Tyler (MiniCat)
"Stop bitching, I didn't even hit you that hard" James growls. I whimpered and tried to suck up the pain in my side. I continued to walk down the street with my head hanging low, not looking what was infront of me. Usually I would say it was a mistake but this time it wasn't, it was a miracle. I bumped into one of the best things that ever happened in my life. "Sorry, I didn't see you there" he said to me. "It's all good..." I responded. "Craig?" He asked.
"Nice to see you again"
Tyler's pov
I was walking down the sidewalk and I see a figure coming my way. I saw him running towards me and I still didn't move from his way. He bumps into me and we both fall. I catch him in my arms and he gasp. "Im sorry!" He yelled. I cringed a little and pulled away from him. We lock eyes and I feel my whole world stop. He gets up and I swear I saw him about to cry. He picks me up and starts running again saying as fast as he could "I got to go, I got to go!"
"Whats your name?" I asked. "Craig! Now bye!"
I watched him run, holding in his hands the two halves of my heart.
It was love at first sight, he made me fall right into his arms the moment I locked eyes with him.
End of flashback
Craig's pov
It was him. The guy I bumped into yesterday. We stare at each other for a long while before James bitched about me hurrying up. I sigh and continued to walk ahead, feeling like the man kept staring at me even with James hands around my shoulders. I turned back and stold one more glance at the tall male behind and James growls lowly at me. I spin my head back and walked even further, completely forgetting the pain in my side.
James and I use to be happy, we where the happiest couple ever, but that all changed and all we ever seem to do is fight on and on. I was okay with it but I guess things change over time.
He was aggressive, harsh and brutal. He hurts me and abuses me mentally and physically but I stayed with him anyways. I had my dreams, I thought this man might be the one but I was completely wrong, he wasn't my true love that I thought he was.
It was him. The man I met yesterday. With one look into his eyes I've got sucked into his life like a black hole. But no, he let me go and sometimes I wonder why.
Why did he let me go.
Maybe I was confusing something. Maybe I was getting the wrong impression and maybe this guy is weird. Plain creep but who knows? With James by my side like a Hawk I couldn't find nothing else about this guy, not even his name.
He stole my star. Weirdo or creep, he snatched it like a thief and with one look. It was something about him, the round face, big beautiful blue crystal eyes, tall frame? Who knows, it was him that attracted me, all of him and that's all I wanted. Him. Him and only him.
"Craig!" James screamed from behind me. I run to the bus stop as fast as I could and I saw a familiar tall man. With a giant black umbrella covering him under the rainy day. A suit case next to him and he taps his foot to the side.
"Hey!" I screamed. He perks up and looks around until his blue eyes landed on me. "Craig?" He asked.
"YOU!" I screamed. The rain drops cover my cracked lenses in my glasses and I struggle to whipe them away.
"Get back here!" James screamed.
I run faster and Into his chest I fall.
He catches me softly and I pant.
A gush runs down the side of my face with blood dripping from my chin and into his white shirt. I had a dried up bloody nose and lots of bruises.
"Save me...." was all I said before passing out.
My heart beat was going crazy and my vision was blurry. My body aches but I felt safe in his arms. I knew he wouldn't betray me. I felt it....I love him.
"Craig!" He yelled.
After that, nothing.
'Coz he really hurts me, no he really hurts me..
This guy's was nice, he was carrying.
'Coz you really hurt me, no you really hurt me....
He took me under his wing and protected me from the bad people.
Cause you really hurt me...
He knew how to make me feel right.
Cause he really hurts me!
"Hey you're awake" he whispered. I looked at him and hissed a little. I opened my black eye and I let my lips pull away from each other. "What's your name?" I asked. He scoots the hospital chair closer to me and holds my hand. "Im Tyler"
A/n I know this is crappie but I had to get this out, I couldn't deleted it because...I was too lazy (and I thought this was horrible) but instead I decided to post this cause I really need to start posting more stuff here. Tell me what you thought of.....what ever this was and I'll talk to you more later with maybe some other pairs?
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