"No, the next town over will be less conspicuous." Queen informed him, her eyes alive with a thirst for vengeance.
She Too had her reasons to hate the crown, the main one being that Queen was the illegitament daughter of a general and was very heavily saught after by her 'father' so that he could kill her 'for her crimes'. The reality was that he had cheated on his wife, the concubine got pregnant and ran away to give birth, the general killed Queen's mother and was now after her.
"Too many raids have happened in that town."
"Alright, we will stay here," Aries pointed at the next town over and scanned the map, pointing at the dock where he knew French trade took place. It was not the nearest, it was actually next to the farthest but that was perfect.
"That is where we will dock" he decided. Queen had no disagreements of his placement.
"Now, this is a stealth mission so we need to gather the best of our stealth members---"
There was a loud crash that mixed wonderfully with the pained groans from Captain Aries and Queen as the ship lurched violently, snapping echoed in the air and the sound of water pouring echoed from below deck. Captain Aries leaped up to steady his first mate. He was about to ask if she was okay but another smaller jolt jerking the ship told him that this wasn't a mishap. The cockswain was trying to get them killed.
Captain Aries growled and burst his door open, running up the steps, ready to beat whoever was steering the ship but instead found a dying man, probably from a heart attack. The captain swore on his luck and jumped for the helm, using his strength to steer as the crew scrambled around.
He could hear Queen belting orders as he looked around, the ship had veered into the storm that Aries had seen from the crow's nest.
"Oh blimey." Captain Aries gulped, hiding his fear as he turned the wheel quickly, turning the ship sharply and tilting the whole thing, almost cap sizing it but he steadied the ship and hollered out.
"Batten down the hatches!! Leave the sail down until rain starts!" His order rang loud and clear, accentuated by a loud thunder clap at the end. The wind was blowing in their favor now and the Captain's will strong enough to blow away the storm as a whole.
Unfortunately, the sea had other ideas.
The rain started belting down on the small crew, and a few men and women started to secure the sails. Captain Aries locked the helm in place with his two swords, He'd grab new ones from his quarters in a bit.
"Captain!! We need to brace, do we stay up or go below deck?" A crew member hollered, all of his crew was gathered but he could easily distinguish the female voice of Dusty.
"Queen, take them to my quarters, we will camp there and hope for the best. All of you prepare for the worst though." Aries knew his voice was grave but he couldn't find a way out of this unless the gods took mercy on him and his crew.
Everyone followed their first mate into the Captain's quarters and Aries followed them in, locking the door behind him. He glanced at Queen who was discretely stashing away their plans.
"What are we doing now?" Copper asked, his orange hair still ruffled from the sleep he'd been woken from.
"We wait." Just then, a huge lurch came, or more rather, the whole ship was lifted up and flipped over. Many in the crew screamed when they were engulfed with water and the captain wished to do the same, but he stayed calm somehow and started to swim, the little air bubbles popping and turning the white to deep blue. He looked around and saw Queen, knocked out.
His heart clenched.
She was bleeding.
A lot.
Aries swam over and checked every possible place for a heart beat, a pulse, something to prove that she was still with him.
He found none.
He was starting to loose oxygen, and part of him knew that was bad, the rest of him was so swallowed in grief from the loss of his absolute best friend that he stayed under the water, praying to end his life and be with his love. His vision faded just as arms wrapped around him and his consciousness was lost, just like the perfect living being that was, Daisy Malos. His everything, his Queen to rule the Pirate Empire along side him. Gone, slipped away just like his ship, and all of his crew.
Or well.
Most of them.
You know the vocab.
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