Candy (Brohm)
A/N: This was supposed to be a Halloween oneshot, but I'm writing it on November 1st, and posting it on the 2nd, so it's a late oneshot.
Deal with it m8.
"I got two Reese's and a KitKat."
"Great, let's trade."
Bryce raised a brow, pulling his candy-filled hand away from his boyfriend's reaching grasp, giving him an appalled look before speaking, voice giving away his amusement.
"No way! You have those gross Whoppers that nobody likes and a crushed Heath bar that's probably melted and sticky."
Ohm reached for Bryce's hand again, but Bryce extended his left arm out so he couldn't come any closer.
They had gone trick or treating with Bryce's 10 year old cousin, as chaperones, but really it was just an excuse to see if they could get candy.
A few people were nice enough to ask if they wanted any, and at the night, they each had an armful.
Ohm had insisted on giving most of it to the kid, but Bryce had convinced him to let them keep some.
So, of course, Ohm had just blindly picked some, whereas Bryce had strategically picked all of the good ones.
2 candy bars, 4 Twizzlers, and a few Starbursts later, and Ohm was left with his reject pile, and he didn't want them.
With a "hmph" and a roll of his eyes, Ohm retreated, wrapping his purple trench coat around his naked chest tighter, tossing his shitty candy on the kitchen table, and crossing his arms over his chest, giving Bryce a rather sad expression.
He watched Bryce set his candy on the counter behind him and run a hand through his partially dyed hair, fingers blue and pink when he pulled them from his blonde locks.
"Don't give me that look, Ohm."
Ohm stared at him, hazel eyes conveying a message of neglect and sadness.
Bryce knew it was a trick, knew it was just so he could get what he wanted, but the blonde couldn't help himself from putting his bat on the floor and opening his arms to accept Ohm into a hug.
After all, he was his Puddin for the night.
Ohm wrapped his arms around Bryce's body, staying still for a moment, a small smile growing on his face as Bryce spoke, voice warning him.
"If I turn around and all of my candy is gone, I will hit you with that plastic bat."
Ohm couldn't help it as his smile grew, face moving to rest on the younger male's shoulder, eying the red packaging that his hand was oh so close to.
A few moments passed and Bryce became increasingly suspicious, he was about to speak when he felt Ohm's jaw moving, but no words coming out of his mouth.
And then he heard the crunching.
He pulled away from Ohm rather quickly, and none too gently, watching as the hazel eyed man swallowed and started laughing at the pissed look on his face.
Bryce narrowed his eyes, picking up the baseball bat and chasing after his partner, who had started running once he realized what Bryce was doing.
The blonde chased Ohm around the house, making quick turns and jumping over chairs to keep up.
"Ohm, I told you not to eat my candy!"
Ohm looked back over his shoulder, the Joker trench coat long gone, leaving him in nothing but his blue sweatpants and black sneakers as he did his best to evade the person behind him, and he couldn't help but think that Bryce was really capturing the essence of Harley Quinn.
"You said not to eat all of your candy, and I didn't!"
The bat came dangerously close to his head, and he turned a corner, ducking as the plastic weapon hit the wall, a small, harmless thud echoing throughout the house.
"I don't care, Ohm, you ate my candy! The Kit Kat, too! You know those are my favorite!"
Ohm hopped over the couch, running into the kitchen, stopping to catch his breath.
He put his hand on the table, leaning down as he took in huge gulps of air, heart racing and eyes gleaming with laughter.
He looked around, noticing the candy wrapper on the floor, and it sent him into another bout of laughter that had him smiling from ear to ear.
He noticed the absence of yelling and footsteps, and at first, he continued laughing, thinking Bryce was hiding, getting ready to jump him.
But then he heard groaning and the plastic bag hitting the floor, and he walked into the living room to see Bryce lying on his back behind the couch, staring up at the ceiling, one of his legs up on the piece of furniture.
Ohm couldn't help the cry inducing laughter that took a hold of him, and he held his stomach as he looked at his downed boyfriend, not able to contain himself.
Bryce blew a piece of pink hair out of his face, narrowing his eyes as he looked up at Ohm, crossing his arms over his chest and sighing, letting his foot fall to the ground.
He listened to Ohm's laughter for a few minutes before he snapped at him, feeling his arms for any bruises.
"It's not funny, Ohm. I could've seriously hurt myself."
Ohm wiped a tear from his eye before crouching down before Bryce, eying him and helping him sit up so he could feel for any more bruises on his back.
"It was a little funny, Bryce. I mean, you tripped over the couch while dressed up as a gender bent Harley. It looked hilarious."
The blonde rolled his eyes before turning so his back could face Ohm, his voice a little annoyed, but Ohm knew it was from embarrassment.
"Just shut up and check my back for marks."
Ohm did as he was told, lifting up Bryce's shirt to his shoulders, inspecting the area, feeling for tender spots and looking for bruises.
He pressed his fingers against a spot towards the bottom of his back, and Bryce spoke up, voice raising as Ohm pressed a little harder.
"That hurts, Ohm, like a lot."
Ohm pulled his hand away, looking at the area before coming to a conclusion.
"There's definitely gonna be a mark come tomorrow," he paused, smiling to himself and moving so he could look at the side of Bryce's face, "but on the bright side, unless you're shirt flies up, it'll be invisible to everyone else. And if they do see it, they'll just think I gave it to you."
He could see the pinkish hue take over Bryce's face, and he chuckled, which earned him a nudge and some words that he couldn't make out, but knew had something to do with him shutting up.
He helped Bryce up, not bothering to defend himself as Bryce whacked him on the head with the bat. His response was a sheepish smile and a shrug.
Bryce walked over to the table, leaning down to retrieve the candy wrapper that Ohm had gracefully left on the ground for him.
