BasicallyIDoToonz- Sick Day
Requested by amdivis06!
Luke's POV
I slowly opened my eyes to see the blurry morning sun coming through the window. My muscles ached from not moving for hours. I stretched and rolled over expecting to see my boyfriend Marcel by my side, but there was just an empty space. A loud clang came from downstairs so I assumed he was making breakfast. My lips curled up into a smile. I ripped the covers off my sheet and shivered from the sudden cold air. Forcing myself out of bed, I went downstairs.
When I entered the kitchen my mouth opened in shock. There, in the middle of the kitchen, stood a pale and shaking Marcel. When he noticed I had entered he turned around and reached into the cupboard. Only one thought went through my mind. He's sick.
"Babe, you don't look to good," I simply said and moved over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Don't worry, 'm fine," He replied.
I frowned, "You don't sound or look fine."
"Did you just call me ugly?"
I rolled my eyes, "No I mean you look and sound terribly sick. Now go sit down on the couch and let me get the thermometer."
He groaned, "I'm seriously okay."
"I don't care if you think you're okay because I know you aren't. So, please, go sit down."
Marcel huffed but went into the living room and sat down anyways. I smiled and opened the medicine cabinet. After a minute of searching I found the cold thermometer behind some Tylenol. I went into the living room to find Marcel laying on the couch with his eyes closed.
I spoke softly, "Hey, I need to take your temperature now."
His eyes fluttered open as he sat up, "Open your mouth," I told him.
He smirked, "That's what he said."
I laughed making Marcel smile. He opened his mouth slightly so I put the thermometer under his tounge. A beep came from the thermometer signaling it got his temperature. I grabbed the thermometer and gasped at the temperature.
"You have a fever of 101.7 degrees and you said you were fine and okay?"
He shrugged, "I didn't feel that sick."
I sighed and wrapped him into a hug, "You're supposed to tell me if you feel sick at all."
He hugged me back with a sigh. I pulled away and quickly kissed his cheek, "Stay here. I'm going to get some pillows and blankets."
"I have nowhere to go. I'm sick," Marcel stated, rubbing his eyes.
I got up and went upstairs. A small closet at the end of the hallway was packed with spare blankets and pillows, so I grabbed as many as I could carry. It was difficult to see but somehow I made it down the stairs. A gasp came from in front of me. I smirked and dropped everything onto Marcel.
"I hate you," He mumbled and went into a coughing fit.
Quickly, I made my way to Marcel and patted his back. When he calmed down I noticed his breathing was jagged. I tried to figure out as to why but remembered the amount of pillows and blankets on him. Marcel started to move the mountain of pillows and blankets off him but was struggling. I moved them all onto the floor except for a soft pillow and a bed sheet.
"Thank you," His voice was hoarse.
"No need to thank me. Now, lay down and try to get some rest, okay?"
Marcel only nodded and closed his eyes gently. I cooed at the sight for a minute before entering the kitchen once more. My hands searched through the medicine cabinet and I grabbed a variety of medicine for a fever. A blast of cool air blew on my face as I opened the fridge and got a bottle of water. Returning to the living room with my hands full, again, I saw Marcel passed out on the couch with light snores escaping him mouth. A pleased smile formed on my face. I sat the items on the coffee table before once again returning to the kitchen.
Marcel's POV
I woke up with a cold rag pressed onto my forehead and the smell of soup drifting through the air. My body was stiff from laying in such an awkward position. Luke walked in as I weakly tried to sit up.
"Well good morning sunshine," He said when he spotted me.
"Morning," I replied tiredly.
He moved over to the coffee table that had multiple bottles of medicine on it along with a water bottle. I watched as he got a few pills and handed them to me along with the water. With shaky hand I gulped down the pills and half of the water bottle.
"I made some soup too. Let me go get it," Luke rushed into the kitchen before I could thank him.
A headache pounded against my skull making me put my hands on my face. It's kinda ironic that I got a headache right after I took some medicine. The now warm rag on my face fell onto my lap making me glare at it.
"I'm back and-" Luke cut himself off when he saw me.
