Last Time (Brohm)
"Bryce!" Ohm yelled out, his voice tinted with fear and concern as his partner fell to the ground, holding their side in obvious pain, groaning at the sudden impact.
He ran to the blonde, eyes wide and scared as he looked around for the killer, making sure they wouldn't be found anytime soon if he stayed with Bryce.
When he was sure the madman was gone, Ohm sat down in front of Bryce, his hands above him as he shook his head, not understanding how such a thing could happen to someone so innocent.
He exhaled slowly, pulling Bryce's head into his lap and pushing the blonde locks out of his face, biting his lip hard to fight back the tears.
He held his face in his hands gently, feeling for Bryce's pulse quickly, hands shaking, breaths coming out quickly. He exhaled in relief as he felt the familiar beating of a heart.
One too many times had they come back to this place. This place where people usually didn't make it out alive. Where people failed.
Except him and Bryce.
All three trips they had successfully opened up the doors and had been able to flee whatever monster was there, running back to their safe place, where no chainsaw-swinging murderer could find them.
It was a rather dangerous game the two had gotten into, but the fact of the matter was that they couldn't stop. Thy just couldn't, it would be too hard.
It was addicting, the fear and adrenaline as good as any high. The feeling of near-death was what kept bringing them back.
Really more of what kept bringing Ohm back.
Bryce hadn't wanted to go back, but was willing to do it for Ohm. He knew how much Ohm loved it, how much he thought he needed it.
He knew that if Ohm loved it, he could learn to love it to.
Or so he thought.
Boy, was he wrong. So, so wrong. He hated it. He hated every second of it. He couldn't stand to see the fear in Ohm's eyes, or hear the weakness in another victim's voice.
He couldn't stand the constant screaming and wondering wether or not he would make it out alive.
He absolutely hated the paranoia that came with this. Many nights he had stayed up, wondering if the killers could ever get out of their designated Hell and come after him.
A couple times, he had slept with a knife under the bed, unbeknownst to Ohm, sure that one had followed them home that night.
But, one didn't. That didn't stop Bryce from keeping the knife beneath the mattress, though.
Ohm had had to stop him from attacking him in his sleep once. He ended up having a nightmare of being in the woods with the murderer, and apparently had tried to punch Ohm in the face.
He had woken up in a cold sweat, crying in Ohm's arms, terrified of what he had seen, what he had dreamt of.
He had so many reasons to not come to this place. He had so reasons to call it quits.
But, he had stuck to it. For Ohm. He would do it for him. Over and over again. And he knew how unhealthy it was. He knew he should've stopped after the nightmares, but he didn't. And neither did Ohm.
Their mistake.
This time, the "game" had begun with them sticking together, one other person wandering away from them to find a chest of some sort. Bryce wasn't willing to leave Ohm's side during this time, for he had heard the rumors about this killer being one of the strongest, most brutal.
He had heard of the times when this killer had butchered people in front of their friends, tearing off limbs while the others watched.
Or how he would knock all of them down, then wait for each to bleed out as they tried to save each other.
He didn't want that to happen to Ohm. Or him, but mostly Ohm. To be honest, he was always terrified, his body constantly tense from the chainsaw he would hear in the distance. Wondering if Ohm would be next. Wondering if they would die together in this Hell.
He didn't like to wonder about those things, so he had focused on the task at hand: generators.
The two had successfully gotten two generators done before they heard the familiar screams of someone being thrown onto a hook.
It was a girl, and she cried out, asking for help. The hook was somewhat close, which made it easy to get her, but extremely dangerous.
Of course, Ohm didn't want to let this person die, so he decided to try to save the girl. He ordered Bryce to stay on generators, but the younger man went against his wishes.
He followed Ohm, and they had successfully gotten the girl down together. But after that, the murderer, in all his chainsawing, melted face glory, went after Ohm.
The brown-haired man had found himself running to barricades and jumping through windows, trying his best to escape.
