H2Ovanoss- What You Don't Know
Delirious' POV
The cool but warm summer air blew softly across my face as I walked outside. It was a bit sunny with only a few clouds in the sky. Sighing, I took off my shirt and walked towards my pool. This is the place I almost always went just to clear my mind. I'd stay in here for hours. Long enough that the tips of my fingers and toes would get extremely wrinkly. I put one foot in the water and it was surprisingly cold. The colder the better.
I went further into the water until the water had passed my belly button. Without hesitation I dunked my whole body under the water and just sat at the bottom. I started thinking about everything stressful or confusing that I needed to just clear out of my thoughts. The one thing I could never seem to clear out my mind was my seemingly life long crush, Evan. Before I knew it he was the only thing I could think about. I shook my head slightly trying to get him out of my mind but it didn't work. Finally my lungs were screaming for air so I burst out of the water and took a big gulp of the air as I reached the surface. Then I heard loud clapping from behind me.
I turned around still panting and saw my best friend Luke standing there. I felt a wave of relief run through my body when I saw him. He had a key to my house so it didn't confuse me as to how he got in my house.
"Wow. That's gotta be your new record. You were under there for about four minutes dude. What's on your mind?" Luke said while walking over to the poolside.
"The usual," I replied and walked over to him.
"Evan taking up most of your thoughts, huh?"
Luke could read me like an open book, "Yep," I pushed my self out of the pool and sat next his feet with my legs dangling in the clear water.
He rolled up his pants just above his knees, "You need to just tell him how you feel already," Luke put his legs in the water like I had, "Then you two can just fuck already without me having to put up with your worrying."
I rolled my eyes, "As if he'd like me back. He's straight, Luke."
"If he's straight then I must be the gayest man alive."
"What do you mean by that?" I questioned.
Luke sighed, "I'm going to tell you this really slowly so you can process this... Evan. Is. Bi. Sexual."
I looked at him with an unamused look, "You can't seriously think-" I was cut of by Luke's phone in my face.
"Read it and weep."
I grabbed the phone from his hands and my eyes widened at what I read.
Evan- Hey Luke. I need to tell you something. Do you have some time?
Luke- Of course man. What's up?
Evan- I'm bi.
Luke- That's it? Dude I already figured you were! I appreciate you telling me though. How long have you been hiding this from me?
I started to move my finger to scroll down and read more but Luke grabbed his phone back before I could.
"The rest is more...private. Now I think you should text him about this."
I nodded and stood up, "I've already decided what I'm going to do."
His eyes widened knowing what I meant, "You sure you're ready for that? I'm not telling you not to do it, just wanna make sure your positive about this."
"I am."
He smiled, "Alright then."
Luke left soon after our conversation. My heart was beating like crazy and my mind was clouded with my thoughts again. I was tempted to just go in the pool again but I shook it off. I had to do this now or I was never going to do it. I went upstairs and got on my computer. As soon as I got on Skype I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Evan was the only other person on. I sent him a message asking if we could talk in a call.
Every second that passes seemed like hours. My fingers lightly touched the keys as a nervous habit I have. Soon he replied with a simple, 'Of course'. A ringing filled my ears and my face popped up on the screen along with a message telling me Evan was Skyping me. Letting out a shaky sigh I pressed accept.
"Hey m-" Evan started to say but cut himself off.
His eyes widened and his lips were slightly parted as if he was going to speak. I felt the nerves in my body tense up and I tried to look anywhere but his soft brown eyes.
"Uh, hey." I replied weakly.
"Damn. How are you so hot?" Evan stated mindlessly. He must've realized what he said when my eyes widened.
I laughed trying to let off some of the tension, "I was born this way."
He laughed at what I'd said and I noticed how his face scrunched up in the most adorable way possible. God, I'm falling more in love with this man as the seconds pass.
"So, uh, what are you doing? Other than talking to me of course," He asked and I noticed he started typing something on his keyboard.
"I just got out of the pool not to long ago and I haven't really been doing anything since then."
"Oh so that's why your hair's all wet."
"Yeah. What are you doing?" I asked back.
"Well I was going to play some GTA, but it seems now I'm going to have to pack since I just booked a flight to North Carolina," He replied casually.
"Oh o- WAIT WHAT?!" I slightly yelled.
"Yep. I'll be there in..."He checked something on his computer, "Six hours."
"Okay, why the hell did you just book a flight to North Carolina?!" I was extremely confused.
"Well now that I've seen your face I need to make up for the time I could've been hanging out with you," A red color grew on his tan cheeks.
"O-oh okay," I mentally scolded myself for stuttering.
"Well I better pack my stuff. See you soon."
"Yeah. See you soon. I-" I stopped myself before I could finish.
"You what?"
I blushed, "Oh nothing."
"Okay... Bye."
I pressed the button to end the call and immediately put my hands on my face. I almost said those three words I've been wanting to say for so long. Too long, maybe. I only got the first word. I guess it's a start. For now though what he doesn't know, won't hurt him.
Might make a part two of this because it was kinda left off at a cliffhanger but not really. Idk. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! :3
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