part 2 of "not your fault" (h2oVanoss)
Part 2
Luke's pov
The house was dark. I felt alone again. I didn't feel my cat going around following me and rubbing his body against me anymore. The house was cold once again and I hated it. It might seem like it's nothing but it actually sucks to be apart from someone you treat as a child. Maybe I'm missing something, I feel hurt and angry. I rub my face and pull on my hair. I start sniffing and I can see the fat tears fall off my eyelashes and into my knees. I clean my eyes and I get up slowly. The anxiety was killing me, not knowing if Jonathan will forgive me or hate me for this, my cat is with one of my friends and my parents ain't even by my side anymore.
I walk to the kitchen and graved a knife. I pull down my pants just for a few seconds as I sink the blade inside my leg. It hit me that I was going back into my years of loneliness and depression that I let go of the knife in fear. I looked down but found no cut or blood. I swallowed and I put everything away. I put up my pants and my teary eyes where finally dry. Just as I sigh the door opened and I quickly spin around and saw a smiling person. "Hey luke!" My roommate said.
"Hey Jessica..."
Her smile banishes and she makes her way towards me. "Luke?" I was about to push my way past her but she graves me by my arm and we stay like that for a while. "What happened?"
"It's been a long day..." I whispered. I feel her let go and I stay in place. She makes her way infront of me and sighs. She cups my face and she rubs my dark circles under my tired eyes. "You look at me different" she said. "What does that mean?" I asked. "Your not happy...."
"I guess you can say that-"
"Let's watch a few shows on Netflix, aye?"
I smiled at her and nod. "Sure thing...."
"Stranger things?"
"Fuck it, might as well finish it-"
"Your in for a treat~"
I looked at her weirdly and she pokes my cheek. "Squishy" she said in a baby tone.
"Don't tell me-"
"Come on luke!"
"Your a bitch for watching it without me"
"But I'll be watching it again with you" she said. "True..."
She pushes me into my room and I gave her a puzzle expression. "Change into something comfy"
"10 minutes into Netflix and chilling and you can't shut up about that kiss" Jessica said.
"She's 12!" I remarked. Somehow my legs where intertwined with hers. We smiled at each other and I stick out my tounge "I feel like a pretzel" I told her. "Yea, we look like one too~"
My phone rings and I tense up. "Who is it?" Jessica asked. I turn my head in an awkward way and looked at the screen.
I reach over for it and I answer. "Come outside!" Jonathan shouts. I swallowed my spit and I looked at Jessica. "I heard..."
"Is jess with you? Bring her down too!"
Once I was in the parking lot I saw a familiar face come running my way. A smile returned to my face and I opened my arms wide for my short male. He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his head. He starts to jiggle me around with him. Are arms never let go from each other as we bounce around. We finally stopped and I'm looking directly at evan.
Evan smiled at me and went up to me slowly. Wrapping his arms around my body, a little lower from my hips as I wrapped my arms around his neck not knowing where else to put them. "How did it go?" I asked as I let go of him. He let go of me and are bodies finally get space.
"Jonathan didn't want to get all touchy and cutesy like he usually is because he knew you where gonna be there~"
I laughed and I felt a hand on my arm. "Asshole! You fucked me up! I thought I was gonna have a day with my 3 favorite things in the world!" Jonathan whines. "Three?" I wondered. "Yea, You, Evan and the food"
"Idiot..." I whispered.
Jonathan hugs me and pulls evan close to us. We all hug and they kiss infront of me. Like right next to my face. I shrink at the action and I pull away from them. "Okay, that was a thing that happened"
I look back and I stand next to Jessica. She extends her arms and spreads her fingers. I quickly connect my hand with hers and she smiled. Feeling a little weird with the action, I let go and look at my friends.
They talked about the date and how fucked it went. I asked evan what would happen if Jonathan would of fuss about it and he answered with "Fuck it, more food for me"
They leave and me and Jessica go are separate ways. I go to my room and lay down on my cold bed. I look up at the ceiling and whispered goodnight to my cat that was never gonna hear me from here and I finally close my eyes.
I went to sleep at 2 am and woke up at 10 in the morning. I quickly make my bed go to the restroom, do my business, wash my face and my mouth and into another adventure I go.
Days go by and I'm steal doing shit but I'm doing fine. Everything was going fine until I get a message.
Evan😏💨: open the door....
I quickly run to my door and I swing it open. Evan was standing there, fresh tears falling down his face with the most hurtful expression written in his face. "Evan-!!!!"
"He doesn't love me!" He cried. I quickly embrace the figure infront of me and he hugs back. He crunches up my shirt from the back and he digs his face into the crook of my neck. "What happened?"
He explained to me that Jonathan keeps pushing him away, ignored him for a whole day in a way, he wasn't the person he was the first day they met. He changed, evan doesn't feel appreciated anymore. That there always fighting and it always happens when jonathan goes home. I told him I would text Jonathan to answer Evan's calls and after all of that it was finally time for evan to leave, he looked much better and he thanked me for listening to his problems which I answered with a no problem.
As soon as I sit down in my couch and put on music I get a message from evan.
Evan: please don't let him know I've talked you you about this...he'll be more mad at me :(
Me: No worries
I texted him
Evan: again thank you :(
Me: No worries. Now I just need to wait.
Evan: the waiting game :(
Me: for real...
But don't worry I'm sure he'll answer sooner or later :)
Evan: I hope so, you know how much I love this guy and will fight for her as much as I can :[
Me: I know you would
Evan: I feel so helpless
Me: No don't
Don't feel like that
Everything will be just fine.
Evan: I wish he would tell me that...
Me: .....
You can pretend I'm him.
Just imagine him telling you that
Evan: that actually made me feel a lot better, it honestly did
Me: great
Evan: I hope he tells me to come tonight and talk to him though.
I'll tell him that i miss him so much. I'm sorry i'm just making it about this i know you have things to do...
Me: nah, I'm just sitting here
I would change the subject to stuff and somehow, we would end up with the same shit. This guys just doesn't let go.
Evan: :/ i thought i had his heart already its tough and i'm sorry i'm talking to you about all this but it's just heart is breaking...
Me: No, Don't you brake down on me
Don't think like that
Evan: i don't know what i'm going to do if he leaves me...he changed my life, he made me believe in love heart hurts
Me: Evan, listen...
Evan: yeah
Me:Don't think like that
Evan: how else am i suppose to think...he didn't talk to me all day not one word..ignored me...last thing he tells me is he's leaving..all i wanna do is cry and curl up in a ball in a dark room somewhere
Me: listen here, evan. Don't think like that
He wouldn't want you to think like that
Evan: yeah he would and he's awake right now because he's listening to music i just opened spotify and he's listening to it
Jesus this person is worse then then me. He just doesn't want to let go
Me: No he wouldn't he's delirious not a heartless man.
And let him listen to his music. He needs some time to think
Evan: who knows, if he cared he would talk to me...
"Lord Jesus help this man...." I whispered. " me"
A/n you know what's funny? That this are real conversations I had with the girlfriend. This is no scam, I have the screen shots here.
You might have a little spam of this story....but I just want to get it all out in paper. And belive me gets worse.
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