nightmare (H2ovanoss)
A/n let's change shit up a bit alright? This time the insane one is gonna be vanoss instead of delirious. So delirious isn't crazy no forget that now the crazy one with another side is vanoss. Got it? Cool okay let's go!
And you have to put the song Nightcore - free cause it gets you in the feels. Watch it or listen to the song. Sorry they didn't have it here so I couldn't put the song witch sucked
Delirious walked around the empty house and gasped as he saw a familiar body laying on the floor. "L-lui...." Delirious walked around and saw another body. "Oh God nogla...." up ahead on the kitchen there was Brock on the sink, he was faceless and had no hands. "J-jesus" Delirious turned around and slipped in the blood. "Uff! H-huh?" Delirious looks down and saw that he was on top of Brian chest. A hand was attacked to the counter and his eyes where taken out. Delirious gets up and crawls away. Delirious turned to his right to see Craigs body popping out of the fridge. His head was smashed in. Delirious walked out of the house and went to the back yard and found luke's limp body floating on the water. "L-luke" Delirious looked up and and gasped. It was vanoss holding Tyler up with his hands while take out his guts with his hands. "Tyler" Delirious said and trembled. "EVAN STOP!" Delirious yelled. Vanoss stopped and looked at delirious. Vanoss dropped Tyler and walked towards delirious. Delirious backed away and stood on the other side of the pool while vanoss stood on the other said. "What have you done" Delirious said. The sun was setting and the shadows crawled out of the darkness. "I feel all my sign crawling behind my back~" vanoss said. Delirious stepped away and vanoss ran to the other side. Delirious ran away and they kept it up like that for 30 seconds until delirious couldn't stand the smell of blood. He leaped over the fence and ran the stood behind it with his back facing the fence. A knife was not going true the wood and so close to delirious neck. Delirious gasped and ran at full speed. The lights where flickering and the houses where locked. He couldn't hide or call for help. His only a prion was run or fight back, but delirious doesn't know how to fight back, and he wasn't gonna hurt his lover. Vanoss was right on his ass and he smirked. "Jonathan~" vanoss said.
Delirious tensed up and ran thru the streets to loose him. "Oh fuck I feel him breathing right on my neck when he speaks" Delirious ran and took a turn to the right. He wishes he went to the left but it was to late. Delirious pupils shrink and his eyes widen. "Dead end" was all delirious said. He stopped and looked at the wall. He then saw a shadow behind him. It was getting bigger and bigger. He saw the smirk on the shadow and delirious turned around. Vanoss was right there smirking and he had bags under his eyes. His eyes where lifeless and his tan skin turned a light shade of gray but not so much, he was still pretty tan.
"Hello my precious angel" vanoss said. Delirious shivered and stepped back. "Come here sweetheart" he smirked. Delirious steps back until he felt his back get pressed against the brick wall. "A-hh..." Delirious looked around and vanoss was walking towards him. "Stop! Please!" Delirious said. "Vanos, what's has gotten into you?"
"This is me! The real me~" vanoss sad. "No the real one loves me and he loved his friends!" Delirious said. "Oh but I do love you~ looking at you, shaking and pleating makes me hungry~" vanoss said. Vanoss tried to punch delirious but missed he hit the wall making chucks of it crack. Delirious rolls over and falls into the cold floor. "A-ah..." Delirious pants and then he felt pain coming from his side and he went rolling down the floor.
Vanoss kicked delirious again and again like if he was a soccer ball. "Vanoss....stop" Delirious whispered. "I apologize I didn't meant to kick you so softly!" Vanoss said and kicked him hard. "Evan..."
Vanoss looked at delirious and looked away. "Go away" he said. Delirious shook his head and got up. A grunt scaped his lips and he walked towards his lover. "E-evan....why?..."
"Go. Away" vanoss repeated. Vanoss clutches the knife harder and shakes. "But I love you....." Delirious said. "I said. GO AWAY!" Vanoss snapped and stabbed delirious. Delirious shakes and he gargles on the blood in his mouth. Vanoss took the knife out and watched delirious fall back and chock on his own blood on the floor.
Vanoss eyes widen and he realizes the knife. His eyes water and he looked at delirious. Delirious eyes rolled back and he stopped shaking. "His...dead...I...killed...him" vanoss said.
But I love you
But I love you
But I love you
"I-i love you too"
But....i loved you
Vanoss eyes widen. "He loved me...past tensed...I did this..." vanoss wispered. Vanoss clutches his head and groans. "Delirious!" Vanoss shouts he falls into the floor and clutches his head.
Vanoss shots up and his eyes where wide open. He breathes heavily and he felt a towel fall down his forehead. "H-huh? Huh?" Vanoss pants. He clutches his chest. " was just....a dream..." vanoss sighs and he heard the door open. "Evan?" Delirious said. "You okay? I heard you panting?" Delirious asked. Delirious walked and stood next to vanoss. Vanoss graved delirious and hugged him. "Evan?" Delirious asked. "I am now...I love you...I love you with all my heart....and I'm neve Letting you go..." vanoss said. "I love you too evay-bear!" Delirious churped. He hugged delirious tighter and let's tears fall down his face. "Evay-bear are you crying?"
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