Technicolour beat (DeliToOnZ)
"Shake my fuckin' head, goddammit Jonathan...." Luke mumbles as he steps inside his car. He sits down and the door next to him opened and he sighs. "Where are we going?" Jonathan asked and luke doesn't answer, he just closes his eyes and the door to the garage lifts up and the sound of his car turning on lift of the stress off his chest. He grips the starting wheel with one hand and drives away slowly to eaze himself. Soon the car picks up speed and luke lowers his widow and let's the air inside, Jonathan watches luke with worry as he feels himself sink into the leather black seats.
No music played on the background, only the sound of the motor of the car and the cars zooming by.
"Jonathan...." Luke soon said and jonathan looks at luke from the side. "Do you know why I always leave when I fight with my girlfriend? Or when I fight with you?"
"Cause your mad?"
"No- well...kinda but no..."
Jonathan hums for luke to continue but luke doesn't say a thing he continued to drive thru the streets he was born in and jonathan watches from the lowered window the many trees passing by.
"To release stress..." Luke said and jonathan says nothing after that, "Did you buy gifts for anyone?" He quickly says and jonathan shakes his head, "No....have you?"
"I probably did this much- no I did this much of shopping" Luke said while showing Jonathan a small portion with his fingers. "So nothing" Jonathan said and luke nods, "pretty much"
"It's cause you were sick, with that 104 Fever you got after your trip from Toronto..."
"I felt like I was pretty much dying" Luke said while laughing a bit but jonathan just rolled his eyes and continued to look out the window. "The cold I brought was probably worth it" Luke said and jonathan stays quiet, "Im fucking hungry....want somethin?" Luke asked and jonathan shakes his head. "Nah, I'm-I'm okay" Jonathan said and luke nods, "Alright, Let me head to Chick-fil-A for some food"
Jonathan nods and watches the cars zoom pass him.
"You seem've been quiet the whole time" Luke said and jonathan smiles a bit, "I didn't want to ruin your relaxation space....or time" Jonathan said simply and luke just stares at Jonathan, soon a honking happened from behind him and luke looks up to notice that the light was green but the person infront of him wouldn't move. "It's-it's's green- thank you" Luke mumbles as he drives and jonathan smiles happily to hear luke turn into his natural self.
The way the warm light reflected on luke's pale skin made Jonathan reflect a bit about the man next to him. He noticed the few freckles in his body and the ginger-ish light brown hair on his arms. He looks at luke for a bit to see his eyes being covered with the sunglasses he always had on and soon turns away for a bit, feeling a few butterflies form on his stomach and chest.
He scratches his chin and luke glances at Jonathan. He noticed Jonathan was starting at him but when isn't Jonathan staring at anything.
He looked like a lost puppy but he looked cute doing it, his baby blue eyes shined with curiosity and mysteries and the way his soft short hair waved around with the air made him look like an angel.
Luke snapped himself from the thoughts and does a quick soft turn to Chick-fil-A. "Uuuuhhh, why is this so fuckin crowded?" Luke asked and jonathan shrugged, "Don't know, could it be that there celebrating?"
"Celebrating? Celebrating what? It's not even Christmas yet, it's tomorrow" Luke said in an upset tone and jonathan shrugged once again, "dunno man"
"Fuck that, we are going next door to that place, which I forgot the name of"
Jonathan laughs and luke smiles, "You sure you don't want anything?"
"Im sure"
"Im gonna get you the same thing I get-"
"Shut up"
"No- Luke"
"Shut up"
Luke drives into the side of the drive thru and stops at the menu outside. "Welcome what may I get you?"
"Give me just one second" Luke said and the woman that had welcomed him in agreed, and to holler at her for anything or when he was ready.
"Alright, can you give me a hot chicken wrap?" Luke said, "two" he added and jonathan face palms. "Alright what else can I get for you?" The woman said and luke sighs, "uh, that should do it"
"Oh would you like a combo?"