He had turned sharp corners to avoid the chainsaw, he ran this man in circles, hoping to gain some type of leverage.
But for some reason, this guy wasn't having it. He stayed on Ohm for what felt like forever. But Ohm never got tired, he kept going, a small smirk on his face as he ran.
Maybe this guy had heard the rumors also. The rumors about Ohm. How he was one of the best survivors in this "game". How he never lost. How he always saved others and taunted the killers with his wit and ability to escape.
Maybe this guy wanted to change sure seemed like it. But Ohm definitely did not want to find out.
During Ohm's hopping, running, and panting, he tripped on a root, falling face first into the ground, cursing wildly for the little mistake that could very well cost him his life.
He had stayed there, gritting his teeth and getting ready to stand, hoping he was safe. Hoping he could find some more barricades to get away.
But at that point, the killer was above him, his arms outstretched, ready to end Ohm's life. Ready to hang him on a hook and watch him squirm until he was impaled.
And then, like a knight in shining armor, Bryce had showed up and taken the monster's attention away from Ohm.
He had bravely kicked the Hillbilly looking man in the back of the leg, the murder's knee buckling. He turned around and practically growled, swinging his weapon at Bryce, who ducked it and ran.
And then the monster was after him. But that was okay, he could deal with that as long as Ohm could get away. He could take the hit, he did take the hit.
And now the blonde was paying the price for it.
The murderer had gotten to him when he had jumped through a window, his chainsaw digging into Bryce's flesh. Bryce knew it was over, and expected to be either hooked or mutilated, but the man had left him so he could find the girl. And now he was here, lying in Ohm's lap, his side burning in pain.
He stared up at Ohm, his eyes watering at the sight of his boyfriend tearing up. He didn't want to see Ohm like that. He couldn't.
Ohm exhaled quietly, trying to keep himself from bawling at the mess he had created. This was his fault, after all. He should've stayed home. He should've left Bryce home. He should've done something-anything to prevent this from happening.
But he didn't, and now he and Bryce were both tearing up, knowing what would happen.
He responded quietly, keeping his voice low, as to not let Bryce hear the complete fear in it.
"Yeah, Bryce?"
Bryce lifted his hand up to Ohm's face, laying it gently against his cheek and using his thumb to wipe a rogue tear away.
"Please don't cry."
The request hit the older man hard, and tears began to fall fast from his eyes as his hand squeezed Bryce's, feeling how cold it was becoming.
"I can't help it." He cried, letting the shakiness in his words show.
The blood was pooling around them now, Bryce's body becoming weaker and his breaths less noticeable. Ohm's eyes were becoming wetter and his fear more visible.
It couldn't end like this. He had so much to discover with Bryce. With his boyfriend. With the love of his life.
Bryce couldn't die here. Not now. He was so young. But his odds were not in his favor, and it was obvious he wouldn't be making it out this time.
It wasn't fair. Ohm should've taken the hit, he ships be been dying right now. But life wasn't fair now, was it?
"We'll get out of here, Bryce. Just hold on." His voice was thick with fear and sadness, hands shaking and throat dry.
Bryce smiled up at Ohm, scanning his face, taking in his features, knowing this would be the last time he would see it.
He saw the darkness in those hazel eyes he had fallen in love with. He noticed the scar above his eyebrow, from their first trip here. He made note of where his dimples should've been, if he had been smiling.
For the first time, he really saw Ohm.
It was shame it would also be his only time. His first, last, and only time noticing things he should've seen before.
At least his was seeing him at all. He could've been left to die alone on a hook, so at least he was here with Ohm.
That was a plus side to this doom, wasn't it?
His thoughts were interrupted as he felt his body spasm for a split second. He could feel the cold seeping through his bones as his eyes became slightly fuzzy with darkness, indicating that he didn't have much time left.
He swallowed harshly and kept his eyes partially open so he could keep seeing more of his boyfriend.
