On My Own (h2oVanoss)
One hit after the other.
Jonathan never knew what he got himself into in after that day he went out to the store with cartoonz.
After that hug. Everything changed.
Evan changed. He changed along with his pals.
Ones that door was open. He was dragged inside. Whimpers escaped his mouth and he screams for help, but of cores no one came.
Evan kept getting aggressive with him, just for the tiniest reasons. Something changed in him.
That caring and sweet gentlemen Jonathan once knew was now replaced by a monster, a cruel human being that only hurts him.
Pushing him around like he was nobody. It was Evan's favorite thing to do.
"Why don't you leave him, Idiot?" Mini asked as he sobbed. "Cause....I love him silly" Jonathan answered weakly.
"His abusing you"
"He doesn't mean it...." Delirious said trailing off.
"He doesn't love you, if he really did he would never lay a single finger on top of you" Mini said with a raspy voice. His sentence cracks in the middle but still continued.
Mini's white t-shirt gets soaked with Jonathan's crimson red liquid. He holds the body close and cries as he watches Jonathan's eyes close slowly.
Ohm was with evan and jonathan on the back yard. Ohm would sit at the best place in the house and wait for the show.
Evan kept kicking Jonathan. As much as he annoyed him, jonathan stood quiet and let a sigh escape his lips.
That final kick to side of his tigh was the thing that set him off.
"Motherfucker I swear if you kick me one more time" Jonathan growls.
Evan and ohm start laughing making Jonathan angrier. "Shut the fuck up~" evan said and kicked jonathan inside the pool. Jonathan gasped and slowly falls into the pool. Evan knew how scared jonathan was of the deep side of the water and he did it anyways. Jonathan finally falls and his warm salty tears mixed with the chlorine. His vision was blurry but still managed to see that smirk on Evan's lips.
Staying, was the second wrong choice he ever took on his life. The first one would of been meeting evan.
He would of rather be on his own.
-two days before
"I'd rather be on my own" Jonathan said. Staring right into Evan's chocolate brown orbs.
I'm breaking away you're overthrown
"Through the nights, through the days" Jonathan broke down and cries.
I heard the cries, but you wouldn't draw my tears away. So now, so now
Evan only smirks and watches Jonathan cry.
Jonathan knew evan wasn't gonna say nothing, just watch. Just like he always does.
"Im leavin' not coming back-"
"If you go thru that door, your never gonna see me"
'No, I can't....I need him'
"You wouldn't dare to leave me~ you love me, way to much, and besides~....."
Jonathan's breath hitched ones evan started to run his hands down his shoulders and into his hips and ass.
"Who can make you feel like I make you feel~"
Jonathan moans and evan smirks. "Nobody?~"
"N-nobody..." Jonathan whispered and evan smirks. He graved jonathan and roughly shoves him into the wall and undresses jonathan as fast as he could.
- present time
Jonathan made a wrong choice. Evan just watched jonathan sink to the bottom of the pool and how he let's go of his last breathe before he stays in the same place.
"I rather be on my own~" evan mocked, "Well, I'm glad I can let you go~"
A/n this are stories that I made a long time ago so, I hope you enjoy them anyways If anyone has the idea of telling me to make them a request right now, I would have to say no, because I'm way to busy and all I have time to do is finish stories that are half way thru or just try to make a new one (please don't take this the rude way, I really am busy) , sorry if this one short....I didn't know what else to put after that xD anyways hope you enjoy and I will see you beautiful sons of guns again....next time~
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