Brohm- Late
Bryce's POV
"And stay out you piece of shit!"
My mothers words rang through me head as I replayed that moment over and over in my mind. I had finally told my mom I was gay and she didn't respond as I thought she would. She screamed, hit, and even spit on me before she kicked me out for good. The tears in the corner of my eyes built up as I walked nowhere in particular. My boss, Greg, had told me if things went south with my mother I could stay with him, so I knew where I was going later. For now I just wanted to walk.
I wasn't sure how long I had been walking for, but it must've been awhile because I had arrived at the park. My bosses house wasn't far from here so I figured I'd wonder around for awhile. I stared at the lush green leaves and beautiful blossomed roses. Although everything was astonishing, nothing quite took my breath away like the man I saw sitting on a park bench.
His brown eyes sparkled with joy and content. He had short brown hair that I was tempted to run my fingers through. I wasn't sure as to why, but everything about him is so interesting and beautiful. My heart wanted to talk to him but nerves got the best of me and I continued making my way to my Greg's house.
When I arrived at the familiar light blue house I became nervous. I had doubts that he would actually let me in, even though he had promised he would. The reasonable part of me knew I'd be fine and he would let me in, but my anxiety tried to block out my reasonable side. I definitely didn't want to return home, not like I could anyways, so I finally walked up to his door and rang the doorbell.
Within second Greg opened the door and I smiled sheepishly. I was embarrassed for seeming so desperate that I had to stay with my own boss. He smiled kindly and moved out of the way so i could come in. It was sad that he didn't even have to ask why I was here. I stepped into the house and looked at Greg.
"Thank you," my voice came out hoarse and deep.
Greg looked at me empathetically, "Don't mention it. I know what it's like."
I decided not to press on and ask him about what has happened to him before. Greg shut and locked the door and then told me to follow him. I listened and followed him throughout the small house. A few days ago I had been here to talk about things at my home with him. We talked in his living room, which is right by the front door, so I didn't really get to see his whole house until now.
"You can stay in this room for now," he spoke while opening the door to an average size guest room.
The walls were bare and painted a dark red color. The bed had a black duvet and two black pillows lying neatly on top. A small window facing the bed brought little rays of light into the room. The only other thing there was a small, dark, oak dresser. The thought of having to return home and get my things suddenly haunted my mind. I didn't want to go back there ever again but I certainly needed my clothes and the other miscellaneous items that belong to me. My lips pursed up slightly before falling to a tight straight line on my face.
"Thank you," I repeated without turning to him.
A hand rested on my shoulder, "Seriously, you don't need to thank me for anything. If anything it's nice to have a roommate. Now why don't you get some rest, okay?"
I simply nodded my head and entered the room with my back still turned to him, "Just yell if you need something," Greg stated simply before shutting the door.
My body practically collapsed onto the bed. It was softer and comfier than I first thought it would be. I rolled over so my back was pressed up against the bed and my head rested on one of the pillows. My hands gripped at the duvet as tears slipped out of my eyes that were now squeezed tightly together. I exhaled with a shaky breath and brought my left arm over my eyes. It wasn't long until I fell asleep, completely clothed and atop of the silky duvet.
I woke up as the sun started to rise, meaning it was about seven in the morning. My back ached from laying flat on my spine than on my side, which was how I usually slept. I sat up and stretched resulting in my back to pop in several places. The urge to go back to sleep was tempting but I knew I wouldn't get anymore rest for awhile. As my legs swung over the edge of my bed a knock came from the door.
"Come in," I lightly spoke.
Greg opened the door slightly, peeking his head inside. A smile formed on his face as his eyes met my dull, glassy ones.
"Hey, I have some clothes of mine for you to wear. They may be a bit big but hopefully they'll work until we get the rest of your stuff."
I didn't want to think about that for much longer so I simply nodded and stood up to get the clothes. He handed a small, neatly folded stack of clothes to me.
"The shower is just across the hall if you want to take a shower or something," Greg told me and shut the door.