"I'm dying, Ohm. I'll never make it to the generators, let alone the exit." His voice was raspy and weak compared to how it usually was.
Ohm closed his eyes, pulling Bryce's body closer, removing his jacket as he did so, shivering at the sudden Lois of warmth around his form. But he didn't care, Bryce needed this more than he did, anyways.
He pressed it against the gigantic wound on Bryce's side, pushing into it, trying to stop the bleeding.
Bryce winced, his face contorting into a look of pain, his hand pressing against Ohm's chest.
"No. No, I have to try, Bryce!"
Bryce shushed him, a pale finger finding its way to Ohm's lips. He traced his mouth as Ohm continued to try to stop the bleeding.
He felt him wrap the jacket around his waist, apparently opting for getting him off the ground.
Ohm lifted him up, his strong arms wrapping around the taller male, carrying him bridal style.
Bryce was too weak to stop him, deciding to let him do whatever it was that he planned to, knowing that ultimately, it would be useless.
Ohm started to run to get a generator, not knowing where the next one was, moving aimlessly around the area.
His feet carried him and Bryce deeper into the woods, his arms keeping the younger male from bouncing in his grasp.
Bryce let his head fall back as he tried to lighten the mood, hoping for Ohm to laugh, smile, something other than cry.
"You know, this is kinda like the scene.......the scene from 'Sharkboy and Lavagirl'''re Sharkboy..."
Ohm paused, looking down into the pale blue eyes that once held so much life, a sad smile on his face as he stopped.
"And you're Lavagirl." He choked out, his eyes continuing to shed tears, his heart aching at the sight of the man in his arms.
Bryce exhaled slowly, mind becoming a bit frazzled and distracted as he did so.
"I'm Lavagirl..."
Ohm held Bryce tighter, his grip on the younger man keeping him somewhat sane.
He blinked the tears away as he looked around, the fog preventing him from seeing anything further than two feet in front of him.
He was relieved when he found a generator. He laughed emptily and placed Bryce on the ground carefully, making sure he was somewhat comfortable.
He looked down at the weak male, noticing how much color was gone from his face and eyes.
"Just, just hold on, Bryce. I'll get this one done and then one more and we'll be out of here to get you help."
Bryce shook his head weakly, his voice nothing above a whisper as he spoke to the man above him.
"There's no time.......I........I'm on my way," He paused to try to make his voice a little louder, but it was just as quiet as he continued, "to the end......"
Ohm inhaled sharply, his hands working on the generator, not wanting to face the inevitable death of his boyfriend.
Bryce's soft breaths and weak voice were breaking him down, sending him into a very dark place of his mind.
He went through some memories, trying to keep himself from the dark thoughts, smiling as one popped into his mind. The time he had jokingly proposed to Bryce over Uno.
And then the time he had given Bryce a flower in that duck game, and Bryce had quacked at him.
Or when he flashed Bryce in Rainbow Six: Siege, and Bryce's little laugh had done him in.
His favorite memory was their first date. It had been relatively simple, really. But that's how Bryce had liked it, and Ohm wanted to make Bryce happy.
They had went to the movies, deciding to see a comedy and then go to Ohm's house after and hang out. It was during a game of "Trouble" that they shared their first kiss, starting when Bryce began pouting after he lost, and he had lost bad.
Ohm had found a way to cheer him up, his small smile surprising Bryce as he leaned over the table and planted his lips on Bryce's, his intentions clear, his touches warm, his lips gentle. And from there, the dates became more prevalent, the kisses twice as meaningful.
He was brought back to his current situation when his fingers slipped. He cursed beneath his breath, but he caught himself, keeping the generator quiet. He could barely hear Bryce's breaths now, so he turned quickly, leaving the machine.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and scooted close to Bryce, listening for a heartbeat. He pressed his ear to the blonde's chest, holing his breath. He exhaled slowly she be heard it.
