Minicat- Eyes
A/n- This oneshot is based off an actual conversation between CATATTACK1234 and I. Check out her stories because she's an amazing author. (The whole story is not based off our conversation. Just the first part is.) Enjoy!
Craig's POV
The house was suspiciously quiet. Normally I'd be here on the couch aimlessly watching television while my boyfriend Tyler would record. But there was no screaming, talking, or smart remarks ringing through the house like usual. I brushed it off, thinking he was just setting up his screen to record and what not. It wasn't until Tyler came bursting into the living room that I realized just how wrong I was.
"I'VE BEEN LIED TO MY WHOLE LIFE!" Tyler shouted with a pale face.
"What are y-."
"What the actual fuck," I mumbled under my breath.
Tyler rushed over to the couch and sat on his knees, facing me, "SEE?!" He gently put his forehead on mine so I could see his eyes better.
I looked at his eyes and was actually shocked. His eyes were a light hazel color instead of a electric blue. I examined his eye farther and noticed the familiar blue color on the outer rim of his pupil and iris. My mind searched for an answer and I soon had two possible explanations.
"Well, eyes can change color when the pigment in your iris condenses but it only slightly changes the eye color. Your eye color can also change depending on your emotion. It could be anger, love, etcetera," I explained almost whispering.
Tyler leaned back a bit, "How are you so smart?" He asked.
I laughed, "I'm not. Just have a bunch of random knowledge shoved into my brain somewhere."
He looked at me, unconvinced, "Pretty sure that makes you smart, babe."
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, you dork. Anyways, what were you doing before you noticed your eyes changed color?"
A wide grin accompanied by a blush grew on his face, "I was sitting in my chair wondering how I got so lucky to have you in my life."
"I'm the one who's lucky," I said with a blush growing on my face.
Tyler pulled me into a tight embrace that I melted into. We ended up cuddling on the couch staring into each other's eyes. His eyes were now a brighter hazel than before, with almost no evidence that there was every any blue in the handsome mans eyes. I sighed happily and layed my head into the crook of his neck.
"Your eyes are a brighter hazel color now," I told him lazily.
Tyler only hummed and cuddled me closer in response.
"Most people find green or hazel eyes the most attractive eye color than other. So I'm guessing that you're eyes change to hazel when you feel love. It would make sense too because a lot of people are attracted to it and you were thinking about me when it happened," I ranted on.
"Well fuck."
I moved my head to see his face again and raised my eyebrow at his sudden change in mood.
"I guess I'm never gonna have my blue eyes again because I'll always be in love with you."
I felt my face go bright red within seconds, "I'll love you until the world ends," I responded.
Tyler smiled and pulled me into a kiss. It was passionate and full of love. Every worry, thought and question drifted away from us. It felt like we the only ones on earth. It was beautiful.
Weeks passed by quickly. It was weird at first, with Tyler having a completely different eye color, but I adjusted fairly quickly. Everyone was a bit confused as to why it changed and when we tried to explain why it was different, some didn't believe us. Honestly, I didn't care about if those people didn't believe us. That opinion was drowned out with the amount of people literally screaming about their otp being real.
One day I was sitting in the living room while Tyler was still asleep. He had been up recording and editing for so long the night before that I didn't have the heart to wake him up. My hands ran through my curly morning hair that desperately needed to be combed. I sat up and stretched about to get up for a comb when a loud scream echoed throughout the dim house.
I shot up and ran into the bedroom I share with Tyler. He was slowly swaying back and forth, like he could pass out at any moment, with his eyes darting around the room.
"Tyler! What's wrong?! What happened?!" I shouted with concern.
"Craig?" His eyes moved around the area I was standing but never stayed on me," Craig.."
"What's wrong Tyler?" My nerves were slowly building up and I was praying he wasn't gonna say what I thought.
"I..." He let out a sob with tears now streaming down his face, "I can't see... Anything!"
A pool of tears escaped by eyes, "No, no, no Tyler we have to get you to the doctors r-" I cut myself off and my eyes widened.
Tyler panicked, "W-what? What's wrong? What is it?!"
"You're eyes," I paused, "They're blue."
The blue eyes I hadn't seen in so long were back, but they weren't the electric, livid color they once were. These were light and empty. They held so much emotion and none at the same time. It was terrifying.
"What? How?" Pure shock was spread across Tyler's face.
"I-I don't know," My voice was weak," It doesn't matter right now! We need to get to the hospital!"
I frantically leaded Tyler to the car. He was stumbling and cursing but he looked so sad. I pang of sadness rushed over me accompanied by a wave of fear. What did this mean? How did this happen? Is it some type of diease? Am I dreaming? No... God, I don't know.
The car ride to the hospital was quick since I was speeding most of the time. Luckily I didn't get pulled over. I saw a big sign on the side of the hospital reading 'EMERGENCY' in bright red letters. Once I parked my car beside the front doors my instincts kicked in and I jumped out of the car. My hands fumbled trying to get Tyler out of the car. Every part of me was shaking. Tyler was attempting to calm me down but I couldn't. Once he was out of the car I took his hand and rushed inside.
