Things guys do (brohmlirious)
It was a beautiful day in Los Angeles. Ryan, jonathan and Bryce were all checking out the streets around the place and they made there way towards Craig's house but during that space, they would run into awkward senerious and teasing moments leaving the tall blonde in disgust.
"WE'RE GOING BALLS DEEP!" Jonathan shouts, earning a few looks from a few people and making Bryce look down in shame. Ryan closes his eyes and makes a load grunt startling both Jonathan and Bryce. "What was that moan?!" Bryce crunches up his nose and whispered yelled at Ryan. Ryan looked up at Bryce and smirked, "One day, you'll know what that's like Bryce~"
Bryce made a face in disgust and looks at Jonathan's flushed face. Jonathan just shakes off the look and smirked at Bryce. "Bryce do that 'oh' face~"
Bryce just looks straight ahead still in disgust and murmurs just loud enough for both males to hear him, "Im uncomfortable..."
Jonathan and Ryan howl in laughter as Bryce keeps repeating, "I need an adult"
Jonathan walks back words infront of both of the tall males and cheers for Bryce to do the 'oh' face and Ryan quickly follows his lead. Bryce just sighed and rolled his eyes as he smirks at both of them. "Sorry guys, you ain't getting an Oh face"
"His- we're...we're getting a Bryce face right now" Jonathan teased and Bryce just laughs at him. Ryan quickly pulls Jonathan towards him before he bumped into a guy infront of them. They we're inches away and jonathan winked at Ryan.
"Argh..." Bryce grunts and walks away making both males laugh. "You guys are dumb" Bryce said.
Jonathan shrugged the comment and skips his way towards Bryce.
"Bryce do you slide into your own Dms?" Jonathan teased making Ryan snort from behind them. Bryce laughs and nods at Jonathan. "Actually. I do~"
Jonathan rolled his eyes and pressed the button next to the light that they stopped at. "I bet he goes like 'hey there good looking~' haha!" Jonathan laughs. Jonathan soon cot something that lays on the top of bryce's hair and he tried to tippy toe his way to remove it but he was too short next to Bryce. "Bryce put your head down!" Bryce does as he was told and jonathan finally reached the top of his head. Ryan gasped and looked away dramatically. "Guys, I don't want to hear that!" Ryan said playfully making Jonathan rolled his eyes at the smiling brunette. They continue to walk in a line as they made there ways towards the apartments, but before that could happen Ryan scoops one of eachs males butt in his hands.
Bryce quickly jumps and pushed Ryan's hand away and he blushes madly at his action. Jonathan just let it happen since Ryan was always doing that to him anyways, guess he got use to it.
"Stop it!" Bryce said as he removes Ryan's other hand from jonathan. "Have some self control!" Bryce huffed.
Jonathan pulls down Bryce slight and kisses him on the cheek making him squeak. "You guys!" Bryce yelled. Jonathan just walked away like if nothing happened and no one ever saw but he was wrong, something did happen and people definitely did see earning a few weird looks.
"You guys are the worst" Bryce grumbles.
Ryan holds Jonathan's hand and pulls Bryce by the hip so he can get in some of that love but like always Bryce scrambled away and jonathan just laughed at the flustered male.
As they got in the building, Bryce thought that finally all the tease was gonna be over but he was wrong, it got worse.
Bryce was the first one to get inside the elevator and he quickly regretted that. Jonathan pulls Ryan by the shirt until his back was pressed against the wall and Ryan's warm body was pressed up against him. Quickly smashing there lips together and loud grunts and moans escaped there lips.
People quickly took a notice and looked at them thru the open doors. Bryce gasped and let out a surprise scream as he runs to the buttons to close the doors.
He managed to close the doors but he pressed almost all the buttons on the elevator. "Can you not!?" Bryce snapped at both males.
Jonathan let out a sweet moan making Bryce stop. Ryan graved jonathan by the legs and carries him up. He kisses Jonathan's neck and jonathan just gives Bryce the sexist bedroom eyes ever.
Usually he can resist but not this time, something about it made him loose his mind and he walked towards Ryan and jonathan.
Bryce's quickly smashes his lips against Jonathan making Jonathan jump a little and Ryan got startled since he usually doesn't feel someone go up against him.
"Naughty" Bryce mumbles in the kiss and jonathan just moans.
They never heard the door ding and Craig quickly covers his mouth.
"Sorry to interrupt" Craig said making Bryce pull away and gasp as he saw Craig.
"C-craig!" Bryce cried out. Ryan's releases Jonathan slowly and turns around.
His shirt and hair all messed up and let's not forget how jonathan looks.
Craig blushes and awkwardly laughs. He puts a hand in between the doors to keep them from closing and he motions them to get out. "Let's go you horny teenagers" Craig teased. "You stopped us when things were getting good~" Ryan purred and Bryce quickly pulls up his hood and looks down in embarrassment.
"We will never speak of this again" Bryce warned.
"Shut up Bryce, you liked it~" Jonathan purred as he tries to fix himself.
A/n don't know something new I guess. It's super late and I wanted to write this earlier but I got lazy. The first part you might recognized from ohm's new DBDL video and tell me what you thing of this ship. I don't know the name of it but like always, I smashed all this names together. Anyways vote comment and I'll talk to y'all later XD
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