Luke chuckles a bit, "Nah, I'm good...thank you thoe"
"You sure? It's just a dollar more"
Luke laughs this time as he hears the girl mumble into the mic about how chip that combo was and that she might have to get that herself later but of course he refused as nicely as he could, "Naaah, I'm good...that's-that's to much for me"
"Alright then. Drive up front that your order will be out in a few, thank you" The woman said and luke drives away. "Your always so nice" Jonathan mumbles and luke frowns at him, "of course, why would I be mean? I know I'm a dick but I'm not an asshole"
Jonathan smiles and shakes his head as luke winks at him, "the logic in that was priceless" Jonathan said making the man laugh. Soon the window opens to reveal a woman in her middle age, "oooooh~"
"Hello" Luke said as he gave her his credit card, "you could of gotten that combo" she said and luke grins, "you could have it~" he teased.
'Chicky asshole' Jonathan said to himself.
"You know what? I just resides something..."
"Why did she give me a straw? I didn't even buy a drink"
Jonathan shrugged and the woman comes back. "Thank you and I'm gonna give you this back cause I realized I don't need it" Luke said as the woman gives him his food and he gives her the straw. Luke gives Jonathan the food and the woman leans a bit and smiles, "Someone told me to tell you, that you look handsome" she said and jonathan grips his knees, "do I? Thank you- who said it? I wanna meet'em" Luke said as he picks his head thru and the woman calls a teen that looked around 20 or 19. "She gonna be too embarrassed? No she ain't" Luke said as the girl opened the window and smiles.
"Hi!" The girl said with a small blush. "Hey~ how are you?" Luke asked and jonathan huffs. "Good, how are you?"
"Im good, I'm sure the people behind me are mad ass hell~" Luke said and the girl giggles, "No your fine"
"Well I just wanted to see you and say hello~" Luke said and the girl smiles "Thank you have a good one" she said and luke grins, "absolutely, cya"
Luke drives away and the girl waves. Jonathan was so angry and jealous, his cheeks where puffing out and a small angry frown appeared in his face. "You see that? Sometimes you just gotta make a young girls life- Jonathan? Jonathan are you- OH SHIT!"
Jonathan gets shoved to the side and luke apologizes to the man he was just about to crush with. "Jesus fuck luke!" Jonathan yelled and luke laughs. "I almost did a head on collision" Luke said half jokingly, "We where just about to goddamn die, and all for that face you made" Luke said as he parks Into one of the empty spots.
Jonathan rolled his eyes and takes out the thing luke ordered and then realized it said something. "Have a good one handsome, winky face" Jonathan read and he glared at the food. Soon luke puts the things together and he laughs, "Oh my God are you, were you jealous?!" He asked while laughing and jonathan could feel all of the blood rush to his face.
"I was not"
"Oh my god-"
"Luke I was not!"
"Jonathan, I didn't-"
"Shuch up!"
"Quit bitching! Ma God!"
"What!?" Jonathan yelled and luke wraps one of his arms and pulls Jonathan close into a kiss. Jonathan gasped and he blushes harder.
He pulls away and luke hums. "B-but-..."
"Her? We broke up since when-"
"But....the fight?"
"The fight was about her getting out of my life, so I said when I leave and come back she better have moved her shit out"
"It came right after that...."
"Oh gosh I'm sorry-" Jonathan mumbles, completely forgetting over the kiss.
"She wasn't the one...."
"It's been so long too..."
"You were the one"
Jonathan freezes and looks at luke. "Luke what are you saying?"
Luke takes a hold of Jonathan's hand and kisses his fingers. "I always had a thing for you...but since your always in Vanoss's ass all the time I never have time to have you...and I get Hella mad don't get me wrong...but I get sad that he takes away all of your attention-"
"Jonathan....kiss me just....just kiss me and shut up" Luke said and jonathan happily pushed his lips against luke's soft once, "Your so cute when your jealous....gosh I couldn't help myself" Luke said as he kisses jonathan multiple times.
A/N: Any of you celebrating Christmas, have a good one and any of you that don't celebrate it, still, have a good one or a good day :) love you all and I'll talk to y'all in the next one!
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