Moving at lightning speed, Luke set down the two bowls of soup and pressed his hand onto my forehead to cool me down. I sighed when the pounding headache went away. Slowly, he removed his hand and waited to make sure my headache didn't come back.
"As I was saying, I got your soup," He handed me a bowl.
I took one glance at the soup and knew it was alphabet soup. When I looked back up Luke was grinning from ear to ear, obviously trying not to laugh.
"Wow. My favorite," I laughed at his quirkiness.
He giggled and sat next to me. We both ate our soup in a peaceful silence. Luke had finished quickly so he went to go make the rag cold again. When he returned and layed it on my forehead, I was still slowly eating. Usually I would have been done by now but my body was refusing to eat quickly. When only half of my soup was gone by body decided I was full even though I knew I'd be hungry in an hour.
"Want to watch some Disney movies now?" Luke asked.
"That shouldn't be a question. Hell yeah, I wanna watch some Disney movies."
Luke turned on the television, "So which one?"
I thought for a moment, "The Little Mermaid."
He raised an eyebrow at my answer, "Really?"
"Yes! It's a classic and my mom loved it. So, turn it on," I demanded.
"Alright, alright."
He messed around with the remote for a minute until the movie started playing. I smiled as I felt a rush of nostalgia run through me. Luke wrapped me into his arms around me, with my back on his chest. My body pressed up closer to him and he draped the same sheet over us. My eyelids got heavy so I rested my eyes.
When my eyes opened I realized I had slept through the whole movie. I cursed under my breath and suddenly noticed a bunch of blankets stacked up, making a statue or something to the left of the couch. I couldn't really tell what it was. Luke was nowhere in sight so I sat up, feeling slightly worried.
"Luke?" I called out.
There was no response. I got nervous and tried to get up. Big mistake. The world seemed to spin causing me to fall over on my side. I landed on a pile of pillows and was in a daze.
"Marcel did you- What happened?!" Luke bent down beside me.
"I stood up but I got dizzy so now I'm on the fucking floor."
"Well let me help you," He said while picking me up bridal style.
I clung to his neck when I got slightly dizzy again. My eyes shut tightly as Luke walked somewhere. It wasn't very far away because he crouched down and layed me on something very soft. I opened my eyes and was greeted with bright blue and green lights. When my eye adjusted I realized I was a fort built out of blankets. I should've guessed that's what the stack of blankets was.
"Woah. This is... just amazing."
"I hoped you'd like it. Spent a long time setting up the lights, but it was worth it."
I grinned and opened my arms as wide as I could, "Come cuddle with me now."
"You think just because you're sick I'm gonna cuddle and spoil you?"
"Uh, yeah because you've been doing it all day."
We both laughed, "Okay, true."
He hugged me and wrapped a quilt over us.
I groaned, "Now it's too warm!"
He rolled his eyes, "You need to sweat out your fever and to do that you need to get warm."
"I'll only do it if you give me a kiss. On the lips."
Luke snorted but pecked my lips anyways. It was shorter than I thought and liked for that matter.
"Hey, that was a short kiss!" I complained.
"You never said it couldn't be," He had a smug look on his face, "Besides I don't want to get sick too."
That was understandable. If we were both sick then it'd be a living nightmare. I also didn't really know how to take care of sick people so I would have been struggling taking care of Luke the whole time. Honestly, I know why he didn't kiss me for long but I still wanted to be salty about it.
"Whatever. I hate you."
He let out an over exaggerated gasp, "What? I thought you loved me."
"Well now I hate you."
"But I made you alphabet soup! It even spelled out your name. Well, it could have.."
I tapped my chin, "Fair enough. I love you, you big nerd."
"I love you more you bigger nerd," He said while cuddling me close to him.
I closed my eyes, "I'll agree with that if it makes you happy."
"It does."
Luke's fingers ran through my hair as I relaxed even more in the warm space. My breathing was evening out. The crazy thoughts running in my mind slowed down. My eyelids and muscles relaxed even more as I drifted off to sleep. Before I fell asleep I heard Luke say one more thing.
"But you make me happier."
Then we fell asleep.
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