He tossed it into the trash before snatching up his two Reese's and putting them on top of the fridge, where he know Ohm wouldn't be able to reach them.
Not without a chair or something to step on, at least.
Ohm groaned, watching as Bryce pulled his hand away from the fridge, sending a half hearted glare towards the blue eyed male.
"That's just mean, Brycey."
Bryce shrugged, watching his boyfriend pout at the table before sitting down on the counter, for once, his feet not touching the ground.
Ryan looked up at him, eyes narrowing and lips in a slim line. He didn't need to be reminded of how short he was. Bryce was just making it worse.
"Wow, Bryce. You're horrible, you know that?"
"I know." He proclaimed with a smile, legs kicking back and forth, fingers searching for his phone.
He found the smooth edges of his unprotected iPhone, pulling it towards him and unlocking it, smiling a bit at the fact that the passcode was Ohm's age and birthday.
It was a little thing that they did. If you were to peek over Ohm's shoulder and read his passcode, you would notice that it was Bryce's own age and birthday, too.
Ohm refused to wear any matching outfits with Bryce, he thought it was over the top, so Bryce compensated for it with this.
Little matching passcodes.
Ohm's voice pulled Bryce from his thoughts, and the blonde's smile widened just a bit at the older male's words.
"Now I can't even kiss you. Terrible."
Bryce looked up from a his phone, finishing the tweet he was putting out before raising a brow at Ohm, disagreeing.
"I'm sure you could figure out a way to kiss me if you really wanted."
Ohm cocked his head to the left, raising his own brow, looking Bryce up and down for a few seconds.
He sighed, stepping forward so he was in between Bryce's legs, his eyes level with the blonde's chest, and not at all happy about it.
"I'm not gonna reach up to kiss you, Bryce."
Bryce looked down at his partner, eyes gleaming with amusement as he met Ohm's gaze, voice showing his emotion.
"Why not, Ohm?"
"Because I'm not."
"I lean down to kiss you all the time. We can switch things up sometimes."
Ohm huffed, licking his lips and looking towards Bryce's phone for a second, noticing the many Twitter notifications currently dominating the screen.
"We already switch things up in the bedroom."
Bryce rolled his eyes, the blush from earlier coming back, but he ignored it, his legs resting on the back of Ohm's own, resorting to bribery.
"What if I gave you my candy?"
This caught Ohm's interest, and his head went up to look Bryce in his ocean blue eyes, his own hazel eyes switching between the fridge and Bryce.
The blonde chuckled, and Ohm smiled up at him as he reached over and retrieved one of the Reese's from the top of the fridge, holding it in front of Ohm.
Ohm reached up for it, but Bryce pulled it back, tsking at him and smiling lightly.
"I want my kiss first, Joker."
Ohm sighed lightly, lifting his head up and standing on his tip toes so he could reach Bryce's face, noticing that Bryce still had to lean down a little bit to reach him.
He placed his hands on the counter to lift himself up a tiny bit more, and his lips pressed against Bryce's in a relatively short kiss that left Bryce somewhat disappointed.
Ohm went to take the candy from Bryce, but the blonde shook his head, putting it behind him and reconsidering.
"I want a real kiss, Ohm."
At this, Ohm rolled his eyes, lifting himself up again so he could give Bryce what he wanted, but not before his sarcastic voice broke through the air.
"Whatever you say, Harley."
Bryce was about to come back with his own words, but he was cut off by Ohm's soft lips latching onto his own, one hand coming to rest at the back of his neck, fingers touching the tips of blue and pink hair.
Bryce ran his own hand down Ohm's bare back, coming to rest at the bottom of his back, fingers squeezing lightly at his skin, causing a slight gasp from Ohm, but that didn't stop him from continuing.
Ohm successfully got Bryce's bottom lip between his teeth, tugging and sucking lightly, pulling small moans and other sounds from Bryce's throat,
working his way towards more.
Bryce's nails dug into Ohm's back, but Ohm reveled in the feeling, the slight pain bringing him more pleasure.
He let go of Bryce's lip, tongue dipping into his mouth, battling with Bryce's own for dominance.
Bryce's free hand moved to cup the side of Ohm's face, skin warm against the older male's cheek.
The brunette let his tongue run across the top of Bryce's mouth before he pulled away, the need for oxygen becoming stronger than his need for the blonde's lips.
He went to step back, but Bryce's legs on his own tightened, and he was forced to stay in the small area Bryce was providing him with.
The blonde's hand slipped from his face, reaching behind him to the piece of candy that he had been saving.
He unwrapped it in front of Ohm, raising it between them. Ohm took it with his teeth, half of the chocolate peanut butter treat still outside of his mouth.
Bryce leaned down, lips on Ohm's, biting the chocolate and pulling away quickly, leaving Ohm with only half of his payment.
Ohm sighed, but couldn't help the smile that spread onto his face as he ate his prize.
He looked up at Bryce when he was done, pressing a small kiss to his jaw before speaking against his face.
"You ate my payment."
"Only half."
He left a single kiss on Bryce's throat, pulling back and pulling his hands from the younger's hair, noticing that the dye had come off on his fingers a bit.
"You still owe me the other half."
Bryce nodded, looking to the clock that read 10:34 PM. Luke and Jonathan were coming over in an hour and a half, but if him and Ohm were quick enough, he could still have time to pick up a movie from the Redbox for them all to watch.
"Do you accept other forms of payment?"
Ohm hummed at this, looking back towards their shared bedroom and shrugging, his eyes glinting with excitement.
"It depends what it is."
Bryce nodded, removing his legs from Ohm and hopping off the counter, gripping his hand gently.
"Well then, let me show you, Puddin."
With that, Bryce dragged Ohm to the bedroom, using their free time to show his lover what the mystery payment really was, the brunette enjoying every second of it.
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