A/n Forgive me, i been slacking off...anyways I been tagged by Dially and Magican_Bunneh to do a POLY thing, if you don't know what poly is....what are you doing with your life? Where are your parents? Jk poly means more then one in this case it's more then three people. The only rule is that you have to tag one person and that one person will be.......said at the end cause I need to start writing this. (This is my forst time writing somwrhing like this so ill be getting help from Magican_Bunneh to write this so thank you to her)
It was a lovely Saturday morning. Delirious sits in his chair staring at out the window with his coffee in hand. A blanket rapped around his body. In the bed he shared was laying lui and terroriser rapped around the blankets. In the second room was vanoss, mini and wildcat. Delirious was always waking up before everyone but ofcores one person always woke up as early as he did. Nogla. Delirious gets up and walks with his blanket dragging on the floor up the stares. He opened the door and saw nogla with his guitar in hand as he sat on the window ledge.
"Morning babe" said Delirious taking a quick sip of his coffee kissing Nogla on the lips. Nogla hummed in apprieation strumming his guitar. "Morning to you too" said the tall male setting the instrument down patting his lap for Delirious to sit on. Smiling at his lover, he went to sit on the offered lap giggling as Nogla placed a butterfly kiss on one of the hickies from last nights activities.
"Stop it Nogla! " said Delirious pushing his whining lover back. Nogla wrapped his arms around Delirious's waist nudging his neck. "Just can't help myself" sighed the man taking a deep breathe. "Morning loving without me? How rude" said a sleepy voice behind the pair.
Vanoss had his jet black hair all messed up and he had hickies on his chest and neck. "No, you ain't getting nun of this buns~" Delirious said while sticking his tounge out. "That's what you always say~" nogla said. Soon another person appeared behind vanoss. "Morning..." He whispered. Vanoss turned around quickly and gasped. "Jesus luke, you scared me" Luke chuckles hugs vanoss lazily. "Sorry" vanoss rapped his arms around luke and kissed his forehead. Brock sneaks in and smiles. "Morning" he said cheerfully. "What the fu- how did you get in?" Vanoss asked. "Your not the only hoodine in here~" Brock said. Nogla motioned luke to get jonathan out of the room. "Delirious, can you help me make breakfast?" Luke asked. Delirious lazily nods and gets up from nogla's lap. He drags his blanket on the floor and Brock steps on it. Delirious gasped and Brock kissed delirious on the side of his head. "My morning kiss" Brock whispered. Delirious smiled and pecked moo. Ones delirious and luke left the room. Vanoss cracks his fingers. "Okay how should we ask them to prom?"
Brock shrugs and looks at nogla. "It's next week"
"I was thinking of donuts? And they have that written would you like to come to prom with me?"
"I was thinking of maybe using tyler's big truck and having 4 dozens of roses and cake?" Vanoss said.
Brock hums and nudges vanoss. "Wake the rest up" vanoss groans and leaves the room. "Brock walked next to nogla and kissed him. "Morning kiss" Brock whispered. Nogla chuckles and Hugs Brock. "I leave for a few seconds and you guys are making out" vanoss teased. Tyler was lazily up and had bags under his eyes while mini was wide awake and smiling brightly. "I can't wait to do this!" Mini squealed.
"Should we also brings balloons? and food knowing Delirious he's going to ask for food" wildcat said. The group chuckles and nods. "Probably" they say at the same time. "Where's luke?"
"Making food with delirious" nogla answered. Mini was about to ask something but nogla interrupts him. "Don't worry mini, ill tell him the plans later" Mini nods and sighs in relief. "Okay, should we get stated with this?" Craig asked. "Yea.....after breakfast" wildcat said as he walked out of the room.
After the breakfast vanoss, luke, Tyler, mini, nogla and Brock left to the stores to go get the stuff they needed. Brock and nogla went to the Bakery to ask the baker to bake them a cake and make some donuts that said 'would you like to come to prom with us'
Meanwhile wildcat and vanoss went out and bought the roses and the balloons while Luke and Mini went to go buy food. Luke saw confetti and graved it and gave it to mini. "What is this for?" Mini asked. "Delirious likes confetti and so does lui" Mini nods and places the confetti in the grocery cart. "True"
Meanwhile terroriser, marcel, delirious and lui where watching finding Nemo for the 100th Time. All rapped around there blankets and with no clue why the other lovers aren't home.
A few hours past and things where going good. Tyler parked his truck facing the door and it had balloons attached to it with tape. Then they had four dozens of roses on the back spread around. It had a cake and the donuts to the side and it said would you like to go to prom with us?
Luke already and things ready. Ones one of the lovers open the door the confetti will fall on them and they would yell surprise.
After they got everything ready all the guys exept for mini, who was already looking good went thru the back door and tried to go upstairs. They got dressed nicely and did there hair nicely they used there going out or what wildcat called it the 'catching Bitches' colone and went downstairs and put the back door.
Ones everything was done. Wildcat turned on the car and turned on some music. Delirious was the first to hear the song. He got up and then the rest got up from the bed. "What is that music coming from?" Marcel asked. "Outside" Delirious said. All they guys ran towards the door. Delirious opened the door and the confetti falls on there heads. "C-confetti?" Delirious asked. A big smile planted on lui's face.
Soon the other lovers started to sing to the song that was playing. Marcel's and lui's eyes water. Terroriser was shocked and delirious eyes sparkled with delight.
The group walked towards the rest and saw the truck.
"Will you go to prom with us?" They asked.
"YES!" The rest yelled. They all hugged and kissed. Soon delirious smelled something. "Is that food?"
A/n thank you so much for helping me out and also the person I would like to tag is @FarisRaven12 cause she's awesome and I lover her
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