Lake Date (Brohm)
Ryan's breath caught in his throat as he took in the view. Not only was there a beautiful lake in front of him, accompanied by the many trees and flowers of course, but his boyfriend was also laying there, looking up at the sky, equally as breathtaking.
The blonde was on his back, humming a song that Ryan didn't know, eyes focused on the blue of the world above him, oblivious to Ryan's presence.
He seemed content, peaceful, and Ryan had no intention of breaking him away from his soft hums and awed sky gazing.
The hazel eyed man walked silently, completely quiet as he slid down next to Bryce, sitting up, legs criss crossed and eyes on his boyfriend.
He kept completely silent, or as silent as he could be with leaves and sticks beneath him, and watched on, enjoying his view as much as Bryce was enjoying his own.
The blonde suddenly sneezed, and Ryan chuckled, a playful "Bless you" escaping his lips, breaking through the voice free atmosphere.
Bryce looked up, and his eyes instantly went to Ryan. His face lit up with a smile, and a giggle passed through his lips as Ryan removed a twig from his hair.
Bryce picked up his head from the blanket he had set down, looking up at Ryan again before putting his head in his lap, ears warming up on the brunette's thighs.
He cleared his throat, eyes meeting with Ryan's and yawning before he spoke.
"The lake is really pretty."
Ryan nodded, his version of agreeing, before he spoke up himself, fingers running through Bryce's blonde locks, a soft sigh of contentment coming from his lover.
"It is. I'm really glad Evan invited us up here for the wedding."
Bryce made a sound of agreement at that.
Evan and Tyler were getting married over the weekend, and the two had invited all of their gaming friends, along with family and others of course.
When they found out Bryce and Ryan were definitely coming, Tyler thought it would be hilarious to get them to a hotel right next to Brohm Lake.
When Ryan saw the lake on the hotel's brochure, he simply rolled his eyes and let it happen. He knew he wouldn't hear the end of it if he and Bryce didn't take a trip there, so that's what they were doing now.
Brohm was having a date at Brohm lake.
A chill date, but a date nonetheless. And Ryan couldn't be mad at Tyler for that.
Especially when he and Bryce hadn't been able to go out for weeks, due to constant editing of videos. The two had been setting up videos to post for when they were here, and it was hard work, creating double the amount of content.
But, it had worked out, and now they were here, and Ryan loved it.
He loved the lake, the view, Bryce.
Especially Bryce.
Ryan flinched inwardly at that. He didn't really like to be called by his gamer name when he wasn't playing. He liked the aspect of having his YouTube life be different from his private life.
But he let it slide, because he knew Bryce was a bit forgetful and often slipped into usernames, just like how he often slipped into calling the blonde Brycey during games.
That was something Bryce excluded from his YouTube life. That was the name he and Ryan saved for other things.
Things that happened when nobody was looking, when they were alone and could express how they felt for one another on a more physical level.
Ryan looked down into Bryce's questioning eyes, finding himself being drawn into those blue orbs that he loved oh so much.
"What's up?"
Bryce bit his lip, gaze wandering for a second as he contemplated his question. It was a somewhat complicated one that could end up hurting him if he didn't get the answer he wanted.
But, he asked it anyways.
"Do you think you're gonna get married someday?"
Ryan froze.
It wasn't something he expected from Bryce. Bryce didn't usually dive into the future, he was the type of person that liked to live in the moment.
He liked keeping his eyes on the here and now, not likely to tell you what he wanted to do when he was older and done with videos.
But then again, he did have a nasty habit of overthinking things. So much so that sometimes he would go into a severe bout of anxiety that would leave him wide eyed and asking for reassurance.
In those times, Ryan would have to come to his aid, and provide him with the reassurance he needed, and he was certain that's what would need to happen now.
Ryan couldn't tell you that he hadn't thought about the blonde's question himself. It was one he often pondered on when he stayed up late or was alone and bored.
So the answer came out relatively quickly and without much thought. He had had enough time to think about it, after all.
"Yeah, I do."
Bryce looked down to his hands on his chest, his fingers fidgeting and intertwining in nervousness mixed in with a little bit of sadness.
Ryan noticed the shift in attitude and wondered what he had said, but he quickly realized his mistake. His words had come out wrong, too short, too clipped.
He found his hands wrapping around to interlock with the younger male's own, eyes soft and a small smile gracing his features.
