Young Lovers
A/n- This oneshot is gonna include every ship rather than just one. The title won't have a ship name and that's how you know it's an all ship oneshot. If you guys like this type of oneshot I might do it again. Anyways, enjoy!
The cool Tuesday morning air was still. Cars pulled up to the small elementary school one by one until it was packed. Fumes from gas filled the air along with annoyed and angry car horns. A kid with curly brown hair and black glasses got out of his moms car, waving her goodbye. He stood under a large, orange and yellow tree waiting for his friends. Another car pulled up making the boy smile. A boy with brown hair and a band aid on his face got out and smiled when his eyes landed on the boy under the tree. He said goodbye to someone and ran towards the other boy.
"Hey Craig!" The boy shouted excitedly.
"Hi Tyler!" Craig responded.
When Tyler was finally by Craig, he pulled the other boy into a hug. They giggled and Craig gave Tyler a kiss on the cheek, knowing it would be the only time he could today, unless they were alone. Tyler and Craig had been secretly dating since third grade when Tyler gave Craig a special gift on Valentine's Day.
"Jonathan! Luke! Wait for me!" A voice cried out.
Tyler and Craig looked over at the boy and saw their friend Evan trying to catch up to his other friends. The boys, Jonathan and Luke, stopped and turned around. Jonathan waved and bounced on his heels in an excited way, with a wide grin on his face. Luke simply waved at they boy running towards them.
"Hey Evan! How are you?" Jonathan asked Evan, who was tired from running.
"I'm good," He saw Tyler and Craig by the tree, "Oh, yeah, let's go over to the tree."
Jonathan and Luke nodded in response. Jonathan grabbed Evan's hand since they were already openly dating. The three boys made their way over to Tyler and Craig in a short, silent, walk. Once they arrived at the oak tree, the boys exchanged some greetings.
"BOO!" Multiple voices shouted at the group causing them to jump in suprise.
They all turned toward the voices and saw their friends Marcel, Brock, Brian, Lui, David, Bryce and Ryan. (A/n I was done with introductions, if that wasn't obvious.)
"Wow. Classic, guys," Luke said while rolling his eyes.
The group laughed for a minute before breaking off into random conversations. It was seven fifty five now and the boys decided to head to class, not wanting to be yelled at by their teacher.
"Last one to the classroom is a rotten egg!" Marcel challenged and sprinted off to the classroom.
"Oh no you don't!" Luke yelled, running after him.
The rest of the boys rolled their eyes and laughed at the two boys. Every day Marcel would challenge the group about something and the only one who would participate was always Luke. Everyone had started shipping them, finding it cute.
"When are they gonna admit they're in love?" Brain asked.
Brock hit his shoulder lightly, "Don't rush true love!"
"It's not rushed love if it already is love," Bryce said with a giggle.
"Wow Bryce, that's really smart," Ryan complimented Bryce, as he always does.
David rolled his eyes, "Everyone needs to confess their love at this point."
"Yeah but everyone also needs to start heading to class before we're late!" Lui stated.
The boys stayed quite and nodded. Once arriving at the classroom they saw Luke and Marcel arguing.
"No, I won!" Marcel argued.
"I totally won, not you!" Luke countered.
"Would you two morons stop fighting like a married couple?" Tyler questioned causing the boys to blush.
"We aren't dating!"
Tyler smirked, "I didn't say you were. I said you were fighting like a married couple. I never said you were dating."
Marcel's face grew a brighter shade of red and stayed silent. The other boys silently high fived Tyler while making their way into the classroom. Ms. Jackson, their teacher, was behind her desk reading something on her computer. The group made their way over to a clump of desks on the left side of the room. The whole school district had to get involved for all of their desks to be put together like that, but that's another story.
"Wait, what's that?" Jonathan asked, pointing to a note on Lui's desk.
Lui shrugged and grabbed the note. All the boys grouped around him, waiting for an answer.
"It's.." His eyes widened as he finished reading, "A love note."
All of the boys gasped in surprise. Not one of them had every recieved a love note before and no one else talked to them.
"Who's it from?" Craig asked the question everyone wanted to know.