Instead of doing as Greg suggested, I just changed in my room. The clothes were a bit baggy but still fit nicely. For awhile I simply stood in the middle of the room. Reality was starting to cave into my mind and I still wasn't ready to accept that this was real. I didn't want to accept that this was my life now.
As I felt the tears stinging the corner of my eyes I suddenly remembered the man at the park. The fact that he had found peace and freedom in solitude calmed my mind. I yearned to have the tranquility he did.
Those thoughts helped lead my body back to that light wooden bench where I sat for hours, with my mind completely blank. A strange, welcoming, feeling had engulfed my mind and I tried to hold onto it. I didn't know how long the feeling was there but it dissipated when I saw the same man who had involuntarily lead me back here.
"Hey," his deep voice came out gently. "Is that seat taken?" he gestured next to me.
I shook my head no and he sat down a bit closer than a normal stranger would. My skin tingled and my cheeks flushed at the close proximity the man was to me. He had this magical effect on me that confused me, but also fascinated me.
I felt his eyes shift to the side of my head, "My name's Ryan by the way."
I turned and our gaze connected for a second, "Bryce."
He subtly leaned closer to me, "Pretty name."
"Uh, thanks," I responded with heat rising to my cheeks.
"So, Bryce," he slurred, "want to walk around with me?"
The question was a bit random and not at all the thing I had initially thought he was going to say, but I accepted anyway. It started off with silence filling the space between us. I wasn't sure what to say or do so I kept walking. After time, however, we became emersed in conversation and laughter. My heart had lifted and I felt okay for a moment. Unfortunately, it was only for a moment.
"Ah damn, I need to go," Ryan mumbled.
"Oh alright, will I see you tomorrow?"
He grinned, "Of course."
Weeks turned into months of Ryan and I walking around the park doing crazy things. I had become more open with him and was finally starting to feel settled at Greg's home. Things were looking up and I was ready to accept my new life. Today was a normal day of causing a small amount of mayhem at the park, until Ryan grabbed my hand.
I turned and looked at him, "Ryan?"
He licked his lip slightly, "Listen, Bryce, I really like you. More than I like anyone else. I know I sound cliché but... you mean so much to me."
My eyes opened wider at his words and before I knew it his lips were pressed up against mine. I was shocked and frozen at first but eventually kissed him back. As he pulled back with a smile on his face I let out a small huff while resting my forehead against his.
"Took you long enough," I whispered.
He kissed me again as a response.
The next day I arrived to the park in a joyful mood. I couldn't wait to talk to Ryan today and even possibly go on a date somewhere with him. When I reached the bench I noticed Ryan wasn't there yet so I sat down and waited. Ten minutes turned into an hour before I knew it. My nerves grew in fear that he was hurt, sick or worse. I shook off the thoughts and waited longer. Hour after hour passed and soon the sun was almost completely set and gone. A tear rolled down my cheek as I stood up and walked back home.
The next few days all stayed the same, with no sign of Ryan anywhere. I wondered if he was only playing with me, trying to ruin me. I couldn't reason why he would do that to me, but it seemed to be happening anyway. Emotions got the best of me as I burst into tears, not caring who could see me cry. I was ashamed and worthless but I still kept a glimmer of hope deep in my heart.
He had been gone for two weeks; today marked the fifth-tenth day without a trace of Ryan anywhere. My mind subconsciously lead me on my route to the park but I halted when I reached a crossroad. I knew exactly where the other path lead me to and decided to follow the path, even if it wasn't a smart or reasonable choice.
The first thing that made me aware of where I was was the loud, roaring water. My brain snapped me back to reality and I wished it hadn't. I was standing in the railing of a bridge where a rapid river rested underneath it. Silent tears feel down my face as I wondered how I ended up here. I was getting better, I truly was, but my hope had been ultimately crushed.
My foot stepped outward as a voice yelled out, "Bryce, no! Stop!"
I turned and saw him on the other side of the bridge running toward me. Before I could balance myself, a gust of wind knocked me off balance causing my body to fall off the edge. The air blew around me and the gravity pushed me farther to my doom. The last thing I remembered was hearing Ryan yelling to me and the tears spilling out of my eyes because I was a second too late.
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