A nurse saw the panicked look I had and the tears streaming down my face, making her rush over to me immediately, "What's the emergency, hun?" Her voice was soft and soothing.
"M-my boyfriend can't s-see and we do-on't know wh-y!" I sobbed.
Multiple doctors rushed over to us along with another nurse rolling a wheelchair. I felt a bit of relief knowing we wouldn't have to wait out her, but that couldn't stop the waterfall of tears streaming down my roses cheeks.
The woman frowned and spoke again, "It's okay. We'll run some tests and see what the issue is, okay?"
"T-thank you."
"Just doing my job, hun."
I gave Tyler a quick kiss and told him I'd be by his side as soon as the doctors would let me. He finally broke down and started sobbing. I hugged him tightly and rubbed my hands down his back, with tears threatening to spill out of my own eyes again. Once Tyler had calmed down a bit the doctors took him back to run the tests. It was painful to watch him be rolled out of the room, looking so lost.
What seemed like eons passing by, was only an hour or less. I knew I had puffy red eyes and my chest ached. People stared at me from every direction. Most were sympathetic looks and others were hate. They thought I didn't have it that bad compared to them. I could tell because of the look in their eyes. The look I used to give people like me.
"Mr. Thompson?" A voice called out.
My head snapped toward the voice, "Yes?"
The same nurse from before smiled at me, "Follow me."
I eagerly walked toward the lady. She lead me down a hallway until we reached an elevator. She pressed the up button and we waited for the elevator.
"Thank you again Ms... uh," I blushed realizing I didn't know her name.
She laughed, "Mrs. Opalla. But, please, call me Harley."
I nodded, "Thanks Harley."
Harley grinned as the elevator door opened. She had this sad look in her eye that was bothering me. We got in and Harley pressed a button to take us to one of the floors. My head raced with anticipation. Each second seemed to last for years. I just wanted to see Tyler. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted him to know everything was alright.
The doors opened once again and Harley lead me down a narrow hall. A shout was heard in one of the rooms behind us making me tense up slightly. Harley didn't seemed fazed at all by the shout. We stopped at room three hundred and twenty nine. Harley stepped aside, letting me go in alone. I smiled at her and opened the door. Out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw her cry.
Tyler was laying on a hospital bed with his eyes staring at the ceiling. Still blue. Still so... empty.
"Craig?" Tyler's weak voice spoke.
I jumped slightly, "Yeah. It's me."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
I moved over to him and held his hand, "What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything."
He shook his head, "I'm going to die."
The world stopped. The weight I'd been trying to push off my shoulders returned with even more weight than before. I didn't believe any of it. I'm dreaming. Please, someone, tell me I'm dreaming.
"No. N-no Tyler. You can't die. H-how? Why," My mind and voice got jumbled together.
Tears escaped his eyes, "They said it's a new diease spreading. The first symptom is your eyes change colors. Then you go blind. They said that must've happened while I was asleep. I'm so sorry Craig."
"How long?" My voice was weak.
He paused, "They said ten minutes at most."
I had enough so I cried. I cried and cried. My body was violently shaking. For a moment I felt like I was young again. I thought my parents were gonna come in the room and beat me again for being weak. Every bad thing came back to me. Tyler was the only thing that kept me sane. Kept me happy. Now I was losing him.
Tyler started crying and sat up, "Please stop crying Craig. This isn't how I want to remember you when I'm gone."
I violently rubbed my eyes, "O-okay. I'm sorry."
He smiled with tears still running down his face, "Don't be sorry."
I put my hand on his cheek and wiped away his tears. He layed back down and sighed. The room was quiet. I hate the silence.
"You know what? The last thing I remember seeing is your beautiful face. Our foreheads pressed up against each others as you feel asleep in my arms. I kissed your cheek making you smile so beautifully. I remember thinking about our future. How you could have chose anyone but you chose me. I remember reminding myself to thank Brock for helping us get together. I remembered just how much in love I am with you. Then I feel asleep with you."
Tyler's words created a lump in my throat. I forced back the tears. It was hard knowing you'll never experience that again. It's hard knowing the one you love most is dying and you can't do anything. It's hard knowing you'll have to tell everyone what happened. It's hard knowing you will never be the same again.
"I love you so much Tyler," I squeezed his hand tightly.
"I'll always love you more, Craig."
I let out a weak laugh remembering how we'd argue about who loved the other more. It always turned out to be that we loved each other equally even if we couldn't believe it at the time.
Tyler's breathing slowed down making my heart pound. I didn't want this. I calmed down and kissed Tyler on the lips. It was long and full of love. Full of love that I'd long for until I died. I pulled back and Tyler smiled with his eyes still trying to find something. See something.
Tyler's eyes closed and his breathing slowed down more. My grip tightened, hoping it would do something. Anything. But it didn't. I kissed Tyler's left arm. It was something I did to let him know I was okay. To let him know I loved him. To let him know he was the only one for me. To let him know I was here.
His breathing stopped but his smile stayed.
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