Bryce looked up, throat a little dry and tears threatening his eyes, obviously misunderstanding.
Ryan leaned down and planted a small kiss on Bryce's forehead, exhaling softly before speaking against him.
"I plan on getting married someday. Hopefully to someone tall, blonde, aNd loving."
Bryce felt the tear dribble down his cheek, but it wasn't from sadness. This was a tear formed from love and happiness.
His heart fluttered and his senses tingled at the prospect of wearing a ring that matched one on Ryan, verbal promises exchanged and cemented into each other's brains.
He felt Ryan wipe away the tear and his face heat up with a small yet noticeable blush.
His voice was relatively quiet, but Ryan could hear him just fine, and his words caused the brunette to smile contentedly, not at all surprised.
"What a coincidence. I also plan on marrying a tall, blonde guy."
Ryan removed his hands from Bryce's, arms crossing over his chest as he faked a pouting attitude, brows furrowed and lips in a slim line.
"So hurtful, Brycey."
Bryce giggled, removing his head from Ryan's lap and laying back down on the blanket, switching his position so that he was on his stomach and looking up at Ryan, head propped up by his hands.
"Did I say tall and blonde? My bad. I meant small and brown haired. Maybe someone with an intense love for rabbits and games. And me, of course. Because I can't just have him spending all his time on animals and a computer, when he could be spending it on me."
Ryan smiled, leaning forward a little and looking down at Bryce for once, hazel eyes looking especially green in the sunlight.
"Hmm, I think I know a person or two who fits your standards. But they're not that small."
Bryce smiled at this, taking in the scent of the outdoors and stretching his legs as he spoke.
"Certainly smaller than me."
"Maybe you're just too tall."
"Or, get this, maybe this person is just short."
Ryan put a hand over his heart, grunting to generate a fake noise of hurt, and Bryce raised a brow.
"You wound me, Brycey."
This earned Ryan a light slap on the chest and a pair of rolled eyes that only seemed to glint at him. His small laugh filled the brunette's ears and Ryan loved it.
Bryce's smile sent small shivers throughout Ryan's body, and he was glad he got to spend his time with the blonde.
The blue eyed male exhaled slowly, running a hand through his hair before locking eyes with Ryan, humor apparent in them.
"Who said I was talking about you, Ryan?"
Ryan fell back on the blanket, holding his chest and groaning at Bryce's words. The blonde giggled, and his face heat up as a small noise came out of his throat, almost like a snort, but Ryan found it cute.
Ryan shielded his eyes with one arm over his forehead, his free hand over his heart as he continued to fake his pain.
"Damn, that was a low blow, Bryce. I don't think I'll ever be able to recover from that one."
He could hear Bryce's small bubbles of laughter, the ones that he tried to hold back but came bursting out anyways.
Those were Ryan's favorite.
He liked to call it Bryce's Breaking Laugh.
The fact that just a few simple words from his mouth could make Bryce erupt into w fit of giggles was something that really got to Ryan.
It meant that he was doing his job as a partner.
Speaking of partners, at that moment, Ryan felt his own crawl on top of him, pushing down a bit so he could be on the older's chest instead of hovering over him.
Bryce tangled his legs up in Ryan's, listening to the calming beat of a heart that belonged to him.
They stayed in silence for a bit, birds chirping and wind rustling, a small chill settling over the two, but neither minding.
They had warmth from each other.
Ryan's face heat up beneath his arm as he felt a soft pair of lips graze over his own, ghosting almost.
That was Bryce asking for permission to really kiss him.
It was something that Ryan had noticed about the younger blonde: he liked to ask for things in a rather unorthodox way.
Mostly a lot of touches and kisses, because he craved that kind of stuff. He craved the physical things that could also link to emotions.
Ryan didn't mind. He got more affection out of it, and he really couldn't complain about something like that.
He smiled, using the hand over his eyes to rest at the back of Bryce's neck, pulling him down to his lips, granting the blonde permission.
He felt Bryce's hands grip at his clothing, fingers playing with the fabric, tracing the hem of his black sweater, testing the waters before diving straight in.
Ryan smiled against Bryce's lips, his own fingers lost in Bryce's blonde strands of hair, subconsciously twisting some around his finger.
He heard Bryce mumble a small "I love you" as he pulled his mouth from the brunette's, half lidded eyes twinkling as he attached his lips to Ryan's neck, eliciting a rather sweet sound from the older male.