It was faint, but still there. Ohm looked down to his waist, seeing the wrapped wound, noticing the darker color. The jacket was now covered in his blood, but Ohm didn't have the heart to care.
He watched as Bryce's eyes fluttered open, and his hand lifted up, motioning for Ohm to come closer.
Ohm moved towards him, leaning his face down to meet Bryce's, waiting for Bryce to share what he had to say.
Instead, Bryce lifted his head up ever so slightly, his lips connecting with the brunette's. Deciding to use the last of his strength for something more meaningful than any words he could come up with.
Ohm felt a small tear cascade down his cheek as he took note of how cold and weak Bryce's kiss was compared to his own.
He let his lips press against the younger's gently, not wanting to hurt him any more than he already was. Not willing to hurt him.
Bryce sighed quietly against his lips, his strength running out. This would be his last kiss, but he was determined to make the most of it.
Ohmfollowed the blonde's movements as his head hit the ground, obviously too weak to keep it up. His hands gripped onto Ohm's shoulders loosely, and Ohm could feel Bryce's tears mixing in with his own.
It was a bittersweet moment, that he knew. His heart began to break a little when he couldn't feel the pressure of Bryce's lips on him anymore. When he couldn't feel the need and passion any longer.
He pulled away, falling down on his side next to Bryce, sniffling gently as he watched Bryce's head turn to him.
Bryce tried to smile, but his muscles were weak, his body losing its will and strength to move at all.
He couldn't speak, so he found himself mouthing the words weakly, hoping his lover would understand.
Fortunately for Bryce, Ohm knew exactly what he was trying to say.
Unfortunately for Ohm, he knew exactly what Bryce was trying to say.
And that was the breaking point. Ohm's heart broke completely at that moment, his eyes shedding tear after tear, his body shaking as he pulled Bryce to him, his voice mumbling nonsense.
At that moment, he felt Bryce give up, he felt more than heard Bryce's last exhale. He felt his body go lifeless.
He felt the loss of his other half.
He held the corpse close to his own body, not caring that Bryce was no longer in there. He needed to hold him, and if this was what he had, then so be it.
His sobs tore through his throat, the first ones small and weak, slowly growing until he was practically yelling.
He rocked the body back and forth with him, his eyes red, his voice raspy as he cried into Bryce's shoulder.
He was gone, and Ohm was dying on the inside, the memories coming back in waves, taunting him, torturing his mind as he held the lifeless man.
He felt the wetness of his tears on the shoulder of his boyfriend, along with the coldness of the body.
He set him down, his eyes scanning the mess of blood, scanning the dead man, searching for a sign of life, but he knew better than to hope for anything like that.
Ohm shook his head, his knees by his chest as he sat up, suddenly deciding that he couldn't see Bryce like this.
It was too much.
He couldn't bear to remember the man as a lifeless corpse in the middle of a forest. He couldn't stand to think that it was his own fault.
But that was the truth, it was his fault this had happened. He had done this to Bryce. One choice and he had killed the man he cared the most about.
All his fault.
He looked back at the generator, dangerous thoughts invading his mind, thoughts that could send him to wherever Bryce was, and he almost went along with them, but he shook his head, deciding against them.
That's not what Bryce would want.
He crawled towards the generator, finishing what he started, his hands shaky yet effective. A couple minutes later, and he heard the familiar pop of the generator being fixed, and it flashed for a moment, sending a wave of fear and relief through his broken body.
He turned towards the other broken body, the one that belonged to his boyfriend, his eyes closing solemnly as he spoke into the air, needing to say one last thing.
His voice was hoarse and full of regret as he stood up, going over to the corpse and tucking a stray strand of blonde hair behind Bryce's ear.
"I love you too, Brycey." he held back his tears, coughing harshly as he throat closed for a moment from sadness and pure, unsaturated love, but he found his voice once again, hoping Bryce could hear him somehow.
"And I'm sorry."
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