"Uh... I... well I," Lui paused and grew red, "I can't tell you!
"Why not?" Ryan asked.
"Because it's from my boyfriend!" Lui said quickly covered his mouth with wide eyes.
Questions and shouts flew through the air. Lui blushed and covered his face, completely embarrassed. David stayed quiet and grew annoyed at his friends so he spoke up.
"Guys, stop!" He yelled.
They all went quiet causing David to sigh, "I'm... Lui's boyfriend," He stated and grabbed Lui's hand who was now very suprised.
Everyone grinned and started congratulating them. They couple blushed and replied with a simple thank you to everyone. Tyler tugged on Craig's shirt, pulling him to the side.
"Should we tell them?" He whispered.
Craig thought for a minute, "Let's let them figure it out," He replied and grabbed Tyler's hand.
Tyler grinned, causing his nose to wrinkle up. They made their way back over to their friends who didn't even notice they left.
"Okay class! Settle down and take your seats. I have a few problems on the board I want you all to do if you haven't already," Ms. Jackson directed.
The group of boys groaned under their breath and got to work. It was fairly simple for almost all of the boys. Everyone had finished except for Jonathan who was scribbling intensely just to erase it all violently. They offered to help him, but he just waved them off. Evan got concerned about him when he pulled at his hair in frustration. He grabbed his left hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of his hand to calm him down. It seemed to work and helped Jonathan concentrate a bit better.
Luke heard a few whispers to his side and looked over at Ryan and Bryce who were talking about something. Bryce bit his lip and nodded. He reached into his desk and pulled out a piece of blank paper. Ryan grabbed it and wrote something on the paper and quickly flipped it over so no one could see what was written.
Finally Jonathan finished working and sighed causing the group to smile at him. Bryce and Ryan looked nervous about something which caught the groups attention fairly quickly. Bryce snatched the piece of paper from Ryan, flipped it over, and put it on the middle of their desks.
'BRYCE AND I ARE DATING' was written on the page, covering it up completely. The group was shocked at the fact that two couples had come out to them in the matter of minutes. Everyone applauded them quietly. Their peers stared and looked at them funny for suddenly talking.
"Okay kids! Let's go over the problems on the board."
The morning went by fast like it always seems to. All the boys were so focused on the two couples who finally admitted their relationship to the group, they didn't notice Craig and Tyler holding hands.
Finally it was time for the best part of the day. Recess. Kids got up and rushed to grab their coats.
"I'll get your coat for you Craig," Tyler said.
Craig smiled, showing his teeth, "Thanks!"
The rest of the group had their coats on already and was waiting for their two other friends by the door. Tyler grabbed both coats and rushed over to Craig, handing him his coat.
"Thank you Tyler," Craig said again and kissed Tyler on the cheek.
A loud gasp filled the air, "Excuse me but that is not allowed in this classroom!" Ms. Jackson blurted out.
"Why not?" Tyler asked glaring at the teacher.
"Because I'm the teacher and I said so!"
"That's not-!"
"What's going on here?" Brian asked with the rest of the group behind him.
"I kissed Craig in the cheek and she said it's not allowed," Tyler blurted out making their friends go crazy.
"THREE COUPLES IN ONE DAY?!" Marcel yelled in shock.
Ms. Jackson's face went red with anger, "WHAT?! MORE OF YOU ARE DATING?!"
The boys laughed at her, "Yeah and it's normal so get over it!" Brock told the teacher which suprised her since Brock never talked back.
"I'll show you how normal it is!" Brian stated grabbing Brock's hand and kissing his cheek.
The group went absolutely insane. They shouted, jumped around, and shook each other in excitement.
"FOUR! NOW IT'S FOUR!" The boys shouted.
Their teacher gave up and just dismissed everyone to recess.
"Race you guys outside!" Marcel shouted once again running off.
"Cheater!" Luke yelled and ran right behind him.
"Now we wait for the fifth couple to come out," David said causing the group to nod and laugh.
That day recess was filled with stories about how the couples got together. Everyone sat closely to try and receive body heat from one other. The once still wind was now violently blowing creating a rumor about a tornado approaching, but they boys weren't scared.
They knew everything would be okay because they had each other.
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