The hazel eyed man tightened his grip on Bryce's hair, managing to get out a rather weak "Love you, too" before another noise escaped his throat, this one a mix between a moan and a gasp, and he felt Bryce smile against his skin.
Bryce's grip on his shirt loosened and vanished as he slid his hand beneath the soft fabric, running pale fingers up and down Ryan's chest with feather light touches that sent Ryan into a state of bliss that made his body react against his will.
Small goosebumps raised on flesh and breathless whispers escaped his throat as Bryce's fingers splayed across his stomach, tapping against the skin, his mouth still very much occupied with Ryan's neck, and the brunette hissed, feeling Bryce sucking on the skin, no doubt leaving a mark that would be hard to cover up for the wedding in two days.
In the back of Ryan's mind, he scolded the taller male, but he couldn't seem to make the words fall from his lips, instead, only able to whisper sensual words into Bryce's ear as he continued torturing the brunette.
Ryan couldn't help but bite his lip to keep from moaning out, not wanting to be loud, in case any of their nosy friends were around.
After all, a certain masked clown loved interrupting the two during times like these, and Ryan wouldn't be surprised in the least if he made an appearance now.
Ryan pulled the blonde from his neck, his hands coming to rest on his cheeks, pulling him down to place light kisses on his forehead, fingers rubbing small circles into the smaller man's skin.
Bryce hummed in pleasure, smiling lightly as Ryan's lips met his earlobe, the slight tugging on it sending a shiver down Bryce's spine.
He spoke against Ryan's neck, voice breathless and filled with lustful promises that would surely be fulfilled later.
"You're distracting me from my job, Ryan."
Ryan chuckled, breath hot against the blonde's ear, "You can play later, Bryce. I can't be riddled with hickeys at Evan and Tyler's wedding."
Bryce huffed, laying his head against Ryan's chest and slowly removing his hand from the brunette's shirt, making sure to pause at the part where his sweater and pants met, brushing his hand lightly against Ryan's hip before pulling it out completely, resting it on his chest.
"You're no fun, Ohm."
Ryan smiled at the overused nickname, not even caring that he had said it once already.
"Our ideas of fun are a little different, Brycey." He paused, lips tracing Bryce's jaw before laying his head down on the ground, the blanket underneath him. "I don't think showing up to a formal event covered in love bites is all that acceptable."
He heard the small "hmph" escape from his lover's lips, followed by a quiet "then let's make it acceptable". His response was a chuckle and a flick to Bryce's head.
The blonde rolled his eyes, finding his mouth pressing against Ryan's Adam's Apple, pulling back quickly when he felt a familiar hand tighten on his waist, knowing full well that it was a warning.
Bryce pouted, his eyes sad and lips in a small pouty frown as he asked Ryan a question, the brunette sighing as he asked.
"So I'm not gonna be able to mark you for three whole days? How is anyone supposed to know you're mine?"
Ryan rolled his own eyes, his legs rubbing against Bryce's own, voice playful and tone light.
"Everybody already knows we're together, Bryce."
"Well, maybe I wanna make it extra clear that I love you, Ryan."
Ryan found himself blushing at this, and by the way Bryce was looking at him, the blonde saw the pink hue decorating his cheeks.
Ryan laughed it off, eyes traveling towards the sky as he thought about nothing in particular.
Bryce smiled, setting his head back on the hazel eyed man's chest and listening to the heart beat beneath the sweater, feeling fingers tracing lazy circles on the small of his back.
He found himself relaxing on the man laying beneath him, eyes fluttering shut as he felt the familiar wave of sleep wash over him, the past two nights' lack of slumber finally hitting him, and full force, nonetheless.
He heard Ryan chuckle and whisper a small "It's plenty clear that I love you." before sleep took him, ending his part of the "Brohm at Brohm Lake" date, not at all unhappy with the results.
Ryan glanced down at the sleeping form of his boyfriend, and he couldn't say that he was unhappy with the results, either. The exact opposite, really.
So, as he himself began to drop into a well needed nap, he only had two things crossing his mind:
A reminder to thank Tyler for setting them up, and the fact that he needed to find a way to cover the hickeys on his exposed neck.
He would deal with both things later, now was not the time to worry about something Bryce worked so hard to give him, after all.
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